Field trial version Supplementary MACS level identification chart To be used together with the MACS leaflet No Does the child handle most kinds of objects independently? Does the child perform even difficult manual tasks with fair speed and accuracy and does not need to use alternative ways of performance? Level II Handles most objects but with somewhat reduced quality and/or speed of achievement. May avoid some tasks or use alternative ways of performance. Level I Handles objects easily and successfully. At most limitations in the ease of performing manual tasks requiring speed and accuracy. Yes Yes Does the child perform a number of manual tasks which commonly need to be adapted or prepared, and help is only needed occasionally? Level III Handles objects with difficulty, needs help to prepare and/or modify activities. Does the child handle some easy to handle objects if frequently supported? Level IV Handles a limited selection of easily manage objects in adapted situations, requires continuos support. No Yes Yes No No Level V Does not handle objects and has severely limited ability to perform even simple actions. Requires total assistance.