SZ6600 The Introduction into Education and Psychology THE INTRODUCTION INTO EDUCATION – MGR. KATEŘINA LOJDOVÁ, PH.D. THE INTRODUCTION INTO PSYCHOLOGY - PROF. PHDR. MICHAELA BUCKOVÁ, PH.D. The Introduction into Education The Introduction into Education Wednesdays: 12:05–12:50 (20. 9., 4. 10., 18. 10., 1. 11., 15. 11., 29. 11. a 13. 12.), room 34 The Introduction into Psychology Wednesdays: 11:10–11:55, room 34 Exercise: Wednesdays: 13:00–13:45 (20. 9., 4. 10., 18. 10., 1. 11., 15. 11., 29. 11. a 13. 12.) Final exam – test Lesson 1: Definiton of educational sciences A Brief history of education Educational sciences What is the subject of educational sciences? Subject: educational reality Educational reality includes its: •determinants •process •outcomes •effects Discuss: Educational sciences x Pedagogy Pedagogy - etymology from Greek paidagogos: "slave who escorts boys to school and generally supervises them“ What are the up-to date topics of educational sciences? Find out in educational journals: Bring one topic to the next lesson (4th October) Czech educational journals: Pedagogika: Pedagogická orientace: Studia paedagogica: Orbis Scholae: A brief historical overview up to the end of the 19th century, pedagogical thoughts were totally embeded in Philoshopy (cf. Plato, Aristotle, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke…) Reading: Emile, or On Education Jon Amos Comenius (1592 – 1670) - formulated the general theory of education reading: Didactica Magna german philoshopher Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776 –1841) can be considered as a founder of pedagogy as an academic discipline G. A. Lindner (1828-1887) the first professor of pedagogy at the Czech CharlesFerdinand University, since 1882 John Dewey (1859 – 1952) an american philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer A brief historical overview Normative Pedagogy vs. Eploratory Pedagogy Normative theories of education provide the norms, goals, and standards of education. From the twentieth century onwards, empirical research became one of the constitutive elements of educational science. The turn of the paradigm? Set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field. ◦ Read: Kuhn: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Educationalal sciences educational research is often conceived as the interdisciplinary study of educational processes and practices Educationalal sciences: History of Education Didactics Comparative Education Special Education Sociology of education Educational psychology Economics of education Discuss interdisiciplinarity of educational sciences: Philosophy History Sociology Psychology