SPp003 Inclusive Education (SG1)

Inclusion - What does it mean?


   The aim of the chapter is to reflect own understanding of the term Inclusion and define the terms which are connected with the Inclusion from the student´s perspectiv e. 



   Create a MindMap in your group which will consisted of terms defined by you as those the most connected with the central theme - Inclusion.


   Questions for group discussion:


·       How would you define Inclusion in one word? 

·       Are there any synonyms which come to your mind in connection with the term Inclusion?

·       Are there any opposite terms which come to your mind in connection with the term Inclusion?


   The MindMap will be presented during the seminar by the whole group (lenght - 20 minutes). From each group two students will become facilitators  (further information concerning the role of the facilitator is consisted in General Information).


    The Dog who was a Cat inside
