Syntax A – Autumn semester 2016/2017: Detailed syllabus

Month Greenbaum & Quirk, Chalker Gethin
Ch. 2Revision
Ch. 10Simple sentence
Introduction to modal verbs
Ch. 10 – cont.  
Ch. 11 A – Ability, permission, possibility
Ch. 10 – cont.
Ch. 11 B – Past activity, habit, refusal, etc.
Ch. 8The semantics and grammar of adverbials  
Ch. 11 C – Expectation, assumption, conclusion
Ch. 8 – cont.  
Ch. 11 D – Obligation, absence of obligation
Ch. 8 – cont.


Ch. 11 E Duty and arrangement, with non-fulfilment

November Mid-term test: Ch. 8 and 10  
Mid-term test: Ch. 11A-E


Ch. 8 – cont.  
Analysis of mid-term test
Ch. 11 F – Use of should for suggestions, opinions, feelings etc.
Ch. 11Sentence types and discourse functions
Introduction to non-finite verb forms
Ch. 10 A – The infinitive and -ing
Ch. 11 – cont.

Ch. 10 B – The -ing as gerund

Ch. 12 Pro-forms and ellipsis
Ch. 10 C – Verbs taking a full infinitive or -ing (gerund) according to meaning
Ch. 12 – cont.  
Ch. 10 D – Verbs taking the infinitive or -ing (participle) according to meaning
Credit test
Credit test