TEACHING (g) Summarize Your Views and Perceptions about Teaching PERSPECTIVES INVENTORY TPI Profile Sheet Thank you for taking the TPI. Your results are represented on the graph below. For information on how to interpret your results, please see the Interpretation page 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 TRANS = 31 TOTAL: APPREN=39 DEVEL = 34 NURTUR s 41 SOC REF = 29 TOTAL: TOTAL: TOTAL: TOTAL: Perspective totals on or above this line are DOMINANT for you. Mean: 34.8 SD: ±4.5782092569 Perspective totals on or below this line are RECESSIVE for you. B = BeliefsWhat you believe about teaching and learning. I = IntentionsWhat you try to accomplish in your teaching. A a ActlonsWhat you do when you're teaching.