Having a conversation A: What did you do at the weekend? B: Not much, you? A: Same. Does that mean that we’re...boring? B: Maybe. I’m not boring. I just didn’t want to do anything. A: Why? B: I wanted to stay at home and check that my school website was perfect! A: Actually that is quite a fun and interesting way to spend your weekend.. Having a conversation Karel Gott’s greatest hits Chicken The weekend Pets Things in your kitchen The last time you went to Prague Why svíčková is disgusting Listen and respond Ask questions Show that you are interested Feign enthusiasm Body language Tackling the Issues Previously... Describe a word from the table - don’t say the word! Your partner guesses the word. Switch roles. Victim Pinch Kick the habit Addiction Cyberbullying Assault Slap Burnout Name calling Issue Truancy Seek professional help Reading 1. Truancy - compare answers with partner 2. Poverty - compare answers with partner Bullying - a closer look 1. Why were they bullied? 2. How did they stop the bullying? https://player.vimeo.com/video/187224316 Truancy - a closer look 1. What effect can truancy have on a pupil’s overall grade? 2. What can parents do if their child misses school? 3. What truancy related issues doesn’t the video talk about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXhNluZQvP4 Poverty - a closer look Use the video and your homework notes to answer the question: 1. How can poverty affect learning? https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=M81okCG3wsk Addiction - a closer look 1. Why did the rat in the cage overdose and kill itself? 2. Why didn’t the ‘rat heaven’ participants overdose and kill themselves? 3. How can we use the results from the experiment in school? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8AHODc6phg&feature=youtu.be Tackling the issues ● School groups ● Decide on an issue - truancy, addiction, bullying, poverty ● Decided - open and follow relevant document in Chris’ Groups ● Individual research - take notes - time: ○ Statistics - for CZ ideally, otherwise RotW ○ Programmes you like - which countries/types of school/what results? ○ Programmes you think wouldn’t work well in CZ - why? What would need to change to make it work? ● Group - consolidate and construct - time: ○ Follow the instructions on the second slide ○ Detail and precision are key!