Present continuous •form •am/is/are + -ing •We are studying English. • • Present continuous •I am studying • •you are studying • •he/she/it is studying •we are studying • •you are studying • •they are studying Present continuous •negative •am/is/are not + -ing • •We are not watching TV. = We aren’t watching TV. • •question •přehození slovosledu (podmět až za slovesem ‘be’) •Are you watching TV? •Yes, we are. •No, we aren’t. • • Present continuous •use: 1.právě teď probíhající děje •We are sitting in the classroom now. 1. 2.děje probíhající v této době/dočasné děje (this month, this year) •I am staying at the hotel this week. •I am reading an interesting book. • 3.zařízené aktivity v budoucnosti •She is flying to New York at 3 pm tomorrow. • • • • • • • • • • Present simple •form •3rd person singular -s •I play tennis every day. •She plays tennis every day. • •fly – it flies •have – she has •teach – he teaches • • • Present simple •use: 1.obecné pravdy •The earth goes round the sun. 2.opakující se děje •I usually get up at 7 o’clock. 3.trvalé stavy •He works as a doctor. 4.budoucí děje, které jsou podle řádů nebo programů •The film starts at 6 o’clock tomorrow. • Present simple slovesy, která vyjadřují stavy •know, understand, need •I don’t know the answer. • • •She has a new mobile phone. X She is having dinner. • • • Present simple •1. How often do you cry? •2. How often do you do the shopping on Saturday? •3. How often do you go to work/school by tram? •4. How often do you practice sports? •5. How often do you wake up in the middle of the night? •6. How often do you travel abroad? •7. How often do you go to church? •8. How often do you use the Internet? • Present simple – I play tennis every day./She plays tennis every day. •negative – subject + don’t/doesn’t + verb •I don’t play tennis every day. •She doesn’t play tennis every day. • •question – do/does + subject + verb •Do you play tennis every day? •Does she play tennis every day? Question words •who •what •which •when •where •why •how Question words •S kým hraješ tenis? •Who do you play tennis with? • •O jakou práci žádá Jana? •Which job is Jana applying for? •What are your duties and responsibilities at work? • •Do you like your job? • •What would you like to change about your job? Articles •1. a/an •počitatelná podst. jm. v j.č. •a) zmiňujeme je poprvé •I bought a new car yesterday. •b) nejsou blíže specifikována •Can I borrow an umbrella? •b) někoho nebo něco charakterizujeme •She is a doctor. • • Articles •2. the •poč. i nepoč. podst. jm., jednotné i množné číslo •a) blíže specifikovaná v kontextu •Who is the woman sitting next to you? •Can you pass me the salt, please? •b) jedinečné věci •the sun •c) 3. stupeň příd. jm. a řadové číslovky •the best, the thirst •d) názvy hudebních nástrojů •play the guitar •e) s přídavnými jmény – označují skupinu lidí •the rich, the ill • • • • • Articles •3. without an article •poč. podst. jm. v mn.č. a nepoč. podst. jm. •pokud o nich mluvíme obecně •Cats drink milk. • • • • •COUNTABLE NOUNS • •both singular and plural forms •use of a/an/the • •1. hodně •a lot of, lots of •many (questions, negatives, after too and so) •2. několik •a few •3. málo •few •UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS • •only a singular form •use of some/the • •1. hodně •a lot of, lots of •much (questions, negatives, after too and so) •2. nějaké •a little •3. málo •little Uncountable nouns - exceptions •homework •money •information •advice •knowledge •news SOME/ANY/NO •some •positive statements •There is some milk in the fridge. •requests or offers •Can I have some milk? •Would you like some milk? •any •negative sentences •She doesn’t have any brothers. •questions •Do you have any luggage? • SOME/ANY/NO •any •positive statements •You can catch any bus. They all go to the centre. •no •makes the sentence negative •She has no brothers. •