REQUIREMENTS FOR CLOSING THE COURSE TEACHING PRACTICE SPECIFIC 1. 100% presence on two seminars: on 3^rd October from 10:00 to 11:30 on 28 ^th November from 10:00 to 11:30 in Consultation room (n.3016) on Department Primary Pedagogy. 2. Read the Framework Curriculum for Preschool Education. 3. Arrange terms of practice with the director of the kindergarten, Mrs. Fürstovou, e-mail: Information about kindergarten can be found at It is necessary to arrange 3 visits by 6 hours. During practice you should observe situation in kindergarten, then prepare presentation about your reflection of practice. There are reflexion lists in Information system (IS), whose should help you to observe. It is needed to fulfill document "Evaluation Practice" by teacher in kindergarten. 4. Make presentation about your reflection of practice. Lucie Grůzová Department Primary education