Modal Verbs I Form and use: Ø Modals do not take a final –s, even when the subject is she, he, it (She can do it.). The only exception is have to: She has to do it. Ø Modals have the same form in all persons. Ø Modals are followed immediately by the simple form of a verb (= infinitive). (She can do it.) Ø There is NO do or does in questions or negative phrases. When we want to make a question we just change the word order. (She can do it. – Can she do it? – She cannot do it.) The only exception is have to: Does she have to do it? – She doesn’t have to do it. Modal verbs Czech eqv. Use can / can’t ability (=>schopnost): Sue can dance quite well but she can’t sing. permission (=>povolení): You can’t come in here. Can we go home now? must need not necessity/obligation (=> nutnost/povinnost): You must clean your room. lack of necessity (=> není to nutné) He needn’t come in person, he can send an email. have to don’t have to necessity/obligation (=> nutnost, povinnost): You can’t turn right. You have to turn left. it’s not necessary (=> není to nutné): We don’t have to arrive on time. mustn‘t you can’t do st. because it’s prohibited (=> zákaz): You must keep it a secret. You mustn’t tell anyone. should /shouldn’t something is/isn’t a good idea to do (to give advice, to make a suggestion) (=> rada, návrh): You look tired. You should go to bed. would / wouldn’t a hypothetical action or event in the present (=>hypotetická možnost v přítomnosti): I would go there if I had time. (But I don’t have it.) may / may not might / might not (carries less probability than “may”) it’s (not) possible (=>možnost): see Modals II – Degrees of certainty It may/might be true. I’m not sure whether I can lend you any money. I may not have enough. formal permission (=>”smím”): May we leave the room? – Yes, you may. PRACTICE 1 Complete the sentences. Use must, mustn’t, don’t/doesn’t have to. 1 We haven’t got much time. We __________ hurry. 2 We have enough food at home so we __________ go shopping today. 3 Jim gave me a letter to post yesterday. I __________ remember to post it today. 4 Jim gave me a letter to post yesterday. I __________ forget to post it today. 5 There is plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You __________ decide now. 6 Jane __________ wash those tomatoes. They’ve already been washed. 7 This is a valuable book. You __________ look after it carefully and you __________ lose it. 8 “What sort of house do you want to buy?“ “Well, it __________ be big, that’s not important. But it __________ have a nice garden, because I love flowers.“ 2 Complete the sentences. Use mustn’t or don’t have to. 1 The windows aren’t very dirty. You __________ clean them. 2 Keep these documents in a safe place. You __________ lose them. 3 We __________ forget to turn off the lights before we leave. 4 I __________ write the letter now. I can do it tomorrow. 3 Choose the correct completion according to the meaning. 1 She got the job because she __________ speak five languages. a. must b. can 2 A: “I have a toothache.” B: “You __________ go to a doctor.” a. would b. should 3 They __________ finish the bridge in time for the holiday traffic though I’m a bit sceptical about it. a. might b. would 4 I __________ go any farther. I am exhausted. a. cannot b. may not 5 If you asked me nicely, I __________ buy you that sweater. a. may b. would 6 You __________ make so much noise. He is trying to concentrate. a. wouldn’t b. shouldn’t 4 Translate the sentences using suitable modal verbs. Czech English 1 Můj bratr neumí lyžovat. 2 Možná bude odpoledne pršet. 3 Měl bys mu zavolat. 4 Nemusíš odpovídat na ten email, já to udělám. 5 Navštívil bys mne až budu v nemocnici? 6 Musíš se rozhodnout dnes. 7 Můžeme jet na hory? 8 Nesmíte zde kouřit. 9 Neměl bys tam chodit. 10 Jana si bude si muset najít novou práci.