Jazyková cvičení A

Introduction & admin

Hallo and welcome to Jazyková cvičení A!

Irena Headlandová Kalischová
Office: 4011 (Poříčí 9)
Tel: 549 49 43 59
Consultations:        Thurs 10.15 - 11 and by appointment

Credit requirements:
1. min. 80% attendance (i.e. active participation & home study)
2. Placement test (see below; no points but obligatory)
3. Group presentation (10 pts)
4. 1 online forum (5 pts)
5. Vocabulary test (in the last session / January; passmark 70%)

ad 2) the link to the interactive Placement Test (accessible 18/9 - 18/10/2017). The question is not how WELL you do it but that you DO it.