Syntax A
Nyní studovat0. Introduction
Nyní studovat1. Revision - clause elements & phrases, clause types, verb classes, word classes
Nyní studovat2. Syntactic and semantic characterization of clause elements. Intrinsic X extrinsic modality. Ability, permission and possibility
Nyní studovat3. S - V concord, emphasizing negation, nonassertive words
Nyní studovat4. Expectation, assumption and conclusion
Nyní studovat5. Obligation and absence of obligation
Nyní studovat6. Duty and arrangement, with non-fulfilment
Nyní studovat7. Use of should for suggestions, opinions, feelings
Nyní studovat8. "The semantics and grammar of adverbials" - Grammatical Functions
Nyní studovat9. Verbs and phrases followed by the plain infinitive
Nyní studovat10.Pro-forms (Substitution)
•Translation V.
Handout10a Substitution - KEY
Handout 11 - sentence types and discourse functions KEY
•Translation V.
Nyní studovat11. Ellipsis
Nyní studovat12. Final Quiz
Nyní studovatProjekt OPVK
Handout 2b
Lesson 2 / handout 2b - KEY
Semantic roles of clause elements
SUBJECT - agentive participant (the doer of the action)
- the animate participant that causes the happening denoted by the verb
- John is cleaning the windows.
DIRECT OBJECT - affected participant
- animate or inanimate, not causing the happening but directly involved
in the action
- We’ve sold our house.
INDIRECT OBJECT - recipient participant
- animate being, passively involved by the happening or state
- I bought him a book.
- current attribute: with verbs used statively
- resulting attribute: with verbs used dynamically
- She is my sister. I consider her my best friend.= current attribute
- She became a teacher. She drives me mad. = resulting attribute
- She is a doctor. They named their son James. = identification
- She is a good doctor. I find her clever. = characterization
Syntax A
Nyní studovat0. Introduction
Nyní studovat1. Revision - clause elements & phrases, clause types, verb classes, word classes
Nyní studovat2. Syntactic and semantic characterization of clause elements. Intrinsic X extrinsic modality. Ability, permission and possibility
Nyní studovat3. S - V concord, emphasizing negation, nonassertive words
Nyní studovat4. Expectation, assumption and conclusion
Nyní studovat5. Obligation and absence of obligation
Nyní studovat6. Duty and arrangement, with non-fulfilment
Nyní studovat7. Use of should for suggestions, opinions, feelings
Nyní studovat8. "The semantics and grammar of adverbials" - Grammatical Functions
Nyní studovat9. Verbs and phrases followed by the plain infinitive
Nyní studovat10.Pro-forms (Substitution)
•Translation V.
Handout10a Substitution - KEY
Handout 11 - sentence types and discourse functions KEY
•Translation V.
Nyní studovat11. Ellipsis
Nyní studovat12. Final Quiz
Nyní studovatProjekt OPVK