Project A A Book Review 1 Circle the words to complete the sentences. a The Count of Monte Cristo is a real a historical adventure a ghost story, b The story takes place mostly in Italy Greece France . c It happens during the time of Napoleon Joan of Arc Asterix the Gaul -d The story is about Andrea Cavalcanti Edmond Dantes Father Faria getting revenge on Danglars, Fernand, and Villefort for sending him to prison, e There is another story in the book about the Count of Monte Cristo helping Albert and Eugenie Maximilien and Valentine Valentine and Franz to marry, f The main person in the story is Sinbad the Sailor Lord Wilmore Edmond Dantes who puts on different disguises at different times. g I thought the book was dull difficult to get into readable a real page-turner unputdownable excellent . 2 Match the words with the definitions. Use a dictionary to help you. a .................... the writer . .■ - - b .................... when a story happens c .................... where a story happens genre d .................... the most important part novel of the story e .................... a less important part of author the story period f .................... a person in a story zrr^i , plot g .................... a long story that fills a ' 9'K.aboy+ .-their wedding, b Don't ask me about that any more, Fernand,' said Mercedes. c 'Shake hands with Edmond like a friend,' she said to Fernand. d 'Write a short letter to Villefort,' Danglars said to Fernand. e 'Please get me out of here!' Edmond said to the prison inspector, f Please come and visit me in my cell,' the priest said to Edmond. g 'Take the treasure and use it for yourself, Edmond,' said the priest, h 'Set the young man free,' Luigi Vampa said to his men. 77 GRAMMAR CHECK Present Simple passive and Past Simple passive We use the passive when we are interested in a situation or an action, rather than in the person who does the action. Edmond is kept in prison for a long time. (= we don't know who keeps him there.) We make the Present Simple passive with am/is/are + past participle form of the verb. Haydee is sold as a slave. Morrel's debts are all paid. We make the Past Simple passive with was/were + past participle form of the verb. In 1815, Napoleon was banished to the island of Saint Helena. 2 Complete the text. Use the Present Simple passive or the Past Simple passive form of the verbs in brackets. Mu nearest Mercedes, I don't know j ljou will ever read this letter. When I a ~) ytQ$. see \(llejort hie crown prosecutor, and \c~)...............G*sk} to hand over the letter that I was carrruirij. I ttiink thatdie envelope A}...............(duress ) to \oa\ ay\A I h}...............Crow} out to die Cliafeau d'lf - you know, where all the dangerous criminals 0...............Clock up}/ Now IJ}...............Cshut} in a cell here.' I know that nokody k }............... C let out} cj this prison. Its dark auA co\A, auA I 1}...............C^r've} only dry UeAA to eat every day. I m}...............Cwatch) carefully k-y the^uar^s, to stop me escaping. Mayke I'll never see you a^ain.' 3ur ever-loving CI. 78 GRAMMAR CHECK Modal auxiliary verbs: must, may, and can't We use must + be when we think that something is true. That must be Morrel's ship sailing in. I recognize its sails! We use may + be when we think that there is a possibility that something is true, but we are not sure. Fernand may be a friend of Edmond's, but I don't think he is. We use can't + be when we think that something is not true. This letter can't be for Monsieur Villefort. The address at the front is not his! 3 Complete Edmonds thoughts in the story. Use must, may, or can't. a This ..C-CVO.t.. be right! I haven't committed any crime! b in prison for just a few days, or perhaps a little longer. c I can hear a noise in the wall. another prisoner. I'm sure it is. d The here yet, so I still have time to get into Father Faria's sack. e They're throwing me into the sea! what they call the graveyard of the Chateau d'lfl f The men on that smugglers, but I'm not sure. g married by now, but I don't know if she is. h My Danglars, Fernand, and Villefort. I know that they were the people who put me in prison, i This be the right place for the caves. I haven't reached the twentieth rock yet. j Look at all that treasure! enough here to make me one of the richest men in the world! 79 GRAMMAR CHECK Gerund with sense verbs The gerund Hng form) is the noun form of a verb. To make the gerund, we usually add -ing to the verb, but when a verb ends in consonant + -e, we remove the e and add -ing. sail - sailing ride - riding We use the gerund after sense verbs - such as see, watch, hear, listen, and feel -to show that the action we are observing or experiencing is continuing. / saw Napoleon giving Edmond a letter Somebody heard Danglars making a plan with Fernand. Edmond didn't want anybody to watch him finding the treasure. Lord Wilmore listened to Monsieur Boville talking about Morrel's debts. Maximilien drank the count's medicine and felt himself dying. 4 Complete the sentences. Use the -ing form of the verbs in the box. i- look shudder talk laugh shake ask have make tell -Ecier-" a Albert and his friends watched the count ..©XYheriy^Q. the room. b They all saw the count...............hands with Maximilien c The count heard the idea of Albert being in danger. d Albert's friends listened to him...............the story of his kidnap e The count saw him with great interest. f The count heard Albert...............about Baron Danglars. g For a while, the count listened to the young men...............conversation. h Fernand did not see the count...............lunch with Albert and his friends. i Mercedes did not hear the count...............Albert who he was planning to marry. j Albert saw his mother...............and thought she was ill. GRAMMAR CHECK Suffixes: -ly, -ily, -en, -ful, -ed, -d, -er, and -or We can add the suffixes -ly or -ily to an adjective to make some adverbs. Morrel's daughter speaks gratefully to the count. Edmond looks dreamily at the gold and jewels in his hands, (dreamy -y + ily) We can add the suffix -en to an adjective to make some verbs. The sky darkened as the sailors watched. Waiting maddened them. We can add the suffixes -ful, -ed, and -d to a verb or noun to make some adjectives. Lord Wilmore is very helpful to the Morrel family. Edmond is delighted when he finds the treasure. He is excited at the thought of escaping. We can add the suffixes -or or -er to a verb or noun to make words for people. Villefort, the crown prosecutor, tells the police officers to take Edmond away. 5 Complete the text. Use the words in brackets with the suffixes in the box. You must use some suffixes more than once and make some spelling changes. --1 -ily -ful -en -er -ed Soon after Fernand arrived in the Upper House, he realized that everybody was looking a) ..^DQr'.!}.. (angry) at him. He was asked to say b)............... (honest) whether he had had anything to do with Ali Pasha's murder. He stood up c) ............... (slow). He was d) ............... (hope) that he could lie to them e) ............... (confident). But f)............... (sudden) a g) ............... (beauty) girl spoke from the public seats. Everyone turned to look at her, h) ...............(surprise). 'Traitor!' she cried i) ...............(loud) and j)...............(excited). You took the enemy's gold and helped them k) ............... (cruel) to kill my father, AN Pasha! You're a I) ............... (murder)! You m) ............... (short) his life and n) ............... (sad) his family for ever'' Fernand said nothing. He felt ashamed and he left the House o) ............... (unhappy) because he knew that she was telling the truth. GRAMMAR CHECK Present Perfect Continuous and Past Simple We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show that a past action or activity is still continuing. To make the Present Perfect Continuous, we use the has/have + been + -ing verb form. 'Edmond has been visiting Mercedes,' Fernand said angrily. 'I've been expecting you!' Edmond told the prison inspector. We use the Past Simple to talk about actions that are finished. We often use the Past Simple with time expressions such as yesterday, last week, and a few months ago. Madame Danglars saw the count's new horses yesterday. The count saved Albert from the bandits several days ago. 6 Complete the text. Use the Present Perfect Continuous or Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. / can't believe it - my dear Valentine is dead! I a.) ,.bpcse that, recently, he j)............... (think) of other things. Ail today, the women servants k)............... (prepare) Valentine's body - and now ske's in her coffin. It's too horrible to think of! I know that they I)............... (pray) for her all day, tot. I can still hear their prayers. My life's worth nothing now. In fact, I m)............... (wonder) whether to put an end to it all - I'm. still thinking about it. GRAMMAR CHECK Past Perfect: affirmative We use the Past Perfect when we are already talking about the past (using the Past Simple) and we want to talk about an action that happened earlier in the past, before the Past Simple action. To make the Past Perfect, we use had + past participle. By the time he escaped, Edmond had been in prison for fourteen years. We often use when + Past Simple in a sentence containing the Past Perfect. Mercedes had lost all hope of seeing Edmond again when she married Fernand. We often use time expressions - such as by that time, already, and by then - with the Past Perfect. 7 Complete the sentences. Use the Past Perfect or Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. a Valentine's grandfather . POAde (make) it clear that he had murdered, (murder) Franz's father in 1815. b Albert............... (find out) that his father............... (accept) money from the enemy. c It was clear that Andrea Cavalcanti...............(commit) a murder some time before when the police at last............... (arrest) him. d People............... (go) to look for Eugenie Danglars, but by then, she.............. (left) to travel round Europe with a friend, e Fernand ............... (shoot) himself because everybody......,........ (realize) by that time that he was a traitor. f When Maximilian............... (hear) that Valentine...............(die), he ...............(think) that his life...............(end). g The Count of Monte Cristo............... (begin) to think that he............... (already/have) his revenge.