91 wickedpkw BEFORE READING 1 Napoleon is an important person in the story The Count of Monte Cristo. Complete this information about him with the words in the box. Use a dictionary to help you. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 in Corsica. He agreed with the French Revolution of 1789, and the (a)..................of King Louis XVI In 1804 Napoleon became (b) ..................of France and by 1807 France had a large Empire in Europe. But then Napoleon became unpopular. In 1812 he sent his (c) ..................into Russia, where the hard winter killed many of his soldiers. In 1814 he lost the (d) .................. of Leipzig and was sent away to the island of Elba in the Mediterranean. After that, the (e)..................in France made Louis XVI's brother, Louis XVIII, the new king of France (Louis XVI's son, Louis XVII, had died as a boy in prison.) Early in 1815 Napoleon (f) ..................from Elba and returned to France. The French army welcomed him as the Emperor of France and Louis XVIII left Paris. Later Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo. He was (g) ..................to the island of Saint Helena in the south Atlantic and Louis XVIII returned to Paris. Napoleon died on Saint Helena six years later. 2 Th.s story begins in 1815. Do these people from the story support the King, or Napoleon, or both? Write your answer. a Monsieur Villefort, the crown prosecutor........... b Renee Saint-Meran, the daughter of a rich, old family '.. c Monsieur Noirtier, an old soldier .. army banished battle Emperor escaped execution royalists [Cj\ n February 24th 1815, a ship called the Pharaon sailed into Marseille, the largest port in the south of France. People ran to the waterside to welcome it. because the arrival of a ship is always a great excitement in Marseille, especially if it belongs to an owner from the town. A young man was standing on the deck, watching the sails and giving careful orders to the sailors. He was between eighteen and twenty years old, tall, with line dark eyes and fair hair. His calm face showed thai danger meanl nothing to him. The ship's owner, Monsieur Morrel, could not wait for the ship to arrive in port, and jumped into a small boat. 'Take me to the PharaonV he ordered his men, and soon he was on the ship's deck. 'Welcome home, Dantes!' he said to the young man. 'But where is Captain Leclere?' 'It's very sad. Monsieur,' replied Edmond Dantes, taking ofThis hat. 'We lost our good captain between Naples and Rome.' 'And the cargo?' asked the owner worriedly. port a town with a harbour, where ships can come in to land deck the floor of a ship Monsieur /ma'sjs:/ the French word for 'Mr' cargo the things that a ship carries The Pharaon sailed into Marseille. funeral the time when a dead person is put under the ground hatred a feeling of great dislike confident sure of yourself emperor king of a big country or a group of countries 'It's all safe. Monsieur. But poor Captain Leclere died very suddenly, after a short illness. We gave him a sailor's funeral, and there he rests, on the Mediterranean seabed.' 'Well, we all have to die at some time. As long as the cargo—* 'All is well with it. Monsieur. But here is Monsieur Danglars, who takes care of that side of things. You can ask him.' The owner turned to a man of about twenty-five, with a dark, unsmiling face. The sailors hated him as much as they loved Dantes. 'Well. Monsieur,' said Danglars. 'You've heard the bad news.' 'Yes. yes. poor Captain Leclere. A fine, honest man.' 'And an excellent sailor, just the kind of man for an important company like Morrel and Son,' answered Danglars. 'Yes. although it's good to see that Dantes can take the captain's place so well,' said Morrel. watching Edmond. 'Well.' said Danglars, looking at Dantes with hatred in his eyes, 'he's young and confident. But he made us lose a day and a half by stopping at the island of Elba, for no good reason.' Did he?' replied Morrel. surprised. 'That was wrong of him. Dantes!' he called. 'Come over here! I'd like a word with you.' the young man came closer. 'Yes. Monsieur?' he asked. 'I wanted to ask why you stopped at the island of Elba.' 'Monsieur, I had to obey Captain Leclere's last order. As he lay dying, he told me to take a letter to the Emperor Napoleon, who's living on Elba, and that's what I did.' 'Young man,' said Morrel. 'you did well to obey your captain, but perhaps you'll get into trouble for it. The King and his friends will be angry if they hear you've taken a letter to their worst enemy.' 'I only obeyed an order. Is that all. Monsieur?' 'I think the Emperor gave him a letter to take to someone in Paris.' Danglars whispered in the shipowner's ear. T - I saw it!' Ml' Dantes has a letter, he'll tell me about it.' replied Morrel confidently. Dantes. you're free to go now. Can you come and have dinner at my house this evening?' 'Thank you for your kind invitation. Monsieur, but the lirst thing I must do is visit my father. He's an old man now.' 'You're a good son. Dantes. And you have another person to visit perhaps? A lover? The beautiful Mercedes?' 'We are not lovers, Monsieur.' the young man replied seriously. 'She is my fiancee. We hope to marry very soon.' 'Well, go now. Dantes. and in three months' time, come back to see me. The Pharaon will be ready for the next trip.' and Morrel put his hand on Edmond's shoulder, 'with its new captain.' 'Oh Monsieur!' cried Edmond in delight. Thank you a thousand times! It's my dearest wish!' And with this wonderful news in his head, the young man walked quickly away from the waterside and into the narrow streets of the old town. Soon he came to a small house and hurried up the dark stairs to his father's room. Here he spent several hours with his father, making sure that the old man had everything that he needed. Then Edmond hurried out of Marseille, towards a fishing village. Mercedes, a lovely young girl with dark hair and beautiful soft eyes, was standing in her living room, looking dreamily out of the window at the sea. She was thinking of Edmond. Behind her a tall young man was speaking to her. fiancee the woman that a man has promised to marry delight a feeling of great happiness Mercedes was thinking of Edmond. cousin the son or daughter of your uncle or aunt wine a red or white alcoholic drink made from 'Please. Mercedes.' he was saying, 'think about our wedding! You know how much I love you! Give me your answer!' 'You've had it a hundred times, Femand.' the girl replied. 'I love you like a brother, but my heart belongs to another man.' 'But I've dreamed of being your husband for ten years, Mercedes! Don't take away that hope! Say 'yes' to me!' 'Femand. I love Edmond Dantes! I will marry no other man!' 'Perhaps he'll die! Or perhaps he's forgotten you!' 'Mercedes!' cried a happy voice outside. 'Mercedes!' 'Ah!' cried the girl, running to the door in delight. 'You see, he hasn't forgotten me! Edmond, I'm here!' Suddenly, Edmond and Mercedes were in each other's arms. At first, their happiness cut them off from the rest of the world, and they saw nothing of what was around them. Bui then Edmond noticed Femand, who had a dangerous-looking knife in his left hand. 'Who is this?' Edmond asked Mercedes. 'He will be your best friend. Edmond, because he's my very dear cousin. This is Femand.' Edmond smiled and put out his hand, but Fernand, his face dark and full of hatred, did not move. Mercedes stepped forward. 'Femand, put that knife away, and remember this,' she said, her eyes shining angrily. 'If anything happens to Edmond, I shall kill myself. Now you're going to shake hands with him like a friend.' Slowly Fernand offered his right hand, but as soon as Edmond touched it. he ran out of the house. 'What can I do, what can I do?' Fernand cried wildly. 'Stop a minute!' called Danglars. who was sitting under a tree with a bottle of wine. 'You look unhappy. Have a drink with me.' Without really knowing what he was doing. Fernand sat down on the grass and drank the wine. 'So your lovely cousin Mercedes has decided, has she?' said Danglars. 'She's going to marry Edmond Dantes, is she?' 'Yes. and I can't stop it!" cried Fernand angrily. 'But you can if you want to, my friend,' said Danglars. 'Let me show you what to do. Just write a short letter to Monsieur Villefort, the crown prosecutor. In the letter you say that Dantes is an enemy of our King, because he's visited the wicked Napoleon on the island of Elba, and even carries a letter from him. You see? It's easy!' 'But if I do that, Edmond will die!' 'Who knows? Perhaps he'll go to prison. But what does it matter? You'll have the lovely Mercedes!' And to himself. Danglars was thinking. 'This will stop Dantes becoming captain of the PharaonV Danglars' wicked plan worked well. The next day was Edmond's wedding day. but just as he and Mercedes were getting ready to go to the church, Edmond was arrested. Danglars smiled to himself as he watched the police take the young man away. I crown prosecutor the person whose job is to show that people are criminals wicked very bad Edmond was arrested. READING CHECK Choose the best words to complete the sentences. a On February 24th 1815... 1 3 Napoleon gives Edinond Dantes a letter. 2 [ 1 the captain ot the Pharcon - Lee, ere - dies. 3 K the Pnarann amves in Marseille. b Oantes toon a .erier te Napoleon on Elba because 1 U he had to follow Captain Leclerc's orders. Z □ he is a f-iend of the old Emperor 3 Z2 he was paid for takmg it. c Monsieur Morrel wants fcdmund to 1 D be tie next captain of the Pharavn J D get into trouble. 3 IJ visit Mercedes d The frst thing Edrrond does in Marssille is to . 1 C go to Monsieur Morrels house for dinner. 2 [_ visit his father I □ visit the beautiful Mercedes, a When Edtrond goes lo visit Mercedes, she is . 1 □ alone 2 □ angry with Edmond 3 D with Fcmand, who wants to marry ner. f Danglars dcesn't want 1 □ Edmond to be the rew captain yf the Pbaraon 2 □ Fernand In be unhappy I □ Mercedes to marry ld*nond. t Edmonc is arrested because . 1 L71 Oanglars wrote a letter to V.llefort 2 □ Fernand wrote a letter to Villefort 3 □ Murrel wrote a letter to V.lletort. WORD WORK 1 Correct the boxed words in these sentences. a Beaujo'ais is tic name of a famous F-ench red lini' . .w'.i.TiS . b Marseil'c is a part m the south of France................. o Edmond Dantes is standing on the Beck of the Pharaon wnen it arrives........ d Dangtars thinks of a very picked plan........ ......... * People in Europe oten wear black to go to a funnel ................... 2 Find words in the knives (o complete the sentences. a Napoleon was the Emperor of France romcrp just before the story begins, b Mceedes is Edmond's f___ _ r.iniea c Fernand is Mercedes'c_____. nosiu d ViMefort is the c____ worn trcsuroco p_____ __ in Marseille a Mcr"el is the owner of ire Ptiarcon eaor and its n____, x I Danglers is Edmund's enemy, he feels only h_____forhim radtc g Edmond is a very c________ young man fontiend h Me-cedes cries w.th d______when she sees Edmond thelig GUESS WHAT What do you think happens in the next chapter? Tick three boxes. a Q Villefort speaks to Edmond d Edmond goes to pr.son. b □ Villefort tnmka that Edmond is a criminal, a Q Mercedes marries Edmond C D Edmond can go free. f Q Napoleon becomes Emperor