Special Education in International Perspectives
LECTURE 5 - workshop
date: 8.11.2018
time: 16-17:50
place: room 24, Poříčí 31
Thomas Spaett, Markus Heinzl-Mania and their students from the University of Würzburg (Germany)
and Ivana Márová, Dana Zámečníková (Masaryk university, Faculty of Education, Brno, Czech Republic)
Topics of the workshop
- Way of living of people with disabilities
- Accessability
- Speech and swallowing therapy for children and adults after traumatic brain injury and stroke
- Sustainable Learner-centred Teaching - Advanced Resources for Georgia and China - STAR Project
Speech and swallowing therapy for children and adults after traumatic brain injury and stroke
The supply speech and swallowing therapy for children and adults in Germany, takes place in neurologic clinical environment (stroke unit)
and afterwards in a Speech therapy practice and continued in special schools for children. Some adults are involved in reintegration activities
n the job. However very few clinics are geared to children meanwhile adults nowdays have a wide range of options.
Starting from medical diagnostics and a linguistic and swallowing diagnostic carried out by (academic) speech therapist, the clients are
entitled to get speech/swallowing therapy based on a treatment plan inthe areas of language, speech and swallow at the interface between
doctors / occupational therapists / physiotherapists. The acute phase, consolidation phase and compensation phase will be described in more
detail. The subsequent pedagogical or occupational reintegration measures are briefly presented.
Sustainable Learner-centred Teaching - Advanced Resources for Georgia and China - STAR Project
The project focuses on professional development of higher education teachers in the area of innovative pedagogical approaches. The key objective is to address the shortcomings in higher education across Georgia and China by systematically engaging HEIs in new practices with a learner-centred focus.