Types of people 2 Look at the drawings below. Find the following people: an early bird 2 a oninpa nic ^0 a killjoy a guinea pig a night owl a road hog a rolling stone; R__ a skinflint a troublemaker a jailbird a nosy parker a scapegoat mm JL a white-collar worker J love getting up early In the morning. The boss needed someone to blame for all the mistakes, so I got the sack. It's well past midnight. Shouldn't you all be going home by now? on c„^ti^n 9- iriinms iisina nouns f'm really glad I finally got a job in an office after working so many years in a factory. I've always found It hard to settle in one place for long. m $pah you drive tone's joy then sblrfPeopfe blue collar pro moss Section 2: Idioms using nouns 23 Diagnostic test 2 Past tenses Underline the correct verb form in italics. Example The Incas didn't have/weren't having a written script. 1 The pool in the hotel was absolutely filthy so we didn't swam/swim in it. 2 We stoped/stopped at the first service station we came across. 3 The thieves ran out of the bank, jumped/were jumping into their car and sped away up the high street. 4 Rameses 1! was ruling/ruled over ancient Egypt for more than fifty years. 5 Intervention was urgently required - the starving children grew/were growing weaker by the day and there was/was being little sign of an end to the drought. 6 By the middle of the nineteen sixties many parts of Europe experienced I were experiencing a tremendous economic boom. 7 Jim leftiwas leaving on the early flight the next morning so he made his excuses and left the party before midnight. Diagnostic test 3 Past to present tenses All of the sentences below contain a grammatical mistake. Find and correct the mistakes. Example My family'io living-in this country for over twenty years......tffif. k^.lk>i^/h#$. lUted:... 11 Hurry up! We have been waited for you for twenty minutes!................................. 12 We have been using this supplier since two years and we've never had problems before. 13 There were seven police dramas on TV so far this week - and it's only Thursday! 14 Only halfway through the financial year and British Aerospace already announced that its pre-tax profits will be down by seventy per cent.................................. 15 The Indian Government has imposed a ban on tiger hunting five years ago. 16 Several drivers have been badly injured during the 1999 racing season. Diagnostic test 6 Negation in each group of sentences below (a-c), two are grammatically correct. Tick (✓) the correct sentences. Example a He's no actor! ✓ b He's not an actor! ✓ c He's any actor! 1 'Where's Suzy?' a 'She isn't at home.' b 'She's not at home.' c 'She's no at home.' 2 Hannah........tell the rest of the family. a begged her sister don't b begged her sister not to c didn't beg her sister to 3 He found her........ a not attractive, but strangely appealing, b inattractive, but strangely appealing, c unattractive, but strangely appealing. 4 a They'll get no help from Janice. b They'll get none help from Janice, c They won't get any help from Janice. 5 There were........bookings for the restaurant on its opening night. a any ■ b few c no 6 He says he........about the robbery. a knows nothing b doesn't know anything č doesn't know nothing Diagnostic test 16 be able to Modal verbs (1): can, could, may, might, FSteen of the sentences below contain mistakes with modal verbs. Tick (✓) the correct •sentences, then find and correct the mistakes. Examples 1 We took an exam yesterday and I couldn't answer any of the questions I ... V....................... | I could be promoted last year but I preferred to < stay on the shop floor. ...&>.<^.ka4W.k&t&..... 1 When I finish the course next year I can speak perfect French................................... 2 You'll have to call a cab; I can't have been able to drive since I broke my arm last June. 3 This computer is so simple that it is able to be operated by anyone. 4 The job interview was a disaster; I could only answer half the questions! 5 When she was riding in the woods last week, Helen fell off her horse but luckily she could' get back on and ride home. 6 It's really annoying. Surely you knew they didn't accept traveller's cheques at that hotel. You could warn me before I left! Diagnostic test 9 Reported speech Ten of these sentences contain mistakes. Tick (*0 the two correct sentences, then find and correct the mistakes. Example I've already-5€h4you a hundred times that you're too late!.....i&(d±QKJAM.M........ 1 The surgeon reassured Mr Ellis. 'The operation has been a resounding success/ said she............................... 2 He told that his mobile phone had been out of action all day............................... 3 Mary was fed up about her inability to complete the course. She told the lecturer I felt I couldn't complete it. 4 The manager told us last Friday evening that he wanted us in on time tomorrow morning to start the Saturday sale. 5 Susie phoned her husband and told him that she would be gone when he got home. Diagnostic test 1 Conditionals Twelve of these conditional sentences contain a mistake, or may be considered incorrect by most English speakers. Tick (✓) the correct sentences, then find and correct the mistakes. (Be careful! Incorrect punctuation counts as a mistake.) Example I would have called you if 1 know you were at home. ..................h&d>kM#tvtu.................................... 1 It may be possible, if both parties desire it, to reduce the time scale. 2 If the bill is passed by both parliamentary houses then it becomes law. 3 Shall we start the decorating at the weekend if we had no other plans? 4 If you spill even something as innocuous as water on this fabric, it stains. 5 When you press the 'record' button, the green light comes on. 6 If the museum will charge for entry, a lot of people won't be able to use it. Diagnostic test Determiners Underline the correct determiner or determiners in each sentence (- = no article). In some cases two may be correct. Example None/Some/Both neighbours rushed to the aid of the elderly woman. 11 It costs £10 a/an/- hour to hire the squash court. 12 There's a/the/- good wine bar in the town centre, isn't there? 13 AIThet- Mr Jones came to see you this afternoon. 14 My parents grew up in the 1950s. In the I these I those days there was far less freedom than there is now. 15 This/That/A woman I'd never met before came up to me in the bank and asked if she could borrow £10! 16 It's freezing! I've never known a winter -/this/that cold before. 17 Isn't there any/some/the way that you can ensure delivery tomorrow? 18 Every/All/Each the children in the school have to take up at least one sport. 19 We have asked our retail outlets to return both/both of/some the new models for further inspection. 20 Much/A lot/A few depends on the final outcome of the negotiations. Adjective ■+ noun combinations 1 Choose the adjective (a, b, or c) which best completes each sentence. HI I really must go and lie down for a while. I've got a splitting headache! a) cutting (E}) splitting c) ringing HH No wonder your car won't start! Your battery's_. a) jammed b) empty c) flat . spot for children. He really My uncle's always had a_ likes them. a) soft b) kind c) warm I had a_escape this morning when a car almost hit me as I was cycling to work. a) near b) narrow It's a bit of a c) close . statement to say that 'all Welsh people can sing' or 'all black people can dance'. I know lots who can't do either. a) sweeping b) general c) broad I didn't like smoked salmon at first. For me it was an _taste. Now I really love it. a) experienced b) original c) acquired I don't think Simon will ever get married. He told me he's a :_bachelor. a) decided SI One of his. b) confirmed c) complete _hates was people pushing in front of him at bus stops, a) main b) favourite ;'9..- She had a very_ when she was angry. a) bitter b) sharp c) pet tongue, and could be really sarcastic c) cutting It was the first_meal the tramp had had for several days. a) compact b) round c) square My son's always getting into trouble for fighting at school. I think that's because, he has such a_temper. i a) loud b) quick c) high There's an .- law in this club that you never borrow money from a fellow member. a) unspoken b) understood c) unwritten 'What does inevitable mean?' 'I haven't the_idea. Ask the teacher.' a) foggiest b) briefest c) smallest The result of the election was a(n)__ conclusion. Everyone knew which party would win. a) obvious b) ready c) foregone 'I don't really want to be twenty-five again/ she said to her husband. 'It was just_thinking!' a) hopeful b) wishful c) playful ll&row §sgape are a close shave 8 Section 1: Idioms using adjectives Section 1: Idioms using adjectives 9