TOPIC 1: ADDICTIONS 4TASK ① ADDICTIONS. POSTERS TASK 1A Discuss the following the message communicated by the below posters. Would you add another picture? 1 2 3 4 “I am not addicted to alcohol or drugs, I am addicted to escaping reality.“ unknown 5 “Drug use, within entire teams continues unabated. It is planned and deliberate cheating, with complex methods, sophisticated substances, techniques and the active complicity of doctors, scientists, team officials and riders. There is nothing accidental about it.” Richard Pound 6 7 8 Picture 1 taken from: ed/ Picture 2 taken from: Picture 3 taken from: Picture 4 taken from: Picture 5 taken from: Picture 6 taken from: Picture 7 taken from: Picture 8 taken from: 4TASK k DISCUSSION TASK 2A In pairs discuss the following. 1 What is addiction? 2 What are the impacts of addiction on the individual's life (physical, mental, social)? 3 What are people typically addicted to? 4 Can you name the groups of addictive substances? 5 What are common addictive activities? 6 Can a person develop an addiction to another person (if so, how)? 7 What are the differences between hard and soft drugs? – 8 What are common side effects of drug abuse? 9 What are typical withdrawal symptoms? 10 Do you know what the following expressions mean? to roll a joint = ____________________________________ to get high = ____________________________________ to become addicted to =____________________________________ to die of overdose = ____________________________________ to come off drugs ____________________________________ to become an addict / to become a drug addict = ____________________________________ 4TASK l SOFT DRUG LEGALIZATION TASK 3A Read the following text. If you were on the panel, you you have come to the same conclusion? Grass is good for you A panel of doctors, economists, parents and police officers in the United States has decided that drugs should be made legal. Their conclusions took into account factors of crime, medicine and even prison space. "We have a prison population of over 10 million in this country. Many of those are in jail for drug-related crime, such as the sale or possession of illegal substances", said an officer of the Chicago Police Force. Because of new, tough laws, currently 3 out of 5 people in prison are there because of drug-related crimes, which means little space is left for violent criminals, the ones the public would really like to see locked away. But there were more reasons raised for legalising drugs. "There are cancer patients out there who are wandering around dark streets at night trying to buy marijuana for pain relief," said one of the doctors on the panel. "They should be able to get what they need without entering the criminal underworld." The effectiveness of marijuana on patients going through chemotherapy has long been known by the medical profession, but political conservatives still raise opposition. One senator spoke out against the panel's conclusions. "I can sympathise with the patients, but the fact is, marijuana is addictive and harmful and we don't want that kind of thing in our communities," he said. But the panel disagreed. They argued that, although marijuana was admittedly a potentially addictive substance, research has proved that legal substances such as nicotine and alcohol are far more addictive and harmful. "Marijuana actually does some good. The same cannot be said of cigarettes and alcohol." On other substances, the panel agreed that drugs such as heroin and cocaine did not serve the community in the same way-marijuana could, but argued that keeping those substances illegal meant money for criminals. "We don't have people shooting each other over tequila or controlling prostitutes with Marlboros," said a teacher on the panel. "Keeping drugs illegal allows people to do illegal things." The panel will shortly be presenting its findings to the government. Taken from: MacAndrew, R. & Martínez, R. (2001). Taboos and Issues. Thomson, Heinle, pp. 37. TASK 3B What are some of the reasons for legalizing drugs mentioned in the above article. Tick those which are mentioned. Say which you agree with and which you disagree with. 1 Drugs can help people who are ill. 2 Drugs keep criminals in business. 3 Making drugs legal means that they can be taxed, and that means revenue for the government. 4 Drugs-trafficking is not as serious as violent crime, according to many people 5 Legalising drugs could make the job of law enforcement officers much easier. 6 Alcohol and cigarettes are more addictive and more harmful and are already legal. TASK 3C WORDFORMATION. Complete the gaps made from the words in brackets. 1 The panel was composed of doctors, _____________________ and parents. (ECONOMY) 2-5 Some say the _____________________ of marijuana in treating certain diseases has long been proved. (EFFECT) The other argue, marijuana is potentially _____________________ _____________________ and _____________________. ( HIGH, ADDICT, HARM) 6-7 He was accused of the sale and _____________________ of marijuana and other _____________________ substances. (POSSESS, LEGAL) TASK 3D Find in the text any words or phrases which are related to law and crime. e.g. to be in jail for drug-related crime TASK 3E Use the following words to complete the sentences below. (dope = marijuana) ADDICTIVE, BENEFICIAL, DAMAGING, DESIGNER, ILLEGAL, IMMEDIATE, LEGAL, LONG-TERM 1 Cigarette smoking is more ______________ to your health than smoking marijuana or cannabis. 2 Nicotine is more ______________ than marijuana. 3 Marijuana can have very ______________ effects on cancer patients, helping them through chemotherapy. 4 The ______________ effects of smoking dope are well-known - feeling extremely carefree and relaxed. The ______________ effects are less clear. 5 How can it be ______________ for a 16-year-old to buy and smoke cigarettes when at the same time it is ______________ for a 21-year-old to buy and smoke marijuana? It's crazy! 6 One of the biggest dangers today is the so-called ______________ drugs which young people use at discos and parties. TASK 3F DISCUSSION Do you agree with the following opinions? Discuss them. 1 Getting high on a joint is less dangerous than getting drunk. 5 Soft drugs lead to hard drugs. Just don't even think of starting! 2 People who smoke dope change their personality over time. They become irresponsible, unreliable and ruin their lives. 6 More people die from alcohol-related problems or accidents than drug-related problems. Statistically, drugs are safer than alcohol. 3 The drug laws in our country are already too relaxed. They should be far stricter. Fine people for a first offence and then send them to prison if they re-offend. It's the only way. 7 All recreational drugs should be made legal for adults. That would immediately stop related crime. 4 Experimenting with drugs is OK. You just need to know when to stop. 8 Some countries in the Far East have the right idea - execute all drug dealers. That would soon stop the drugs trade. Taken from: MacAndrew, R. & Martínez, R. (2001). Taboos and Issues. Thomson, Heinle, pp. 37. 4TASK m AUSTRALIA'S WAR ON DRUGS TASK 4A Before you listen to the recording, study the following vocabulary. To get the right definitions, match the numbers in the left column with the letters in the right column. Complete the middle column with the Czech translations of the English words or phrases. English Czech Definition 1 straight talker A dependence (on drugs) 2 decriminalization B taking an excessive amount of the hard drug derived from the opium poppy 3 a heroin overdose C research organization which makes recommendations to the government 4 boss D a person who speaks honestly and simply 5 addiction E here: deliberately restricted 6 think tank F legalizing certain drugs 7 carefully controlled G manager, person who gives orders Definitions adapted from: TASK 4B Study the phrases in which the word drug is used in the recording. extended DRUG collocations o possession od drugs ð a proposal to legalize the possession of soft drugs o the sale and use of drugs ð to sign the first international treaty to combat the sale and use of drugs o drug usage ðto stop drug usage o to classify drugs ðdrugs are classified according to the potential harm they can cause o to decriminalize (= to make legal) soft drugs o the most harmful and most addictive drugs o to provide drugs in a controlled and legal way o his brother died from a heroin/drug overdose o he took an excessive amount of a drug and died o a drug sold on the street o a drug which is very harmful to a person's health TASK 4C Translate the following phrases which were used in the recording into Czech. 1 historical facts that took place at the time = ______________________________________ 2 the so-called counter culture = ______________________________________ 3 to have a crack at it = ______________________________________ 4 to announce = ______________________________________ 5 he is a straight talker on many subjects = ______________________________________ 6 a policy of decriminalization = ______________________________________ 7 to waste resources = ______________________________________ 8 the police are wasting their resources trying to stop individuals who have those drugs = ______________________________________ 9 she doesn't agree with him = ______________________________________ 10 the organization conducts research into social and economic issues = ______________________________________ 11 introduction of a carefully controlled system = ______________________________________ 13 narcotics were passed from country to country with minimal interference from the authorities = ______________________________________ ^RECORDING 1 TASK 4D Listen to a dialogue about the legalization of soft drugs in Australia and say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Mr Carr is known for giving evasive answers. T/F 2 Mr Carr's attitude to decriminalization of soft drugs is affected by the drug addiction experience in his own family. T/F 3 The research mentioned in the recording suggests soft drug legalization should be performed with government intervention. T/F 4 The first international treaty to combat the sale and use of drugs was called the International Opium Convention. T/F TASK 4E WORDBUILDING. Complete the gaps with words made from the words in brackets. 1 He took an _____________________ amount of drug and died as a result. (EXCESS) 2 He never talks _____________________ and _____________________. He avoids giving a clear answer. (HONEST, DIRECT) 3 These drugs are highly _____________________. (ADDICT) 4 He died of/ from heroin _____________________. (DOSE) 5 Their _____________________ or in other words _____________________ on drugs will cost them their lives. (ADDICT, DEPEND) 6 The government wants the _____________________ of a _____________________controlled system. (INTRODUCE, CARE) 7 Narcotics used to pass from country to country with minimal _____________________. (INTERFERE) 8 The _____________________ to _____________________ the _____________________ of soft drugs has been discussed in the studio. (PROPOSE, LEGAL, POSSESS) 9 Soft drugs are sometimes seen as less _____________________ than hard drugs. (HARM) 10 Drugs _____________________ according to the potential harm they can cause people. (CLASS) TASK 4F PREPOSITIONS. Complete the gaps with the correct prepositions. 1 There are health risks associated _______ drugs. 2-3 I see the point _______ people worried _______ the harm drugs can cause. 4 They want to stop the trade _______ opium. 5 There seemed to be too many drugs _______ (=existed, were available). 4TASK n LEGALIZING DRUGS TASK 5A DISCUSSION. Some people are convinced that the way to reduce the number of drug-related offences, is to make some of them less serious. What is your view? In pairs give reasons for and against soft-drug legalization. Reasons for soft-drug legalization Reasons against soft-drug legalization TASK 5B Before you listen, go through the following vocabulary used in the recording. 1 tolerated = accepted 2 vices = bad or unhealthy habits and behaviour 3 gambling = betting money on sth 4 implications = conclusions you draw from sth 5 conventions = agreements 6 civil = relating to punishment within society rather than prison Definitions adapted from: .shtml ^RECORDING 2TASK 5C Listen to a dialogue about relaxing drugs laws and answer the following questions. 1 How many drug-related offences are committed in the UK every year? 2 According to the report from the UK Drug Policy Commission is there a direct link between drug use and social problems? 3 According to the same report is drug use or taking illegal substances tolerated by society? 4 What are the implications of the report? 5 In what context are the Czech Republic, Switzerland and Portugal mentioned? 6 Do the official authorities, i.e. the government agree with the conclusions of the report? TASK 5D VERBS. Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the following verbs. DRAW, LEAVE, MAKE, PROVOKE, TOLERATE 1 Drug legalization is a controversial topic which _______________ some strong opinions. 2 Some people are convinced that the way to reduce the number of drug-related offences, is to _______________ some of them less serious. 3 Presenters are asking the audience to _______________ a comment on their Facebook site. 4 If gambling _______________ by the society, why soft drugs should not? 5 Implications are conclusions you can _______________ from something, e.g. research. DROP, FORMULATE, KEEP, TAKE AWAY 5-6 Countries like the Czech Republic or Switzerland _______________ or removed the criminal penalties for the possession of small amounts of drugs. To _______________ within the international conventions these countries replaced the criminal penalties with civil penalties. 7 Some of the government policies have been successful as drug use _______________ to its lowest levels recently. 9 Unfortunately, much of the government policy towards drug users _______________ or set out without any real evidence as to whether it works. 4TASK o WORKAHOLISM In pairs or small groups discuss work-life balance. In doing so you may want to use the following vocabulary. o heavy workload (too much to do in the limited time available) o lack of management support (managers do not provide the necessary help and resources) o work-pay imbalance (not getting enough money for your work) o home-work imbalance (not enough time for family, personal interests, etc.) o the need to rebalance your life (to change priorities in your life) o frustration o burn-out o suicide rate higher for people having a stressful job o time when people are most productive First five items adapted from: Mascull, B. (2004). Busienss Vocabulary in Use. Advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press TASK 6A Before you listen to the recording, study the following vocabulary. To get the right definitions, match the numbers in the left column with the letters in the right column. Complete the middle column with the Czech translations of the English words or phrases. English Czech Definition 1 workaholism A standard behaviour 2 work-life balance B the experience of long-term physical and emotional exhaustion, usually work-related 3 secondary issue C a condition where someone works all the time and finds it difficult to stop 4 the norm D something that comes second in importance to something else 5 burn out E the right balance between working and our personal life, spending time with friends, etc. Definitions adapted from: _page.shtml df ^ ^ ^RECORDING 3 TASK 6B Listen to the recording in which workaholism is discussed. Take notes to give as much information as possible about the following. 1 work-life balance 2 the standard work routine of a former City lawyer which was considered the norm by his colleagues 3 burn out and professions which are most likely to experience it 4 emotional problems experienced by the City lawyer that come from overwork 5 a psychologist’s view of the relation between workaholism and productivity 6 time when people are at their most productive Taken from: -technology/27783 4TASK ⑦ TEENAGERS ADDICTED TO SHOPPING, SPENDING AND HAVING TASK 7A DISCUSSION. In pairs discuss the following questions. 1 How much pocket money should parents give their children at the following ages? Why? 2 What sort of things do teenagers typically spend their money on? What do/did you spend money on as a teenager? 3 Is there anything you would like to have but can't afford to buy? 4 What is the best age for young people to have their own bank account? When should they have their own credit card? 5 Should young people be encouraged to save? Why? What for? Taken from: Brook-Hart, G. (2008). Complete First Certificate Student's Book with answers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.102. TASK 7B Read the following text and answer the questions below. Help! My daughter's used my credit cards! A few weeks after my daughter's 13th birthday, I checked a bank statement and saw a couple of suspicious items. I had been debited nearly £10 by iTunes, the Apple music download website, although I have never downloaded music. I checked my credit card statement and found another £10 debited to Virgin Mobile. My wife examined her cards and found more things paid for without her permission. Suspicion fell on Emily, who denied it, even though the evidence pointed straight in her direction (she later confessed). Teenage spending had arrived; our wallets would never be our own again. Little more than a year ago, Emily was getting by on just £ 1.20 a week pocket money - we had started out by giving 10p for every year of her age - when she discovered she was being given less than most of her classmates. The weekly sum was raised to £3, but her desire to spend money increased and she was soon asking for money from both of us at every opportunity - new shoes this week, clothes the next, visits to the cinema, pizza restaurants, mobile top-ups, CDs, cosmetics, accessories, large numbers of magazines. If we refused we risked being met with verbal abuse, angry expressions and a slammed door. It's a familiar situation to Canadian clinical psychologist Maggie Mamen.' Every parent wants their child to be happy; they don't want them to be the only one without a mobile phone - they don't want them to have less she says. 'But the more parents give their children, the more having all the things they want starts to be seen as a right, rather than something special.' In the end, we decided to tackle the constant demands for money by giving her an allowance. After consulting her friends' parents, Emily now gets £50 a month to cover most of her clothes, cosmetics and entertainment, plus a £10 top-up on her mobile, two DVD rentals and one cinema trip each month. 'Ordinary clothes, such as winter coats and underwear are still paid for by us as well as her essential toiletries. And train or bus fares. And lunch if she is out for the day. Clare Brooks, a writer, also has a 13-year- old girl, Laura. She says: 'We decided to give her an allowance because of the amount we found ourselves paying out every month. We asked her to write down how she would spend £40 a month; now it covers all her extras.' The advantage of an allowance, says Brooks, is that "I can now say 'no', because she knows that if she wants it, she has to pay for it herself. More parents would like their children to help around the house, but as Brooks puts it: 'Occasionally we do pay her for extra housework, but give you £2 to hoover the sitting room, and she says: "You must be joking, I want five". For parents, there are two issues. First, how to cope with the demands of children and teenagers who want to spend money as if they were adults, and second a concern that their children are growing up expecting money to always given to them, and not prepared to save or wait for something they really want. 1 What had Emily been doing which upset her parents? A spending money on things she didn't need B spending money that wasn't hers C spending more than she was allowed D spending more than she had in her bank account 2 Why was her pocket money raised to £3? A She had more expenses than most teenagers. B She was receiving less than other people her age. C She became annoyed if she was given less. D She had to buy her own clothes. 3 According to Maggie Mamen, what is the problem with giving children too much pocket money? A They believe they should be allowed everything they want. B They're not happier as a result. C They have more things than other children their age. D They don't spend all the money they're given. 4 What things does Emily pay for from her allowance? A all her expenses B all her clothes, cosmetics and entertainment C some of her clothes, cosmetics and entertainment D her clothes, cosmetics, entertainment and mobile phone 5 Why did Clare Brooks start giving Laura an allowance? A to make her work if she wants something extra B to avoid arguments with her C to limit the money she gives her D to ensure she has everything she needs 6 What is Laura's attitude to housework? A She finds it amusing. B She's always ready to help. C She welcomes the extra money she earns doing it. D She'll only do it if it's well paid. 7 Apart from the amount their children spend, what is the other thing which worries parents? A Children do not learn good financial management. B Children are not grateful for what their parents do for them. C Children believe their parents' money is their own. D Children are likely to spend more money than they have. 8 Which of the following best summarises the writer's attitude to teenage spending throughout the passage? A Teenagers should receive more money from their parents. B Teenagers should earn the money they need. C Teenagers should spend less money than they do. D Teenagers should be more responsible about money. Taken from: Brook-Hart, G. (2008). Complete First Certificate Student's Book with answers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.102-103. 4TASK ⑧ALCOHOL ADDICTION TASK 8A DISCUSSION. In pairs discuss the following. 1 How difficult it is for an addict to admit their addiction? 2 What strategies would you use to make your friend aware of their addiction? TASK 8B VERBS. Complete the extracts with the correct forms of the verbs. Then report the content of your text to your colleague. Extract 1 BREAK OUT, QUESTION, RELEASE, TAKE OVER Slowly, the drink began to 1 ________________ and things got worse. His behaviour was becoming unpredictable. He tells of one incident in a club on a Sunday afternoon when a fight 2 ________________ and he and some friends got involved. Minutes later he was outside 3 ________________ by police and then spent several hours at the police station. He 4 ________________ without charge but, in spite of that shock, the next day he was banging on the door of his local pub five minutes before opening time craving his first drink of the day. Then it dawned on him. What kind of person stands outside a pub every day desperate for a drink? Only someone with a drink problem. He was a well-known sportsman perhaps, but secretly he was a lonely, desperate alcoholic. Extract 2 ADMIT, DEVOTE, FACE, KEEP One day, he arrived for training in a bad state. It was to be the turning point. The first person he saw was Steve Jacobs. “I´ve got a drink problem and I need to go to a meeting of Alcoholics, Anonymous,“ he blurted out. At last! Tony Adams, respected captain of Arsenal and and England international, winner of six major trophies in English football, was asking for help for the first time in his life. He finally 1 ________________ that he had a problem that was too powerful to 2 ________________ on his own. Almost immediately, a ray of hope came to him. Despite the mess, he was in, if he could 3 ________________the same enthusiasm and energy to 4 ________________ off alcohol as he had to playing football, then he had a chance. TASK 8C Use the given words and phrases to complete the sentences. addictive, alcoholic, addict, alcohol, addicted, alcoholism, addiction 1 A surprising number of people are ____________ to gambling. 2 He checked into a clinic to try to get over his drug ____________ . 3 I've never met anyone who is actually a drug ____________. 4 Both heroin and crack cocaine are extremely ____________ substances. 5 She realised he was an ____________ when he started drinking at breakfast time. 6 The problem got so bad he started hiding ____________ around the house. 7 Overcoming ____________ is a daily process. It means saying 'no' to drink every day for the rest of your life. seek professional help, get withdrawal symptoms, kick the habit, have a drink problem, take an overdose 1 I think my boss ____________ . You can smell alcohol on his breath first thing in the morning. 2 She died after accidentally ____________ of sleeping pills. 3 A lot of people want to give up smoking, but it's very difficult to ____________ . 4 When he wasn't able to get hold of any drugs for a few days, he started to ____________. 5 When he realised he was addicted to alcohol, he decided to ____________ . Taken from: MacAndrew, R. & Martínez, R. (2001). Taboos and Issues. Thomson, Heinle, pp. 40. 4TASK ⑨ADDICTION IN A FAMILY TASK 9A DISCUSSION. In pairs discuss the following. 1 Is it possible to fully recover from an addiction? 2 Can fighting an addiction make you a better person? ^RECORDING 4TASK 9B THE LOST YEARS. VIDEO. You are going to watch a video showing Kristina Wandzilak and her mother Constance Curry discussing Kristina’s struggle with alcohol and drug addiction. Before you watch the video and answer the questions, translate the following vocabulary into Czech. 1 to pick up sb (informal: to arrest sb and take them away in a car) = __________________________ 2 treatment facility = __________________________ 3 to live a life of recovery = __________________________ 4 to recover from an addiction to sth = __________________________ 5 to make a life choice = __________________________ 6 to disclose a criminal activity = __________________________ 7 to become unemployable = __________________________ 8 her ability to maintain sth became impaired = __________________________ 9 to be drunk and disorderly = pro opilost a výtržnictví 10 to descend into the depths of addiction = __________________________ 1 How does Kristina describe the beginning of her drinking? 2 How did her parents try to help her in the very beginning with her addiction? 3 Describe the scene when Kristina ran from her third treatment facility. What was her mother’s reaction? 4 Give the mother’s perspective on the scene. Why did she do it? How did it feel? Did the mother have any experience of the work of treatment centres? 5 What did Kristina do afterwards? Does she disclose a criminal activity? 6 How does Kristina describe her moment of clarity? What did she do? 7 What did she do after that? 8 Who wrote the book? Video taken from: TASK 9C Discuss the following. 1 What is your response to Kristina’s story? Do you believe it was a true story? 2 Do you think Constance made a right decision when she didn’t allow Kristina to return home? 3 Would you do the same if you were in the same situation as a parent? 4 How did the drug and alcohol experience affect Kristina’s future life? 5 How did it affect her relationship with her mother? 6 Can they make up for the lost years? 4TASK ⑩ ADDICTION IN A FAMILY. HOW TO HELP THE HELPER TASK 10A DISCUSSION. In pair or small groups read the two quotes below and discuss how having a drug addict within a family affects the rest of the family. In your discussion try to reflect on the following issues. 1 Is it natural for family members to feel guilty for their loved one's addiction? 2 Should the family give up their lifestyle just to help the addict within their family? 3 Is it OK for a family member who is helping a drug addict to seek professional help? TASK 10B Look at and discuss the following statements from parents of addicts. “I felt so totally alone. I didn't know of anyone else in the village whose child was using drugs. When Mark told me, he was injecting heroin, I cried and cried.” Sarah “I wanted to be able to access some advice and support without having to go and sit around at a coffee morning and talk about my feelings. I found out that my local family support group also puts information, leaflets, advice and contact numbers on their website, so I could access the help from home.” Anthony “Being a family member of a drug user is hard; it is much harder than what I ever thought. As a family member you worry about your partner, your children and yourself, wondering how you are going to cope with another day of worry and uncertainty.” Tony Statements taken from a video: ^RECORDING 5TASK 10C Before you watch the video and answer the questions, translate the following vocabulary into Czech. 1 family members are traumatized and devastated = _________________________________ 2 to be anxious = _________________________________ 3 to feel betrayed = _________________________________ 4 to feel let down = _________________________________ 5 to blame somebody = _________________________________ 6 to be judgmental = _________________________________ 7 to resist (doing) sth = _________________________________ 8 to come to full recovery = _________________________________ 9 to receive treatment = _________________________________ 10 to maintain family routines = _________________________________ 11 to feel guilty = _________________________________ 1 What is the usual initial reaction of family members when they find out their loved one is a drug addict? 2 What should you for an addict within your family? 3 What should the relatives of a drug addict for themselves? 4 What is the cycle of change and who goes through it? TASK 10D DRUG ADDICT IN A FAMILY. DO'S AND DON'TS. In pairs or small groups create rules for family members whose close relative is a drug addict. Do's Dont's 1 Try to find people with a similar experience. 1 Never ignore the existence of addiction in your own family. VOCABULARY (to) abuse /əˈbjuːs/ /əˈbjuːz/ zneužívání, zneužívat to accuse sb of (doing) sth /əˈkjuːz/ obvinit někoho z něčeho addict /ˈædɪkt/ osoba drogově závislá addiction /əˈdɪkʃ(ə)n/ závislost addictive /əˈdɪktɪv/ způsobující závislost allowance /əˈlaʊəns/ zde: kapesné anxiety /æŋˈzaɪəti/ úzkost, úzkostlivost authority /ɔːˈθɒrəti/ zde: úřad beneficial /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l/ blahodárný (to) burn out /bɜː(r)n/ /aʊt/ vyhořet, vyhoření to classify sth into sth /ˈklæsɪfaɪ/ klasifikovat něco na to debit /ˈdebɪt/ odečíst (z účtu) demand /dɪˈmɑːnd/ požadavek to disrupt sth/sb /dɪsˈrʌpt/ narušit něco drug-related offence/crime /əˈfens//kraɪm/ přesupek /trestná činnost související s drogami excessive /ɪkˈsesɪv/ nadměrný frustration / frʌˈstreɪʃ(ə)n/ frustrace guilty /ˈɡɪlti/ vinný, vinen harmful /ˈhɑː(r)mf(ə)l/ škodlivý illegal /ɪˈliːɡ(ə)l/ nezákonný, ilegální to inject sth /ɪnˈdʒekt/ píchat si něco legalization /ˌliːɡəlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ legalizace to legalize /ˈliːɡəlaɪz/ legalizovat overdose /ˈəʊvə(r)ˌdəʊs/ nadměrná dávka, předávkování substance /ˈsʌbstəns/ látka to possess sth /pəˈzes/ vlastnit, držet něco possession of sth /pəˈzeʃ(ə)n/ vlastnění, držení něčeho to punish sb for sth /ˈpʌnɪʃ/ trestat punishment for sth /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ trest to recover from sth /rɪˈkʌvə(r)/ zotavit se z to replace sth (with sth) /rɪˈpleɪs/ nahradit něco (něčím) (to) research /rɪˈsɜː(r)tʃ/ /ˈriːsɜː(r)tʃ/ výzkum, provádět výzkum to resist (doing) sth /rɪˈzɪst/ odolat něčemu to seek sth/sb /siːk/ hledat, vyhlédávat něco/někoho to suffer from sth /ˈsʌfə(r)/ trpět něčím to suffer sth /ˈsʌfə(r)/ utrpět něco substance /ˈsʌbstəns/ látka suicide rate /ˈsuːɪsaɪd/ /reɪt/ počet sebevražd suspicion /səˈspɪʃ(ə)n/ podezření suspicious /səˈspɪʃəs/ podezřelý treatment /ˈtriːtmənt/ léčba widrawal syptom /wɪðˈdrɔːəl/ /ˈsɪmptəm/ abstinenční příznak workaholism /ˌwɜː(r)kəˈhɒlzm/ workoholizm Pronunciation transcripts taken from: SELECTED PHRASES to accuse sb of the illegal possession of drugs – obvinit někoho z nezákonného držení drog to accuse sb of the sale of drugs – obvinit někoho z prodej drog addictive substance – návyková látka to become addicted to sth – vytvořit si návyk na to classify drugs into soft and hard – klasifikovat drogy na měkké a tvrdé to come off drugs – přestat s drogami to commit a crime – spáchat trestný čin to commit an offence – spáchat přestupek to carry out criminal activity – provádět trestnou činnost to carry out/ conduct research into – provádět výzkum civil penalties credit card statement – výpis z kreditní karty criminal penalties to decriminalize soft drugs to die of overdose – zemřít na předávkování to disrupt the work-life balance – narušit rovnováhu mezi soukromým a pracovním životem to draw conclusions from sth – vytvářet z něčeho závěry drug abuse – zneužívání drog drug-related crime – trestný čin mající souvislost s drogami law enforcement officers – osoba zajišťující veřejný pořádek effectiveness of treatment – účinnost léčby excessive amount of drug – nadměrné množství drog to feel guilty for – cítit se vinný za/kvůli to get withdrawal symptoms – mít abstinenční příznaky harmful and beneficial effects of – škodlivé a blahodárné účinky illegal addictive substance – nelegální návyková látka to inject heroin – píchat si heroin to legalize drugs – legalizovat drogy mobile top-up – dobití mobilu to possess drug – vlastnit, držet drogy possession of drugs – držení drog to recover from an addiction to sth – zotavit se ze závislosti na to relax drug laws – zmírnit zákony týkající se drog to release sb without a charge – propustit někoho bez obvinění to receive treatment – podstoupit léčbu to replace strict punishments with community service – nahradit přísné tresty veřejnými pracemi to resist (doing) sth – odolat něčemu to seek professional help – vyhledat profesionální pomoc to sideline sb – vytlačit někoho na druhou kolej state authorities – státní úřady to suffer from heavy workload – trpět pracovní přetížením TRANSCRIPT 1: AUSTRALIA'S WAR ON DRUGS Chris: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Chris. Rosie: And I'm Rosie. Chris: And today we are going to talk about a proposal in Australia to legalise the possession of soft drugs. Rosie, let's start with a question for our listeners. When was the first international treaty to combat the sale and use of drugs signed? Rosie: That's a difficult one. Go on, give me a clue. Chris: Well, you'll have our usual three options. So listen carefully. When was the first international treaty to combat the sale and use of drugs signed? Was it in: a) 1962 b) 1945 c) 1912 Rosie: It helps to think about historical facts that took place at the time. So in the 60s we had the hippies and the so called counter-culture; in 1945, the end of World War II and in 1912… well, the Titanic sank! Chris: OK, think about it. The answer will come by the end of the programme. Have a crack at it! Rosie: Crack?! Oh, to have a crack at something means to have a go or to try something. In this case it means to try to guess the answer to the quiz. But it's also the name given to a particular kind of drug sold on the streets. And one considered very harmful to a person's health. Chris: Yes it is. And it is not defined as a soft drug. Often drugs are classified, or organised, according to the potential harm they can cause people. Hard drugs are those that are classified as most harmful or addictive, such as cocaine or heroin. Crack cocaine would be one of them. Rosie: And the soft ones are those that are sometimes seen as being less harmful, such as marijuana and ecstasy. These seem to be the ones now being discussed in Australia. Chris: That's right. The Australian foreign minister has announced that he would like to see soft drugs decriminalised, or made legal. Rosie: That's very controversial. Why has he decided to say this? Chris: Well, let's listen to the BBC correspondent Duncan Kennedy in Sydney. See if you can hear what personal experience the Australian minister has of drugs. 6 BBC Duncan Kennedy: Bob Carr is known to be a straight talker on many subjects. Now Mr Carr says that when it comes to what he calls soft drugs, there should be a policy of decriminalisation. Mr Carr, whose younger brother died from a heroin overdose, says that police are wasting their time and resources trying to stop individuals carrying these drugs. Chris: So it has to do with his brother and a heroin overdose – he took an excessive amount of this drug and died. Rosie: Yes, his tragic experience of losing his brother to drugs has motivated him to call for soft drugs to be legalised. And, as the reporter says, he seems to be a straight talker indeed – someone who likes to speak very honestly and directly. Chris: But not everyone agrees with him. Let's hear from the BBC correspondent in Australia. BBC Duncan Kennedy: Mr Carr's boss, the Prime Minister Julia Gillard, said she didn't want to see any drugs decriminalised. Ms Gillard said that people should continue to get help for their addiction and the police should carry on trying to stop drug usage. Rosie: Ahhhh. Now I remember where I've heard this name! It was in the news. She is the foreign minister' boss – Julia Gillard is the Australian Prime Minister! Chris: And she didn't agree with him. She wants people to get help for their addiction or their dependence on drugs but she does not want the decriminalisation of any drug. Rosie: But Bob Carr is not alone in his thinking, Chris. I've heard that there is a think tank in Australia that believes he has a point. This organisation conducts research into social or economic issues for the government and it wants the introduction of a carefully controlled system to deal with these drugs. Chris: In countries such as Switzerland and the Netherlands they have organised carefully controlled programs where drugs users are given small amounts of drugs, such as heroin, to help them. Rosie: Yes, it's a risky strategy as heroin is highly addictive but by providing drugs in a controlled and legal way they believe it can help to reduce crime and the health risks associated with drugs. But, you know, I see the point of people worried about the harm drugs can cause. It's is a difficult subject, Chris. Chris: It is. Rosie: Let's see what happens with this war on drugs during the next few months. But for now, I am curious about the quiz. Chris, I still haven't answered the question. Chris: And the question was: When was the first international treaty to combat the sale and use of drugs signed? And I gave you three options. Was it in: a) 1962 b) 1945 c) 1912 Rosie: It must have been in 1962 because in the 60s there seemed to be many drugs around. Chris: How about 1912? Rosie: No, I think that's a bit too early. Chris: The answer is 1912! You see, 100 years ago, narcotics passed from country to country with minimal interference from the authorities but that all changed with the International Opium Convention signed in the Hague. From then onwards, countries were committed to stopping the trade in opium, morphine and cocaine. Rosie: Really? Was it that early? Chris: Yes. And unfortunately we are now late by the way; we have to finish the programme now. But we leave you with today's words. Rosie: Yes, of course. They are: a straight talker decriminalisation a heroin overdose boss addiction think tank carefully controlled committed Chris: Thanks very much Rosie. And that's all we've got time for today. Bye for now. Rosie: Bye. Takescript taken from: TRANSCRIPT 2: LEGALIZING DRUGS – RELAXING DRUG LAWS – A GOOD IDEA? Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. In this programme we talk about a story in the news and learn some new vocabulary while we’re doing it. I’m Neil and joining me today is Jen. Hi there, Jen. Jen: Hello Neil. Neil: Now, we have a very controversial topic this week – drugs. Jen: Yes, that’s a subject which usually provokes some strong opinions. Neil: A new report published in the UK is suggesting that by taking away the criminal penalties for some illegal drug use, you can reduce the number of people who get sent to court for drug crime every year. Jen: This sounds like an introduction to our quiz question... Neil: Yes you’re right! I want to know how many people get sent to court in the UK every year for drug-related offences. Is it: a) 4,200 b) 42,000 c) 420,000 Jen: Well I think it might be quite high. I’ll go with c) 420,000. Neil: OK then, we will find out at the end of the programme. Now Jen, what do you think is more harmful: illegal drugs or junk food? Jen: My reaction would be to say illegal drugs. Am I right? Neil: Let’s listen to the first part of this report from the BBC’s John McManus. What does the study from the UK Drug Policy Commission say about drug use and social problems? Insert: Monday's report from the UK Drug Policy Commission says the way to reduce this number is to make some offences less serious. It says that drug use doesn't always lead to social problems, and that taking illegal substances can sometimes be tolerated by society, in the same way that gambling and eating junk food are. Neil: The report says that drug use doesn’t always lead to social problems and that taking illegal substances can sometimes be tolerated – meaning accepted – by society. Jen: The report compares taking drugs to other vices, such as gambling and eating junk food. Can you explain what a ‘vice’ is? Neil: Yes, a vice is a bad habit or type of behaviour: things such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, swearing… gambling or betting. Oh and taking drugs, of course. Jen: So, the argument is that a limited amount of drug taking is on a par with other bad habits which are not usually considered as dangerous as drug taking. Neil: Yes, that’s right. Now, what are the implications of this report? Implications are the conclusions you can draw from something, such as a piece of research like this. Jen: The implications of this report are that a lot of money could be saved if we didn’t send so many people to court for small-scale drug use. Do you know how much the UK spends on tackling drugs every year? Neil: Hang on here, Jen, I’m the quiz master! Jen: Go on, have a guess! Millions or billions? Neil: OK, I’ll go high like you did - billions? Jen: Yes, billions of dollars is spent. Here’s the UK Drug Policy Commission’s Chief Executive, Roger Howard. What does he think the UK should do to save money and send fewer people to court? Insert: We do say that if you look at other countries like the Czech Republic, if you look at Switzerland, if you look at Portugal and if you look in places in South America, these… a number of countries have taken away the criminal penalties for the possession of small amounts of drugs. Now we think that can be tried in this country, and to keep within the international conventions you can replace that with civil penalties. Neil: He thinks that criminal penalties for the possession of small amounts of drugs should be removed. Jen: He says it’s worked in the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Portugal and South America and that it should be tried in the UK. Neil: But in order to keep within international conventions – meaning agreements - civil penalties should be introduced. Jen: But does everybody agree? Neil: Good question! Listen to the last part of this report from the BBC’s John McManus. Insert: The report, which recommends replacing jail sentences with fines or drug treatment orders, says that much official government policy towards drug users has been formulated without any real evidence as to whether it works. The authorities though, say that their approach has led to drug use dropping to its lowest levels since records began. Neil: No, not everybody agrees. The report recommends replacing jail sentences with fines or drug treatment orders. It also says that there’s no real evidence that current drug policy has worked. Jen: But the authorities disagree. They say their approach has led to drug use dropping to its lowest level since records began. Neil: No doubt the debate about how to reduce drug use will carry on for a long time. We’d be interested in hearing your opinion. Why not check out our Facebook page and leave a comment? Jen: B efore we go, Neil, aren’t you going give the answer to the quiz? Neil: Oh yes, of course. I asked how many people get sent to court in the UK every year from drug-related offences. Is it: a) 4,200 b) 42,000 c) 420,000 Jen: I thought it was quite high: I said c) 420,000. Neil: Well, you must have a very low opinion of the British population. It is high but it’s not that high. The answer in b) 42,000. Just time now for a recap of some of the words we heard in today’s programme: Jen: tolerated vices gambling on a par with implications conventions civil Neil: Join us again soon for more 6 Minute English from Tapescript taken from: TRANSCRIPT 3: WORKAHOLISM Kate: Hello, I’m Kate Colin and this is 6 Minute English. Today I'm here with Jackie and we’re talking about people who work too much. Jackie: Hi Kate, yes most of us spend the majority of our lives at work and our working patterns can vary widely. Some people 'clock-watch' all day, waiting for the moment when they can leave and go home, while others voluntarily do unpaid overtime spending many evenings and weekends at work. They find it difficult to stop and can't help thinking about work even when they're supposed to be relaxing at home. It's similar to an addiction and is sometimes called workaholism. Kate: Do you think you're in danger of becoming a workaholic? Jackie: answers Kate: Before we go any further, here's my question for this week. In the UK, how many hours are in the standard working week? a) 20 b) 40 c) 60 Jackie: answers Kate: OK – we'll check your answer later on. We'd all like to have the right work-life balance. Can you tell me what this means? Jackie: Well, a work-life balance means to get the right combination of working and enjoying our personal life, spending time with friends, relaxing, playing sport etc. Technology plays a big part in disrupting many people's work-life balance because when we have mobile phones and laptops, we are able to work all the time, wherever we are. Kate: Now we're going to hear from a former workaholic who worked as a lawyer in the City of London and had no work-life balance. How many hours would he sometimes be required to work a day, and what were the effects of doing this? Clip 1 You may have a 2/3 month period where you're working 18-20 hours a day. You spend all of your conscious hours in the office. One is physically tired as in that you're not getting enough sleep. Generally in those periods, eating becomes a secondary issue as well. Jackie: He said that sometimes he would be required to work up to 20 hours a day! Unsurprisingly, his symptoms were tiredness and the physical effects which come with not eating properly as he said eating becomes a secondary issue. This means that it becomes less important than something else. Kate: Now listen to what else he has to say. He uses the expression the norm. This means that something is normal and we use it describe standard behaviour. What does he say is the norm. Clip 2 In that environment the vast majority of your colleagues are working as hard as you, so you're just used to operating in that type of culture, it's seen as the norm. You start thinking that late hours or having to work the weekends is standard practice, to be expected - nothing special. Most large city institutions I think expect burn out. Jackie: He said that as most of his colleagues were working as hard as he was, he started to think that working in the evenings and at weekends were the norm and to be expected. Doing that was nothing special. Kate: He also uses the term burn out. What does this mean? Jackie: To burn out is term we use to describe the experience of long-term physical and emotional exhaustion, usually work-related. People in certain professions are apparently more likely to experience burn out, such as lawyers, city workers as well as soldiers and emergency service workers. Kate: In this final clip, he mentions the emotional problems that come from overwork. What does he say they are? Clip 3 1) frustration – that you literally spend your entire life working 2) anxiety – when you're that busy, it's very hard to switch off. And 3) terrible feelings about where you life is going and whether there's more to life than this. Jackie: He said the emotional burdens are frustration, when you worry you are spending all your life working, anxiety, when hard to switch off and relax and terrible feelings of wondering if there's more to life than that. Kate: So it seems there are a lot of physical and emotional problems that come from working too hard. Now we're going to hear from a psychologist called Oliver James. You'll hear the word productivity – this means the level of output that you can achieve within a certain time. For example, if you are a productive person you manage to do a lot. He's going to talk about why there are good reasons why we should stop people from working too hard. What are they? Clip 4 Workaholism definitely doesn't make for higher productivity and many studies have shown that. All that happens is that people spend a lot of time working ineffectually so they get very tired, people become less creative, they become more obsessional, more bogged down. Jackie: He said that workaholism doesn't actually make for higher productivity. He said that all that happens is that people spend a lot of time working ineffectually so they get very tired, less creative and they become more obsessional, more bogged down. Kate: When are people most productive? Clip 5 The most productive work is done when people don't work long hours, when they have Holidays and when they take weekends and have evenings. Jackie: He said the most productive work is done when people don't work long hours, when they have holidays, take weekends and enjoy evenings. Kate: So there we have it – it seems that working long hours isn't really worth it at all. We're all much better off taking holidays, weekends, enjoying ourselves in the evenings and have good work-life balance/ Let's have a look at the vocabulary we've come across: workaholism – a condition where someone works all the time and finds it difficult to stop work-life balance - the right balance between working and our personal life, spending time with friends etc a secondary issue - this means that something comes second in importance to something else. the norm - we use it describe standard behaviour to burn out is term we use to describe the experience of long-term physical and emotional exhaustion, usually work-related. productivity – this means the rate at which a company or country makes goods. Kate: So finally to the question I asked you earlier – how many hours are in the standard working week. Jackie: And I said 40. Kate: You were correct. 40 hours evens out at 8 hours a day, leaving us time to enjoy our evening and weekends…. That’s all we have time for today – until next time. Goodbye! Tapescript taken from: TRANSCRIPT IV: THE LOST YEARS There is no transcript to this recording. TRANSCRIPT V: ADDICTION – HELPING A LOVED ONE Drug and alcohol misuse can affect families in a variety of ways. Depending on the severity of the problem, the family member will often be very, very angry,very worried, very concerned. The kinds of words that they use are words like "traumatised", "devastated". If they're parents, they often feel that they've failed as parents, so they feel very guilty. If their family member is stealing from them, as sometimes happens so they can fund their drugs habit, they feel very angry, they feel very betrayed, very let down. This leads to a variety of problems for the family member because they often will lose sleep, they become very anxious, very worried. SLIDE 1 Rather than being judgemental, try and understand what's going on. Try not to blame. Talk about the behaviour and the drug use that's not good rather than the child not being good. Try to maintain the drug user in the knowledge that there's somebody who really does care for them despite everything that they're doing. There are some families who would not give the family member money for drink or drugs for example, and will be really clear about that. There are other families who know that's that what they should do but perhaps find it very difficult to resist because of the way they feel about the drug or alcohol user. They're more likely to try and protect them by giving them money or even sometimes by buying the drugs themselves for them. SLIDE 2 Have a plan so there are small steps which will help that person with the problem towards getting into treatment and once they're in treatment, to come to a full recovery from the problem that they've got and actually setting some steps along the way, some goals, some targets that they can achieve and perhaps putting in some rewards once that's happened. The help that someone can get from a support group or from talking to somebody else who's been in the same position I think can be really powerful because it can help the family member to work out their own boundaries. The bottom line is around really deciding what is acceptable behaviour in your home if that family member with the problem is living under your roof. Really be clear about what's acceptable to you, what you will and won't do. SLIDE 3 You need to separate yourself out from the drug or alcohol user's problem as far as you can, and actually look for support for yourself. We very much believe that if a family member can get strength and support, information, advice, peer support from another organisation, from a self-help group for example, then they're far more likely to be able to deal with the problem because they have to say, "I can only help and support this person that I love who's changed such a lot if I'm strong and capable myself." Drug and alcohol users will go through what is described as a cycle of change. It's really important that family members understand that cycle so they can identify at which stage the drug user is at. Users can be at any stage between denial through to wanting to change, seeking help to change, accepting change and coming through. It's very easy to focus so much on the drug or alcohol user that everybody else gets sidelined, so at a really simple level, ensuring that family routines and rituals are maintained. The other end of the extreme is that there is specialist support available for a whole family if that's what the family chooses to do. Drug and alcohol problems can affect any family. It's perfectly natural to feel guilty about it, but don't ever assume that it's your fault. Transcript taken from: