The Celestial Sphere (15th Century wood carving) celestial_sphere.tiff Old World View Scientist New World View Our ordinary, everyday understanding of the world around us The scientist who asks questions about the Old World View Scientific procedures designed to investigate phenomena uncover new ways of looking at the world around us The challenge of communicating the findings of Science: How to see things differently! Stream 2.jpg The logic of investigating simple learning Pigeon peck.jpg pigeon peck for food-desktop.m4v pigeon peck for water-desktop.m4v Response Consequence Behaviour Consequence Antecedent Behaviour Consequence (Food) Antecedent Behaviour Consequence (Water) Only when light is on Discriminative Stimulus ( ) S D Discriminative Stimulus ( ) S D 3-term Contingency seal + Hunter.jpg Stimulus Control pasted-image.tiff pasted-image.tiff Negative Reinforcement occurs when a response decreases in frequency because it produces an aversive stimulus Correct Incorrect In the presence of this stimulus a response produces this effect ………. In the presence of this stimulus a response produces this effect ………. My seat IMG_0452-small.jpg LT 8 My Discriminative Stimulus (S ) D ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? can you believe he is only 16 months? o.O.._640x480_MP4.mp4 16 Months old What sorts of explanatory fictions are likely to be invented? Discrimination Teaching - Autism Therapy Video.mp4 My Discriminative Stimulus (S ) D Clicker training with rats discrimination training.mp4 My Discriminative Stimulus (S ) D Rat Kuba Discrimination training 2.mp4 My Discriminative Stimulus (S ) D Discrimination training for cats Rylle s very first session..mp4 My Discriminative Stimulus (S ) D Stimulus Control Picasso 4.jpg Picasso 3.jpg Picasso 2.jpg Picasso 1.jpg Monet 4.jpg Monet 3.jpg Monet 2.jpg Monet 1.jpg Monet or Picasso? Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3 Stimulus Control Picasso 4.jpg Picasso 3.jpg Picasso 2.jpg Picasso 1.jpg Monet 4.jpg Monet 3.jpg Monet 2.jpg Monet 1.jpg Monet or Picasso? jeab Pigeons discriminate artists.pdf Clicker Training Chickens by Dog Face -- Color Discrimination.mp4 My Discriminative Stimulus (S ) D My Discriminative Stimulus (S ) D can you believe he is only 16 months? o.O.._640x480_MP4.mp4 Stimulus Control WALRUS EXERCISES WITH TRAINER - Walrus 4.jpg Walrus 3.jpg Walrus 2.jpg Walrus 1.jpg Antecedent Behaviour Consequence Walrus 5.jpg Stimulus Control Discriminative Stimulus S D Stimulus Control Reese 3 Discrimination and Chains Menu 3 QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz002.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz003.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz004.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz005.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz006.png Pigeon responds in the same way to all stimuli This is an example of Stimulus Generalisation QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz002.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz003.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz004.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz005.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz006.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz008.png The pigeon responds differently to each stimulus Number of Responses Discriminative Stimuli Discriminative Stimuli Responding reinforced in the presence of this stimulus Responding NOT reinforced in the presence of this stimulus Differential Responding indicates that a discrimination has been made QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz008.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz002.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz003.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz004.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz005.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz006.png Different Stimuli Control different behaviours QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz008.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz011.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz012.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz002.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz003.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz004.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz005.png QuickTime Player 7ScreenSnapz006.png Different Stimuli Control different behaviours