Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Karel Pančocha Definition: §No consensus §Disturbed behavior is a social construct §Criterion ? IDEA definition: §ED is a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects educational performance: §An inability to learn which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory and health factors §An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers §Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances (depression, physical symptoms) §The term includes schizophrenia §Does not apply to children that are socially maladjusted 3 conditions must be met: §Chronicity §Severity §Difficulty in school Characteristics: §Children with E/BD behave significantly beyond the norms of their cultural and age group §Externalizing behaviors §Internalizing behaviors Externalizing behaviors: §Antisocial, aggressive §Manifestation in the classroom §Aggressive – verbal abuse, vandalism, destructiveness, physical attacks on others §Children with EB are seldom liked, difficulties to establish friendship Internalizing Behaviors: §Too little social interaction with others §Anxiety, mood disorder §Lack social skills to make friends, have fun, often retreat to dreams and fantasies § less distracting to classroom teachers §Danger of self-inflicted injury, suicidal behavior, starvation, etc. Academic achievement: §Usually perform one or two years bellow grade level academically §Strong correlation between low academic achievement and behavioral problems Intelligence: §Difficult to say, whether the real intelligence is lower §Behavioral problems has interfered with past opportunity to learn many necessary skills Social skills: §Great difficulties in making and maintaining friends §Ability to develop and maintain personal relationships is an important predictor of future adjustment Gender: §Vast majority boys §Girls: §Internalizing disorders §Anxiety, social withdrawal §Boys: §Externalizing behaviors §Antisocial, aggressive