Katedra pedagogiky Teacher in the Role of Diagnostician Pedagogical Diagnostics Pedagogical Diagnosing The process of pedagogical diagnosing Aims: Pedagogical Diagnosing in practice 1 Ethics, personal data 2 System of consulting in the Czech school system 3 Legislation 4 The process of pedagogical diagnosing ̶A process of which the goal is getting to know the pupil in the educational situation, in connection with their personal development and the external influences that affect their development. ̶It is based on what has gone before in the pupil’s life (anamnesis) ̶What is their situation now (diagnosis) ̶What is their positive perspective on education (prognosis) ̶The general process of pedagogical-psychological diagnostics according to Mertin and Krejčová (2016) involves collecting data using valid and reliable tools and its analysis, interpretation, and use for specific purposes of education. The process of pedagogical diagnosing ̶The process of pedagogical diagnosing is conducted in certain steps. Gavora (2001) lists the following stages of pedagogical diagnosing: ̶Diagnostic hypothesis (the assumption that directs diagnostic activities in a certain direction). ̶Planning for diagnosing (who, when, how, how often, and in what intervals to diagnose, facilities, equipment). ̶Collection and processing of data. ̶Evaluation and interpretation of data. ̶Establishing the diagnosis. ̶Pedagogical measures, intervention. ̶Stating a prognosis. ̶Communicating the diagnosis. Diagnosis and prognosis ̶Diagnosis is the result of diagnosing activities; ̶an oral or written (graphic) expression of the results of a diagnosing survey ̶an evaluating conclusion regarding the established level of development of the pupil. ̶never closed or final ̶it must count on changes in the pupil’s development. Hence, diagnosis is an evaluating finding of the current status of the pupil’s level. The purpose of the whole process of diagnosing is to determine pedagogical educational strategies and suggest pedagogical measures – to determine the prognosis. Diagnosing activities: ̶ indication (detecting occurrence), ̶ identification (recognizing the type), ̶ classification (categorizing) ̶ evaluation (establishing the level), ̶ interpretation (explaining causes, conditions) ̶ prognosing (forecasting development), ̶ regulating (designing a streamline of the development). Ethics, personal data ̶The authority to obtain information on a student is provided for in Education Act No. 561/2004 Sb. ̶The Education Act specifies the following rights and obligations: ̶Basic rights and obligations of the school, legal representatives, and the student—the obligation to inform ̶Taking into account the needs of an individual (individualization) ̶Compliance with methods and procedures de lege artis—the widest possible application of effective modern pedagogical approaches and methods ̶Evaluation of the student’s results—with regard to achieving educational objectives Personal data and such processing under Act No. 101/2000 Sb., on the protection of personal data and on the amendment to some acts, Article 4(a) and (e): Personal data processing: any operation or set of operations that is systematically performed by a controller (school) or a processor (teacher) on personal data by automatic or other means. Obligation to maintain confidentiality about personal data. For example, a school register, other student documentation, questionnaire or worksheet with personal data, regular recording of information about a student based on intentional observation or interview, information about the progress and results of the education of a student, disciplinary measures, attendance information. School counseling Providing counseling services is covered in Regulation no. 197/2016 Coll. on the provision of counseling services at schools and educational facilities. The school counseling center consists of: educational counselor; school prevention methodist; school psychologist; school special education expert. School counseling facilities include: pedagogic-psychological counseling center special pedagogical center Degree 1st degree The school, especially the teacher with the school counseling center forms: a) individualization b) a pedagogical support plan (PSP) The functionality of the PSP is evaluated after three months. If the PSP proves satisfactory, it is further adhered to. If the PSP does not help, support through expert counseling services comes into play. 2nd – 5 th grades They are ensured by the pedagogical-psychological center (PPC). The school then prepares an individual educational plan (IEP) based on the PPC’s recommendations Waves of intervention model (Neil MacKey,2009) The Czech republic Dittrich, P. (1992). Pedagogicko-psychologická diagnostika. Praha: H + H. Gavora, P. (2001). Diagnostikovanie a hodnotenie žiaka vo vyučování. In Předškolní a primární pedagogika. Předškolská a elementárná pedagogika. Praha: Portál. Maydlová, Z. (1980). Soustavné hodnocení žáka. Praha : SPN. Mertin, V., Krejčocá, L. et al. (2016). Metody a postupy poznávání žáka. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR. Mojžíšek, L. (1987). Teoretické otázky pedagogické diagnostiky. Praha: Academia. Praha: Academia. Pollard et al. (2014). Reflective teaching in schools. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Průcha, J. (1998). 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