GRAPHIC 2 (VV8BP_GR2, Vs8BP_GR2) Content Theory: students will be theoretically acquainted with graphic techniques: intaglio printing, mostly with etching, aquatint, mezzotint, dot based technigue, boundary graphic techniques, active graphic, serigraphy, lithography and the history of the given techniques. Practice: students will practice theoretical knowledge by creating graphics in the etching and aquatint, or in any intaglio printing technique or their combinations. Conditions for obtaining credit: 1. Creating graphics using etching and aquatint technique (matrix format A5-A4), at least 5 prints of each technique. All prints must be brought clean, properly signed. Student chooses the topic but must consult it with the teacher in advance. 2. FREE TOPIC: creating a series of graphics of a student’s chosen topic. The topic must be consulted with the teacher at the beginning, and then regularly during the semester. Technique: any 2 intaglio techniques or their combination (etching, aquatint, dot-based technique, active graphic, engraving with crayon manner etc.) Matrix format: A3, or 2x A4 Number of copies: minimum 5 prints of each matrix Student will bring all prints to the final exam properly signed, clean and cut... 3. Test Content: graphic, general terms, basic classification of graphic and graphic techniques, basic characteristics of technical procedures with focus on intaglio printing techniques and its history, basic of material technology (paper, inks for printing) Each student is obliged to individually provide the following at the beginning of the semester: - MATRICES (copper plate/ zinc plate) of the above mentioned format - print paper (for intaglio minimum grammage 250, good absorbency – canson, fabriano, quarters of Diskobolos/Afrodita) - ink for intaglio printing (Charbonnel, Umton) – more advantageous to buy for the group - cover (solid or asphalt liquid) – more advantageous to buy for the group - industrial alcohol (Technický líh), petrol (Benzin) - stylus for engraving metal, roulette, drawing equipment... - cloths (during the semester)