School education: organisational information Thematic areas to study u1. School education as a key discipline of the teaching profession. u2. Educational and curricular policy, curricular documents. u3. Teaching methods and forms. u4. Educational and school system, school as an institution and organization. u5. Development of the Czech school. School for the future: the future for school. u6. School as a learning organization: evaluation, development, quality. u7. Textbooks and other didactic media. u8. Assessment of pupil performance: forms and assessment requirements. u9. Teaching: teaching and learning, actors and instruction processes. u10. Curriculum: aims and contents. Contents of school education and their transformation. u11. Evaluation of pupils‘ learning process and pupils' results - types and functions. Exam uFull-time students will be allowed to take exam only after they are granted credits from the seminar. uOn the exam day, students first pass a written test. Successful completion on the same day is followed by an oral examination on the same day. uWhen being evaluated with an F mark from either written or oral part of the exam, the student is obliged to apply for a correction term and take both parts of the exam again. uTaking the oral exam, the student draws three questions and proves knowledge and orientation in all areas of school education (theory and practice of school, theory and practice of instruction, theory and practice of curriculum). Portfolio task u1. Study the SEP of the selected school and characterize the declared principles / strategies on which the school builds the SEP. u2. Choose one thematic unit within one year of the selected school type and find out how the school curriculum delimits the curriculum and outcomes for one of your subjects and how it corresponds with the philosophy of education by Pasche et al. u3. Perform didactic analysis of the curriculum of the selected thematic unit (concepts, learning tasks, cross-curricular relations). u4. Formulate general objectives for the selected thematic unit. u5. Schedule the whole unit into several lessons. u6. For each teaching unit, formulate sub-objectives derived from the more general objectives and propose the activities (learning tasks) and the assessment methods accordingly. u7. Based on your practical experience, consider teaching with regard to pupils' capabilities (e.g. gifted pupils, with SEN). uOrganize your outputs clearly into one file in MS Word format, giving your name. Do not forget to use citations. Submit the assignment to the appropriate Homework vaults folder (the date will be specified by the teacher). Literature and sources to study uPasch, M., et al.(1995). Teaching as Decision Making. Addison-Wesley: Longman. uPasch, M., et al. (1998). Od vzdělávacího programu k vyučovací hodině.Praha: Portál. Kniha je k dispozici v knihovnách MU. (for students who will be taking final exams in Czech and will need to acknowledge Czech terminology) uPetty, G. (2009). Evidence-based teaching. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.