Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden OXFORD Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Upper-intermediate Student's Book Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of English File l and English File 2 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2 4 A Questions and answers 8 B Do you believe in it? Grammar question formation auxiliary verbs; the...the... +comparatives 12 ·~ COLLOQUIAL ENGLISH 1 Talking about... interviews, In the street 14 A Call the doctor? 18 B Older and wiser? present perfect simple and continuous using adjectives as nouns, adjective order 22 REVISE & CHECK 1&2 ~ Short film The history ofsurgery 24 A The truth about air travel 28 B Incredibly short stories narrative tenses, past perfect continuous; so I such...that the position of adverbs and adverbial phrases Vocabulary working out meaning from context compound adjectives, modifiers illnesses and injuries clothes and fashion air travel adverbs and adverbial phrases 32 ·~ COLLOQUIAL ENGLISH 2&3 Talking about... children's books, In t he street 34 A Eco-guilt 38 B Are you a risk taker? future perfect and future continuous the environment, the weather zero and first conditionals, future expressions with take time clauses 42 REVISE & CHECK 3&4 ~ Short film The British and the Weather 44 A The survivors' club unreal conditionals 48 B It drives me mad! structures after wish 52 ·~ COLLOQUIAL ENGLISH 4&5 Talking about... waste, In the street feelings expressing feelings with verbs or -ed I -ing adjectives Pronunciation friendly intonation, showing interest intonation and sentence rhythm Isl, ld3I,It.fl, and /kl; word stress vowel sounds regular and irregular past forms, sentence rhythm word stress and intonation vowel sounds sentence stress and rhythm word stress sentence rhythm and intonation Grammar 54 A Music and emotion gerunds and infinitives 58 B Sleeping Beauty used to, be used to, get used to 62 REVISE & CHECK 5&6 ~ Short film The Sleep Unit 64 A Don't argue! past medals: must, might/ may should, can't, couldn't + have, etc.; would rather 68 B Actors acting verbs of the senses 72 ... COLLOQUIAL ENGLISH 6&7 Talking about... acting, In the street 74 A Beat the robbers... the passive (all forms); it is said and the burglars that..., he is thought to..., etc.; have something done 78 B Breaking news reporting verbs 82 REVISE & CHECK 1&8 ~ Short film The Speed ofNews 84 A Truth and lies 88 B Megacities clauses of contrast and purpose; whatever, whenever, etc. uncountable and plural nouns 92 •411 COLLOQUIAL ENGLISH B&9 Talking about... advertising, In the street 94 A The dark side of the moon quantifiers: all, every, both, etc. 98 B The power of words articles Vocabulary music sleep verbs often confused the body crime and punishment the media advertising, business word building: prefixes and suffixes science collocation: word pairs Pronunciation words that come from other languages sentence stress and linking weak form of have silent letters the letter u word stress changing stress on nouns and verbs word stress with prefixes and suffixes stress in word families pausing and sentence stress 102 REVISE & CHECK 9&10 ~ Short film The Museum of the History of Science 104 Communication 113 Writ ing 120 List ening 132 Grammar Bank 152 Vocabulary Bank 164 Appendix - gerunds and infinitives 165 Irregular verbs 166 Sound Bank 3 G question formation V working out meaning from context P friendly intonation, showing interest 1 READING & SPEAKING a Look at the photos ofBenedict Cumberbatch and Elisabeth Moss and read their biographical info. Have you seen any of the TV series or films that they have been in? What did you think of them? b Now read the interviews and match questions A-G with their answers. A How do you relax? B What don't you like about your appearance? C What's your earliest memory? D What makes you unhappy? E If you could edit your past, what do you think you would change? F What was your most embarrassing moment? G Who would you most like to say sorry to? c Read the interviews again using the glossary to help you. Answer the questions with BC (Benedict Cumberbatch) or EM (Elisabeth Moss). Who...? 1 D had an embarrassing experience as a child 2 D finds it hard to make decisions 3 D avoids answering one ofthe questions 4 D had a dangerous experience when they were travelling abroad 5 D had a dangerous experience when they were young 6 D often hesitates when they're speaking 7 D was fond ofa kind offlower when they were a child 8 D has a favourite decade d Which ofthe questions in the interviews do h. k' ?you t m is.... • the most interesting • the most boring • too personal to ask a person who you don't know well e Choose six questions from Q&A to ask your partner. I'm not thrilled about answering questions like 'If you were being mugged, and you had a light sabre in one pocket and a whip in the other, which would you use?' Every week the British newspaper, The Guardian, chooses people who have been in the news recently, and publishes a short interview with them called Q&A. The actor Benedict Cumberbatchwas born in London in 1976. He has starred in many successful TV series and films, including Sherlocli, War Horse, Star Trek, and The Hobbit. 1 What's one of your happiest memories? Sitting with the sun on my face and a beer in my hand, the morning after I had been in a car-jacking in South Africa. When I was six, I got stung by a wasp in a Greek market. A woman pulled down my pants and rubbed an onion on my bottom. 3 What don't you like about your personality? I'm impatient, but also indecisive. 4 What is your greatest fear? Forgetting people's names. The size and shape of my head. People say I look like Sid from Ice Age. 6 What costume wouJd you wear to a fancy dress party? I rather enjoyed wearing bandages round my face as the Invisible Man at the last one I went to. People got to know me without recognizing me. 7 Which words or phrases do you most overuse? I "E " t hsay rm... oo muc . 8 What one thing would improve the quality of your life? Better time management. I might not have called Trevor Nunn, the famous director, 'Adrian' at my first audition for him. The actress Elisabeth Moss was born in California in 1982. She has been in several very successful US TV dramas, including The West Wing and Mad Men for which she won an Emmy award. Going out into the backyard of my home in LA and pretending to build a vegetable garden with sticks and rocks. I must have been five. 2 Which living person do you most admire? This is kind of cheesy, but my mum. 3 Which living person do you most despise, and why? I won't say his name. Not getting enough sleep. 5 What is your favourite smell? Jasmine. I grew up in Los Angeles, in the hills, and there was always jasmine growing. To a really good girlfriend with whom I lost touch when I was little. I would love to see her again. 7 If you could go back in time, where would you go? To a 1930s jazz club in New York City. I love the art deco period - the jewellery, the clothes, the music. I am big fan ofgetting a box set and watching the entire show in two or three weeks. I'm watching The Sopranos at the moment, because I missed it when it first came out. 9 What has been your most frightening experience? When I was little, I was on a lake in the US and got caught underneath a rowing boat. That was pretty scary. Glossary car-jacking the crime offorcing the driver ofa car to take you somewhere or give you their car Emmy a US award similar to the Oscars, but for TV backyard Amf back garden cheesy informal too ernotional or romantic in a way that is embarrassing, e.g. a cheesy love song Adapted from The Guardian 2 GRAMMAR question formation a Now read the questions in lb again and answer the questions below with a partner. 1 Which questions are examples of...? • a subject question,where there is no auxiliary verb • a question which ends with a preposition • a question which uses a negative auxiliary verb 2 What happens to the word order in the question What wouldyou chanBe? when you add doyou think after what? b )ii-- p.132 Grammar Bank lA. Learn more about question formation, and practise it. 3 PRONUNCIATION friendly intonation, showing interest a 1 4 l)) Listen to some people asking questions 1- 5. Who sounds friendlier and more interested each time, a orb? 1 Do you havet_p big family? 2 What don't you liket_pbout the place where you live? 3 What sport~r game~re you gooc:Lat? 4 Do you think you havet_p healthy diet? s What makes you feel happy? b 5 l)) Listen and repeat the questions with friendly intonation. Focus on sentence stress and linking. p Reacting to what someone says When you ask someone a question and they answer, it is normalto show interest by saying, e.g. Really?or Oh yes? with a friendly intonation, or by asking a question. c 1 6 >)) Now listen to the questions in a conversation. Complete the expressions or questions that the man or woman use to react to the answers. 1 Wow ! That's a huge family. ____?What's wrong with them? ____! We could have a game one day. 2 3 4 ! How long have you been a vegan? 5 ? I can't think ofanything worse! d 1 7 >)) Listen and repeat the responses. Copy the intonation. e Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Use friendly intonation, and react to your partner's answers. m 4 READING & VOCABULARY p Guessing the meaning of new words and phrases When you are reading and find a word or phrase you don't know: a Look at the photo with the article. What do you think is happening? Do you think the question is one which someone might really ask in this situation? Why (not)? 1 Try to guess the meaning from the context (i.e. the other words around it). Think also about what part of speech the unknown word is (e.g. a verb, an adjective, etc.), whether it is similar to another English word you know, or whether it is similar to a word in your language. b Read the article once and find out. How wouldyou answer the question? 2 If you still can't work out what the word or phrase means, either ignore it and carry on reading or use a dictionary (or glossary if there is one) to help you. HOME I NEWS I UK NEWS I SOCIETY Extreme interview-s WHAT sort of dinosaur are you? Ifyou answered Tyrannosaurus rex, then the bad news is that you probably won't get the job you're applying for. ~ Comment ~ Print i Welcome to the strange world of'extreme interviewing', the latest trend from America in which interviewers throw bizarre questions at candidates to see how they react. 5 It may seem like a game, but extreme interviewing is deadly serious. The idea is to see how quickly job-seekers think on their feet and, at a time when 25% ofrecent graduates are unemployed, it offers employers a new way 10 ofseparating the brilliant candidates from the merely very good. This new approac to selecting candidates comes from Silicon Valley in California where else? Google, famous for its aemanaing 15 interview process, asked a recent candidate: 'You are stranded on a desert island. You have 60 seconds to choose people of 10 professions to come with you. Who do you choose? Go!' So, what sort of dinosaur would you be? A Tyrannosaurus rex! One ofthe early pioneers of extreme interviewing was SteveJobs, co-founder ofApple, who could 20 be famously cruel withjob seekers. Faced once with a candidate he considered boring,Jobs suddenly pretended to be a chicken, flapping his arms and making clucking noises round the unfortunate applicant, waiting to see what he would do. In fact, the secret to extreme interviewing is neither in the question nor the answer. It is in the candidate's reaction. David Moyle, a headhunter with the recruitment agency Eximius Group in London, who admits to using 25 the dinosaur question when selecting candidates, said: 'Essentially, that kind ofinterviewing is used by us to give someone an opportunity to show they are smart and not easily flustered.' 'Most candidates actually get something out ofit, it's not about trying to crush them. We are trying to give them an opportunity to show their personality, rather than.just showing how they perform in an interview.' Of course, getting thejob is just the start. In the modern business world, survival will depend on what sort 30 ofdinosaur you really are. Glossary Silicon Valley the informal name for the region in northern California where many ofthe world's largest technology corporations are based headhunter a person whose job it is to find people with the necessary skills to work for a company (often in executive posts), and to persuade them to join that company m Adapted from The Sunday Times c Read the article again carefully. With a partner, cry to work out what the highlighted words and phrases might mean, and how you think they are pronounced. d Now match the words and phrases with 1-10. 1 adj needing alot ofeffort and skill 2 adj nervous and confused, especially because you have been given a lot to do or are in a hurry 3 adj very strange or unusual 4 mm to be able to think and react to things very quickly without any preparation 5 noun away ofdoing or thinking about something 6 phrase instead of 7 verb to destroy somebody's confidence 8 noun aspecialist company which finds and interviews candidates to fill job vacancies in other companies 9 noun people who are looking for a job 10 verb moving sch quickly up and down, e.g. wings e 1 8 l)) Listen and check. Underline the stressed syllables. f Using your own words, answer the questions with a partner. 1 What are extreme interviews? 2 What kind ofcompanies first started using them? 3 Why do some people think that they are better than normal interviews? g Do you think extreme interviews are a good way ofchoosing candidates? Which ofthe questions below (used in real interviews) do you think would work well? Why? On a scale of 1-10, how weird are you? Does life fascinate you? Which TV character are you most like? If you were a car, what car would you be? Room, desk,orcarwhich do you clean first? Can you name three Lady Gaga songs? a Have you ever been for a job interview? What kind ofquestions did they ask you? Did you get the job? b 9l)) Listen to five people talking about a strange question they were asked in job interviews. Complete the questions in the first column. What strange question How did they answer? What happened in were they asked? the end? 1 Do you still ? 2 What would make you a ? 3 are you? How much __ you ? 4 would you like to be reincarnated as? 5 Are you planning to ? c Listen again and make notes in the rest ofthe chart. d Which ofthe questions did you think were good or bad to ask at an interview? 6 SPEAKING a >Communication Extreme interviews A p.104 Bp.108. Ask your partner 'extreme interview' questions. b Write three extreme interview questions ofyour own, which you think might tell you something interesting about another person. c Ask your questions to as many other students as possible and answer theirs. d Which questions did you think were the most interesting? Why? G auxiliary verbs; the...the...+ comparatives V compound adjectives, modifiers For t hose who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.P intonation and sentence rhythm 1 READING & LISTENING a Look at the beginning oftwo true stories. What do you think they might have in common? b :>-Communication Work in pairs A and B and read two stories. A read Noises in the NiBht on p.104. B go to p.109 and read The StranBe Object on the Hill. HARD TO BELIEVE? BUT IT HAPPENED TO ME... Have you ever experienced a paranormal happening? Write and tell us about it. NOISES IN THE NIGHT THE STRANGE OBJECT ON THE HILL A bout six months ago, my husband Russ and Imoved into a house in the country. our house is the middle one of three terraced houses and it's more than a hundred years old. A young couple live in the house on our right, but the house on our left was empty and for sale. T his happened when I was 16, and Ican still remember it vividly. It was aclear morning, sunny but with a breeze. Iwas going to meet a school friend to go walking in the hills where there were some wonderful views. I'd agreed to meet him at the top of one of the hills. c Now read the beginning of another true story.Would you have been happy for Fatos to readyour coffee cup? Why (not)? THE COFFEE CUP READING I went to Turkey a few years ago with a colleague called Chris. We'd been sent there by the British council to train secondary school teachers in aschool on the outskirts of Istanbul. While Iwas there I decided to go and see an old friend of mine, ayoung Turkish woman called Fatos, who Ihadn't seen for several years. I called her and we agreed to meet in a hotel in the centre of Istanbul. Chris came too,and the three of us had a very pleasant dinner together. After dinner we ordered Turkish coffee and we chatted for awhile, until Fatos suddenly asked me, 'Would you like me to read your coffee cup?' Irefused politely because, to be honest, Idon't really believe in clairvoyants and fortune-telling. But Chris immediately said he would be happy for her to read his coffee cup... Adam, London d 1 10>)) Listen to the rest ofThe Coffee Cup Reading and answer the questions. 1 What were the first two things Fatos saw in Chris's coffee cup? Were they accurate? 2 What was the third thing she saw? 3 How did Chris and Adam react to this? 4 Who did Chris's mother live with? 5 Where did Chris go the next morning? 6 Who called Adam? Why? 7 What was the bad news? 8 How did Faros react to what had happened? 9 How does Adam feel about the experience? e 1 11>)) Listen to some extracts from the story and complete the missing words.Try to work out what they mean. 1 Well, Carla, Chris's girlfriend at the time,was blonde, so that was ____, too. 2 But Chris is quite a __-__ sort ofperson and he didn't seem to be too worried by what she'd said. 3 It was a slightly __ end to what had been a very enjoyable evening. 4 So, was it just a __ __... 5 I always used to be very __ about fortune-telling... 2 SPEAKING Talk in small groups. Which of the three stories do you find the spookiest? Can you think of any possible explanation for what happened in each story? Have you (or anybody you know)...? • seen or heard something which can't be explained, e.g. a UFO or a ghost • visited a fortune-teller, psychic, or faith healer • had a surprising coincidence p Reacting to a story about something strange When somebody talks about something strange or difficult to explain we often react with these phrases. HowI That's strange; bizarre; odd; weird; spooky 3 GRAMMAR auxiliary verbs a Look at the dialogues and try to complete the gaps with a G:J or B auxiliary (do, did, is, was, etc.). 1 A I heard a noise in the middle of the night. B 1_ _ you? What kind of noise? 2 A You don't believe in ghosts, 2 _ _ you? B No, I don't. 3 A I don't believe you really saw a UFO. B I 3_ _ see one! It couldn't have been anything else. 4 A I've never been to a fortune-teller. B Neither 4 I. C I 5_ _• It was really interesting. b 1 12>)) Listen and check. In pairs, decide which auxiliary (1-5) is used... A D to add emphasis B D to say that you are different C D to check information D D to show surprise E D to say that you are the same c > p.133 Grammar Bank 18. Learn more about using auxiliary verbs, and practise them. 4 PRONUNCIATION intonation and sentence rhythm a 1 14>)) Listen to the dialogues. Notice the stressed auxiliary verbs. A 1dreamt that 1saw a ghost last night. B Did you? So did I. How spooky! A 1don't believe in fortune-telling. B Don't you? I do. b Repeat the dialogues with a partner, copying the rhythm and intonation. c Complete sentences 1-8 so that they are true for you. 1 I'm not very good at ____. (activity) 2 I'm going to tonight. (verb phrase) 3 Ilove . (akindofmusic) 4 I don't like ___. (a kind offood) 5 I've never read . (a famous book) 6 I'd love to live in . (a town or country) 7 I was very ___ as a child. (adjofpersonality) 8 I didn't last night. (verb phrase) d Work in pairs A and B. A read your sentences to B. B respond with a reply question and then say whether you are the same or different. Then swap roles. e 1 15>)) Listen to another dialogue. Is do stressed in the hig lig ted phrases? A B f You don't like horror films, do you? Ido like them. It's just that sometimes t hey're too scary! Repeat the dialogue with a partner, copying the rhythm and intonation. g > Communication You're psychic, aren't you? A p.105 Bp.109. Make guesses about your partner. 5 1 16 >)) SONG Unbelievable ~ '1ffi<·D El 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING a On a piece ofpaper write the sentence I lookforward to hearinBfromy ou. Then sign your name underneath and give the piece ofpaper to your partner. b Look at the signatures ofsome famous people. Can you identify any ofthem? Do you know anything about these people's personalities? c Read an extract from a book about graphology.Do you believe that our signature might say something about our personality? ----- What your djnaiure says about you Your signature is the part of your handwriting that says the most about your personality. It is quite common for your signature to change during your life because it reflects how you develop and evolve as a person. You may have more than one signature, for example a more formal signature (name and surname) when you sign a credit card or your passport, and an informal signature (just your first name) when you sign a birthday card. Our signature is very much part of the way in which we present ourselves to the world, so it can give some important clues about the kind of person we are and how we feel about ourselves. d 17, 18, 19, 20>)) Listen to an expert in graphology talking about how to interpret somebody's personality from their signature. Complete the notes on the right. p Taking notes We often need to take notes when we are listening, for example to somebody giving a lecture. If you need to take notes when you are listening to someone speaking in English, try to write down key words or phrases because you won't have time to write complete sentences. Afterwards you could expand your notes into full sentences. e In pairs, interpret the signatures ofthe famous people. Do any of the interpretations coincide with what you already thought? f Now look at your partner's signature and try to interpret it. Do you agree with your partner's interpretation ofyour signature? g Do you believe that you can learn anything about someone's personality by...? • analysing their handwriting (graphology) • looking at their hands (palmistry) • analysing the position of the sun, moon, and planets at the exact time of their birth (astrology) • another similar method • m 17>)) What's in your signature? Your name = your private self Your surname = You use only initials either for your first name or your surname = There is a space between your name and surname = 18>)) The size of your signature Your first name is bigger than your surname = Your surname is bigger than your first name= Your whole signature is big = You sign in capital letters = Your signature is small = c~~4/tf~~~=-2£ - -a~ 1 19>)) The legibility of your signature Your signature is legible = Your signat ure is illegible= The more illegible your signature is... 1! ~__,.._. 20 >)) The angle of your signature A rising signature = A descending signature = A horizontal signature = The angle of a signature may change depending on... 7 MINI GRAMMAR the...the... +comparatives The more space there is between your name and surname, the more you wish to keep separate these two parts of your personality. The more illegible your signature is, the less assertive you probably are as a person. Use the+ comparative adjective or adverb to show that one thing depends on another, e.g. • The sooner we start, the earlier we'll finish. =how soon we will finish depends on when we start. • The colder it is, the more clothes you need to wear to keep warm. = how many clothes you need to wear depends on how cold it is. 8 VOCABULARY compound adjectives a Look at some extracts from the listening in 6. Can you remember what the gapped words were? 1 Some people actually sign in capital letters, which suggests that they may be big- or even arrogant. 2 A descending signature...suggests that you are the kind ofperson who gets disheartened or depressed when you are faced with problems, perhaps because you are not very self-_____ 3 A horizontal signature usually indicates a person who is well- and emotionally stable. b 1 21 >)) Listen and check. Do the compound adjectives have a positive or negative meaning? p Compound adjectives Compound adjectives are adjectives that have two parts. The second part often ends in -ed or -ing, e.g. wellbehaved, hard-working. The words are normally linked by hyphens. The main stress is on the second word. c With a partner, look at some more compound adjectives to describe a person's character. Use the two parts ofthe word to try to work out their meaning, and say ifthey are positive or negative characteristics. bad-tempered good-tempered open-minded narrow-minded absent-minded easy-gg_ing laid-back tight-fisted two-faced strong-willed self-centred ( I th 1 ink bad-tempered means somebody ~gets angry very easily... d 1 22 >)) Listen and repeat the compound adjectives inc. a Rewrite the sentences using the...the + comparative. 1 Ifyou study a lot, you learn a lot. The ,the~~~~~~~- 2 Ifwe leave soon, we'll get there earlier. The ,the~~~~~~~- 3 Ifyou have a lot oftime, you do things slowly. The , the _______ _ 4 Ifyou are fit, you feel good. The , the~~~~~~~b Complete the sentences in your own words. 1 The more money you have,... 2 The sooner you start your homework,... 3 The faster I speak in English,... 4 The less you sleep,... e Read the information on adjective modifiers. p Modifiers We often use modifiers with adjectives of personality. With positive characteristics quite I pretty My mum is very good-tempered really I incredibly With negative characteristics a bit My sister is quite I rather I pretty bad-tempered very really I incredibly I SAID,'DON'T TALI< TOME!' ~ PEANUTS() 1966 Peanuts Worldwide LLC. Dist. By UNIVERSAL UCL/CK. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. f Tell the partner about people with the characteristics below. Give examples oftheir behaviour. Do you know somebody who is...? rather bad-tempered a bit two-faced extremely absent-minded very good-tempered a bit tight-fisted incredibly strong-willed pretty laid-back quite self-centred One of my cousins is a bit two-faced. She says one thing to me, and then I find out she said the exact opposite to somebody else in the family... 18 11 • 1 ·~ THE INTERVIEW Part 1VIDEO a Read the biographical information about Ryan Judd. What do you think the HR department ofa company does? Ryan Judd was born in 1976. He has been working as a recruitment advisor in the HR (Human Resources) department at Oxford University Press since 2010. b 1 23 l)) Watch or listen to Part 1 ofan interview with him. Tick (v") the things he says candidates for a job interview should do. 1 D Be enthusiastic about the job 2 D Call the interviewer by their first name 3 D Ask questions about the job 4 D Ask questions about the salary 5 D Include a photograph on your CV 6 D Write a good cover letter 7 D Check everything is correct on your CV 8 D Dress appropriately 9 D Be prepared for the interview 10 D Arrive on time Glossary CV the abbreviation for Curriculum Vitae, a written record ofyour education and the jobs you have done that you send when you are applying for a job cover(ing) letter a letter containing extra information which candidates send with their CV recruiter /n'kru:t~/ the person who finds new people to join a company salary banding the level ofpay given for certain jobs within a company c Now listen again and answer the questions. 1 What kind ofthings does he ask candidates about to relax them before the interview? 2 What kind ofthings does he ask candidates at the beginning the interview? 3 What information should be given in a covering letter? Talking about... •~Part 2VIDEO a 1 24l)) Now watch or listen to Part 2. Which three interview situations did he find difficult or surprised him? b Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What choice did he have with the first candidate he talks about? 2 What explanation for her behaviour did the second candidate give? 3 What kind ofclothes does he think candidates should wear? 4 Why did the third candidate arrive in the wrong kind ofclothes? Did he get the job? Glossary A blazer /'ble1z;:i/ a smart jacket which is not worn with matching trousers •~Part 3VIDEO a 1 25 l)) Now watch or listen to Part 3. Complete the two 'extreme interview' questions he mentions. 1 How would you describe to your ____? 2 Would you rather fight a horse-sized or a hundred ducksized ? b Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Say why the F ones are false. 1 Ryan thinks the purpose ofextreme interviewing is to see how candidates react in a strange situation. 2 He has used extreme interviewing on several occasions. 3 The first 'extreme' question he mentions was asked to see ifthe candidate had technical and communication skills. 4 The second 'extreme' question was asked to see ifcandidates had leadership potential. 5 Ryan thought that was a good question. 6 He would have chosen the first option. interviews 2 LOOKING AT LANGUAGE '""' Formal language Ryan often uses more formal words and expressions than would normally be used in conversation, but would often be used in a more formal setting, e.g. a job interview. 1 26 >)) Listen to some extracts from the interview and replace the highlighted words or phrases with the more formal equivalent used by Ryan. 1 ''re also looking for them to show experience relevant to the position.' 2 'During an interview, once it has begun, I will always try to start the interview with some general questions.. .' 3 'First thing is obviously, making mistakes on their application, um, that's always seen negatively.. .' 4 '...but again during the interview when she hadn't saidl that's why she was doing it, it was a bit ofa surprise.' 5 ' would expect, expect to see suita le shoes and the same for a woman as well. ..' ________ /____ 6 'It's not something that I have direct experience of, but Il)) Watch or listen to five people talking about job interviews. How many ofthem say they definitely got the job? ..i Jeanine, Jo, South African English Ivan, American Yasuko, American b Watch or listen again. Who (Je, Jo, I, Y, or Jst)...? D didn't get the job because ofhis/ her age D had their interview the most recently Joost, Dutch D prepared for the interview by assessing how suitable he / she was for the job D took some medicine to help make him / her feel less nervous D tried to find out what the company believed in c 28 >)) Watch or listen and complete the highlight~ Colloquial English phrases. What do you think they mean? 1 'I just practised every question that they could ask me in m}'.~--- 2 '...and then tried to my experience to the various different points on the job interview...' 3 'I think it went well because they ____,.....,up with an email.' 4 '... their philosophy, the history and the ofthe company.' 5 'In the end they said I was too young so they didn't ____ me.' 4 SPEAKING Answer the questions with a partner. 1 Have you ever been interviewed for a job or a place on a course? What was it for? How did you prepare for it? How did it go? 2 Have you ever interviewed another person? What for? 3 What do you think is the most important advice to give to someone who is going for a job interview? • G present perfect simple and continuous V illnesses and injuries My doctor gave me six months to live, but when Isaid Icouldn't pay he gave me six months more.P If/, ld3/, ltfl, and /kl; word stress 1 VOCABULARY illnesses and injuries a Look at the six quiz questions. With a partner, decide what the hig ighted words might mean. Use the pictures to help you. c >- Communication First aid quiz A p.105 B p.109. Read the answers to halfofthe quiz and the reasons why, and tell each other. b Now do the quiz with a partner. d >- p.152 Vocabulary Bank Illnesses and injuries. HeIP Save I·1vesI The British Red Cross first aid quiz • Would you know what to do in these common medical emergencies? 1 2 3 If someone is choking, you should... a) hit them on the back b) lean them backwards c) lie them on their side What is the best thing to put on a burn at first? a) warm running water b) cold running water c) kitchen film If someone has a cut which is bleeding badly, you should first... a) press on the wound b) cover the wound c) wash the wound under running water 3 4 Which of these is the best way to treat a nose bleed? a) lean your head forwards and pinch the soft part of the nose b) lean your head forwards and pinch the hard part of the nose c) lean your head backwards and pinch the soft part of the nose 5 If you find someone collapsed on the ground, what should you do first? a) put your jacket over them to keep them warm b) check if they are breathing c) run off to find someone else to help 6 If someone has fallen and you think they may have broken their leg, you should... a) try to move their leg into a straight position b) make sure the leg is supported to prevent unecessary movement c) put a bandage on their leg where you think the break is 2 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING !JI, /d3/, ltfl, and /k/; word stress a How do you pronounce sounds 1-4 above? Write the words from the list in the correct column. ache allergy ankle bandage choking pressure rash stomach t emperature unconscious b 1 33>)) Listen and check. Practise saying the words. c > p.167 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings for If/,/d3/,ltf/, and /k/. d Look at some more words related to illness and injury. Which ones are similar in your language? Do you know what the other ones mean? anlt ijbijoltics /rentiba1'ot1ks/ sympltom /'s1mptgm/ medijcine /'meclsn/ eimerlgenlcy /i'm3:cl3gn ii oipelraltion /opg're1fn/ aslpijrin /'respgnn/ spelciatlist /'spej°ghst/ paIraiceltalmol /prer;:>'si:t;:>mol/ X-lray /'eks re1/ choilesit elrol /b'lestgrol/ in~ecltion /m'd3ekfn/ scan /skren/ e 1 34>)) Listen and underline the stressed syllable.Practise saying the words. f Ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1 2 What injuries or illnesses might you get when you are...? a) cooking b) doing sport c) eating in a restaurant Have any of these things ever happened to you? Have you ever been in a situation where you had to give first aid? Who to? Why? What happened? How much do you know about first aid? Where did you learn it? Has anyone ever had to give you first aid? What happened? What do you think you should do if...? a) someone has a very high temperature b) someone is stung by a wasp and has an allergic reaction c) someone has very bad sunburn 3 GRAMMAR present perfect simple and continuous a 1 35>)) Listen to a conversation between a doctor and patient. What symptoms does the patient have? What does the doctor suggest? b Listen again and complete the gaps with a verb in the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. Doctor Good morning, Mr Blaine. What's the problem? Patient 11 well for a few days. I keep getting headaches, and I 2 a lot, too. And I have a temperature. D 3 anything for the headaches? P Yes, paracetamol. But they don't really help. I read on the internet that headaches can be the first symptom of a brain tumour... D How many tablets 4 so far today? P Itook two this morning. D And have you taken your temperature this morning? ~~ P Yes. I 5 it five or six times. It's high. D Let me see... Well, your temperature seems to be perfectly normal now. P Ithink I need a blood test. I 6_ _ _ _ _ __ one for two mont hs. D Well, Mr Blaine, you know I think we should wait for a few days and see how your symptoms develop. Can you send t he next patient in please, nurse? c 1 36>)) Listen to what the doctor and nurse say after Mr Blaine has left. What do they think ofhim? d Look at the sentences and 9 the right verb form.Tick (~) if you think both forms are possible. 1 Have you been taking / taken anything for the headaches? 2 How many tablets have you been taking / taken so far today? e > p.134 Grammar Bank 2A. Learn more about the present perfect simple and continuous, and practise them. f In pairs, use the prompts to ask and answer the questions. The first question should be present simple or continuous, and the second should be present perfect simple or continuous. 1 /often get colds? How many colds/ have in the last three months? 2 / take any vitamins or supplements at the moment? How long / take them? 3 / drink much water? How many glasses / drink today? 4 / do any exercise? What?How long / do it? 5 /eat alot offruit andvegetables? How many portions/ have today? 6 / walk to school (or work or university)? How far / walk today? 7 How many hours /sleep a night? /sleep well recently? 8 /allergic anything?/ ever have a serious allergic reaction? 4 WRITING > p.113 Writing An informal email. Write an email to a friend explaining that you haven't been well, and saying what you've been doing recently. 5 READING & VOCABULARY a Look at the title ofthe article. How would you define a hypochondriac? What do you think a 'cyberchondriac' is? b Read the article once and check. Then complete the paragraphs with topic sentences A-E. p Topic sentences In a well written article each paragraph usually begins with a 'topic sentence' which tells you what t he paragraph is about. A Another problem for cyberchondriacs is that online medical information may be from an unreliable source or be out of date. B Sadly, the problem with Dr Google is that he isn't exactly a comfort in times of crisis. C The Microsoft study also revealed another serious problem - that online information often doesn't discriminate between common and very rare conditions. D Unfortunately, once you have it cyberchondria can be hard to cure. E Four hours later I got a diagnosis. a m CONFESSIONS OF A cyberchondriac A few weeks ago I was feeling under the weatheli. After days of intensive internet diagnosis, I finally went to see my GP. After examining me she told me that my heart rate was a bit fast and sent me off to A&E to have some tests. Did I go straight there? Of course not. First I took out my phone, logged on to Google, and found out that the technical term for a fast heart rate is supraventricular tachycardia. Then I typed these two words into Google. 1 For example, immediately scared me with a list of 407 possible causes. I raced to the hospital, convinced that I probably needed open-heart surgery. 2 I had a chest infection... and a bad case of cyberchondria. The only consolation for the latter condition is that I'm in good company. A Microsoft survey of one million internet users last year found that 2% of all searches were health-related. 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Since my trip to hospital, I have been obsessively checking my pulse, swapping symptoms in chatrooms, and reading all about worst-case scenarios. What if the doctors got it wrong? What if the ECG machine was faulty? It's exhausting trying to convince yourself that you might have a life-threatening illness. 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 0 ne in four of all articles thrown up by an internet search for 'headache' suggested a brain tumour as a possible cause. Although it is true that this may be the cause, in fact brain tumours develop in fewer than one in 50,000 people. People also assume that the first answers that come up in searches refer to the most common causes, so if you type in 'mouth ulcer' and see that 'mouth cancer' has several mentions near the top, you think that it must be very common. However, this is not the case at all. 5 A recent American study showed that 75% of the people who use the internet to look up information about their health do not check where that information came from, or the date it was created. 'Once something has been put up on the internet, even ifit's wrong, it's difficult to remove,' says Sarah Jarvis, a doctor. 'This is a problem especially with scare stories, and also with some alternative remedies which claim to be miracle cures, but which may actually do you harm.' Check the information? Sorry, I don't have time - I'm off to buy a heartrate monitor! Glossary GP general practitioner (= family doctor) A&E Accident and Emergency department ofa hospital ECG machine electrocardiogram machine used to test people's heart rate scare stories stories in the news, e.g. 'Mobile phones give you cancer' which make people worry about their health Adapted from The Sunday Times c With a partner, look at the hig ighted words and phrases and guess what they mean. Then match them with definitions 1-11. More medical vocabulary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 _____ adj sth very serious, which could kill you _ ____ noun a small blister in the mouth that can be very painful, but is not serious _____ noun ways ofcuring illnesses that are not traditional medicine, e.g. herbal medicine ----- mm not feeling very well _____ noun a serious illness in which malignant cells form in the body and kill normal body cells _____ noun an illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus _____ noun the speed at which your heart beats _____ noun the medical treatment ofan illness or injury that involves an operation _____ noun the number oftimes your heart beats in a minute _____ noun a group ofcells that are growing in a place where they should not be noun successful treatments for illnesses that were- - - - thought to be impossible to cure d 1 40l)) Listen and check. e Read the article again carefully. Choose a, b, or c. 1 The first thing the journalist did after leaving her GP was.. . a go and see a specialist b gotoA&E c find out what her condition was called 2 After realizing that she was a cyberchondriac, she... a stopped worrying b worried just as much as before c stopped visiting health-related websites 3 One problem with health-related websites on the internet is that... a they make unusual illnesses seem more common than they really are b they often describe conditions which don't really exist c they give more information about rare illnesses than about common ones 4 Another problem with these websites is that... a they encourage people to go to the doctor more often b they make people believe in miracle cures c the information may not be right 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING a 41 l)) Listen to a radio interview with a doctor about cyberchondria. What's her general opinion ofpatients using health websites? b Listen again. Then answer the questions with a partner. 1 What did a patient she saw recently think he had? W hat did he really have? 2 What four things does she say that diagnosis depends on apart from symptoms? 3 W hat kind ofwebsite forums does she recommend? 4 Complete the three tips she gives to cyberchondriacs: i Only look online... ii Make sure that the websiteyou areusing is.. . iii Remember that commonsy mptomsusually... c With a partner, or in small groups, answer the questions. Ask for and give as much information as possible. 1 Which ofthe doctor's three tips do you think is the most important? 2 How often do you look up information about health and illness on the internet? What websites do you usually go to? How useful is the information? 3 Do you know anyone who you think is a hyperchondriac or cyberchondriac? 4 Do you think people in your country worry a lot about.. .? a their blood pressure b their cholesterol level c their eyesight Do they worry about anything else related to health? 7 1 42 i)) SONG Just Like a Pill ~ •• • G using adjectives as nouns, adjective order V clothes and fashion It's true, some wines improve with age. But only ifthe grapes were good in the f irst place.P vowel sounds 1 SPEAKING a Look at some adjectives which are commonly used to describe teenagers or elderly people. With a partner, write them in the column where you think they belong. Are the majority ofthe adjectives positive or negative? absent-minded adventurous bad-tempered clumsy kind lazy moody narrow-minded self-centred stubborn unenthusiastic vulnerable weak wise teenagers elderly people p old or elderly? Old and elderly mean the same t hing, but elderly is only used for people and is more polite. b In pairs or small groups, discuss the questions. 1 Do you think the adjectives in a truly describe most teenagers and elderly people or do you think these are stereotypes? 2 In what way might these stereotypes be damaging? 3 Do you know people in these two age groups who a) conform to the stereotypes b) don't conform to the stereotypes?How? 2 READING a Look at the photos ofNick Sydney and Karoline Bell. What do you think has been done to them and why? b Read the first paragraph ofthe article once and check your answer. Look at the highlighte phrases related to the body. With a partner, say what you think they mean. It took five hours every morning to make Karoline and Nick look like elderly people in their seventies. They were given synthetic wrinkled skin, false teeth, and grey wigs. They also wore body suits to make them look fatter and contact lenses to make their eyes look older. The discomfort of the make-up, the heavy suits, and the contact lenses (which made their eyesight worse) gave them a small taste of the physical problems of old age. They were also coached to walk and speak like people in their seventies. Then they had to live each day, for a month, as an old person, with a video diary to record their experiences and hidden cameras to record how other people reacted to them. c You are going to read about what happened in the programme. Before you read talk to a partner. 1 In wh0:t way do you think people treated them differently because they appeared to be old people? 2 W hat do you think they learnt about what old age is really like? 3 How do you think they felt after making the programme? d Now read the rest ofthe article and check. i ~ fterwards both of them described the A 'invisibility' of being old. Karoline was astonished to be ignored by some workmen, who only hours before had been wolf-whistling 5 at her when she had been an attractive young woman. Nick said 'I learnt that how people 1treat you depends on what you look like.' On one occasion a bus driver treated him very rudely when he tried to pay his fare with a large note. 'I was amazed. He 10 wouldn't have talked like that to my young self.' Nick was also nearly robbed when he was taking money out of a cash machine. T here is a point in the documentary when Karoline 2breaks down and cries. It comes at the end 15 of a day out with her two new pensioner friends, Betty and Sylvia, who she met at a day centre. It is partly because she feels guilty that she is tricking them, but mainly because she realizes that they are individuals, and not just members of what she had 20 previously thought of as 'the elderly'. 'They were talking about real things and I felt unqualified. I didn't have that life experience. They had 3been through so much. It made me realize how ignorant I was. It was as if I was seeing the young 25 people inside them. Before I would have just seen the wrinkles.' A t the start of the documentary Karoline had said that old people scared her, and that in spite of loving her 86-year-old grandmother, who lives in a 30 home, she had found it difficult to visit her. B oth she and Nick found making the programme life-changing. Nick said 'I'd never thought about gettingold before.' Karoline said 'The whole experience of living as an old person helped me to understand 35 them far better and also to understand myself. One of the things that surprised me most was how important relationships still were to elderly people. I was shocked by the fact that older people could still have their hearts broken. Af1er a while I felt like 40 one of them. I felt in a way that they were just young people in an old body trying to 4deal with the problems of old age. 51'm not ready to be 73, but I'm not scared like I was.' Adapted from The Times e Read the article again and answer the questions with K (Karoline) N (Nick), or B (both ofthem). Who...? 1 D found the physical preparation for their role very uncomfortable 2 D was given classes on how to move like an elderly person 3 D was surprised not be noticed by people who had previously reacted to him / her 4 D noticed that people were less polite to older people 5 D found that playing the role ofan older person made him / her more emotional 6 D realized that old people were very different from what he / she had previously imagined 7 D used to be frightened ofold people 8 D had never worried about what it would be like to be old 9 D hadn't expectedlove and friendship to be so important to old people f Now look at the highlighted verb phrases and match them with their meaning. D be prepared D behave towards you D loses control ofhis/ her feelings D solve a problem or do a task D experienced g How much contact do you normally have with elderly people? Do you think that they are treated well in your country? 3 GRAMMAR using adjectives as nouns, adjective order a Look at the sentences in 1 and 2 below and decide ifyou think they are right('°"') or wrong (X). Compare with a partner and say why you think the crossed ones are wrong. 1 a D The old have a harder life than the young. b D The old people have a harder life than the young people. c D Old people have a harder life than young people. 2 a D The man was with a blonde tall Swedish woman. b D The man was with a tall Swedish blonde woman. c D The man was with a tall blonde Swedish woman. b )ii- p.135 Grammar Bank 28. Learn more about using adjective as nouns, and adjective order, and practise them. c Answer the questions in pairs or small groups. D o you agree? Why (not)? • The elderly are best looked after in residential homes, not at home. • Politicians should be at least 40 years old - younger people don't have enough experience for such a responsible job. • Society doesn't sufficiently value the wisdom that elderly people have. • Rich people are usually meaner than poor people. • The government could and should do more for the unemployed. • The homeless should be allowed to live rent-free in empty second homes. EIEI 4 LISTENING a Look at the photos. How old do you think these people are? Do you like the way they are dressed? Why (not)? b 1 45 >)) Listen to a radio programme where two fashion journalists are talking about 'dressing your age'. Do they agree that men and women should dress their age? Complete their two fashion rules. Liza Wear whatever you think and makes you ______ Adrian Dress for , not for ______ 5 VOCABULARY clothes and fashion c Listen again and make notes.Why do the journalists mention the following? Liza Adrian • a warm cardigan and slippers • men in their 20s who • a leather miniskirt wear blazers and • teenagers chinos or suits • women of 30+ • men in their 30s • very short shorts d Who do you agree with most, Liza or Adrian? a In two minutes write down as many items ofclothing or jewellery as you can that you can wear. .. • on your hands and arms • round your neck • on your feet • on your head b > p.153 Vocabulary Bank Clothes and fashion. c Do the quiz with a partner. CLOTHES llEI 6 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds p Vowel sounds English vowel sounds are either short, long, or diphthongs (a combination of two short sounds). a Look at the sound pictures below. Which are short sounds, which are long, and which are diphthongs? boot bull fish ~ ~ •a~ ~d~ bird bike train b 1 50 >)) In pairs, put two words in each column. Listen and check. f ur hooded lace linen loose lycra plain put on shirt shoes silk skirt slippers striped suede suit t ight wool c > p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings for these sounds. d Practise saying these phrases. • a loose linen suit • pink silk slippers • blue suede shoes • a tight lycra skirt • a red and white striped tie • a pale grey suede jacket .... ••.. 7 SPEAKING Talk in small groups. 1 At what age do you think it is OK for men or women to have...? grey or white hair very long hair pink streaked hair a piercing an earring in one ear a tattoo 2 3 I think pink streaked_~air} ( '-~~'~'t agree. I think it looks looks great at any a~ ~ulous unless you're under 20. In what situations do you think it is not OK to wear...? torn denim jeans a baseball cap worn backwards very short shorts large sunglasses a mini-skirt no shirt Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Say why. You shouldn't judge other people by the way they dress. It's better to buy cheap clothes that don't last because then you can buy new ones more often. It's very risky to buy clothes online. Only sheep follow fashion. Good dressers have their own style. Fur coats should be banned. Women, but not men, are always expected to dress smartly for work or on TV. 8 WRITING a Imagine you were given two items ofclothing for your birthday which you don't like. You have decided to sell them on eBay. Write a detailed description, making them sound as attractive as possible. Set a starting price. I For sale! IBlue and white striped cotton skirt - never worn! Size 40. Would look great with white T-shirt. Perfect for the summer. 7 days left ~----~ Thursday 24 April 15:36 £3.99 1 bid +£3.00 postage b Now read some other students' adverts. Are there any things that you'd like to bid for? • GRAMMAR b Write words for the definitions. a Complete the sentences with one word. 1 What were you and Sarah talking ? 2 You didn't like her latest novel, you? 3 My father loves opera and so my mother. 4 A I'vebeen to Indiatwice. B you? I'd love to go. 5 What have you doing since I last saw you? b@a,b,orc. 1 Could you tell mewhat time ? a the bus leaves b leaves the bus c does the bus leave 2 How many people use this computer? a do use b use c does use 3 You're not eating much. like the food? a You don't b Don't you c Aren't you 4 A Why didn't you call me? B I , but your phone was switched off. a do call b did called c did call 5 The slower you work, you'll finish. a later b the later c the later than 6 three cups ofcoffee already this morning. a I've been having b I've had c I have 7 That was probably the worst film~-- a I've ever seen b I've never seen c I've ever been seeing 8 I met at my language class today. a a Swiss b the Swiss c a Swiss girl 9 Some people think that don't pay enough tax. a the rich b the rich people c rich 10 I got a bag for my birthday. a beautiful leather Italian b Italian leather beautiful c beautiful Italian leather VOCABULARY a Complete the compound adjectives. 1 My boss is very bad- . When things go wrong he starts shouting at everyone. 2 I'm very -minded. I tend to forget things. 3 I think Paul is a bit tight- . He never spends money unless he absolutely has to. 4 Syliva won't have any problems at the interview - she's very self-___ 5 That dress is very old- . It looks like the kind of thing my granny would wear. 1 bl verb to lose blood, from a wound or injury 2 SW adj bigger than normal, especially because ofan injury or infection 3 b noun a piece ofcloth used to tie round a part ofthe body that has been hurt 4 t.___ noun a pain in one ofyour teeth 5 r noun an area ofred spots caused by an illness or allergy c @the right verb or verb phrase. 1 I have /feel a bit dizzy. I need to sit down. 2 She burnt/ sprained her ankle when she was jogging. 3 It was so hot in the room that I nearlyfainted/ choked. 4 This skirt doesn'tfit/ suit me. It's a bit too big. 5 Can I go in jeans? I don't feel like getting dressed/ getting changed. d @the word that is different. 1 striped spotted plain 2 silk cotton fur 3 collar sleeveless hooded 4 lycra 5 fashionable scarf scruffy e Complete with one word. vest stylish patterned smart long-sleeved cardigan trendy 1 My mother had very bad flu last week, but she's beginning to get it now. 2 Please lie on the couch over there. 3 I'm feeling sick. I think I'm going to up. 4 Do we really need to dress for the party tonight? 5 Please up your clothes in the wardrobe. PRONUNCIATION a @the word with a different sound. 1 ~ ache choke checked matches 2 Wunconscious rash fashion suede 3 i injury striped silk blister 4 ~ allergic burnt wear fur 5 ~ cough flu suit loose b Underline the main stressed syllable. 1 inlcrejdilbly 2 big- jhea!ded 3 anltijbilo jtics 4 swimlsuit 5 fa jshiolnajble CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. What do shamans do? b Read the article again and choose a, b, or c. 1 According to the article, shamans help people to... a communicate with dead relatives b solve their health problems c enter a parallel reality 2 Shamans heal people by... a curing their depression b helping them to find something they have lost c dealing with their deep emotional problems 3 Harnam Sidhu and Shelly Khanna... a both had serious diseases b did not initially believe that shamanism could help them c have both become more deeply interested in shamanism 4 According to Klinger-Paul, shamanism... a requires time to work b only works ifpeople believe in it c may work only because ofthe placebo effect c Choose five words or phrases from the text. Check their meaning and pronunciation and try to learn them. •411 CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS FILM?VIDEO 1 51 >)) Watch or listen to a short film on the History of Surgery and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 StThomas' hospital had a very early operating theatre. 2 In a modern operating theatre there is a monitor to measure a patient's brain activity. 3 The room where the operating theatre used to be is now a church. 4 The rooms where operations took place were called theatres because the public came to watch. 5 The theatre was usually full for an operation. 6 Most operations at St Thomas' were done on rich people. 7 Surgeons used primitive forms ofanaesthetic. 8 Surgeons could cut offa limb very quickly. 9 When there was a lot ofblood during an operation, it was collected in a space under the floor. 10 Ifpatients died, their bodies were given back to their families. The rise of the shamans The sound of drumbeats reverberates in the small conference room as the shaman goes into a trance. The others present, their eyes closed, focus on the rhythmic sounds of the drums. The shaman, in his trance, makes the journey to a parallel reality in search of solutions to the various problems the group has brought with it. For most people this may seem weird, but it is becoming a fairly common experience for others. People from many different professions - students, businessmen, housewives, even former soldiers - are turning to shamanism, an ancient spiritual practice where the practitioner communes with 'spirit guides' to gain access to information and healing. Cosima Klinger-Paul, an Austrian who moved to India in 2000 and has started a school of shamanism, says that the interest in the practice is not surprising. 'Shamanism has always been there in every culture. It is the oldest healing method of mankind.' How exactly does shamanism work? Shamans believe that all illnesses have a spiritual cause, which is reflected in the physical body. Healing the spiritual cause heals the physical body. An important shamanic belief is the concept of 'soul loss'. Shamanic cultures around the world believe that whenever someone suffers an extreme physical or emotional trauma, a piece of his soul 'falls off'. Soul loss manifests in most people through feelings of emptiness and depression. Once the person gets the missing part of his soul back, shamans believe that the lost vitality and health also comes back. But is it really as simplistic as this? Those who have undergone shamanic healing sessions seem to think so. Harnam Sidhu, a 46-year-old marketing executive, swears by the practice. 'It helped reverse my disease,' he says. Sidhu was suffering from glaucoma - a degenerative condition that causes the loss of optic nerves leading to blindness. Doctors had told him it was a matter of months before he went completely blind in the bad eye. As a last resort, he tried out shamanism. After a few sessions, when he went for a check-up, his doctor told him that a miracle had happened - his condition was starting to reverse. Shelly Khanna, who took shamanic healing for a frozen shoulder condition, says 80% of her pain vanished after the session. 'I went as a sceptic, but I was so amazed by the experience that I resolved to learn shamanism myself.' Was it really shamanism at work or simplythe placebo effect? Believers stress that shamanic healing is an established tradition that has been tested time and again over centuries. 'Shamanism is not a religion, but an adventure into one's own mind,' says Klinger-Paul. 'It takes time to become familiar and to deal with the spirit world. Itend to say no to requests for quick healing. This is not a spiritual aspirin that you can take and be healed.' Atul Sethi in The Times of India G narrative tenses, past perfect continuous; so I such...that Vair travel Idon't have a fear of flying, Ihave a fear of crashing.P regular and irregular past forms, sentence rhythm 1 LISTENING & VOCABULARY air travel a 2 l)) Listen to some in-flight announcements and match them to pictures A-D. What information or instructions are the passengers being given? b Listen again. What word or phrase do the flight attendants use to mean...? 1 small baBs and cases 2 the cupboards aboveyour seat 3 put on your seat belt 4 phones, tablets, etc. 5 the doors where you can get out ofthe plane quickly ifthere is a problem 6 the thinByou have to put on ifthe plane is going to land on the sea 7 to blow air inside something c > p.154 Vocabulary Bank Air t ravel. 2 READING a Read the back cover ofa book about air travel. Can you guess the answers to any of the questions? b Now read the extract from Air Babylon. What are the answers to the questions, according to the text? c Now read the extract again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Underline the part ofthe text that gave you the answer. 1 Most airline passengers believe that the life jacket could save their life. 2 The passengers who inflated their life jackets too early didn't survive. 3 Customs officers can see through the mirror in Customs. 4 Passengers are often caught by customs officers because oftheir body language. 5 Small birds are more dangerous for planes than big birds. 6 Passengers get confused because what they can smell is not on the menu. 7 There aren't enough wheelchairs for all the people who need them. 8 One flight attendant sometimes makes sarcastic comments about passengers who don't really need a wheelchair. d Did you find any ofthe information surprising? Which? Do you believe it at all? 1 Most airline passengers think it is laughable that a small yellow life jacket with a whistle will make any difference if the plane crashes into the sea. However, in some cases, like when 5 a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 767 landed in the Indian Ocean in 1996, it did. Despite instructions from the cabin crew IlQl to preinflate their lifejackets inside the plane, several passengers did. They were unable to escape the lo rising water Inside the plane. But others, who followed the pilot's instructions, survived. So it is probably a good idea to look up from your magazine when the flight attendant is giving the safety demonstration. 15 customs officers are watching everywhere. They are watching you from the moment you walk off the plane, while you are standing in Baggage Reclaim waiting for your bag, and especially when you come out the other side of 20 Customs, which is when people who are trying to smuggle something finally let their guard down and get caught. The large two-way mirror in Customs, (behind which customs officers sit and watch) is part of that process. As you walk 25 past, it makes you look taller and thinner. So you feel good about yourself and you relax and smile. That's when a customs officer suddenly appears and asks you to open your case... Birds are one of the major problems for any 30 airport when planes are taking off and landing. Any large bird can easily cause an accident. It flies into the engine, totally destroying itself and the machinery. Smaller birds are less of a problem. In some cases they can do some 35 damage, but usually they are just roasted. When this happens, there is often such a strong smell of roast bird that passengers on t e think at chicken is being cooked, an rised when they're given a c t dinner! ssenger ge the othe engers, 'Ladies and gentlemen! 5s Another miracle, courtesy of the airline industry! After years in a wheelchair, he walks again!' The passenger is normally so embarrassed that he (and it's usually a 'he') disappears as quickly as he can. From Air Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones 3 MINI GRAMMAR so I such...that a Look at these two sentences from the Air Babylon extract. The passenger is normally so embarrassed that he disappears as l° quickly as possible. •:. When this happens there is often such a strong smell, of roast bird that passengers on the plane think t hat chicken is being cooked. We oft en use so I such...that to express a consequence. • Use so + adjective The flight was so bumpy (that) we all felt sick. • Use so+ adverb The taxi driver drove so quickly (that) we got to the airport on time. • Use so much I so many+ noun There was so much traffic that we nearly missed our flight. • Use such a+ adjective + single countable noun It was such a great hotel (that) we want to go back there next year. • Use such+ adjective + uncountable noun We had such terrible weather that we didn't really enjoy the holiday. • Use such+ adjective + plural noun They were such uncomfortable seats (that) I couldn't sleep at all. b Complete the sentences with so, so much / many, such, or such a. 1 The flight was long that I got really bored. 2 I had noisy child sitting beside me that I couldn't sleep at all. 3 My suitcase was heavy that I had to pay excess baggage. 4 I slept badly on the flight from New York that the jet lag was worse than usual. 5 We were served terrible food that I couldn't eat a thing. 6 There were people at check-in thatwe had to queue for ages. 7 We had luggage that we had to get another trolley. 8 The people we met on holiday were nice people that we kept in touch with them. 4 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions. 1 How do you feel about flying? 2 How often do you fly? What for? ~ 3 When was the last flight you took? Where did you fly to? 4 Have you ever... • been very delayed at an airport? How long for? • missed a flight? Why? • been stopped in Customs? Were you carrying anything that you shouldn't have? • had very bad turbulence on a flight? How did you feel? Was anyone on the flight injured? • flown long haul? Did you get jet lag? • flown or been upgraded to business class? What was it like? • been on a flight where there was an emergency? What happened? • sat next to a screaming baby on a flight (or a child that kept kicking your seat)? What did you do? •• 5 LISTENING a You are going to listen to an airline pilot and an air traffic controller talking on a radio programme. Before you listen, discuss questions 1-8 with a partner and imagine what the answers will be. 1 What weather conditions are the most dangerous when you are flying a plane? 2 Is turbulence really dangerous? 3 Which is more dangerous, taking offor landing? 4 Are some airports more dangerous than others? 5 What personal qualities does an air traffic controller need? 6 Is the job really very stressful? 7 Why is it important for air traffic controllers and pilots to speak English well? 8 Are there more men than women working as pilots and air traffic controllers? b 7 >)) Listen to the programme. How many ofthe questions did you answer correctly? c Listen again for more detail and make notes for each ofthe questions. d Which job would you prefer, to work as a pilot or as an air traffic controller? Why? •• 6 GRAMMAR narrative tenses, past perfect continuous a Read a newspaper story about an incident that happened during a flight. What exactly happened? Last updated at 09:12 Nightmare over the Atlantic! At 11.35 on January 13th 2012 British Airways flight BA 0206 1took off I was taking off from Miami to London. It had been flying for about three hours, and was over the Atlantic, when suddenly a voice 2 came out I had come out of the loudspeakers: 'This is an emergency announcement. We may shortly have to make an emergency landing on water.' Immediately panic 3broke out I was breaking out. One passenger on the flight said, 'My wife and I looked at each other and we feared the worst. We imagined that we were about to crash into the Atlantic. It was awful. Everybody 4 screamed I was screaming.' But about 30 seconds later the cabin crew started to run up and down the aisle saying that the message 5 had been played I was being played by accident, and that everything was OK. By this time a lot of the passengers were in tears, and 6 tried I were trying to get their life jackets out from under their seats. Another passenger said, 'The captain didn't even say anything about it until just before we started to land and even then he didn't explain what 7happened I had happened. It was very traumatic. Everybody was terrified. I can't think of anything worse than being told your plane's about to crash. It 8 was I had been the worst experience of my life.' Later a British Airways spokesman 9said I had said, 'A prerecorded emergency announcement was activated by error on our flight from Miami to Heathrow. We would like to apologize to passengers on this flight.' Adapted from the Daily Telegraph b Read the story again andB the right form of the verbs 1- 9. c Now look at two sentences about the story. What do you think is the difference between the two highlighted verbs? The pilot was very experienced and had flown this route many times before. When the announcement was made the plane had been flying for about three hours. d )ii- p.136 Grammar Bank 3A. Learn more about narrative tenses and the past perfect continuous, and practise them. e In pairs or groups, try to complete the two sentences in four different ways using the four narrative tenses. 1 The police stopped the driver because he... 2 I couldn't sleep last night because.. . 7 PRONUNCIATION irregular past forms, sentence rhythm a Write the past simple ofthe following verbs in the chart according to the pronunciation ofthe vowel sound. become ea-Eeh cut drive fall fly hear hide f ight hold hurt keep leave lie read ride say sleep tell think t hrow write A ~ B i c ~ D ~- caught E i} Fm G l H •o'\\ ~-d~ became b Look at the verbs in a again. Which ones have a past participle which is different from the past simple form? Write these past participles in the chart. c 2 10>)) Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. d 11 >)) Listen to an extract from a narrative. Notice which are the stressed and unstressed words. We were on a flight to Tokyo,and we'd been flying for about five hours.I was reading and my wife was watching a film when suddenly we heard a very loud sounded as if an engine had exploded. The pilot didn't tell us what had happened until halfan hour later. e Practise reading the extract with the right rhythm. 8 SPEAKING a >Communication Flight stories A p.105 B p.110. Read a newspaper story. Then imagine you were a passenger on the plane, and tell your partner the story. b You are going to tell an anecdote. The story can either be true or invented.Ifit's invented, you must try to tell it in such a convincing way that your partner thinks it's true. Choose one ofthe topics below and plan what you're going to say. Use the language in the Telling an anecdote box to help you, and ask your teacher for any other words you need. Talk about a t ime when you... had a frightening experience when you were travelling or on holiday / . . f got ill or had an accident while travelling arrived home from a trip and had a surprise p Telling an anecdote Setting the scene This happened to me when I was... I was...-ing when... /...because I had/ hadn't... The main events I decided to...because... So then /... SuddenlyI At that moment... What happened in the end In the endI eventually... I felt... c In pairs, A tell B your story. B show interest and ask for more details. Then decide whether you think the story is true or not. Then swap roles. 9 This happened to me a few years ago when I was on holiday in Florida. I was swimming in the sea one day when I saw a shark. ~ally? How big was it? 12>)) SONG The Airplane Song ~ • G the position of adverbs and adverbial phrases V adverbs and adverbial phrases P word stress and intonation Ifyou want a happy ending,that depends, of course, on where you stop your story. 1 GRAMMAR the position of adverbs and adverbial phrases a Read the four fifty-word stories, using the glossary to help you. Match each one to its title. The story ofmy life Generation gap R evenge is s w eet H ooligans is a website to which people from all over the world contribute fifty-word stories in English. A The young men walked aggressively through the crowded shopping centre. They had their target in their sights, and wouldn't stop until they had done what they had set out to do. Now she felt scared. She ran from the hooded gang. stopped, and was cornered. 'Miss, you forgot your handbag.' B They had been arguing bitterly the night before. He had come in from the garage with oil on his shoes. Fed up, desperate, she stabbed him. Horrified by what she had done, she drove away from the house along the cliff road. Suddenly she realized that the brakes weren't working. c He was worried. Unfortunately, since his wife's death his teenage daughter had become extremely difficult. They had agreed 2.00 a.m. as the latest return time from nightclubs. Now it was 3.30. He prepared himself for confrontation as the door opened. 'Dad,' she shouted angrily. 'I've been frantic. You're late again.' D Stage one: Feel fat. Go on diet. Lose weight. Feel fabulous. Buy new clothes. Stage two: Eat normally but controlling intake. Look fabulous. New clothes slightly tight. Stage three: Eat and drink normally (potatoes, bread, pudding AND wine). New clothes don't fit. Old clothes thrown away. Back to stage one. Glossary A target noun objective, goal hooded adj with the hood ofa coat covering your face set out to do sth PV to begin an action with a particular goal in mind B stab verb to push a knife into sb or sth cliff noun a high area of rock often at the edge of the sea brakes noun the things that you use to stop a car c frantic adj very worried D fabulous adj wonderful intake noun the amount of food and drink that you take into your body pudding noun dessert b Look at the higli ighted adverbs or adverbial phrases in the stories. Think about what they mean and notice their position in the sentence. Write them in the correct place in the chart. Types of adverbs Time (when things happen, e.g. immediately) Manner (how you do something, e.g. slowly) Degree (describing I modifying an adjective, e.g. very) Comment (giving an opinion, e.g. luckily) c With a partner, decide where the bold adverbs should go in these sentences. I He speaks French and Spanish. fluently 2 I use public transport. hardly ever 3 I thought I'd lost my phone, but it was in my bag. fortunately 4 It's important that you arrive on time. extremely 5 As soon as I know, I'll tell you. straightaway d )ii- p.137 Grammar Bank 3B. Learn more about adverbs and adverbial phrases, and practise them. e 14>)) Listen to some sound effects and short dialogues. Then use the bold adverb to complete the sentence. I When she got to the bus stop, the bus... just 2 They were having a party when... suddenly 3 He thought he had lost his boarding pass, but... luckily 4 The woman thought Andrea and Tom were friends, but in fact... hardly 5 The driver couldn't see where he was going because... hard 6 Alain couldn't understand the man because... incredibly 2 VOCABULARY adverbs and adverbial phrases a Read another fifty-word story. Who is it about? Exam nerves It was nearly 4 a.m. and she could hardly keep her eyes open. She had been working hard since lunchtime, but the exam was near. Would she be able to finish in time? At nine the next morning she was in the classroom. 'OK.' she said. 'You can start now.' b Look at the highlighted adverbs.What's the difference between.. .? a ha1·d and hardly b near and nearly c )ii- p.155 Vocabulary Bank Adverbs and adverbial phrases. 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress and intonation a 17>)) Underline the stressed syllables in these adverbs. Listen and check. acltuallly allmost alpparlentlly balsiclally deflinlitelly elven elvenltuallly forltulnatelly gralduallly ildeallly inlcreldiblly lucklilly oblvilouslly unlforltulnatelly b 18>)) Listen and repeat the sentences, copying the stress and intonation ofthe adverbs. 1 There was alotoftraffic,andunfortunatelywe arrived extremelylate. 2 We definitelywant to go abroad this summer, ideally somewhere hot. 3 It's incredibly easy- even a child could do it! 4 Mark gradually began to realize that Lily didn't love him any more. 5 I thought Roberto was Portuguese, but actually he's Brazilian. 6 Apparently Jack has been offered a promotion at work, but it will mean moving to New York. 7 I absolutely love Italian food, especially pasta. 4 WRITING a You are going to write a fifty-word story. It must be SO words exactly (not including the title) and you must include at least two adverbs. Contracted forms (e.g. I'd) count as one word. First, in pairs, choose two ofthe titles below. A holiday romance The lie A day to forget Never again b Brainstorm ideas for the two plots, and each write a first draft without worrying about the number ofwords. c Swap your drafts then edit the stories, making sure they are exactly 50 words. d Read two other pairs' stories. Which do you like best? e )ii- p.114 Writing A short story.Write a 120-180 word short story. • 5 SPEAKING a Ask and answer the questions in the Reading habits questionnaire with a partner. b How similar are your reading habits? The press national newspapers local papers sports papers Books free papers comics academic journals novels classics textbooks non-fiction, e.g. self-help books short stories manuals Online web pages academic or work-related websites biogs news websites chat forums song lyrics • Which of the above do you read? How often? • Do you ever read any of them in English? • Do you read anything specifically to improve your English? • Do you prefer reading on paper or on screen? • Do you read more or less than you used to (or about the same)? • What was the last book you read? • Why did you choose to read it? • What are you reading at the moment? • Do you have a favourite author or authors? • What's the best book you've read recently? NO • Would you read more if you had more time? • Did you use to read more when you were younger? When did you stop? Did you have a favourite children's book? • What do you do to pass the time when you are travelling? Do you ever...? • listen to a song and read the lyrics at the same time • watch films or TV in English with English subtitles • read books and listen to them on audio at the same time, e.g. Graded Readers 6 READING & LISTENING a 19l)) Read and listen to Part 1 ofan American short story. Answer the questions with a partner. 1 Where does Susan want Stan to take her? To do what? 2 Why is Stan surprised? 3 What had happened to Susan the previous week? 4 Why does the writer say about Susan 'She was right, ofcourse, except about the hard-earned part.'? Lazy Susan BY NANCY PICKARD 'I want you to teach me how to shoot a gun,' Susan Carpenter said to her husband at breakfast. 'You want me to do what?' Stan Carpenter stared at her, a piece of toast in his hand. 'Take me to a shooting range.' Susan placed a couple of mushrooms and a fried egg carefully onto her bread to make a sandwich. It seemed a silly waste of effort to eat only one thing at a time. Her husband's surprise turned to delight. 'I think that's a wonderful idea!' Ever since she'd been robbed the week before on a dark night in the parking lot of the Mulberry Street Shopping Center, Stan had been telling her to learn how to protect herself, preferably with a gun. 'Are you serious about this?You've always hated guns.' 'Well, it looks like you win, dear.' 'We'll go to a range tonight,' Stan promised. Susan had been more angry than scared when she was robbed that night. He hadn't hurt her much, just a light knock on the head with his gun before he took her purse. It was only a little injury added to the greater insult. She was so angry about it! 'Fifty dollars!' she said incredulously to the nice police officer. 'One minute I had fifty dollars in my purse and the next minute I had nothing. Fifty hard-earned dollars gone, just gone! I have to work hours to earn that much money, and he comes along and takes it just like that!' She was right, of course, except about the 'hard-earned' part. That was a bit of an exaggeration. True, she did have a job as a receptionist in a sales office, but she didn't exactly work hard for her money. Oh, she was at work for eight hours every day, and she smiled at all the customers, and her bosses liked her, most people liked her. But there was more work that didn't get done than did. As she was always saying to her friends, 'Oh, well, you know me ... "Lazy Susan".' Glossary parking lot noun AmE for car park purse noun AmE for a woman's bag b 20 ))) Look at the glossary and make sure you know how the words are pronounced, and what they mean. Now listen to Part 2 . Then answer the questions with a partner. Glossary aimed /e1md/ verb pointed a weapon at sth mugging /'mAgIIJ/ noun the crime of attacking sb, or threatening to do so, in order to stealfrom them trigger /'tng~/ noun the part ofa gun that you press in order to fire it John Wayne an American actor who often starred in Western and war films tough /tAf/ adj strong enough to deal with a difficult situation bushes /'buf1z/ noun medium-sized plants likesmall trees 1 Where are Susan and Stan at the beginning ofPart 2? 2 How does Susan feel about shooting? 3 According to the instructor, who is the typical victim ofa mugging? 4 What kind ofperson does the mugger avoid? 5 How does the instructor recommend they should walk in order to look tough and confident? 6 How does the instructor say they can recognize a mugger? 7 What did he teach them in the previous two classes? 8 What surprises Stan about Susan? ... ... c 21 ))) Read and listen to Part 3. Answer the questions with a partner. The shops were closed when the movie-goers came out into the dark Mulberry Street Shopping Center parking lot. It had been one of the Superman films and Susan felt inspired. Stan would not have approved of her going to the movies alone, especially not back to the place where she was robbed. But he was away and she'd taken all those self-defense lessons. Now she knew a thing or two. A group of dark bushes were between her and her car. She walked confidently straight through them, then she stopped. She bent down slightly, and turned to look carefully behind her. She saw the man before he saw her. Everything she'd learned in her classes went through her mind: she looked at his walk, the look on his shadowed face, the object in his hands. Her breathing got quicker. She thought of the hours she'd worked to earn those fifty dollars, and of the so-and-so who had stolen it from her so easily. She took from her pocket the little gun that Stan had taught her to use. Then, just as the man walked past the bushes, she jumped behind him so he couldn't see her. 1 What effect did watching Superman have on Susan? 2 What does she mean by 'the scene ofthe crime' in paragraph two? 3 What did she think about when she saw the man? 4 Look at the highlighted words and phrases and try to work out their meaning from the context. 5 What do you think is going to happen next? d 22))) Listen to the end ofthe story. In pairs, discuss what you think happened, and what Susan is going to do in the future. Do you like the way the story ended? Did it end the way you expected? p Graded Readers This story is in a Graded Reader (from the Oxford Bookworm series level 6) called American Crime Stories. Remember that the more you read, the more vocabulary you learn, and the better your English will become. • 1 ·~ THE INTERVIEW Part 1VIDEO a 23>)) Read the biographical information about Julia Eccleshare and look at the book covers: have you read any ofthem? Julia Eccleshare is a well-known British journalist and writer on the subject of children's books. She has been children's book editor for t he Guardian newspaper since 2000. She regularly appears as a judge or Chair of judges on some of the major children's book prizes, and is particularly interested in how to encourage children and young people to read. Julia was awarded the Eleanor Farjeon Prize in 2000 in recognition of her outstanding contribution to children's books. She has four children and lives in London. b Watch or listen to Part 1 of an interview with her. W hy does she mention these four books? Warrior Scarlet Little House on the Prairie Mouse House Northern LiBhts c Now listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Say why the F sentences are false. 1 Julia has only re-read Warrior Scarlett once since she was a child. 2 She thinks people have very clear memories about books they loved as children. 3 Her parents read to her a lot when she was a child. 4 Her husband didn't want to read to the children at the end ofa long day. 5 One ofthe things she loves about Philip Pullman's books is that they make children think. Glossary warrior /'wori'J/ a person who fights in a battle or war (especially in the past) His Dark Materials trilogy a series ofthree fantasy novels by the author Philip Pullman consisting ofNorthern LiBhts,The Subtle Knife,and The Amber SpyBlass. A film based on Northern LiBhts was released in 2007 called The Golden Compass. Talking about... •~Part 2VIDEO a 24>)) Now watch or listen to Part 2. Number the photos in the order she mentions them. b Listen again.@the right answer. 1 The one big thing that she thinks makes a child a reader is learninB to read early /findinB the riBht book. 2 When teenagers have seen a film it often/ rarely makes them want to read the book. 3 Parents sometimes think that children should/ shouldn't read books which are difficult. 4 Jacqueline Wilson is an example of an author who parents / children used to think was very good but parents/ children didn't. 5 Julia thinks that children should/ shouldn't only read books which are ofhigh literary quality. Glossary a teen anthem a song which young people strongly identify with. Here Julia uses the expression to describe a novel. a literary stylist a writer who writes in a very literary style children's books •~Part 3VIDEO a 25>)) Now watch or listen to Part 3. Answer the questions. 1 Does she read print books, e-books, or both? 2 Does she think people will read fewer books because ofall the new technology? 3 Does she still read for pleasure? b Listen again. What is she referring to when she says the following things? 1 'I think we are, ought to, sort of, stop seeing the two in polarity, I think, you know. Everybody is going to read both.' 2 'So the book has always been under threat from these other media...' 3 '. ..I know you can do both, but most people don't.. .' 4 '...but as you get older it's just harder to carve out time like that and there's always something else pressing...' 5 '. ..and you have that kind ofchemical moment when the story grabs you.. .' 2 LOOKING AT LANGUAGE j) Ways of giving yourself time to think Julia often gives herself time to think when she's answering questions, either by stopping and starting again, sometimes in a slightly different way, or by using 'filler' sounds, e.g. 'um' and 'er', and certain words or phrases, e.g. 'well', 'I mean', etc. that don't add meaning but which we use for this purpose. 2 26 >)) Listen to some extracts from the interview and complete the missing words or phrases. 1 'Well, that's interesting, because ifl think back to it.. .' 2 '...I think, there's a lot of, oftalk about how children learn to read and all ofthis but ,and what strategy might be best, but actually what makes a reader.. .' 3 'Well, I think the biggest inspiration that I, I would, ____ I would like to say again.. .' 4 'You take a book like The Beach, it wasn't a book that was written for children.. .' 5 '.. .it was a ____ almost a teen anthem novel. ..' 6 'And what do you say about someone like JK Rowling who is, , not a great literary stylist.. .' 3 ·~ IN THE STREETVIDEO a 27 >)) Watch or listen to three people talking about children's books. Match the speakers (C, S, and L) with the book titles they mention. Charlie, English Sean, English Lucy, English D Northern Lights D The Famous Five D The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe D Dear Zoo D The Roald Dahl books b Watch or listen again. Who (C, S, or L).. .? D had favourite authors rather than favourite books D heard their favourite book before reading it D identified with a particular situation rather than specific characters D identified with naughty children in general D liked a book because it was about something he / she wasn't allowed to have D liked an author's books especially because ofthe pictures in them c 28 >)) Watch or listen and complete the highlighted Colloquial English phrases. What do you think they mean? 1 'I liked the thall the boy got lots ofdifferent animals through the post.. .' 2 '...she was like a tomboy, so I liK'ea the idea ofbeing quite adventurous...' 3 'I remember we had a teacher at school who read it ____ to us...' 4 ' whenever there was a boy who got into lots of- - - - 5 '. ..I loved because it just offered a really detailed other world, to just into.. .' 4 SPEAKING Answer the questions with a partner. Practise using 'fillers' to give yourselftime to think. 1 What was your favourite book when you were a child? Why did you like it so much? 2 Was there a character in a children's book that you identified with when you were a child? 3 Did your parents use to read to you? When and where? 4 Do you read more print books or more e-books? Why? G future perfect and future continuous V the environment, the weather P vowel sounds 1 READING & SPEAKING a Look at the title ofthe lesson. What do you think it means? Modern technology Owes ecology An apology b Read the introduction to the article and check.Then do the questionnaire and add up your score. c Now compare your answers with a partner. Explain why you do or don't do these things. See what your score means. Do you agree with it? I committed a crime last Tuesday, which just happened to be Earth Day*, a day that invites people to think about their eco-sins. I turned on the shower, intending to get straight in even though the water takes a while to warm up. But then I decided to brush my teeth, and suddenly the water had been running for over two minut es. By the time I got in, I was drowning in eco-guilt! I had wasted water.. . ,T -· f ~ ' , _._...'J p.156 Vocabulary Bank Weather. f D o you have an expression for Indian summer in your language? Do people in your country often talk about the weather? Why (not)? •• Don't know what to say? Talk about the weather! 1 ' I t is commonly observed,' wrote Dr Johnson in 1758, 'that when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather; they are in haste to tell each other, what each must already know, that it is hot or cold, bright or cloudy, windy or calm.' Not much has 5 changed. A survey published earlier this year found that the average British person mentions the weather at least once every six hours, and that 70 per cent of us check the weather forecast every day, even when nothing unusual is happening. Last week, as temperatures soared to 29°C - the highest recorded lo end-of-September temperature for 116 years - there was a sense of both delight (at the lovely hot weather) and worry (about the threat of global warming). On television and in the newspapers, experts argued earnestly over what such extreme weather meant, and if there was even a term for it. While many called it an Indian summer, the 15 Met Office ruled that it couldn't be properly called an Indian summer, which only occurs 'as a warm spell in autumn, especially in October and November'. The BBC's main weatherman also agreed that the heat had arrived a bit too early to be described as an Indian summer. Indian summer has different names across the globe. In Britain, until 20 around the end of the First World War, late heatwaves were known as 'St Martin's summers' - the feast of St Martin falling on IIth November - and in much of Europe they still are. Other countries have their own names - in Russia it's an 'Old Ladies' summer'; in Bulgaria a 'Gipsy summer'; and in China a 'Tiger autumn'. But the big difference between the British and other nationalities is that they talk about Indian summers much more. 'Britons need weather-talk to help us overcome our reserve,' explains Kate Fox, author of Watching the English. 'We talk about it a lot, but not because it is an intrinsically interesting topic. People use weather-talk to 30 facilitate social interaction.' The writer Sir John Mortimer saw a deeper reason for Britain's peculiar obsession with the weather. 'There's nothing personal about it,' he wrote. 'It gives away no secrets. Talking to our next-door neighbours over the fence, we, as a nation, are reluctant to make 35 such uncomfortable confessions as 'I can't stand your children', or 'I'm passionately in love with your wife'. It's far easier to say, 'I think we'll be having rain over the weekend'.' Glossary Dr Johnson a very influential 18th century writer and editor the Met Office the UK's national weather service 4 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds p Spelling and pronunciation Most vowels, or combinations of vowels, can be pronounced in more than one way. If you are unsure what the vowel sound is in a new word, check with your dictionary. a Look at the groups ofwords below and @the word you think is different. 1 blow snow showers below 2 weather sweat heavy heat 3 drizzle blizzard chilly mild 4 hard warm dark garden 5 flood cool soon loose 6 fought ought drought brought 7 thunder sunny hurricane humid 8 scorching world tornado storm b 34>)) Listen and check. c 35>)) Listen and write five sentences. Then practise saying them. d Talk to a partner. • What kind ofweather do you associate with the different seasons where you live? • What's the weather like today? Have you heard the forecast for tomorrow / next weekend? • What's your favourite weather? Does the weather affect your mood? What do you like doing when the weather is bad? • What kind ofweather do you think is the best and the worst for...? a camping b going for a walk in the mountains c driving d running a marathon e shopping f sightseeing • Do you think global warming is affecting the climate? In what ways has climate change affected the weather in your country? a 36>)) You're going to listen to three people talking about their experiences ofextreme weather in the UK. Listen once. Which speaker...? D was both frightened and excited by the weather D got quite stressed because ofthe weather D really enjoyed themselves in spite ofthe bad weather b Listen again and make notes in the chart. Speakerl Speaker2 Speaker3 When did it happen? Where were they at the time? What kind of weather was it? What happened as a result? p Modifiers with strong adjectives When you are talking about extreme situations, e.g. very bad weather you can use: 1 Normal adjectives with a modifier (very, really, extremely, incredibly, unbelievably), e.g. It was incredibly cold, extremely hot, unbelievably windy, etc. 2 Strong adjectives, e.g. It's boiling here - 40 degrees, It's freezing today, etc. 3 Strong adjectives with absolutely, e.g. It was absolutely freezing. The midday heat was absolutely scorching. Remember that we often use a bit or rather+ adjective to express a negative idea, e.g. It's a bit too hot. It's rather chilly today. c In small groups, talk about a time when you were somewhere when... there was a terrible heatwave Where were you and what were you doing? What did you do to protect yourselffrom the weather? Did you ever feel scared or in danger? 6 37>)) SONG Heatwave ~ •• • G zero and first conditionals, future time clauses V expressions with take In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.P sentence rhythm 1 LISTENING & SPEAKING a Talk to a partner. 1 Imagine that you had a dream where you were standing on the edge ofa precipice. What sort ofdream would it be for you? a an exciting one b a nightmare c an interesting one, which you might try to interpret 2 What do you think your answer says about your attitude to risk? b 38>)) Listen to six people answering the question Areyou a risk taker? How many ofthe speakers consider themselves risk takers? c Listen again. Who... ? D says that some activities are enjoyable because they are a bit risky D thinks that his /her attitude to risk is different from what it was before D thinks that taking risks means losing control D had to pay some money because ofhis / her risky behaviour D worries about his / her personal safety D does something which most people think of as very risky, but which he / she says is not d Listen again for more detail. What examples ofrisks do the speakers say they would take, or have taken? What things wouldn't they do? Do you identify with any ofthe speakers? Why? e Work with a partner. A interview B with the questions in the red circles. For each circle, write R ifyou think that in that area B is prepared to take risks. Then B interview A with the blue circles. f Look at what you have written in the circles. In which areas ofhis /her life would you say your partner was a risk taker? Does he / she agree? Which ofyou is the bigger risk taker? Sports and activities rHave you ever done any dangerous sports or activities? Did you enjoy them? Would you do them again? Would you do a parachute jump or a bungee jump for charity? Have you ever done something dramatically different to " your appearance, e.g. had a very different hairstyle or hair colour, a tattoo, or a piercing? How did you feel immediately afterwards? Did you regret it later? ~ Do you have any habits that you know are not good for your health? Have you ever tried to give up the habits? Do you worry about them? Do you ever buy things online? Have you ever had a bad experience? Do you walk by yourself late Do you cycle in your town or city? How safe do you feel? at night or get )',,..._ late night taxis? Do you Do you buy clothes online? Are there any kinds of clothes you wouldn't buy online? drive a car or ride a motorbike? Do you ever go really fast and break the speed limit? Would you ever buy a second-hand car or bike on eBay (or a similar website)? Have you ever travelled somewhere without having booked somewhere to stay in advance? Do you normally take out insurance when you travel? If you are travelling somewhere, do you normally get to the station or airport with plenty of time or at the last minute? Do you think you would go out with...? a) someone from another country b) someone you had met online Would you go on holiday abroad on your own? Do you think ~ you would go out with someone who was much older (or ~ much younger) than you? Would Work d t dyou take a an s u y job (with a two- / year contract) in an English-speaking country, e.g. the US or the UK? Have you ever cheated in an exam? Were you worried about getting caught? Would you ever cheat in a very important exam? Do you normally start revising for an exam in good time, or do you leave it until the last minute? 2 GRAMMAR conditionals and future time clauses a Match the sentence halves. 1 D Ifmy dad fin s oun I've been hitchhiking, 2 D When you're crossing the road in the UK, 3 D As soon as ['ve passed my driving test, 4 D Ifit's still raining this afternoon, 5 D When I've ooked the flights, 6 D Ifyou don't ask her to pay you back, 7 D If['m not feeling better tomorrow, 8 D Ifyou carry on with the diet, A you'flhave lost ten kilos by Christmas. B he'llbe furious. C I'm going to buy a car. D make sure you look right and then left. E she'llnave forgotten she borrowed it. F we can start looking for hotels. G we're calling offthe match. H I won't be going to work. b Look at the highlighted verbs. In first conditional sentences and future time clauses, what form s or tenses can you use a) after if, when, etc. (1-8) b) in the main clause (A-H)? c Now look at two more conditional sentences. D o the main clauses refer to a) something which might be a consequence ofthe if-clause, or b) something which is always a consequence ofthe if-clause? Ifpeople drive when they are tired, they often have accidents. Ifroads are wet or icy, the number ofaccidents goes up. d )ii- p.139 Grammar Bank 48. Learn more about conditionals and future time clauses, and practise them. e In pairs, complete each sentence in your own words. 1 Don't let children play near a swimming pool unless... 2 Never leave a dog locked up in a car if. .. 3 Keep a first aid kit in your house in case... 4 Children shouldn't be left alone in the house until. .. 5 Always unplug electrical appliances (e.g. a hairdryer) as soon as... 6 Always keep medicines in a safe place in case... 7 Don't allow strangers into your house unless... 8 Ifyou are frying something and the oil catches fire,... 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence rhythm a 2 42 >)) Listen and write six sentences in the dialogues. 1 A If we rent a house in the mountains, will you come skiing wit h us? B 1 . How much do you think it'll cost? A 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B Well, I'll have to check my dates first. A OK, but 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 A How will I find you at the theatre? B 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A 5 ? I don't finish work until 7.00. B I'll wait for you until 7.20 and then I'll go to my seat. A s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b 2 43>)) Listen to both dialogues and underline the stressed words you have written. c In pairs, practise the dialogues.Try to say the sentences smoothly with a natural rhythm. •• 4 READING a H ave you ever travelled very fast in a car or on a motorbike? Do you know how fast you were going? How did you feel? b Look at the article. Can you explain the title? Read the article once and answer the questions. 1 What two alternatives are offered to speedaholics ifthey are caught? 2 What's the main thing that participants learn on the course? 3 Do you think the course will make John Earl go more slowly? c Read the article again and complete the gaps with A- E. A the speeders are asked to explain why they were stopped and to give details of any accidents they've had B so before leaving, each of them is given a metal key ring engraved with a cross-section of a head inside a helmet C programmes used to treat alcoholics and drug addicts D although other people get injured and even die, 'It's not going to happen to me' E the class to write down their worst experience on the road, their potential risk areas, and what they need to remember to keep themselves alive d Look at the highlighted phrases.With a partner, use your own words to say what they mean. e W hich ofthe two punishments for speeding (doing the course or getting points on your licence) do you think would be more effective in your country? W hy? Glossary speed noun the rate at which something moves or travels speed noun (informal) an illegal amphetamine drug points on your licence in the UK (and many other countries) if you commit a driving offence you may get penalty points on your licence. Ifyou get more than 12 points in three years,you can be banned from driving. Valentino Rossi an Italian motorcyclist who has won nine Grand Prix World Championships •• J ohn Earl is 25 and addicted to speed. Notthe drug, but a mixture that is just as powerful - an intoxicating combination of high-powered engines, testosterone and youth. 'It's not the speed exactly,' he says. 'It's the adrenaline. It's the buzz you get when you go fast.' But ifyou regularly drive at 120mph (190kph) on a public road, sooner or later you're going to get caught, and today John is one of a dozen speeders attending a new programme designed to cure them oftheir need for speed. It is similar to 1__. At the beginning ofthe course the participants are asked to introduce themselves and admit that they have a problem. 'Hello, my name's John, and I'm a speedaholic.' The speedaholics course is for serious and habitual offenders, and is offered as an alternative to getting points on your licence. 'It is based on research into the attit udes of young drivers and bikers,' says Chris Burgess, a psychology lecturer at Exeter University, who created the programme. There are courses for both car drivers and motorcyclist s. 'There is an element of addiction in this sort of behaviour,' says Burgess. 'It's sensation-seeking, it's taking risks, looking for that buzz, but ignoring the potentially fatal consequences. They all have the feeling that 2__. Today's course, which is for motorcyclists, is led by Inspector Robin Derges, a police officer who is a senior investigator of road deaths and a keen biker himself. After introducing themselves, 3__. They range in age from 18 to mid-forties and most were caught doing at least 20mph (36kph) over the speed limit. Oerges gets straight to the point. 'Motorcyclists make up just 1%of all the vehicles on the road, but 33%of all deaths and serious injuries happen to motorcyclists. Unless something changes, ifwe meet up here in a year's time, one of you will be dead.' Says Derges 'We want to give them a sense oftheir own vulnerability, their human limitations, and to help them make a realistic assessment ofthe risks involved. It's not about stopping people from enjoying riding, it's about preventing deaths.' Towards the end ofthe day he asks 4__. 'The problem is that people get on their bikes and suddenly think they're Valentino Rossi,' says John. Standing in the car park at the end ofthe course, the bikers seem to 1 have taken everything they have heard very seriously. John admits 'It's certainly made me more aware. I know I sometimes behave like an idiot. But that's not to say I won't forget all about it in a few weeks' time.' Burgess knows this, 5__. It is to remind them of a part ofthe course that explained what can happen to the brain in a collision. 'The idea is that they will see the key ring when they are riding and it will make them think twice,' says Burgess. Adapted from The Sunday Times 5 LISTENING a You are going to listen to an expert talking about the risks ofdriving. Before you listen, choose which you think is the right option, a, b, or c. Compare with a partner and give reasons for your choice. 1 The most dangerous thing to be on the road is.. .. a a pedestrian b a driver c a motorcyclist 2 Most fatal accidents happen because drivers.... a fall asleep at the wheel b are drunk c drive too fast 3 Driving at night is ... as dangerous as driving during the day. a three times b four times c ten times 4 You're most likely to have an accident on a.... a Monday morning b Friday afternoon c Saturday night 5 Most accidents happen.... a on long-distance journeys b in the city centre c very near your house 6 The worst roads for fatal accidents are.... a motorways b urban roads c country roads 7 Mile for mile, womenhave more...than men. a minor accidents b serious accidents c fatal accidents 8 The age at which a driver is at most risk is.... a over 25 b between 21 and 26 c under 25 b 44>)) Listen once and check your answers. c Listen for more details for each question in a . d Talk to a partner. 1 Would these statistics probably be similar in your country? 2 Do you think the age limit for having a driving licence should be raised? 3 Do you think punishments for dangerous driving should be more severe? 4 What else do you think would help to reduce accidents in your country? 5 Doyou or does anybody you know often drive too fast? 6 VOCABULARY expressions wit h take a Look at three sentences from the lesson. What do the highlighted phrases with take mean? Which one is a phrasal verb? Do you normally take out insurance when you travel? It's sensation-seeking, it's taking risks... ...we need to take the risks involved in driving very seriously b Match some more expressions and phrasal verbs with take to their meanings. Expressions with take 1 take care of 2 take advantage of 3 take part in 4 take place 5 take (your) time 6 take into account Phrasal verbs with take 7 take after 8 take off 9 take up A D look after B D begin a new activity C D participate in D D happen E D 1 (for planes) leave the ground; 2 (for clothes) remove F D do sth slowly, not in a hurry G D be similar to sb H D make use ofan opportunity I D think about sb / sth when you are making a decision c Complete the questions with a phrasal verb or expression from b. Then ask and answer with a partner. Give examples to explain your answers. 1 Who do you take more, your father or your mother? 2 Do you worry about your health? Do you take ____ yourself? 3 Do you get up very quickly in the morning or do you take ? 4 Have you ever not taken a good opportunity (and regretted it)? 5 Have you ever taken a demonstration? 6 Have you taken a new sport or hobby recently? 7 Has any big sporting event ever taken ____ m your (nearest big) city? 8 Ifyou were thinking ofbuying a new computer or mobile phone, what factors would you take ? p Giving examples We often use for example or for instance to give examples. I take after my mother, for example I for instance we both have the same sense ofhumour. 7 WRITING ~ p.115 Writing For and against. Write a blog post. • GRAMMAR a@a,b, orc. 1 When we got to Terminal 2, the flight from London - - a had already landed b had already been landing c already landed 2 As soon as we arrived at the airport, we ___ a had checked in b were checking in c checkedin 3 We for about an hour when suddenly the plane began to lose height. a had been flying b were flying c flew 4 Itwas boring film that we left in the middle ofit. a so b such a c a such 5 Nico's father _ _ _ a speaks English fluently b speaks English fluent c speaks fluently English 6 . I just need another five minutes. a I've finished nearly b Nearly I've finished c I've nearly finished 7 The driver in the accident. a seriously was injured b was injured seriously c was seriously injured 8 The car 50,000 km -we'llneed to get it serviced. a will soon have done b will soon do c will soon be doing 9 You can watch TV as soon as your homework. a you'll finish b you're finishing c you've finished 10 Ifthe tickets cost more than 100 euros, ___ a I don't go b I'm not going to go c I won't have gone b Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe verb in bold. 1 Imagine! This time tomorrow we ___ on the beach. lie 2 The match starts at 7.00. By the time I get home it ___ already . start 3 You mustn't use your mobile phone until the plane . land 4 Many people have problems sleeping ifthey ___ coffee after midday. drink 5 I want to spend a year travelling when I ___ university. finish VOCABULARY a Write words for the definitions. 1 g the door outside which you wait to board your flight 2 b r the place where you pick up your luggage after you've arrived 3 a the passage between the rows ofseats inside a plane 4 t a series ofsudden and violent changes in wind direction which affects flights 5 j 1 the feeling ofbeing tired and confused after a long flight b @ the correct word. 1 Gina and I haven't seen each other much late / lately. 2 Our hotel has a great view! We can even/ ever see the Eiffel Tower! 3 I've been working too hard / hardly lately. 4 How much cases/ luBBaBe are you going to take? 5 I love all pasta, but especially / specially lasagne. c Complete with the verb in the past tense. 1 The wind bl so hard that two trees fell down. 2 The taxi dr me offoutside the terminal. 3 It p with rain last night and I got soaked coming home from work. 4 She g on the bus but there was nowhere to sit. 5 Wet advantage ofthe good weather and spent the day at the beach. d @ the word that is different. 1 breeze wind hurricane 2 chilly boiling hot 3 fog damp mist 4 cold freezing bright 5 hail thunder lightning e Complete with one word. blizzard scorching smog icy drought 1 We checked as soon as we got to the airport. 2 The most dangerous moment during a flight is when the plane is taking or landing. 3 I've decided to take running. I need to lose some weight. 4 Who do you take ___ most in your family? 5 The final will take in Stockholm next Saturday. PRONUNCIATION a @the word with a different sound. 1 ~ pouring storm hardly warm 2 l weather heavy clear pleasant 3 ~ lounge snow cold closed 4 rn luggage flood thunder humid 5 ""'~ D~ rain trolley lately delayed b Underline the main stressed syllable. 1 ejvenjtuallly 2 grajdua!lly 3 ejspelciallly 4 pa!ssenlger 5 hulrrijcane CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. Is wingsuit flying a popular hobby? b Read the article again and complete it with phrases A-F. There is one sentence you do not need. A But the sport truly took offin 1997 B Some wingsuit flyers attach cameras to their helmets C For me, the crazy thing isn't continuing to do it D With practice, some wingsuiters can stay in the air for more than three minutes E The acronym stands for the potential jump offpoints F But wingsuiters are not easily deterred c Choose five words or phrases from the text. Check their meaning and pronunciation and try to learn them. -~ CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS FILM?VIDEO 45 l)) Watch or listen to a short film on The British and the Weather. Complete the sentences with one or two words. 1 A ofBritish people begin a conversation by talking about the weather. 2 People talk even more about the weather nowadays, because in Britain it's becoming ______ 3 2012 was the year since records began. 4 Britishweather is quite compared to other countries. 5 The British weatherhas aninfluence onits and ___ 6 Former Prime Minster Gordon Brown blamed Britain's bad economic performance on the ______ 7 In the UK elections are nearly always held in the ___ or ___ 8 Some experts say that the weather is the reason why Britain has never had a ___ 9 Turner and Constable are famous British___ who were inspired by the weather. The expression 'to weather the --'"-- etbing. HOME I TODAY'S PAPER I VIDEO I MOST POPULAR I SUBSCRIBE They believe they can fly Some people just won't be satisfied till they can fly. This primal urge has given rise to wingsuit fliers, thrillseekers who leap off cliffs or out ofaeroplanes wearing winged jumpsuits. 1 , and hit speeds ofover 100 miles an hour, achieving what they say is the closest thing to engineless flight that humans have ever experienced. 'It's a weird, risky thing to do,' said Tanya Weiss, 35, a professional wingsuit pilot, 'but the dream offlight is ancient, and some of us feel like it's something we were born with.' In addition to the dozen or so professionals like Ms Weiss, who spend their workdays filming adverts and doing movie stunts, there are only a handful ofpeople who have ever actually tried it. Most are elite skydivers, also known as BASE jumpers. 2 - Buildings, Antennas, Spans (bridges), and Earth (i.e. hills and cliffs). There have been many attempts at wingsuit flying throughout history, dating from the German engineer Otto Lilienthal, who in the late 1800s designed winged gliders that allowed him to fly up to 1,000 feet without an engine. 3 , when the French skydiver Patrick de Gayardon successfully jumped from a plane wearing nothing but a modified jumpsuit. Wingsuit flying as a spectator sport derives much ofits thrill from people putting their lives at risk, and at extremely high speeds. Both Otto Lilienthal and Patrick de Gayardon died trying to achieve flight with winged outfits, as did Eric Stephenson, Tanya Weiss's mentor and fiance. 4 . Despite the death ofthe man she planned to marry, Ms Weiss, who recently led the successful effort to set a world record for the largest wingsuit skydive formation with 99 others in California, still pursues her dream of flying. 'I thought about quitting,' she said. 'But we're pushing the boundaries of what humans can do. 5 . The crazy thing would be to walk away from this thing that has brought me together with some ofthe most incredible people in the world.' Adapted from The New York Times Ill G unreal conditionals V feelings P word stress in 3- or 4-syllable adjectives 1 SPEAKING & READING a Answer the questions with a partner. Give reasons for your answers. l How do you think you would react in a life or death emergency situation? a I'd panic and become hysterical. b I'd 'freeze' and wouldn't be able to do anything. c I'd act coolly and calmly. 2 If you caught a plane tomorrow and the flight attendant began giving the safety information, would you...? a listen, but not take it very seriously b carry on reading your book or magazine c pay attention and also read the safety information in the seat pocket 3 What would you do if you were hiking alone in the mountains and you got completely lost (without phone coverage)? a I'd stay where I was and wait to be rescued. b I'd keep walking and try to find my way to my destination. c I'd try to find my way back to where I'd started from. 4 What would you do if you woke up in the middle of the night and thought that you could hear an intruder in your home? If you would do something different, say what. a I'd confront the intruder. b I'd keep still and quiet and hope that the intruder would go away. c I'd lock myself in a room and call the police. To survive, it is often necessary to fight, and to fight you have to get dirty. b Read the article How to eat an elephant and answer the questions. 1 What is the key to surviving in a life or death crisis? 2 What is the 10-80-10 principle? 3 What is the other important factor apart from keeping calm? c Look at the highlighted words and phrases try to work out their meaning. Then match them to 1-8. 1 overwhelmed 2 adj unable to react because the emotion is too strong adj so shocked that you cannot think clearly or act 3 - - -- --- 4 5 6 7 8 noun a new or difficult thing that tests your abilities adj very confused adj based on reason and not emotion verb to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem to not get excited or nervous, to not panic pieces ofwork that it is possible to deal with or control d Work in groups ofthree.> Communication It's an emergency! A p.106 Bp.110 c p.112. Read about what to do in three different emergency situations. Then take turns to say what you should and shouldn't do. e Now look back at the questions in a. Did you choose the right answers? , .. , edi~fiokiTAN EIEr<, ··· ~NT THE LESSONS OF THE SURVIVORS CLUB i A t least 80% of us react in the same way to a life or death crisis or emergency: we're simply overwhelmed - the challenge seems too great, the problem insolvable. In Air 5 Force survival school, they try to teach you how to overcome this feeling. One of the things they ask new cadets, is 'How would you eat an elephant?', and they make them memorize the right answer, which is: 'You eat an elephant one bite at a time.' Survival means io dealing with a huge life-or-death problem, one which you may not be able to solve quickly or all at once. The key to survival is to slow down and divide the challenges into small, manageable tasks, one goal at a time, one decision at a time. When an avalanche 15 buried the survivors of a plane crash in the Andes, the survivors whispered to each other 'Breathe. Breathe again. With every breath you are alive.' In a hopeless situation without oxygen or light this approach kept them going until they found a way out. 20 This and much more is what survival expert Ben Sherwood tells us in his best-selling book The Survivors Club, which brings together stories of reallife survivors from all kinds of disasters. He begins by explaining the 10-80-10 principle. When faced with 25 an emergency 80% of people freeze. They are stunned and 'turn into statues' or are so bewildered by what is happening around them that they can't react. Ten per cent lose control. These people scream and cry, and often make the situation worse. But 10% keep calm and 30 behave in a rational way. They don't panic and they assess the situation clearly and take decisions. These people have the best chance of survival in a crisis, and Sherwood explains how you can try to become more like them. 35 He also reminds us that, apart from staying calm and not despairing, knowing the right thing to do in a crisis is also vital, and that in most emergencies many more people survive than don't. For example, most 40 people think that you can't survive a plane crash, but American research has shown that the survival rate in all air crashes is historically 95.7%. Sherwood not only tries to show us how to behave rationally and calmly, he also gives us the information we need to join 'The Survivors Club'. 2 VOCABULARY feelings a Look at four adjectives in le. Which three describe how people are feeling? b >- p.157 Vocabulary Bank Feelings. 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress in 3- or 4-syllable adjectives a Read the dialogues and underline the stressed syllable in the bold adjectives. 1 A Hi, Sue. What's the matter? B I've just been robbed! Please come quickly. I'm des!per!ate. 2 A You weren't oflfend jed by what Isaid, were you? B Yes, actually Iwas. 3 A What did you think of the film? B To be honest, Iwas a bit disjaplpointjed. 4 A What don't you understand in the report? B I'm just completely bejwiljdered by so many facts and figures. 5 A Were you surprised to hear that the boss is leaving? B Iwas asjton jished. Ireally wasn't expecting it. 6 A So can you come to dinner next week? B Yes, we'd be dejlightjed to. 7 A How did your parents react when you told them you and Susan had separated? B They were devjasitaited. 8 A How did you feel when you heard the news? B Iwas absolutely horlrijfied. It was such an awful accident. 9 A So do you like the watch? B Ilove it. I'm completely olverlwhelmed - Idon't know what to say! b 3 5 >)) Listen and check. Practise the conversations, copying the intonation and stressing the right syllable in the adjectives. c Choose two adjectives from a and tell your partner about a time or a situation when you felt like that. •• 4 READING & LISTENING a Answer the questions in pairs. 1 Imagine you were going to go backpacking in the Amazon rainforest, what do you think would be the main problems you would need to overcome, e.g. the heat, insects, the food, etc.? 2 What would you be most afraid of? b Read the beginning ofa true survival story and then answer the questions below. 1 What was the three friends' original plan? How did this change? 2 What caused tensions between...? a the three men and the guide b Kevin and Marcus 3 Why did they finally separate? 4 Which pair wouldyou have chosen to go with? Why? 5 How would you have felt if you had been in Marcus's situation? c You are going to listen to part ofa documentary and find out what happened to the four men. After each part answer the questions with a partner. 3 6l)) 1 What happened to Kevin and Yossi on the raft? 2 What piece ofluck did Yossi have? Whose situation would you rather have been in, Kevin's or Yossi's? Why? 3 How were Kevin and Yossi feeling? 4 What happened to Yossi on his first night alone in the jungle? What would you have done ifyou had been in Yossi's situation? a m Four young men went into the jungle on the adventure of a lifetime. Only two of them would come out alive••. The Amazon rainforest is roughly the size of Europe or Australia. It is the home of more than half the plant and animal species known to man, many of which are lethal. In 1981 three friends went backpacking in a remote area of Bolivia: Yossi Ghinsberg, 22, and his two friends Kevin Wallace, 29, and Marcus Stamm, 29. They hired an experienced guide, an Austrian called Karl, who promised that he could take them deep into the rainforest to an undiscovered Indian village. Then they would raft nearly 200 kilometres back down river. Karl said that the journey to the village would take them about seven days. Before they entered the jungle, the three friends made a promise that they would 'go in together and come out together'. 3 8 l)) 5 Why did Yossi's spirits change from desperate to optimistic, and then to desperate again? How would you have felt at this point? What do you think had happened to Kevin? 3 9 l)) 6 What had Kevin been doing all this time? 7 W hat did Kevin decide to do? 8 W hy was he incredibly lucky? Ifyou had been Kevin, what would you have done now? The four men set off from the town of Apolo and soon they had left civilization far behind. But after walking for more than a week there was no sign of the village and tensions began to appear in the group. The three friends started to suspect that Karl, the guide, didn't really know where the Indian village was. Yossi and Kevin began to get fed up with their friend Marcus because he was complaining about everything, especially his feet, which had become infected and were hurting. Eventually they decided to abandon the search for the village and just to hike back to Apolo (instead of rafting) the way they had come. But Kevin was furious because he thought that it was Marcus's fault that they had had to cut short their adventure. So he decided that he would raft down the river, and he persuaded Yossi to join him, but he didn't want Marcus to come with them. Marcus and Karl decided to go back to Apolo on foot. The three friends agreed to meet in a hotel in the capital La Paz in a week's time. Early next morning the two pairs of travellers said goodbye and set off on their different journeys... How did Kevin first try to get help? Why was it unsuccessful? 11 What was his last attempt to find his friend? 3 11 l))12 How long had Yossi been on his own in the jungle? How was he? 13 What did he think the buzzing noise was? What was it? What do you think might have happened to Marcus and Karl? d Do you think you would have survived ifyou had been in Yossi's situation? Would you have done anything differently? 5 GRAMMAR unreal conditionals a Look at four sentences, and complete the gaps with the verbs in the right tense. 1 What would you do ifyou (be) in the mountains and you (get lost)? 2 Ifl thought that somebody was in my house,I (call) the police and I (not confront) the intruder. 3 What would you have done ifyou (be) in Yossi's situation? 4 IfKevin hadn't looked for his friend,Yossi ____ (die). b Look at sentences 1-4 again. Which two refer to a hypothetical situation in the past? Which two refer to a hypothetical situation in the present or future? c > p.140 Grammar Bank SA. Learn more about unreal conditionals, and practise them. d Complete the two sentences in your own words with a positive [±] and negative clause B. 1 Ifl lived in the city centre... [±] - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 My phone bill wouldn't have been so high if. .. [±] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- B ----- ------------------ e > Communication Guess the conditionals A p.106 Bp.111. 6 WRITING > p.116 Writing An article. Write an article about how to keep safe. G structures after wish V expressing feelings with verbs or -ed I -ing adjectives P sentence rhythm and intonation Some people want things to happen, some wish things would happen, others make things happen. 1 GRAMMAR wish + would a Look at a Twitter thread where people tweeted about things that annoy them. Tick (vi') the things that annoy you, too. b Compare the things you've ticked with a partner. Which are your top three, and why? p Useful language I agree with this one. It really annoys me when... people shout It's so annoying when... on mobile phones. '-##iwishtheywouldn't Tweets Top / All I wish people wouldn't start stupid rumours that aren't true. #iwishtheywouldn't I wish my boyfriend wouldn't fall asleep every time I want to talk to him. @ #1w1shtheywouldn't I wish my son wouldn't always leave the car with no petrol every time he borrows it. #iwishtheywouldn't I wish people would turn up when they say they're It drives me mad when... • going to. #1wishtheywouldn t ~-----------------~ : .....,,.. ,nrn~--------------------------1 c )iii- p.141 Grammar Bank SB. Learn more about wish+ would, and practise it. ,.,.. d Write three more things that annoy you ana .. I~1i athat you would like people to change, to add ~1 to the Twitter thread. Begin... 1 1~.J~I! I wish...would Jwouldn't. .. 1 ,,,~I1 e In pairs or small groups, compare your tweets. I wish people would stop using emoticons and smiley faces. They just annoy me. :( tt wishtheywouldn't I wish my family would put DVDs back in their cases. I hate finding empty cases when I'm looking for something to watch. #iwishtheywouldn't I wish my friends would put their phones away when we're having a meal. You shouldn't text at the dinner table! #iwishtheywouldn't I wish my children would take their tissues out of their pockets before they put their clothes in the washing machine. #iwishtheywouldn't I wish my boss wouldn't always arrange meetings during my lunch hour. #iwishtheywouldn't I wish people wouldn't ask me 'What are you doing?' when it's completely obvious what I'm doing. #1wishtheywouldn't I wish advertising companies wouldn't use songs I really love to advertise something I hate. #iwishtheywouldn't I wish people wouldn't leave supermarket trolleys in the car park just because they can't be bothered to take them back. #iwishtheywouldn't I wish shop assistants would serve me when I'm waiting instead of chatting with their friends. t'l1wishtheywouldn't I wish people would throw away pens when they don't work any more!!! rt w1shtheywouldn't 2 VOCABULARY &SPEAKING expressing feelings with verbs or -ed I -ing adjectives j) Ways of talking about feelings We often talk about feelings in three different ways: 1 by using a verb (e.g. annoy) That noise is starting to annoy me. 2 by using an -ing adjective (e.g. annoying) That noise is really annoying. 3 by using an -ed adjective (e.g. annoyed) I'm getting really annoyed by that noise. Remember that the rules for pronouncing -ed adjectives are the same as for regular past tense verbs, e.g. annoyed= Id/, irritated= /1d/ and depressed= /ti. a Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe word in bold. 1 It really me when people drive close infuriate behind me. 2 I get very when something goes frustrate wrong with my internet connection and I don't know how to fix it. 3 It's so _____ when I can't remember someone's name, but they can remember mine. 4 I used to love shopping in the sales, but now I find it . After an hour I just want to go home. 5 I'm often with my birthday presents. My expectations are obviously too high! 6 It me that some people still don't buy things like books and music online. 7 I find speaking in public absolutely ____ I hate doing it. embarrass exhaust disappoint amaze terrify 8 I've often been by reading about how inspire some successful people have overcome difficulties. 9 I never find instructions for electronic devices confuse helpful, in fact usually they just me. 10 W hen I travel I'm always ifl manage thrill to communicate something in a foreign language. b 3 16 l)) Listen and check. T hen with a partner, say if the sentences are true for you or not. Give examples or reasons. j) Feelings adjectives that have an -edform, but not an -ingform A few -ed adjectives describing feelings don't have an -ing form, e.g. impressed - impressive NOT iff1f7FeSSifig c Complete the sentences below with a form ofthe adjective in bold. 1 We are extremely impressed by your CV. Your CV is extremely . . impressive. 2 I'm very stressed by my job. My job is very ____ 3 I was really scared during the film. The ending was especially 4 I was delighted to meet Jane. She really is a person. 5 I was really offended by what you said. What you said was really d In pairs, choose three circles to talk about. an embarrassing mistake you once made something that makes you feel depressed a film or a book that you found really disappointing something t hat really annoys you when you're shopping e Are there any things that make you feel exactly the same way as your partner? something that somet imes frust rat es you about learning English something that really stresses you in your daily life •• 3 READING & SPEAKING a You are going to read an article about some research that has been done about what people regret in life. Before you read, with a partner say whether you think the following sentences are true or not. 1 Most people spend some time every day thinking about things that they regret having done or not having done. 2 The main area oflife where people have regrets is relationships. 3 On average people have one major regret in life. 4 Most people think that the things they regret having done (or not done) are other people's fault. 5 Most people believe that regrets are positive, because you learn from your mistakes. b Read the first part ofthe article (to line 16) once and check. c Without looking back at the article, can you remember another way ofsaying...? 1 753 2 66.6% 3 25% d Now read Some ofthe top 20 re8rets. With a partner, number what you think the top five regrets were in the survey (1= the most common regret). e 17 ))) Listen and check. How many did you get right? Which do you think would be the top regrets for people in your age group? p regret doing or regret having done? After regret the following verb must be in the gerund, but you can normally use either a simple gerund or a perfect gerund. •• Iregret not going to university. OR Iregret not having gone to university. Glossary Regrets, I've had a few... an often-quoted line from the Frank Sinatra song My Way lay the blame at sb else's door /OM say that sb else is responsible for sth getting on the property ladder /OM buying your first house or flat Regrets, we've had a few (our love lives, health, childhoods...) A recent survey has shown that we spend almost three quarters of an hour every week dwelling on our regrets. l Three quarters of the people surveyed said they did not believe it was possible to live a life without regrets. perhaps explaining why, on average. we spend 44 minutes a week thinking about things we could or should have done differently. Our main areas of regret are s our love lives (20%), family (18%), career (16%), health (14%), and finances (14%). On average. most people have two main regrets in life - and 17% of those interviewed laid the blame at someone else's door. But two thirds of 2,000 people interviewed said they thought their regrets lo had led them to act more positively and that they had learnt from their mistakes. A quarter of them said their regrets had made them into the person they are today. Common regrets range from not getting on the property ladder sooner to not having had more relationships when they were ls younger. Others include regretting not telling someone we loved them and wishing that we had repaired a damaged friendship. Some of the top 20 regrets were (not in order): • Getting married too early • Not asking grandparents more about their lives when they were alive • Not having done more exercise or eaten more healthily • Not having saved enough money • Not learning a foreign language or a musical instrument when you were younger • Not working harder at school • Not having travelled more and seen more of the world • Making the wrong career choice • Not keeping in touch with friends • Having taken up smoking • Falling out with a friend and not making up From the Daily Mail 4 GRAMMAR wish+ past simple or past perfect a Now read four comments which people posted on the newspaper website after reading the article. Do you agree with any of them? Why (not)? I'm almost 23 and saving incredibly hard to travel round the world! I'd hat e to reach my 30s and then look back at my 20s and say 'I wish I'd travelled more when I had the time'. Matthew, Aberdeen I don't regret anything. There's not hing that I wish was different about my life. Everything I've done, however stupid it seems now, seemed like the right thing at the time... Of course I've made mistakes, but I don't regret anything. And yes, that includes saving money, bad boyfriends, all the usual things! I see them as pure mistakes - something to learn from, something which makes me the person I am today! I never t hink 'I wish I'd stayed on at university... I wish I'd married my ex... If I had done these things, then I wouldn't be who I am today. Cindy, Coggeshall Regrets? I try not to think about them. What's the point? It's no use crying over spilt milk. But I have a few. Not buying the house I was renting for half the price I eventually paid for it, and smoking. I really wish I hadn't wasted all that money on cigarettes. What a fool. Still, I managed to give it up, which I'm proud of. Nancy, Norwich I wish there was a song called 'Je regrette tout'*. That would be my philosophy of life! Martyn, Oxford *Je regrette tout French for I rewet everythinB.There is a very well-known Edith Piafsong calledJene rewette rien (=I don't regret anything). b Underline the six sentences in the comments with wish. What tense is the verb after wish? Are they wishes about the present or about the past? c > p.141 Grammar Bank SB. Learn more about wish +past simple and past perfect, and practise it. 5 PRONUNCIATION sentence rhythm and intonation a 3 19>)) Listen and write down six sentences with wish. b Match each sentence from a with a sentence below. A D Do you want me to phone and make an excuse? B D Well, don't ask me!I've never been here before. C D Well,it isn't too late. You're only 22. D D Well, it's not my fault. You've got no self-control! E D Why don't you go back to the shop and see if they still have them? F D Sorry, but it is. And I'm getting hungry. c 3 20 >)) Listen and check. In pairs, practise the dialogues, copying the rhythm and intonation. 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING a 21 >)) Listen and match speakers 1-5 with the regrets.T here is one sentence you don't need to use. W ho...? A D wishes he / she had followed somebody's advice B D wasn't old enough to do something he / she now regrets C D felt very ashamed about what he/ she had done D D wishes he/ she had been more grateful for everything he / she had. E D wishes he/ she had been a bit braver F D regretted what he/ she had done immediately after doing it b Listen again. Why do the speakers mention or say the following: 1 'I really fancied her.'; 'Now it's too late.' 2 'Someone has to say to you that you really don't have to do this.' 'I spent the next 15 years trying to get out ofit.' 3 the Russian Revolution; old letters 4 'It was a crazy idea and totally out ofcharacter' 'in the long run it was probably a good thing' 5 'My parents were really keen for me to change' 'but I was totally against the idea' c Work in small groups. Tell the other students about... • two things you wish you could do but you can't • two things you wish you had which would improve your life • two things you wish you had done when you were younger • two things you wish you hadn't done when you were younger 7 22 >)) SONG Same Mistake n EIE • 1 ·~ THE INTERVIEW Part 1VIDEO a Read the biographical information about Candida Brady. Have you seen Trashed or any other documentary film about the environment? Candida Brady is a British journalist and film-maker. She founded her film company, Blenheim Films, in 1996 and has produced and directed several documentaries on a variety of topics, including youth culture, music, and ballet. In 2012, Candida completed her first documentary feature film, Trashed, which follows the actor Jeremy Irons around the world as he discovers the growing environmental and health problems caused by waste the billions of tons of rubbish that we generate every day - and the way we deal with it. The soundtrack for the film was composed by the Greek composer Vangelis, who wrote the award-winning soundtrack to Chariots of Fire. The film had a special screening at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival and has won several awards at film festivals, including the Tokyo International Film Festival. b 3 23 >)) Watch or listen to Part 1 ofan interview with her. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Candida made the film Trashed because she wanted people to know more about the problem ofwaste. 2 Jeremy Irons is a person who loves buying new things. 3 Candida was surprised that he immediately loved the film proposal. 4 Vangelis is a good friend of Candida's. 5 Vangelis had previous experience ofprojects related to the environment. 6 She didn't need to do much research before making the film because she was already an expert on the subject. c Now listen again and say why the F sentences are false. Glossary rough cut /r1.t· kAt/ the first version ofa film after the different scenes have been put together Jacques Cousteau a well-known French conservationist and filmmaker who studied the sea and all forms of life in water. Talking about... •~Part 2VIDEO a 3 24>)) Now watch or listen to Part 2. Answer the questions. 1 Which was the bigger problem for Candida: making the film visually attractive, or trying not to make it too depressing? 2 What kind ofpollution does she think is the most worrying: air, land, or sea? b Listen again. Complete the sentences with one word. 1 Candida had a DOP (Director of Photography). 2 She wanted to film in beautiful places that had been _____ by man-made rubbish. 3 She would have preferred to make a more _____ documentary. 4 She thinks they were very much aware that they wanted to offer at the end ofthe film. 5 She says you have to dig down over a foot deep on a beach to find sand that doesn't have any in it. 6 She says the pieces ofplastic in the water become so fragmented that they're the same size as the zooplankton, which is in the chain. Glossary Saida (or Sidon) a porr in Lebanon, its third largest city a foot UK measurement = 30.5 centimetres zooplankton microscopic organisms that live in water 1t11111KmRsmm1s JEREMY IRONS IN TRASHEDIF YOU THINK WASTE IS SOMEONE ELSE'S PROBLEM ...THINK AGAIN OFFICIAL SELECTION -·-2012 waste •~Part 3VIDEO a 3 25 >)) Now watch or listen to Part 3. Answer the questions. I Who does she blame for the problem ofwaste? 2 Why does San Francisco offer a positive note at the end ofthe film? 3 Has the film changed her own habits? b Listen again. What does she say about...? I hotels in San Francisco 2 her grandparents 3 her bicycle Glossary zero waste the recycling and re-using of all products bins containers where people throw their rubbish 2 LOOKING AT LANGUAGE Comment adverbs Candida uses a lot of comment adverbs (e.g. unfortunately) to clarify how she feels about what she is saying. 3 26 >)) Listen to some extracts from the interview and write in the missing adverbs. I 'We ended up filming in eleven countries.. .' 2 '...but the stories that I've chosen are universal and, , I spoke to, to people in communities, um, in more countries, um, than we actually filmed in...' 3 '...and so I sent him the treatment and _____ he, um, he loved it.' 4 'but , again, he was very shocked, um, by the film and really wanted to get involved.' 5 '.. .yes and no, enough. Obviously I had a wonderful, DOP, Director ofPhotography, so he can pretty much make anything look beautiful. ..' 6 'I did a lot ofresearch and so, , these things were repeatable and, and in every country around the world.. .' 7 ' what's happened with the way that soft plastic degrades in water is that, um, the pieces become so fragmented.. .' 3 ·~ IN THE STREETVIDEO a 3 27 >)) Watch or listen to four people talking about recycling. Which person seems to have the most positive attitude about recycling? Sally, English Jo, English Jill, American Pranjal, American b Watch or listen again. Who (S, Jo,J,or Pr)...? DD thinks the government should offer money for recycling and producing less rubbish D thinks it's up to people themselves to realize that it's worth recycling D thinks the government should provide more containers for recycling D thinks the government should do more to show people why recycling is good for the environment c 3 28 >)) Watch or listen and complete the higlilighted Colloquial English phrases. What do you think they mean? I '.. .people haven't really got =an~---- not to recycle any more.' 2 '...well maybe they could offer a for, for recycling.' incentive 3 '.. .I think we still have a to go.' 4 '...filling it up with cans and bottles, newspapers and all of~--- 5 '.. .and so ifeveryone could just get in th=a..._t ~---­ that the smallest change they can make in their lives makes a big difference.' 4 SPEAKING Answer the questions with a partner. Try to use comment adverbs to show how you feel about what you're saying. I How much recycling do people in your country do? 2 How much recycling do you do personally? 3 What do you think the government, or individuals, could do to make people recycle more? 4 What do you think that companies and shops could do to reduce the amount ofwaste? 5 Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of the environment? • G gerunds and infinitives V music P words that come from other languages 1 VOCABULARY & PRONUNCIATION music, words from other languages a 29 >)) Listen and match what you hear with a word in the list. D abass guitar D acello D achoir D aconductor D drums D an orchestra D a soprano D a flute D a violin D a keyboard D a saxophone b 30 >)) Listen and check. Practise saying the words. What other words do you know for instruments and musicians? c Read the information box below.Then,in pairs, look at Borrowed words related to music and try to pronounce them as they are pronounced in English.Underline the stressed syllable. p Foreign words that are used in English English has 'borrowed' many words from other languages, for example in the field of music from Italian, Greek, and French. The English pronunciation is often similar to their pronunciation in their original language, e.g. ch in words which come from Greek is /k/, e.g. orchestra. Borrowed words related to music From Italian From Greek cello /'tJeJ;;iu/; concerto /bn'tJ3:t;;iu/ mezzo-soprano /mets;;iu s;;i'pra:n;;iu/ orchestra /'J:k1str;;i/; choir /'kwa1;;i/; chorus /'b:r;;is/ microphone /'ma1kr;;ifaun/; rhythm /'rrom/; symphony /' 1mfani/ From French ballet /'brele1/ encore /'olJb:/; genre /'3onrJ/ d 31 >)) Listen and check. How are the pink letters pronounced? e With a partner, try to work out which language these words come from, and put them in the right columns.Do you know what they all mean? architecture barista bouquet cappuccino chauffeur chef chic croissant fiance graffiti hypochondriac macchiato paparazzi philosophy photograph psychic psychologist villa From Italian From Greek From French f 32 >)) Listen and check. Practise saying the words. Music with dinner is an insult bot h to the cook and the violinist. 2 SPEAKING Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Yet1F musicDo you have a favourite...? • kind of music • song • piece of classical music (symphony, sonata, etc.) • band • solo artist • composer • conductor Do you play a musical instrument? YES • What instrument, or instruments, do you play? • How long have you been playing it? • Have you had or are you having lessons? • Can you read music? • Have you ever played in a band I orchestra? NO • Have you ever tried to learn to play an instrument? Why did you stop learning? • Is there an instrument you would like to learn to play? Have you ever...? • sung in a choir • performed in front of a lot of people • taken part in a musical talent contest Concerts • Have you been to a good concert recently? • Which artist or band would you most like to see in concert? • What's the best live concert you've ever been to? 3 READING a Think ofa song or piece ofmusic that you remember hearing and liking when you were a child. Where did you first hear it? How old were you? Why did you like it? b Look at the title ofa newspaper article. Then read the article once. Why did the writer choose this title? c Read the first paragraph again. Find words or phrases meaning: 1 completely 2 behave in a way that makes other people think you are stupid 3 started crying because of strong emotion 4 not thinking that anything positive would happen 5 a mixture ofloud and unpleasant sounds d What kind ofsounds do you think whir, hum, and clackinB (line 10) are? e Read the rest ofthe article again.With a partner, and in your own words, say why the article mentions the following pieces of music or artists. 1 the Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem 2 the Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, Sigur R6s, Radiohead, Elvis, and Pink Floyd 3 music from the fifties 4 Guillaume de Machaut's ABnus Dei 5 country music 6 Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody 7 Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Sinatra's Fly Me to the Moon. 8 the Beatles 9 silence f Talk to a partner. • Why do you t hink the journalist says that Austin's experience may help us understand more about musical taste? • Imagine you were going to recommend music to Austin. Which... song or piece of music decade would you suggest? singer ~~~~~~~~~~· 'I can hear music for the first time ever,' wrote Austin Chapman, a 23-year-old film-maker from California. 'What should I listen to?' 1 Austin, you see, was born profoundly deaf. For his whole life, music has been a mystery. 'I had seen people make a fool of themselves, singing or moving wildly on the dance floor,' he says. 'I had also seen people moved to tears by a song, which was probably the hardest 5 thing for me to understand.' Then, just a few weeks ago, his parents suggested that he try a newly developed hearing aid that they had heard about. He went to the doctor's with no great expectations. But when the doctor switched on the hearing aid, he was stunned. 'I sat in the doctor's office, frozen as a cacophony of sounds attacked me. The 10 whir of the computer, the hum of the air conditioning, the clacking of the keyboard, the sound of my friend's voice.' Austin could hear. And for the first time ever the world of music was open to him. It didn't take him long to decide what to do: he was going to listen to music non-stop. Later that day, he heard his first piece, Mozart's beautiful 15 Lacrimosa (from his Requiem), in a friend's car. He wept. So did everybody else in the car. The experience, he says, was 'like the first time you kiss a girl'. His friends went on to play him the Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, Sigur R6s, Radiohead, Elvis, and Pink Floyd. But Austin knew that there was a vast universe of music to explore, so he decided to seek further 20 help. He described his situation on and so far, he's received more than 14,000 suggestions. As a strategy, he has decided to follow the advice of someone who posted this message on the site: 'This is like introducing an alien to the music of Earth. Once you've tired of classical, you could start with music from the fifties and progress through each 25 decade. That way you can really see the growth of modern music.' Austin adopted that system, but chose to start much earlier, with a piece by Guillaume de Machaut called Agnus Dei, from the 14th century. Currently, he's listening to four or five hours of music a day. As he had never heard music before Austin isn't influenced by nostalgia and, via the 30 internet, he can listen to just about anything ever composed. Consequently his experience may help us to understand more about musical taste. So what has he been listening to? It seems that no one genre dominates (although he says he's not very keen on country music - too depressing}. His favourite piece - for now - is Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. He's also 35 keen on Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Frank Sinatra's Fly Me to the Moon. But so far he has not listened to the most recommended band, the Beatles. 'I'm waiting for a special occasion,' he says. Austin is also learning how to hear. When we met at a cafe in West Hollywood, we took a table far from the street to avoid the 40 background noise of traffic. The ability to ignore unwanted noise is something that will take him time. This may help explain why Austin says that 'silence is still my favourite sound. When I turn my hearing aid off, my thoughts become clearer; it's absolutely peaceful.' Adapted from The Times 4 LISTENING & SPEAKING -- a 3 33>)) Listen to some short pieces ofmusic. How do they make you feel? Would you like to carry on listening? b 3 34>)) Listen to John Sloboda, a music psychologist, talking about why we listen to music.Try to complete the notes below by writing key words or phrases. Then with a partner, try to remember as much as you can ofwhat he said. 1 {:,o ~/l..e '1f... e.!J. 1 {:,o Aelp'1f f:.o••• e.!J. 3 {:,o iMJ:e~1if:J··· e.!J. ••-- c 3 35>)) Now listen to John explaining how music can affect the way we feel. Complete the notes below by giving examples.Then compare with a partner and try to remember what he said. iAree ~por~ ~tM.-~ etM.-Otio~J 1 Mfpw11 1 3 How we feel Affelt/ tAe w~ we ffeAJ., e.!J. 1 Mff:J - ffeA.A. fA-fter / A~Aer 1 3 M11J~ topief tN,f, e.!J. 1 fA-ftI A~A tM.-'1f~ ~/l..ef 11J Mf_f:J_ _ 1 3 E;<~lef Cpieuf of~~) M'1f~ fN..ttM.-A.fl..ef 11Jfeel 1 4pf:J1 e·!J· 1 ~r-:;1 e·!J· 3 1Mf, e·!J· TAiJ if efpeli~ e;)) You are going to listen to three people who have problems sleeping at night. Listen and take notes on what their problem is, and what has caused it. Compare with a partner and then listen again to complete your notes. Speaker! Speaker2 Speaker3 c Answer the questions with a partner. I Do you usually sleep with your bedroom completely dark, or with the curtains or blinds open? Do you have problems sleeping ifthere is too much or not enough light for you? 2 Have you ever worked at night? Did you have any problems sleeping the next day?Why (not)? Do you think you would be able to work at night and sleep during the day? 3 Have you ever flown long haul? Where to? Did you get jet lag? How long did it take you to get over it? 2 GRAMMAR Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone. used to, be used to, get used to a Look at some extracts from the listening. Match the highlighted phrases to their meanings 1-3. What form is the verb after a) used to b) be/ Bet used to? D In Spain always used to s eep in complete darkness. D t's very liara to get used to being awake all night D And just when I'm finally usea to being on ew York time, then it's time to fly home. I I usually did this in the past. 2 It's not a problem for me because it is now a habit. 3 It's a problem for me because it hasn't become a habit yet. b > p.143 Grammar Bank 68. Find out more about used to, be used to and Bet used to and practise them. 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress and linking a 3 45 Listen and repeat three sentences. Notice the rhythm and how the words are linked. 1 I'm usedJo working-.Jn___,a team. 2 1can't get usedJ odriving'""'°n t he right. 3 1usedJo get'--'up at six o'cloclcevery day. b 3 46 Now listen and write down three more sentences. c Practise saying the sentences quickly, getting the stress right and trying to link the words. d Talk to a partner. Ask for and give more information. I When you were a child, did you use to...? • share a room with a brother or sister • have nightmares • wake up very early in the morning 2 Do you have problems ifyou have to sleep in a bed that you aren't used to sleeping in ( a hotel)? 3 Do you think you would find it difficult to get used to...? • getting up at 5.30 a.m. every day • only being able to sleep for six hours a night • not having breakfast in the morning 4 READING & SPEAKING a Read the introductory paragraph ofThree thingsyou (probably) didn't know about sleep. Do you know the answers to any ofthe questions? b Read Livin g your d ream s and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Underline the part ofthe text that gave you the answer. 1 When we have a 'lucid' dream we know that we're dreaming. 2 In a 'lucid' dream the person who is dreaming can never change what is happening. 3 Gamers may be able to control their dreams because dreams are similar to computer games. 4 The reason we have nightmares may be to prepare us for certain dangerous situations. 5 Video gamers have more nightmares than non-gamers because they don't experience dangerous life-threatening situations. 6 Video gamers are braver in their dreams than non-gamers. c >-Communication Three things you (probably) didn't know about sleeping. A Sleeping Beauty p.106 B How our ancestors used to sleep p.111. Tellyour partner some more interesting facts about sleep. d In pairs see ifyou can remember some ofthe words and phrases from the articles you have read or heard. Vocabulary Quiz 1 a medical condition, often an unusual one: a - - - - - - 2 an adjective meaning staying faithful to somebody and supporting them: ______ 3 an adjective often used with sleep. A person who is in a - sleep is difficult to wake:- - - - - - 4 a hundred years, e.g. from 1900 t o 2000: a _____ 5 the time in t he evening when it becomes dark:______ 6 the verb meaning to speak t o God: _____ 7 the word for a person who plays a lot of video games: a video 8 an adjective meaning clear, especially after a period of confusion: 9 to change position so as t o face the other way: ______ e Answer the questions in pairs. 1 Do you play video games? Do you think it has any effect on the way you dream? Do you think it has any positive or negative effects on you? 2 What do you think would be the worst thing for someone with Sleeping Beauty Syndrome? 3 Do you think sleeping in two shorter periods is a better way of sleeping? Do you think it would suit you and your lifestyle? Three things you {probably) didn't know about Everybody loves it. Everybody needs it. No-one seems to get enough of it. We all know that most people need eight hours sleep, and that REM* sleep is when you have most dreams, but here are three questions about sleep which you may not know the answer to: • How can video games help us control our dreams? • What is Sleeping Beauty Syndrome? • What did our ancestors use to do in the middle of the night (which we don't)? Living your dreams A university psychologist in Canada believes that people who play video games are more likely to be able to control their own dreams. Jayne Gackenbach studied the dreams of regularvideo gamers and non-gamers and found 5 that people who frequently played video games experienced 'lucid' dreams more often. Alucid dream isone in which we are aware that we are dreaming. In a lucid dream, the dreamer is sometimes able to control or influence what is happening to them in the dream - very similar to controlling 10 the action ofa character in a video game. 'Dreams and video games are both parallel universes,' says Gackenbach, 'Gamers spend hours a day in a virtual reality and they are used to controlling their game environments, and this seems to help them to do the 15 same when they are dreaming.' Gackenbach also discovered that video gamers have fewer nightmares than non-gamers. Some experts believe that we have nightmares to help us practise for life-threatening situations in a safe environment. Since 20 video gamers already practise those situations regularly in games, Gackenbach's research suggests that video gamers may have less need of nightmares. But, interestingly, when gamers do have a nightmare they react differently to nongamers: 'What happens with gamers,' says Gackenbach, 'is 25 that when they have a frightening experience in a dream they don't run away like most of us do, they turn round and fight back.' •REM is an abbreviation for 'rapid eye movement' •• 5 LISTENING & SPEAKING a Look at the picture and the headline ofthe article. Why do you think the man cooks in the middle of the night? b 3 47l)) Now listen to the first part ofa radio programme and check your answers to a . What kind ofthings does he cook? Why is it a problem? c Read the newspaper article about Robert Wood. Can you remember any of the details about him? Try to complete the gaps with a word or words, then listen again to check. d You are now going to listen to the second half ofthe radio programme. Before you listen, work with a partner and discuss ifyou think the information in sentences 1- 10 is T (true) or F (false). 1 A sleepwalker can drive a car while he is asleep. 2 It is easy to know ifsomeone is sleepwalking or not. 3 About 83 ofpeople sleepwalk from time to time. 4 Sleepwalking is most common among young boys. 5 Stress can cause people to sleepwalk. 6 You should never wake up a sleepwalker. 7 Sleepwalkers cannot hurt themselves. 8 People usually sleepwalk for a short time. 9 Sleepwalkers don't usually remember anything afterwards. 10 Sleepwalking is no excuse ifyou commit a cnme. e 3 48l)) Listen once to check your answers. Then listen again and correct the false statements. f Have you ever sleepwalked or do you know anyone who sleepwalks? What do they do when they sleepwalk? Where do they go? Does anyone try to wake them up? The chef who cooks in the middle of the night ROBERT WOOD, from Fife in Scotland, often gets up in the middle of the night and goes downstairs to the kitchen. Not surprising, you may think. He's probably hungry and looking for something to eat. But you'd be wrong. Robert starts cooking - and he does this while he is fast asleep. Mr Wood, who is 1 years old and a retired 2_ _ _ __ has been a sleepwalker for more than 40 years. 'The first time it happened I was 3 ', he said. 'My parents heard me wandering downstairs in the middle of the night. Now I get up 4 times a week and these days I usually head for the kitchen, although on other occasions I have also turned on the television very loudly and even filled 5 with water.' His wife Eleanor says that she often wakes up in the night when she hears her husband cooking downstairs. She has seen him laying the table and caught him making 6 and spaghetti bolognese and even frying 7 . The couple say that because of Mr Wood's sleepwalking they only get a few hours' sleep a night and are getting worried that Robert could start a 8 without realizing. 'I really am asleep and have no idea I am getting up,' said Mr Wood. Mrs Wood says that although the food her husband cooks when asleep looks lovely, she has never eaten it. 'Every night, I think "Is Rob going to cook tonight?". The last time he was in the kitchen, he spilt milk all over the place.' 6 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING sleep a Vocabulary race. In pairs, write the correct word from the list in the column on the right. b alarm blanketsd tuve fall asleep fast asleep . . keep you awake Insomnla nap jet-tagged nightmares . log h t oversleep pillow s ee s .set . siestasleeping tablets sleepy snore yawn 1 Most people start feeling • around 11.00 sleepy at night. 2 They often open their mouth and • · 3 They go to bed and • their • (clock). 4 They get into bed and put their head on the • · 5 They cover themselves up with a • . or with • and • . 6 Soon they • . 7 Some people make a loud noise when they breathe. In other words, they • · 8 During the night some people have bad dreams, called • · 9 If you don't hear your alarm clock, you might • · 10 If you drink coffee in the evening, it may • · 11 Some people can't sleep because they suffer from• . 12 These people often have to take • · 13 Some people have a • or • after lunch. 14 A person who sleeps well 'sleeps like a• : 15 Someone who is tired after flying to another time zone is • · 16 Someone who is sleeping very deeply is • · 3 49l)) Listen and check. c Cover the column ofwords and test yourself. d Ask and answer the questions in pairs. A asks the blue questions, and B asks the red questions. Ask for and give as much information as possible. -----., Do you sometimes have problems getti~g to slee ? Do you take, or have you ever ta en, le slee~lng pills? Do you ha.v~ any tips for peop who suffer fram insomnia. Do you prefer to sleep with a du~et or with blankets? How many pillows do you have? What temperature do you like the bedroom to be? . sleep when you're Do you nnd it difficult to r planes? Is there any . in buses o · h t travelling, e.g. k s you awake, or t a food or drink that e~p welt? stops you from sleeping . Do you ever have a nap after lunch or during the day? How long do you sleep for? How do you feel when you wake up? Do you often have nightmares or recurring dreams? Do you normally remember what yo~r dreams were about? Do you ever try to interpret your dreams? Have you ever stayed up all night to revise for an exam the next day? How well did you do in the exam? (;',;: ~~u ~light sleeper or do; u sleep in th og. ~ow do you usually wake up e morning? Do you have a TV or computer in your bedroom? Do you often watch TV before going to sleep? Do you ever fall asleep on the sofa in front of the TV? D~~ou snore? Have you ever had to share a room w1 someone who snores? Was this a problem? -Have you ever fallen asleep at an e~barrassing moment, e.g. during a class or 1n a meeting? • GRAMMAR a Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. 1 They escaped from the jungle because they found the river. They wouldn't have escaped from the jungle ifthey ___ ___ the river. 2 I can't go to dance classes because I work in the evening. I would be able to go to dance classes ifl _ __ ___ in the evening. 3 We went to that restaurant because yourecommended it. We to that restaurant ifyou hadn't recommended it. 4 Marta goes to bed late, so she's always tired in the morning. IfMarta didn't go to bed late, she so tired in the morning. 5 After living in London for a year I still find driving on the left difficult. After living in London for a year I still can't get on the left.--- 6 My hair was very long when I was a child. When I was a child I used very long hair. 7 I get up very early, but it's not a problem for me now. I'm used very early. 8 It's a pity I can't speak French. I wish French. 9 I regret not learning to play the piano when I was younger. I wish ____________ the piano when I was younger. 10 I hate seeing your dirty clothes on the floor. I wish your dirty clothes on the floor. b Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe bold verb. 1 I don't remember ___ you before. meet 2 The car needs . Shall I take it to the car wash? clean 3 We managed to the airport on time. get 4 Please try late tomorrow. not be 5 My sister isn't used to in such a big city. She'd always lived in the country before. live VOCABULARY a Complete the sentences with an adjective expressing a feeling. 1 Our son played brilliantly in the concert! We felt very pr___ 2 I'm feeling a bit h . I really miss my family. 3 Thanks for lending me the money. I'm very gr___ 4 I shouldn't have bought that bag - it was so expensive. Now Ifeel really g~-- 5 When I heard that I had won the prize I was completely st . I couldn't say anything! b Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe bold word. 1 That walk was .I need a goodrest now. exhaust 2 I was really when I read Tim's email. shock 3 You really me at the party last night! embarrass 4 It's very when you think that you are going to miss your flight. stress 5 It me when people who don't know me use my first name. annoy 6 Last night's concert was really .The orchestra didn't play well at all. disappoint 7 It always me that people actually enjoy doing risky sports. amaze 8 We were when we heard the news. horrify 9 What you said to Ruth was rather . I think you should apologize. offend 10 It was an incredibly film! scare c Write the words for the definitions. 1 2 3 4 5 the person who directs an orchestra a group ofpeople who sing together a stringed instrument that you hold between your knees a woman who sings with a very high voice an electronicmusical instrument, like apiano d Complete the missing words. 1 Could I have an extra p for my bed, please? 2 My husband says I sn really loudly at night. 3 I didn't sleep last night, so I'm going to have an~-­ now. 4 Last night I had a horrible n___. I dreamt that I was lost in the jungle. 5 Don't forget to s___ the alarm for tomorrow morning. PRONUNCIATION a Q the word with a different sound. 1 CH sheets really relieved sleepy 2 ~ alarm yawn exhausted snore 3 ~ chorus chauffeur chemist choir 4 ~ chef shattered architect shocked 5 ~ delighted inspired survival guilty b Underline the main stressed syllable. 1 upjset 2 delvalstajted 3 orlchejstra 4 injsomjnila 5 sleepjwalk CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. What two factors helped Samuel to survive? b Read it again and choose the best words to fill the gaps. 1 a carrying b wearing c holding 2 a take off b take up c take out 3 a watching b finding c setting 4 a including b involving c inviting 5 a search b film c shoot 6 a so b because c although 7 a understand b worry c fear 8 a found b missing c injured 9 a career b course c degree 10 a underused b misused c mispronounced c Choose five new words or phrases from the text. Check their meaning and pronunciation and try to learn them. -~ CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS FILM?VIDEO 3 50 l)) Watch or listen to a short film on sleep research. Choose a, b, ore. 1 In Britain have problems getting to sleep. a over 103 b approximately 103 c more than 503 2 One ofthe more common sleeping disorders mentioned is ___ a Sleep paralysis b somniloquy c Exploding head syndrome 3 Scientists at the Sleep Unit take measurements in order to analyse people's _ _ _ a sleeping patterns b brain activity c body movement 4 Many people today are sleep deprived because they ___ a sleep too few hours b sleep different hours every night c wake up a lot during the night. 5 Nowadays many people sleep longer hours - - a during the week b after a night out c at weekends Survival tastes so sweet for rescued British backpacker Contact lens solution is not usually considered a survival tool, but if 18-year-old Samuel Woodhead hadn't been 1 it, he might not have survived. The British gap year student went missing in the 40°C heat of the Australian outback on Tuesday. A fitness fanatic hoping to join the Royal Marines, Samuel survived for three days by drinking the saline cleaning solution, which his father had packed in his rucksack, but which he had forgotten to 2 when he went for a run. Samuel had been working for only two weeks as a ranch hand at Upshot cattle station, near the town of Longreach in the vast state of Queensland. After 3 out for his run, he lost his way. Australian authorities had feared for his survival in a region where heat, a lack of water, poisonous snakes, and the possibility of injury could prove deadly. After a helicopter rescue mission, 4 hundreds of people, he was found exhausted about six miles from the station. Alex Dorr, a pilot with the North Queensland Rescue Helicopter Service, said that he went in the dark to the area where the teenager had disappeared and used nightvision cameras to 5 for the missing boy. 'Where am I?' was all that he asked his rescuers when they found him in the early hours of the morning. He was immediately taken for a medical assessment before being transferred to a hospital in Longreach, but was found to be suffering from no more than sunburn and dehydration, 6 he had lost 15 kilos. Claire Derry, his mother, said she heard that he was safe from the captain of the plane as she was flying to Australia to join the hunt for her son. 'I sobbed, absolutely sobbed and I jumped up and hugged the air hostesses and the captain,' she said. 'To be honest, I was beginning to 7 the worst. It's been the worst three days of my life, by a long way, since 5.30 a.m. Tuesday when two policemen knocked on my front door and told me they'd got a message from Australia and told me my son was s ' Samuel's training for a 9 in the Armed Services helped him to survive in the hostile conditions, his mother said. 'My father was a war hero and Sam was named after him and he's always wanted to live up to that sort of reputation,' she said. His father, Peter Woodhead, was visibly emotional as he described the ordeal the family had been through while waiting for news that he was safe. 'The word nightmare these days is much 10 ,' he said. 'This has been a true nightmare.' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Adapted from The Times • G past medals: must have, etc.; would rather V verbs often confused P weak form of have 1 GRAMMAR past modals: must have, etc. a b 4 2 l)) Look at the photos. What do you think the people are arguing about in each photo? What were the arguments about? Listen and check. 4 3 l)) Listen to some extracts from the conversations again and complete them with may have, miBht have, must have, can't have, or should have. Conversation 1 1 D You ______ finished it. 2 D You given it to the cat last night. 3 D I given it to the cat. Conversation 2 4 D Oh no! We ______ gone wrong. 5 D We taken the second exit at the roundabout. 6 D OK, I made a mistake. c In pairs, put A, B, C, or Din the box before each phrase. Which phrase (or phrases) in b means you think.. .? A it's very probable (or almost certain) that something happened or somebody did something B it's possible that something happened or somebody did something C it's impossible that something happened or somebody did something D somebody did something wrong d > p.144 Grammar Bank 7A. Learn more about past modals, and practise them. My parents only had one argument in 45 years. It lasted 43 years. 2 PRONUNCIATION weak form of have a 4 6 l)) Listen to the extracts from the conversations in lb again. Underline the stressed words. How is have pronounced? b In pairs, read the conversations and complete B's responses with your own ideas (for responses 5-8 you also need to use must have, miBht have, should have, or can't have). Then practise the conversations. 1 A It was my birthday yesterday! B You should have told me. 2 A I can't find my phone anywhere. B You must have 3 A I definitely said we were meeting them at 7.00. B They may have 4 A I'm so tired. I can't keep my eyes open. B You shouldn't have 5 A I failed my piano exam. B 6 A Why do you think Fiona and Brian broke up? B 7 A Alberto didn't come to class yesterday. B 8 A We're going to be late. There's so much traffic. B 3 READING & SPEAKING a In your experience, what do couples typically argue about? Do you think men and women use different strategies when they argue? In what way? b Read an article about how men and women argue. D oes it mention any of the strategies you talked about? l In Gapun, a remote village in Papua New Guinea, the women take a very direct approach to arguing. Linguist Deborah Cameron tells of an argument between a husband and wife. It started after the woman fell through a hole in the rotten floor of their home and she blamed 5 her husband. He hit her with a piece of sugar cane, so she threatened to attack him with a machete and burn the house to the ground. At this point the husband decided to leave and she launched into a kros - a traditional angry tirade of insults and swear words - directed at a g husband with the intention of it being heard by everyone in the village. tyou AU A ?l&#(i).l.f '/DU AU A ?l&#(i)l /(j,/~~ISN MA«, '/DU Ht/I~'? '/DU ~U/t,-rMt A NDUSt -rNA-rI JUS-r'At,t, POW« I«, -rNt« you t;t-rUf A«P Nl-rMt wt-rN A fltlt D' SUt;Al<,lA«t, you ?l&#(i).l.f' c Now read the article again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Underline the parts ofthe article that give you the answers. 1 The argument Deborah Cameron describes happened because a wife considered her husband responsible for an accident she had. 2 In Papua New Guinea when a woman is arguing with her husband, he's supposed to reply to his wife's insults. 3 John Gray says that men are more assertive in arguments than women. 4 Edward thinks that he could win arguments more often ifhe were better prepared. 5 Christine Northam says that older men are less able than younger men to talk about their feelings. 6 She says that some women start crying during arguments only because they get truly upset. 7 Sarah thinks that her boyfriend is insensitive to her crying. 8 Christine Northam believes it is not difficult to learn new ways ofdealing with arguments. d Look at the higfi ighte words and phrases which are related to arguing. With a partner, try to work out what they mean and then check with a dictionary or the teacher. e Do you agree with what the text says about the different way men and women argue? 13 The fury can last for up to 45 minutes, during which time the husband is expected to keep quiet. Such a domestic scene may be familiar to some 15 readers, but, for most of us, arguing with our partners is not quite such an explosive business! Human beings argue about everything but are there any differences between the sexes in the way that we argue? In fact, according to John Gray, author of Men are from Mars, Women 20 are from Venus (the 1990s best-seller) - men prefer not to argue at all, wherever possible. 'To avoid confrontation men may retire into their caves and never come out. They refuse to talk and nothing gets resolved. Men would rather keep quiet and avoid talking about any topics that may cause an argument.' Women, however, are quite happy 25 to bring up relationship matters that they would like to change. Edward, 37, a writer, says 'I'm useless at arguing. There are things that bother me about my partner, but when I finally say something I am too slow to win the argument. I can only argue properly when I have all the evidence to back up my argument ready to use, but I'm too lazy to do 30 that. I think women, on the whole, are more practised at arguing, or more interested.' Christine Northam, a counsellor with Relate, the marriage-counselling service, agrees with the view that men have a greater tendency to withdraw. 'Women say: "He won't respond to me, he won't listen, he 3s thinks he's right all the time." However, the younger men that I see tend to be much more willing to understand their own feelings and talk about them. Older men find it more difficult.' However she adds that women are also capable of the withdrawal technique. 'Oh yes, women are quite good at doing that as well. They 40 change the subject or cry. Crying is a good tactic and then the poor man says: "Oh, my God, she's in tears".' 'I don't argue a lot, but I do cry a lot,' says Sarah, 32, an advertising executive. 'I'll say something hurtful to him and he'll say something equally hurtful back and then I'll be in floods of tears. I call my friend 45 and she says: "Where are you?" "In the loo*," I say. And then, when I finally come out after half an hour, he's just watching TV as if nothing has happened.' Northam says, 'Everything goes back to our upbringing, the stereotypical stuff we have all been fed. We are very influenced by the way our parents 50 were, or even our grandparents. The way you deal with emotions is learnt in your family. To understand this, and then make a conscious decision that you will do it differently requires a lot of maturity.' *loo informal = toilet Adapted from The Times 4 LISTENING & SPEAKING a 7))) You're going to listen to a psychologist giving some tips to help people when they disagree with somebody about something. Listen once and tick (I ') the six things she says. 1 D Think carefully what to say when you begin a discussion. 2 D Try to 'win' the argument as quickly as you can. 3 D Say sorry if something really is your fault. 4 D Never avoid an argument by refusing to talk. 5 D Don't say things that aren't completely true. 6 D Don't shout. 7 D Don't talk about things that aren't relevant to the argument. 8 D Use another person to mediate. 9 D Postpone the argument until later when you have both calmed down. 10 D It's a bad thing for a couple to argue. b Listen again and with a partner, try to add more detail to the tips you ticked. •• c 4 8 ))) Look at the sentences from the listening and try to work out what the missing words are. Then listen and check. 1 But ofcourse it's easier said ____ 2 Ifyou're the person who's __ the __, just admit it! 3's important to __ things __ control... 4 Raising your voice will just make the other person _ _ their _ _ , too. 5 ...stop for a moment and __ a __ breath. 6 It's also very important to _ ___ the point. 7 There's much more chance that you'll be able to an 8 .. .____ conflict is an important part ofany relationship... d With a partner, decide which two of the psychologist's tips you think are the most useful, and why they're useful. e >-Communication Argument! A p.107 Bp.110. Role-play two arguments with a partner. f Did you follow any ofthe psychologist's advice about how to argue? Was there anything you should / shouldn't have done? Is there anything your partner should / shouldn't have said? 5 MINI GRAMMAR would rather fvlen would rather keep quiet and avoid talking about any topics that may cause an argument. Listen, I'd rather talk about this tomorrow when we've both calmed down. • We use would rather with the infinitive without to as an alternative to would prefer, e.g. I'd rather go on holiday in July than August. Would you rather stay in or go out tonight? I'd rather not go out tonight. I'm really tired. NOT I'd not rather. • We can also use would rather+ person +past tense to talk about what we would prefer another person to do. I'd rather you didn't smoke in here, ifyou don't mind. a Re-write the sentences using would rather. I I'd prefer to go to the cinema than to a club. 2 I'd prefer not to go to the party ifmy ex is going to be there. 3 Would you prefer to meet on Thursday morning or afternoon? 4 My wife would prefer not to fly. She had a bad experience once. 5 My husband would prefer to get a train to Manchester, not take the car. 6 I'd prefer to come on Sunday, ifthat's OK. b Work in pairs. Look at the options and take turns to ask and answer with Wouldyou rather...?Say why. 1 do an English course in London or New York 2 have a summer holiday or a winter holiday 3 work for yourself or work for a company 4 go to a foreign restaurant for dinner or to a restaurant which serves food from your country 5 read an e-book or a normal book 6 have a four-by-four or a small sports car 7 go to a concert or a sporting event 8 live on your own or share a flat with friends Would you rather do an En~l!~~ ) ( I,'~ ~?ther do a course course in London or New Y~ ~ew York because... 6 VOCABULARY verbs often confused a Look at some extracts from the listening in 4.~ the correct verb. What does the other verb mean? I Try not to never remind/ remember to buy the toothpaste. 2 Ifyou follow these tips, you may often be able to prevent/ avoid an argument. 3 The most important thing is not to rise / raise your voice. b >-p.158 Vocabulary Bank Verbs often confused. c Complete the questions with the verbs from each pair in the right form. Then ask and answer with a partner. 1 Do you ___ ifpeople are a bit late when you have arranged to meet them, or do you think it doesn't ? matter / mind 2 Can you usually family birthdays, or do you need somebody to ___ you? remember/ remind 3 Have you ever been when you were on holiday?What was ? steal/ rob 4 What would you people to do ifthey want to come to your country in the summer? What might you them to be careful about? advise / warn 5 Do you think taking vitamin C helps to colds? What other things can people do to catching colds? avoid/ prevent 7 10>)) SONG /v1y Girl .n •• • G verbs of the senses V the body P silent letters 1 GRAMMAR verbs of the senses a Read the introduction to Howard Schatz's book. Then look at the photo ofactress Fran Drescher playing a role. In pairs, choose a , b,or c. In Character: Actors Acting Caught in the Act: Actors Acting T he photographer Howard Schatz had a very unusual idea for his books. He im ited actors into his studio, and asked them to 'be' certain characters in certain situations, and then he photographed them. 1 I think she looks... a scared b miserable c embarrassed 2 I think she looks like.. . a a teenage student b a young mother c a young business woman 3 I think she looks as if. .. a she has just had some bad news b she is watching something on TV c she has just heard a noise b 4 11 >)) Now listen to someone talking about the photo. Were you right? c Look at the sentences in a. What kind ofwords or phrases do you use after looks, looks like, and looks as if? d > p.145 Grammar Bank 78. Learn more about using the verbs of the senses, and practise them. e 4 13>)) Listen to these sounds. What do you think is happening? Use It sounds as if. .. or It sounds like.. . ~sounds as if somebody's scored a goal. ~sounds like a football match. f >Communication Guess what it is A pl07 B plll. Describe objects for your partner to identify using looks,feels, smells, or tastes +an adjective or + like + noun. Botox should be banned for actors... Acting is all about expression; why would you want to iron out a frown? 2 SPEAKING & LISTENING a Look at some more photos from the book. Describe how you think the characters are feeling. ~hink she looks very pleased with herself... b Answer the questions with a partner. Who do you think looks ...? 1 like a child who's doing something naughty 2 like somebody who's apologizing to someone 3 like a very proud parent or teacher 4 as ifthey have just seen something awful 5 as ifthey are eating or drinking something that tastes terrible 6 as ifthey're going to hit somebody c 4 14>)) Listen and check. d Listen again. What exactly were the roles each actor was asked to play? e How do you think acting is different when you are k. . ? wor mg m .... a film and TV b theatre c radio f 4 15 >)) Now listen to an interview with Tim Bentinck, who has been working as a radio actor for many years. What is the main way in which he says radio acting is different from other kinds ofacting? g Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What two things does he say radio actors use to convey feelings? 2 Complete the tip that a radio actor once gave him: You have to be able to __ one eyebrow with your __. 3 What technique does he use to help convey the feeling ofhappiness? 4 What are radio actors trying to do when they read a script? h Do you have radio dramas in your country? Do you ever listen to them? 3 MINI GRAMMAR as a Look at some extracts from 2f, and then read the rules about as. Tim Bentinck has been workinB as a radio actorfor many years. 'It's as naturalistic asyou can make it sound - to lift it offthe paBe, to make it sound as thouBhyou're not readinB it.' We can use as in many different ways: 1 to describe somebody or something's job or function: She works as a nurse. You can use that box as a chair. 2 to compare people or things: She's as tall as me now. 3 to talk about how something appears, sounds, feels, etc.: It looks as if it's going to snow. 4 to give a reason: As it was raining, we didn't go out. (as = because) 5 to say that something happened while something else was happening: As they were leaving the postman arrived. (as = when I at the same time) b Decide how as is used in each sentence and match them to uses 1-5 above. A D I don't think his performance in this series was as good as in the last one. B D That picture looks as if it has been painted by a child. C D You can use that glass as a vase for the flowers. D D I got to the airport really quickly as there was hardly any traffic. E D As he was driving home it started to rain. F D You sound as if you've got a bad cold. G D His hair went greyer as he got older. H D He got ajob with the BBC as a programme researcher. •• 4 VOCABULARY the body a 16>)) Look at a picture of another actress, Dame Helen Mirren. Match the words in the list with 1- 9 in the photo. Listen and check. D cheek D chin D eyebrow D eyelash D eyelid D forehead D lips D neck D wrinkles b > p.159 Vocabulary Bank The body. c 20 l)) Listen and mime the action. 5 PRONUNCIATION silent letters a Cross out the 'silent' consonant in these words. calf wrist palm wrinkles comb kneel thumb b 4 21 l)) Listen and check. What can you deduce about the pronunciation of...? • wr and kn at the beginning ofa word • mb at the end ofa word c Look at some more words with silent consonants. In pairs, decide which they are and cross them out. Use the phonetics to help you. aisle /all/ calm /ka:m I climb /kla1m/ design /d1'za1n/ doubt /daut/ fasten /'fu:sn/ half /ha:f/ honest /'omst/ knock /nnk/ muscle /'mAsll whistle /'w1sl/ whole /h;:>ul/ d 4 22 >)) Listen and check. Then practise saying the phrases below. half an hour Idoubt it calm down an aisle seat, please designer clothes anti-wrinkle cream kneel down a m 6 READING &LISTENING a Look at the title ofthe article and read the subheading.Why do you think the writer called his book What Every Body is SayinB and not What Everybody is SayinB? b Read the article once and then in pairs, answer the questions. 1 Why wasn't the man being questioned one ofthe main suspects? 2 Why did the agent ask him the question about four different murder weapons? 3 How did the man show that he committed the murder? 4 Why was Joe Navarro a very successful FBI agent? 5 What are the two kinds ofcommunication he mentions? 6 Why can't we usually identify non-verbal signs? [[] The man sat at one end of the table, carefully planning his replies. He wasn't considered a major suspect in the murder case. He had an alibi which was credible, and he sounded sincere, but the agent pressed on, and asked a series of questions about the murder weapons: 'IF YOU HAD COMMITTED THE CRIME, WOULD YOU HAVE USED AGUN?' 'IF YOU HAD COMMITTED THE CRIME, WOULD YOU HAVE USED AKNIFE?' 'IFYOU HAD COMMITTED THE CRIME, WOULD YOU HAVE USED AN ICE PICK?' 'IF YOU HAD COMMITTED THE CRIME, WOULD YOU HAVE USED AHAMMER?' c Read the article again, and find synonyms for the words and phrases below. Paragraph 1 1 believable - - - 2 honest, not pretending ___ 3 continued in a determined way (verb) ___ Paragraph 2 1 watched _ _ _ 2 meaning (noun) ___ 3 seen - - Paragraph 3 1 thought to be responsible for ___ 2 find the meaning of ___ 3 make it possible for ___ Paragraph 4 1 identify ___ 2 succeed in getting ___ 3 join together ___ []] Qne of the weapons, the ice pick, had actually been used in the crime, but that information had been kept from the public. So, only the killer would know which object was the real murder weapon. As Joe Navarro, the FBI agent, went through the list of weapons, he observed the suspect carefully. When the ice pick was mentioned, the man's eyelids came down hard, and stayed down until the next weapon was named. Joe immediately understood the significance of the eyelid movement he had witnessed, and from that moment the man became the chief suspect. He later confessed to the crime. [}]Joe Navarro is credited with catching many criminals in his 25-year career with the FBI. If you ask him how he has been able to do this, he says, 'I owe it to being able to read people'. In his best-selling book What Every Body is Saying, he teaches us how to decipher other people's non-verbal behaviour, and thus to enable us to interact with them more successfully. ~when it comes to human behaviours,' @] he says, 'there are basically two kinds of signs, verbal and non-verbal, e.g. facial expressions, gestures, etc. All of us have been taught to look for the verbal signs. Then there are the non-verbal signs, the ones that have always been there but that many of us have not learnt to spot because we haven't been trained to look for them. It is my hope that through an understanding of non-verbal behaviour, you will achieve a deeper, more meaningful view of the world around you - able to hear and see the two languages, spoken and silent, that combine to present human experience in all its complexity.' d Look at the pictures. With a partner,say how you think the people are feeling. e Now try to match the gestures to the feelings. D dominant D friendly and interested D in a good mood D insecure D nervous D relaxed D stressed f 23>)) Listen and check. Then listen again for more detail, and make notes. p -wards We often add the suffix -wards to a preposition or adverb of movement to mean 'in this direction', e.g. forwards, backwards, inwards, outwards, upwards, downwards. g Test a partner.A make the gestures, one-by-one, but in a different order. B say what the gestures mean. Then swap roles. h Is there any gesture that you know you do a lot, like folding your arms or standing with your hands on your hips? Why do you think you do it? 7 SPEAKING & WRITING a )ii- Communication Two photos A p.108 Bp.112. Describe your picture for your partner to visualize. Describe the people's body language, and how you think they are feeling. b > p.117 Writing Describing a photo. Write a description ofa picture speculating about what the people are doing, feeling, etc. •• 1 • ._ THE INTERVIEW Part 1 VIDEO a Read the biographical information about Simon Callow. Have you seen any of his films? Simon Callow is an English actor, writer, and theatre director. He was born in London in 1949 and studied at Queen's university, Belfast, and the Drama Centre in London. As a young actor he made his name when he played the part of Mozart in Peter Shaffer's production of Amadeus at the Royal National Theatre in London in 1979 and he later appeared in the film version. As well as acting in the theatre he has also appeared in TV dramas and comedies and in many films including Four Weddings and a Funeral and Shakespeare in Love. He has direct ed bot h plays and musicals and was awarded the Laurence Olivier award for Best Musical for Carmen Jones in 1992. He has written biographies of t he Irish writer Oscar Wilde and Orson Welles, the American actor and film director. He was awarded the CBE in 1999 for his services to drama. b 4 24>)) Watch or listen to part 1of an interview with him. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 His first job was as an actor at The Old Vic theatre. 2 W hen he watched rehearsals he was fascinated by how good the actors were. 3 Acting attracted him because it involved problem solving. 4 Playing the part of Mozart in Amadeuswas a challenge because he wasn't a fictional character. 5 Mozart was the most exciting role he has had because it was his first. c Now listen again and say why the F sentences are false. Glossary The Old Vic one ofthe oldest and most famous ofthe London theatres Amadeus is a play by Peter Shaffer about the life ofthe composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It was also made into a film ofthe same name. In the play, Mozart is portrayed as having a very childish personality, which contrasts with the genius and sophistication ofhis music. The Marriage ofFigaro one ofMozart's best-known operas box office the place at a theatre or cinema where tickets are sold rehearsals /n 'h3:slz/ time that is spent practising a play or a piece ofmusic auditorium /,;,:d1't::i:ri:Hn/ the part ofa theatre where the audience sits Talking about... • ._Part 2 VIDEO a 4 25 >)) Now watch or listen to Part 2 . Answer the questions. 1 Which does he prefer, acting in the theatre or in films? 2 Complete the two crucial differences he mentions about acting in the theatre: There's an - - -- Every single performance is utterly ____ 3 Who does he say are the most important people in the making of a film, the director, the editor, or the actors? Why? 4 Does he think acting in film is more natural and realistic than theatre acting? Why (not)? b Listen again. W hat is he referring to when he says...? 1 'It's important because you have to reach out to them, make sure that everybody can hear and see what you're doing.' 2 '...I mean you never do, you never can.' 3 'So, in that sense, the actor is rather powerless.' 4 '...there are some,you know, little metal objects right in front ofyou, sort of, staring at you as you're doing your love scene...' Glossary (film) editor the person whose job it is to decide what to include and what to cut in a film editing suite /'ed1l11) ~wi:t/ a room containing electronic equipment for editing video material acting •~Part 3VIDEO 4 26 >)) Now watch or listen to Part 3.What does he say about...? 1 watching other actors acting 2 the first great actors he saw 3 Daniel Day-Lewis 4 wearing make up 5 the first night ofa play Glossary John Gielgud a famous stage and film actor (1904 - 2000) Ralph Richardson a famous stage and film actor (1902 - 1983) Laurence Olivier a famous stage and film actor (1907 -1989) Edith Evans a famous stage and film actor (1888 - 1976) Peggy Ashcroft a famous stage and film actor (1907 - 1991) Daniel Day-Lewis a famous film actor (1957-) stage fright nervous feelings felt by actors before they appear in front ofan audience 2 LOOKING AT LANGUAGE p Modifiers Simon Callow uses a wide variety of modifiers (really, incredibly, etc.) to make his language more expressive. a ~ 27 l)) Listen to some extracts from the interview and complete the missing adjective or modifier. 1 '.. .I thought what a wonderful job, what a ___ _ interesting job...' 2 'My job was to reconcile that with the fact that he wrote The MarriaBe ofFiBaro, and that was tremendously ____ 3 '.. .its fame, almost from the moment it was announced, was overwhelmingly than anything I had ever done.. .' 4 'They're different media, they require different things from you as an actor...' 5 ' bring different things to them.' 6 'The beauty ofthe theatre is that every single performance is utterly from every other one.' 7 'As a young man, and a boy, I was lucky to see that fabled generation ofactors, of, ofGielgud and Richardson, Olivier,...' 3 ·~ IN THE STREETVIDEO a 28 l)) Watch or listen to four people talking about their favourite actors. Match the speakers (N, S,J,or M) to the actors. Nathan, English Sean, English D Audrey Hepburn D Judi Dench D MattSmit h D Olivia Colman D Russell Crowe Jo, English D Jodie Foster D Kevin Spacey Mairi, Scottish D Natalie Portman D.D Robert De Niro b Watch or listen again. Who (N, S,J,or M)...? D likes one ofthe actors he / she mentions because he/ she is very versatile D has seen one ofthe actors he / she mentions in the theatre D thinks his / her favourite actors express feelings very well D says the actor he / she likes best was also in the film he / she likes best c 4 29l)) Watch or listen and complete the highlightedJ Colloquial English phrases. What do you think they mean? 1 '...actors who are that famous have some sort of Sta ,... 2 'I think he just has an intensity, and a that makes you want to watch him.' 3 'My favourite film and my favourite performance of is The Deer Hunter.' 4 '... I feel like she put 1er._ _ ___ into everything,...' 4 SPEAKING Answer the questions with a partner. Try to use a variety ofmodifiers. 1 What actors do you particularly enjoy watching? Why do you like them? Which performances particularly? 2 What's one ofthe best films you've seen recently? Why did you like it so much? 3 Do you ever go to the theatre? Do you prefer it to the cinema? Why (not)? What plays have you seen? 4 Have you ever acted in a play or film? What was it, and what part did you play? Did you get stage fright? G the passive (all forms); it is said that..., he is thought to..., etc., have something done The reason there is so little crime in Germany is t hat it is against the law.V crime and punishment P the letter u HOW NOT TO GET ROBBED IN THE STREET 1 You dramatically increase your chances of being robbed if you look as if you might have a lot of money on you. You don't have to look like a tramp, but you should try to look as if you aren't carrying much of value. If you're a tourist, keep your expensive camera or phone hidden. This is especially true in countries where there are big income differences, and particularly in urban areas. Children are sadly often the most dangerous people on the street because they have nothing to lose. Ifyou see a group of children coming towards you, ignore them completely and walk quickly to an area where there are plenty of other people. Ifyou see that people are watching you in a suspicious way, look straight back at them and make eye contact. If they were thinking of robbing you, it will make them realize that you may not be an easy target. Ifyou are a tourist and somebody in the street tells you to put your phone away, do it. Sometimes the locals can be overprotective because they want you to see the best side of their town, but it's always a good idea to take their advice. Ifthey say don't go somewhere, don't. The safest thing to do is to phone a reputable company every time you need one (your hotel can normally help with this). Ifyou do have to get a taxi in the street, make sure it looks like a regulated one (e.g. one which has an official number or company phone number on it) and never ever get into a cab that has another person in the front passenger seat. What's the first thing tourists do when they come out of Westminster Tube station in London? They look up at Big Ben, and then they pose to have their photo taken. When they're looking up, or looking at the camera, that's the moment when a pickpocket steals their wallet. Thieves also love the posters you see that warn tourists: 'Watch out! Pickpockets about!' When men read that their natural reaction is to immediately put their hand on the pocket where their wallet is, to make sure it's still there. The pickpockets are watching and so they see exactly where the man is carrying his wallet. 1 READING & LISTENING a Have you ever been robbed in the street? Where were you? W hat was stolen? b Read the article How not to Bet robbed. Match the headings to the paragraphs. A Be careful when you're sightseeing B Be smart about cabs C Don't look too well off D Keep an eye on the kids E Listen to the locals F Look confident c Read the article again. Then cover the text and look at A- F. Can you remember the advice? What advice would you give someone to avoid being robbed in your town? d Look at the questions and predict the answers. How to beat the burglars 1 How long do you think a burglar normally takes to search someone's house? 2 Which are the most common things that burglars steal, apart from money? 3 What one thing would be likely to stop a burglar coming into your house? 4 What factors influence a burglar to choose a house? 5 Why do some burglars prefer it if the owners are at home? 6 When are you most likely to be burgled, during the day or night? 7 How are burglars more likely to get into a house? 8 What is the best room in the house to hide your valuables? • •I .:ere• e 30 >)) Listen to an interview with an ex-burglar. Check your answers to d. f Listen again for more detail. What reasons does he give for each answer? What tips can you learn from what he says to protect yourselffrom being burgled? g Ofall the tips for keeping safe at home and in the street, which one do you think is the most useful? Why? 2 VOCABULARY crime and punishment a Match the words for people who steal with the definitions in the list. burglar mugger pickpocket robber shoplifter thief 1 A is someone who breaks in and steals from a private house. 2 A is someone who steals from a person or place, e.g. a bank, using or threatening violence. 3 A is someone who steals something from a shop. 4 A is someone who steals from you in the street, usually without you noticing. 5 A is someone who uses violence to steal from you in the street. 6 A ____ is the general word for someone who steals from a person. b 31 >)) Listen and check. Underline the stressed syllables. c :>- p.160 Vocabulary Bank Crime and punishment. 3 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING the letter u accuse burglar caught court drugs fraud judge jury mugger murderer punishment smuggling a Look at the words in the list, which all have the letter u in them. Put them in the correct column below according to how the vowel sound is pronounced. m ~ ~ . ~JU!- ~c b 34>)) Listen and check. Which two words are pronounced exactly the same? c Practise saying the-sentences. 1 Luke was accused ofs uggling drugs. •.2'Murderers must be punished,' said the judge.• • 3 The burglar is doing community service. • • 4 The jury said he was guilty offraud. ..: 5 The mugger was caught and taken to court. ••... d Talk to a partner. What are the most common crimes in your town or city? What has been the biggest crime story in your country in the last few weeks? Do you have trial by jury in your country? Do you think it's a good system? Do you have capital punishment in your country? If not, would you re-introduce it? Do you know anyone...? What happened? • who has been burgled • who has been mugged • whose car has been stolen • who has been unfairly accused of shoplifting • who has been stopped by the police while driving • who has been robbed while on holiday • who has been offered a bribe • who has been kidnapped 4 MINI GRAMMAR have something done They look up at Big Ben, and then they pose to have their photo taken. • Use have (something) done when you get another person to do something for you. Compare: I took a photo of Westminster Bridge = Itook the photo myself. I had my photo taken on Westminster Bridge =I asked someone to take my photo. • Have is the main verb so it changes according to the tense. I'm going to have my hair cut tomorrow. I had my car repaired after the accident. • You can also use get instead of have, e.g. I'm going to get my hair cut tomorrow. a Complete the sentences with the right form ofhave + the past participle ofa verb from the list. cut install renew repair take 1 How often do you your hair ? 2 Have you ever had a problem with your laptop? Where did you it ? 3 Do you usually your passport or ID card in plenty oftime before it runs out? 4 Have you a burglar alarm m your house or flat? What kind is it? 5 Have you ever your photo in front ofa famous monument? Where? b Ask and answer the questions with a partner. •• 5 GRAMMAR the passive (all forms); it is said that..., he is thought to..., etc. a Read a true crime story. What does it advise us to be careful with? W hat happened to the woman? Not her best buy If a man approaches you outside a Best Buy store* with a complicated story about needing money to get home, and a surprisingly cheap iPad for sale, don't believe him! A woman in Daytona Beach, Florida, 1 /eamt I was learnt this the hard way after handing over $400 for what turned out to be a s uare piece of wood with a piece of glass st k o tHe fron . When the man, 39-year-old Torrance Canady, w o 2 had I was had a long criminal rec rd, 3/ater caug'bt I was later caught by the police, sev ral more fake A):>ple products 4found I were founa in his car. Th e were two MacBooks which 5had madeJ haa been made from wood and which were covered in silver tape. An Apple logo 6had cut I had been cut out in the middle,.an~ a Best Buy price tag stuck on the back. Canady insisted that he 7didn't know I wasn't known the computers were fake and said he'd 'bought them in a nearby town for his girlfriend'. He 8has charged I has been charged with selling fake electrical equipment and 9is holding I is being held in Volusia County jail. * Best Buy store =a US store selling electronic equipment b Read the story again. @ the right form ofthe verb. c 35 >)) Now listen to another crime story. Answer the questions. 1 Where were the burglaries taking place? 2 What did he steal? 3 What did Cooper do apart from stealing? 4 What did he do ifhe found people at home? 5 How was he caught? 6 Where did the police find him? d Listen again and complete the extracts with the missing words. How is the structure different after he is thouBht and after it is thouBht? 1 ...he is thought between 50 and 100 burglaries in the area. 2 It is believed mainly interested in finding drugs... 3 Cooper is also said ______ himself at home in the houses. 4 is thought ________ to know someone there. e ::>- p.146 Grammar Bank SA. Learn more about the passive, and practise it. • • f Use the notes below to complete a newspaper crime story. Britain's most polite robber Police in Stockport in the UK are looking for a man who 1 • (believe I be Britain's most polite armed robber) The robber, who always says 'please' and 'thank you' when he orders shop staff to give him the money in the till, 2 • (say/ be a tall man in his early forties) He wears a mask and washing-up gloves during robberies. It 3 at least four shops in Stockport in recent weeks. (think I he I rob) A police officer said, 'He 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (report I be polite to his victims), but there is nothing polite about armed robbery. Last week this man used a knife to threaten shop staff. They were terrified. Saying "please" and "thank you" cannot change that.' 6 READING a Look at the title ofthe article. W hat kind ofcrime(s) do you think it will be about? b Read the article once. Choose the best summary ofthe writer's opinion. A Illegal downloading ofmusic is not necessarily bad for the music industry. In some ways it benefits it. B There is no way ofstopping illegal downloading. We will just have to learn to live with it. C Illegally downloading music is the same as stealing it from a shop and it will ultimately harm the people who are committing the crime. c Read the article again. Answer the questions with a partner. 1 According to the writer, in what way do people have a different attitude to the online world? 2 In what way is people's attitude to online music illogical? 3 What did the government want to do? Who opposed this, and why? 4 What is the writer's view about illegal downloading? 5 Why does she compare fans who illegally download their idols' music to 'lovers' who 'watch you as you drown'? 6 Why does she think that the people who download will be the losers in the long run? d Look at the hig ilig ted words and phrases related to crime. In pairs, work out their meaning. Crime online What is the world online? Is it real? Are we safe there? How should we behave there? 1 The answer is: it's just the internet. Our internet. The internet we made. It's exactly like the real world - just a place with shops, and information, where people chat - but on a computer. But for some reason. we won't accept so simple an answer. We think that, as soon as 5 something is on the internet, it turns into something else, that it's not quite real. Take for instance a song. When is a song not a song? When it's on the internet. If a song is on a CD, in a shop. we would not hesitate to pay for it. But if you put the same song on the internet, millions of people think lo that you can take the same song without paying for it. It's st ill t he same song. written by the same people. who spent the same hours and same money recording it. but press a button and it's yours. There are plenty ofjustifications for taking things for free on the internet. In fact, when the government proposed punishing illegal 15 downloaders with internet disconnection, a lobby group of artists and musicians actually campaigned against it saying that 'it would reduce the civil liberties of every one of us in this country.' But how can this be true? How is being banned from using t he internet because you have committed a crime any different to being banned 20 from a library because you stole some books from there? The internet isn't a necessity. It's thrilling and brilliant and useful most of the time. but it's not a right to be able to use it. We don't have a right to listen to the music we want. or watch the films we like, for free. These things are treats. pleasures, luxuries. Why is it considered a right? Because it's t he 25 internet. And why is the internet different from the rest of the world, where luxuries have to be paid for?'s the internet. There is also the argument that it's good for artists t o be heard and seen. But what use are 9 million people who love your work, but not enough to want to pay you for your song or your film? Fans who don't 30 pay their idols are like lovers who promise everlasting love but then sit and watch you as you drown. Do you know who will end up suffering the most from all this? Young people. the ones who themselves are doing it. The music industry has shrunk 40% since 2000. Famous music magazines, like Melody Maker and 35 The Face. have now closed. And young people who t ry to getjobs in the music industry complain about the low salaries. while they download hundreds of pounds worth of albums for free. By The Times journalist Caitlin fvloran 7 SPEAKING a In groups, discuss the questions below: Are these activities against the law in your country? Do you think they should be illegal? Why (not)? How do you think they should be punished? Online world • Downloading music, books, and f ilms • Hacking int o somebody else's computer • Posting aggressive or t hreatening 'tweet s' or messages • Phot ographing someone and post ing t he phot o on the internet wit hout t heir permission • Using a false ident ity online • Creating a computer virus Real world • Owning an aggressive breed of dog • Squatting in an unoccupied house (living there without paying rent) • Going on strike without having previously agreed I announced it • Ill-treating an animal in any way • Painting attractive graffiti on a wall or fence p Useful language: saying what you think (1) When we are giving our opinion about the right way t o punish someone, we often use should+ passive infinit ive. I think I"t h Id b Iillegal I I don't think 1 s ou e against the law. I think people who do this should be fined. sent to prison. banned from using the internet. made to... b Compare your ideas with other groups. Do you agree? 8 WRITING :>- p.118 Writing Expressing your opinion. Write an article for a magazine saying what you think about either downloading music and films, or about squatting. • G reporting verbs V the media P word stress 1 SPEAKING & LISTENING a Talk to a partner. 1 How do you normally find out.. .? • the latest news • what the weather's going to be like • sports results and match reports • what's on TV • your horoscope • film and book reviews • job / accommodation adverts 2 Which sections ofa newspaper do you normally read? Which sections do you usually skip? • politics • business • food & lifestyle • sport • foreign news • local / national news • crime • celebrity gossip 3 What stories are in the news at the moment in your country? b Look at the photo and the headline from a news story. What do you think the story is about? Last updated 07:52 Love at first bite c 38>)) Listen and check. Were you right? d Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Who is Soundari, and how old is she? 2 Why did the keepers build the snowmen? 3 What was inside one ofthe snowmen? 1118 4 What did Soundari do when she saw the snowman? 5 Why is the film recorded on the camera very unusual? 6 What useful information did the keepers get from the film? For most people no news is good news, but for journalists good news is not news. e Look at the photos and headlines from two more stories. What do you think they are about? Last updated 15:09 Lost tourist finds herself Dog phones for help f >-Communication Strange, but true A p.107, B p.112. Read the other two stories and tell each other what happened. 2 GRAMMAR reporting verbs a Read a news story called Chickenfight.What was the 'chicken fight'? How did the local paper resolve the dispute? Would you like to try the dish? b Read it again and match the hig ig te phrases 1- 6 in the text with the direct speech below. A D 'I'll say sorry.' B D 'It's not true.' C D 'OK. I did see it there.' DD 'Would you like to make it for us?' E D 'OK, we'll do it.' F D 'You stole it.' c Three ofthe four stories on these pages are true, but one was invented. Which do you think is the invented one? d :>- p.147 Grammar Bank SB. Learn more about reporting verbs, and practise them. Last updated 14:33 Chicken fight By Sam Urban Two chefs got into a fight last week after Andrew Palmer 1accused Geoff Lewis of stealing one of his recipes and publishing it in a local newspaper. Andrew Palmer, 28, claimed that he had invented the dish of cold chicken with strawberry mayonnaise at his Kent gastropub, The King's Head. However, restaurant chef Geoff Lewis, 30, who writes a weekly newspaper column on cooking, 2denied copying the recipe and said the dish was his own creation. So, the local newspaper, the Sidcup Echo, 3invited both chefs to prepare the dish at their offices to see whose recipe it really was. They 4 agreed to come, and the 'cook-off' took place yesterday. Newspaper staff tried both dishes and unanimously declared Andrew's to be the winner. Geoff's dish was said to be 'lacking in flavour'. He later 5admitted having seen the dish on the menu at Andrew's pub and he has 6offered to publish an apology in the following issue of the Echo. 'In any case,' he said later, 'I've decided that it works better with raspberries.' 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Look at the two-syllable reporting verbs in the list. All ofthem except four are stressed on the second syllable.~the four exceptions. ajccuse adlmit adlvise algree conlvince delny inlsist inlvite olffer orjder perlsuade prolmise relfuse relgret relmind sulggest threalten b 40>)) Listen and check. c d p Spelling of two-syllable verbs If a two-syllable verb ends in consonant, vowel, consonant, and is stressed on the second syllable, the final consonant is doubled before an -ed ending, e.g. regret >regretted, admit >admitted BUT gffer >offered, threaten >threatened. Complete the sentences below with the correct reporting verb in the past tense. 1 'Shall I make some coffee?' He offired to make some coffee. 2 'No, I won't go.' He to go. 3 'OK, I'll help you.' He to help me. 4 'I'll call you. Believe me.' He to call me. 5 'Remember to lock the door!' He me to lock the door. 6 'You should buy a new car.' He me to buy a new car. 7 'Would you like to have dinner?' He me to have dinner. 8 'I didn't break the window!' He breaking the window. 9 'Yes, it was me. Istole the money.' I He stealing the money. 10 'I wish I hadn't married Susan.' Irle marrying Susan. 11 'Let's go to a club.' fie going to a club. 12 'You killed your boss.' The police him of killing his boss. 4 41 >)) Listen and check. e 42 >)) Cover the examples inc. Now listen to the sentences in direct speech in a different order. Say the reported sentence. OK. I'll help yoi] 0 agreed to help me. 4 READING & VOCABULARY the media a Read an extract from 24 Hours inJournalism, showing what six different people are doing between 6.00 and 8.00 in the morning. Match the extracts with the kind of journalists below. D a war reporter D the online editor of the magazine fvlarie Claire D a paparazzo (pl papparazzi) D a radio news presenter D an agony aunt D a freelance journalist When reporter and authorJ ohn Dale wanted to show his readers what the life ofa journalist was really like, he wrote to journalists from all different types ofmedia and asked them to describe a typical day in their working life. 6 a.m.. - 8 a.m.. 1 Helen Russell wakes up excited, with a Frank Sinatra song running through her head like a mantra.. ..New York .New York The first thing she reaches for is her BlackBerry. She's got all her complex life locked up in that electronic matchbox. Wellmanicured fingers tap keys, and she starts looking at her diary. She sees meetings, meetings... In her head Helen is already choosing the wardrobe she needs to wear, to look like her 1 would like to look themselves. When you're this kind ofjournalist you have to look 2_ _ __ 2 ... --- . ; ..... c Which of the six jobs in the book extract sounds...? • the most interesting • the most stressful • the most insecure • the most fun Which job would you most/ least like to have? d > p.161 Vocabulary Bank The media. 5 SPEAKING Talk in small groups. 1 Do you have a favourite...? a newsreader b film or TV critic c sports writer or commentator d TV or radio presenter e newspaper journalist What do you like about them? Are there any that you can't stand? 2 Which newspapers,TV channels, or radio stations in your country do you think are...? a biased b reliable c sensational 3 Is there much censorship in your country? 4 Look at the topics below and decide ifyou personally agree or disagree with them. Then, in your groups, discuss them. What is the majority opinion on each topic? It's not acceptable for journalists to listen in on politicians' phone calls and hack into their email accounts. The print newspaper is dead. We will soon read all our news online. Celebrities have to accept that the media publishes stories and photos about their private lives. That is the price they pay for being rich and famous. p Useful language: saying what you think (2) In my opinion I view... If you ask me... celebrities should... Personally I think... Agreeing I disagreeing I completely agree. / I don't agree at all. I think I don't think you're right. 6 LISTENING a 46 >)) Look at photos ofsix celebrities. Do you know anything about them? Listen to an interview with Jennifer Buhl, one ofthe paparazzi who work in the Hollywood area. Why are the celebrities mentioned? b Listen again and tick (v")the things that Jennifer says. 1 Many celebrities work with the paparazzi. 2 There are far more male paparazzi than female. 3 Most celebrities have a favourite paparazzo or paparazza. 4 It's easy for celebrities to avoid the paparazzi ifthey want to. 5 Ifcelebrities are not photographed, the public become less interested in them. 6 There is no need to have stricter laws to protect people from paparazzi. 7 Nowadays many paparazzi use their phones to take photos 8 There are some places where paparazzi won't go to try and get photographs. 9 Being followed by paparazzi is not stressful for most celebrities. c Who do the paparazzi follow a lot in your country? Why? Are there any celebrities who rarely appear in the press? 7 4 47 i)) SONG News of the World .n • GRAMMAR Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. 1 I'm almost sure you left your phone in the restaurant. You left your phone in the restaurant. 2 Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday? You me it was your birthday! 3 I'm sure the backpackers haven't got lost. The backpackers lost. 4 What would you prefer to do tonight, go out or stay in? What would you tonight, go out or stay in? 5 I think somebody has tried to break in. It looks somebody has tried to break in. 6 This meat has a very similar taste to beef. This meat beef. 7 My brother is a waiter in a restaurant. My brother works _________ in a restaurant. 8 The accident happened when they were repairing the road. The accident happened when the road ______ 9 They'll probably never find the murderer. The murderer will probably _________ 10 People think the burglar is a teenager. The burglar is thought a teenager. 11 People say that crime doesn't pay. It that crime doesn't pay. 12 We need to install a burglar alarm in our house. We need to have a in our house. 13 'I think you should talk to a lawyer,' I said to Sarah. I advised Sarah to a lawyer. 14 'I didn't kill my husband,' Margaret said. Margaret denied _________ 15 'I'm sorry I'm late,' James said. James late. VOCABULARY a @ the correct verb. 1 Please remind / remember the children to do their homework. 2 A I'm terribly sorry. B Don't worry.It doesn't mind/ matter. 3 The robbers stole/ robbed €50,000 from the bank. 4 Ifyou know the answer, raise/ riseyour hand,don't shout. 5 Don't discuss Iaraue about it! You know that I'm right. 6 My brother refuses / denies to admit that he has a problem. b @the word that is different. 1 palm calf wrist thumb 2 kidney lung hip liver 3 wink wave hold touch 4 robber vandal burglar pickpocket 5 fraud smuggler theft terrorism 6 evidence judge jury witness c Write the verbs for the definitions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 to bite food into small pieces in your mouth to rub your skin with your nails to look at sth or sb for a long time to make a serious, angry, orworried expression to find a way ofentering sb's computer to demand money from sb by threatening to tell a secret about them to give sb money so that they help you especially ifit's dishonest to leave your job (esp. in newspaper headlines) d Complete the missing words. 1 The Sunday Times TV er wrote a very negative review ofthe programme. 2 This paper always supports the government. It's very b__ 3 The journalist's report was c by the newspaper. They cut some ofthe things he had wanted to say because ofgovernment rules. 4 My favourite n is the woman on the six o'clock news on BBCl. 5 The article in the newspaper wasn't very ace - a lot ofthe facts were completely wrong. PRONUNCIATION a @ the word with a different sound. 1 ~ elbow frown shoulders hold 2 "o~ ~.ciel lay nails raise biased 3 ~ fraud murder burglar journalist 4 ~ aunt heart charge stare 5 /ju:/ argue refuse news JUry b Underline the main stressed syllable. 1 rejajlize 2 kidjney 3 kidjnap 4 colmmenjtaltor 5 obljecltive CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. What was ironic about Jill Dando's murder? b Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Ex-criminals reconstruct their crimes on Crimewatch. 2 The objective ofthe programme is to solve crime. 3 More than 50% ofthe crimes featured on Crimewatch are solved as a result ofthe show. 4 Aneighbour discovered JillDando's body about 15 minutes after she died. 5 The press thought that her murder was possibly connected to her job. 6 The programme itselfwas used to try to catch Dando's murderer. 7 The police arrested Barry George immediately after the reconstruction. 8 Barry George was known to stalk women. 9 George had said that he was innocent. 10 All the jury believed he was responsible for the murder. c Choose five new words or phrases from the text. Check their meaning and pronunciation and try to learn them. ·~ CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS FILM?VIDEO 48l)) Watch or listen to a short film on the Speed of News and answer the questions. 1 How can ordinary people become journalists nowadays? 2 How many newspapers are there in the Newseum? 3 Which famous person appeared in the Boston Newsletter in 1718? 4 In the early days ofjournalism how did journalists get their stories to the nearest printing press? 5 Why was the news out ofdate by the time it reached the public? 6 Which invention changed the history ofjournalism? 7 What were two reasons why the news reporting on the American Civil war wasn't very accurate? 8 Which inventions created the age ofmass media? 9 How do visitors to the HP New Media Gallery see the day's latest news stories? 10 Why did the news ofthe plane landing on the Hudson River reach the world so quickly? Who murdered Jill Dando? The killing of a popular BBC journalist and TV presenter has baffled police and crime experts for many years. One of the strangest unsolved crimes in the UK in recent years was the murder of Jill Dando, a well-known and much-loved presenter on the BBC programme Crimewatch. On Crimewatch, major crimes are reconstructed by actors in the hope that members of the public will come forward with new information to help the police catch the criminals involved. According to the producers of the show, about a third of its cases are solved, half of which as a direct result of viewers' calls. These have included some of Britain's most notorious crimes, such as kidnappings and murders. But on the morning of 26th April 1999 Jill Dando herself became a victim of a violent crime. As she was about to open the front door of her house in West London she was shot once in the head. Her body was discovered about a quarter of an hour later by her next-door neighbour. At first there was great media speculation that the murderer might have been a criminal who had previously been convicted and imprisoned because of Jill Dando's investigative work on Crimewatch, but the police later discounted this theory. In fact, Crimewatch reconstructed the presenter's murder in an attempt to aid the police in the search for her killer, but a year later, despite an intensive police investigation no arrest had been made. The police began to focus their attention on 38-year-old Barry George, who lived about half a mile from Dando's house. He had a history of stalking women and other anti-social and attention-seeking behaviour. George was put under police surveillance, and on 25 May 2000 he was arrested and charged with Dando's murder. He was tried at the Old Bailey court in London and he pleaded not guilty to murder. The jury reached a majority verdict - George was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment, despite the fact that the only forensic evidence linking him to the crime was a tiny microscopic particle in his pocket, which experts believed could be gunpowder. George appealed unsuccessfully against the sentence on two occasions, but after a third appeal he was acquitted and released from prison, after serving eight years of his life sentence. Jill Dando's murder remains unsolved. • G clauses of contrast and purpose; whatever, whenever, etc. V advertising, business Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have on something they don't need.P changing stress on nouns and verbs 1 READING & VOCABULARY a Look at the advert and answer the questions with a partner. 1 What is it being advertised? 2 What decade do you think it's from? 3 Why do you think they used a doctor in the advert? b Read the first paragraph of the article and check your answers to a. c Read the whole article and answer the questions. Write 1-4 next to sentences A- F. Which company (or companies)...? A DD deceived the public by pretending that their product had properties which it didn't really have B DD used a celebrity or a professional person in order for them to associate their product with a healthy lifestyle C D used technology to create a false impression D D admitted that they had made a claim that wasn't true E D admitted that they had done something wrong F D was punished for their misleading advert FOUR OF THE MOST MISLEADING ADVERTS OF ALL TIME 1 Cigarettes are not harmful to your health Hard to believe, but there was a time when tobacco companies actually tried to make us believe that doctors approved of smoking, or that certain brands were better for your throat than others. This advert for Lucky Strike from the 1920s is just one of dozens of ads featuring doctors recommending or 'preferring' one brand over another. Tobacco companies continued to use doctors to convince the public to smoke until the 1950s when evidence showing the link between smoking and lung cancer became too strong to ignore. 2 The thinner the better In 2009 fashion retailer Ralph Lauren made a series of advertisements using a model who was so heavily airbrushed that her waist appeared to be smaller than her head. The ads were widely criticized in the press and experts warned of the negative effect these kinds of images might have on young girls. Lauren threatened to sue a blogger, who was the first person to publish and comment on the image online. But later he made a statement apologizing and admitting that 'we are responsible for the poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman's body.' However, he later fired the model in the advert, Fillipa Hamilton, because she was 'overweight' (she weighed 54 kilos). 3 Vitamins prevent cancer In 2010 the pharmaceutical company Bayer was sued by the Center for Science in the Public Interest for running TV and radio commercials that suggested one of the ingredients in its One A Day vitamin supplement brand prevented prostate cancer. In fact, there is no scientific evidence that vitamins fight cancer in any way. Bayer eventually paid a fine and signed a legal agreement which banned it from claiming that vitamins can cure cancer. 4 You can lose weight without dieting or doing exercise During the 1990s Enforma, a US fitness company, ran an advertising campaign using TV commercials in which baseball player Steve Garvey promoted two diet supplements, a 'Fat Trapper' that supposedly blocked the absorption of fat, and a product named 'Exercise In A Bottle'. These two products together, according to the ad, would allow you to lose weight without dieting or exercise and promised consumers that 'they would never have to diet again'. The Federal Trade Commission* (the FTC) took Garvey to court for making false claims about the product. So began an epic legal battle which the FTC ultimately lost when a federal court ruled that Qj celebrity endorsers were not responsible for misleading statements 'Vi .0 in ads. However, this ruling eventually led to the passing of new ~ regulations making it illegal for celebrities to make false statements ~Q) of fact in advertisements. zCJ) CD u E ~ * The Federal Trade Commission is an independent agency in the US which helps to protect consumers. d Look at theh1g lighted words and phrases. With a partner, try to work out what they mean. Then match them with their meanings 1-11. 1 advertisements notices, pictures, or films telling people about a product 2 noun advertisements on the radio or TV 3 noun two abbreviations for advertisements 4 verb saying that sth is true 5 famous people who promote a product 6 verb digitally changed details in a photograph 7 noun types ofproduct made by a particular company 8 verb took a person or company to court to ask for money because ofsomething they said or did to harm you 9 adj giving the wrong idea or impression, making you believe sth that is not true 10 noun people who buy goods or use services 11 a series ofadvertising messages with the same theme e Do adverts or commercials in your country use any ofthe tricks mentioned in the text? Which ones? 2 LISTENING & SPEAKING a Look at the advertisement for mascara. The ad campaign for this product was withdrawn because it was misleading. Why do you think it was misleading? b 5 2 >)) Now listen to a radio programme about five tricks L' used by advertisers. Tick (./) the things that the woman mentions that are often used in adverts: D free gifts D limited supplies of the product D two for one offers D animals and nature D crowds of people D a good slogan D attractive models D doctors and celebrities D smiling, happy families D good music or a good song D recent studies D humour c Listen again. Why are the things you have ticked often a trick? Make notes. d Talk in small groups. 1 Which ofthe marketing techniques in b might influence you to buy (or not buy) the product? 2 Have you bought something recently which wasn't as good as the advertisement made you think? How was the advert misleading? 3 What are viral adverts? Have you ever forwarded one to other people? Do you have a favourite one? 4 Can you think ofa recent advert which made you not want to ever buy the product? Why did the advert have this effect on you? 5 Are there any brands which you think have a really good logo or slogan? Does it make you want to buy the products? 3 GRAMMAR clauses of contrast and purpose a Look at some extracts from the listening in 2, and complete them with the phrases A-G. 1 [n spite of , its price was really included in the magazine subscription. 2 Even t ough , and maybe don't even like them, we immediately want to be among the lucky few who have them. 3 So as to , they use expressions like, 'It's a must-have'... 4 ...and they combine this with a photograph ofa large group ofpeople, so ta~ ----- 5 The photo has been airbrushed in or er to ,with perfect skin, and even more attractive than they are in real life. 6 lthoug , do you really think she colours her hair with it at home? 7 It was probably produced for ____ and paid for by them, too. A the company itself B the actress is holding the product in the photo C we can't fail to get the message D make us believe it E we don't really need the products F what the advert said G make the models look even slimmer b 5 3 >)) Listen and check. Then look at the seven phrases again, and the hig lig tea word(s) immediately before them. Which ones express a contrast? Which ones express a purpose? c ~ p.148 Grammar Bank 9A. Find out more about clauses ofcontrast and purpose, and practise them. d Sentence race: Try to complete as many sentences as you can in two minu es. 1 I think the advertising of expen 1ve toys should be banned, so that... 2 In spite of a huge marketing campaign,... 3 Although they have banned most cigarette advertising,... 4 She applied for ajob with a company in London so as to... 5 He's decided to carry on wor- ing despite... 6 Even though the advertsaiOI would notic;;e 3 ... 4 • the effect after a week1. · £1 ... s R 8~ 7 I took my new laptop ,hac to the shop f ... 8 We went to our head offlae in New Yor for... ~ c:::c:. ••12 4 READING & LISTENING a Look at the title ofthe article and the photos. W hat do you think the 'bagel test' is? b Read the article and check. Then in pairs say what you can remember about... 1 Paul Feldman's original job 2 the incident that made him decide to change his job 3 how the 'bagel habit' started, and what it consisted of 4 why he started asking for money, and the proportion of people who paid 5 his friends' and family's reaction to his change ofjob. 6 how his business progressed 7 the economic experiment he had (unintentionally) designed c You are going to hear an American economist talking about Paul Feldman's experiment. Before you listen, in pairs, predict the answers to the questions: 1 What was the average payment rate? a 70%-80% b 80%- 90% c 90%- 100% 2 Were smaller offices more or less honest than big ones? 3 How often has the cash box been stolen? 4 Did people 'cheat' more during good or bad weather? 5 Did people 'cheat' more or less at Christmas? Why? 6 Who cheated more, executives or lower status employees? d 5 6l)) Listen and check your answers to c. e Listen again and choose a, b, or c. 1 More people paid in Feldman's own office... a after he had caught somebody stealing b because he asked them personally for the money c because the workers were his colleagues 2 Feldman eventually stopped selling bagels to... a a company where less than 80%paid for their bagels b a company where the money box got stolen c a company where less than 90%paid for their bagels 3 People are more honest in smaller companies because... a they are more likely to get caught b they would be more embarrassed about being caught c there is more control over what goes on 4 People 'cheat' more... a after a day off b before all public holidays c before some public holidays 5 Which ofthese people is most likely to pay? a an administrative worker who doesn't like his boss b an executive who is very popular with his staff c an employee who likes the company where he works f IfFeldman left a basket ofbagels in your school or work place, what proportion do you think would pay? •• What The Bagel Man Saw Would you pass the bagel test? 0 nee upon a time, Paul Feldm an dreamed big dreams. While studying agricultural economics at Cornell, he wanted to end world hunger. Instead, he ended up taking a job with a research institute in Washington, analysing the weapons expenditures of the United States Navy. He was well paid and unfulfilled. 'I'd go to the office Christmas party, and people would introduce me to their wives or husbands as the guy who brings in the bagels,' he says. "Oh! You're the guy who brings in the bagels!' Nobody ever said, 'This is the guy in charge of the public research group." The bagels had begun as a casual gesture: a boss treating his employees whenever they won a new research contract. Then he made it a habit. Every Friday, he would bring half a dozen bagels, a serrated knife, some cream cheese. When employees from neighbouring floors heard about the bagels, they wanted some, too. Eventually he was bringing in 15 dozen bagels a week. He set out a cash basket to recoup his costs. His collection rate was about 95 per cent; he attributed the underpayment to oversight. In 1984, when his research institute fell under new management, Feldman said to management: 'I'm getting out of this. rm going to sell bagels.' His economist friends thought he had lost his mind. But his wife supported his decision. Driving around the office parks that encircle Washington, he solicited customers with a simple pitch: early in the morning, he would deliver some bagels and a cash basket to a company's snack room; he would return before lunch to pick up the money and the leftovers. Within a few years, he was delivering 700 dozen bagels a week to 140 companies and earning as much as he had ever made as a research analyst. Cf) E i= ~ He had also - quite without meaning to - designed ~ a beautiful economic experiment. By measuring the ~ z money collected against the bagels taken, he could tell, down to the penny, just how honest his customers were. Did they steal from him? If so, what were the characteristics of a company that stole versus a company that did not? Under what circumstances did people tend to steal more, or less? 5 MINI GRAMMAR whatever, whenever, etc. ...a boss treating his employees whenever they won a new research contract. We use whenever to mean at any time or it doesn't matter when, e.g. Come and see me whenever you like. We can also use: whatever(= anything), whichever (=anything, from a limited number), whoever(= any person), however(= in any way), wherever(= any place). They also mean it doesn't matter what I which I who I how I where, etc. Complete the sentences with whatever, whichever, whoever, whenever, however, or wherever. I Please sit you like. 2 There is a prize for can answer the question. 3 she opens her mouth she says something stupid. 4 I'm going to buy it expensive it is! 5 I give her, it's always the wrong thing. 6 I'll go by bus or train, is cheaper. 6 VOCABULARY business a Look at some words from the Honest workers or thieves? article. With a partner, say what they mean. • the head (of a company) • a department (of a company) • a colleague • set up (a business) • employees • customers b > p.162 Vocabulary Bank Business. c Answer the questions with a partner. What's the difference between...? 1 a customer and a client 2 a boom and a recession 3 increase and improve 4 rise and fall 5 export a product and import a product 6 a manager and an owner 7 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING changing stress on nouns and verbs p Changing stress on two-syllable nouns and verbs Some words change their stress depending on whether they are verbs or nouns. The nouns are usually stressed on the first syllable, e.g. an export, a record and the verbs on the second syllable, e.g. to export, to record. Words like this include: increase, decrease, import, progress, permit, produce, refund, transport. a Read the information in the box and practise saying each word both ways, as a verb and as a noun. b Underline the stressed syllable on the bold word. 1 We're making good pro!gress with the report. 2 The new building is pro!gre1ssing well. 3 We ex!port to customers all over the world. 4 One ofour main ex!ports is wine. 5 A Can you rejfund me the cost ofmy ticket? B Sorry, we don't give re!funds. 6 Sales have in!creased by 103 this month, so there has been an inlcrease in profits. 7 The demand for organic proIduce has grown enormously. 8 Most toys nowadays are pro!duced in China. 9 They're planning to trans!port the goods by sea. 10 There has been a rise in the number ofpeople using public trans!port. c 5 10>)) Listen and check. Practise saying the sentences. d Talk to a partner. In your country... 1 What agricultural products are produced or grown? What products are manufactured? 2 What are the main exports to other countries? What kind ofproducts are usually imported to your country? 3 Is your country in a boom period, in a recession, or somewhere in between? How easy is it to find a job at the moment? Has the number ofunemployed increased or decreased recently? 8 s 11>)) SONG The Truth ~ •••• G uncountable and plural nouns V word building: prefixes and suffixes P word stress with prefixes and suffixes 1 READING & SPEAKING a What do you think a 'megacity' is? Read the introduction to the text to check your answer. With a partner, in two minutes list what you think are probably the biggest problems for people who live in a megacity. b Read the article once. In which city are the things you discussed in a a problem: Tokyo, Mexico City, both, or neither? c Read the article again. Then, in pairs, using your own words, say why the following are mentioned. TOKYO 33 million eight million a letter from the train company driving schools 25 square metres the Hikikomori Rent a friend the Hashiriya MEXICO CITY taco stands Mariachi bands two-and-a-half hours social imbalance kidnapping Kevlar d Find words in the article which mean.. . TOKYO 1 adj operated by machines not people (paragraph 1) 2 adj impossible to imagine (paragraph 1) 3 noun the number ofpeople who don't have a job (paragraph 1) 4 adjwith too many peopleinit (paragraph 2) 5 noun a feeling that you don't belong to a community (paragraph 3) 6 noun the feeling ofnot having any friends (paragraph 3) MEXICO CITY 7 noun the process ofmaking air (and water) dirty (paragraph 2) 8 noun the state ofbeing very rich 9 noun the state of being poor 10 adjective not having a house e Talk to a partner. 1 Ifyou had to go to work or study in either Mexico City or Tokyo, which would you choose, and why? 2 What do you think are the main advantages ofliving in a big city? 3 What's the biggest city you've ever been to? Why did you go there? What did you think ofit? Great cities, like cats, reveal themselves at night. Andrew Marr's Megacities BBC I Wednesday 8.00 p.m. By 2050, 70% ofthe world will live in cities, and by the end of the century three-quarters of the entire planet will be urban. There are now 21 cities called 'megacities', i.e. they have more than I0 million inhabitants. In Andrew Marr's BBC series Megacities he travelled to five of these cities, including Tokyo and Mexico City. T okyo, with a population of 33 million people, is by far the largest city in world. It's also the most technologically advanced, and the city runs like digital clockwork. The automated subway*, for example, is so efficient that it is able to transport almost eight million commuters every day and on the rare occasions that it goes wrong, nobody believes it. If you are late for work in Tokyo and, as an excuse, you say that your train was late, you need to provide written proof from the train company. The idea of late trains is almost unthinkable. There is very little crime, violence, or vandalism in Tokyo and the streets are safe to walk by day or night. There is also relatively low unemployment compared to other big cities in the world. But such a huge population creates serious problems of space, and as Marr flew over Tokyo in a helicopter he saw football pitches, playgrounds, even driving schools constructed on top of buildings. Streets, parks, and subways are extremely overcrowded. Property prices are so high and space is so short that a family of six people may live in a tiny flat of only 25 square metres. There are other problems too, of alienation and loneliness. The Hikikomori are inhabitants ofTokyo who cannot cope with 'the mechanical coldness and robotic uniformity' of a megacity and have become recluses, rarely or never leaving their homes. There is also a new business that has grown up in Tokyo which allows friendless people to 'rent a friend' to accompany them to a wedding or just to sit and chat to them in a bar after work. Another strange group of people are the Hoshiriyo, Tokyo's street racers who risk their lives driving at ridiculous speeds along the city streets. During the week these men have ordinary jobs and they're model citizens. But on Saturday nights they spend the evening driving though the city as fast as they possibly can. It's a deadly game, but it's just one way of escaping the daily pressures of life in the metropolis. *the underground or metro system A s a complete contrast to Tokyo, Marr takes us to Mexico City, a colourful and vibrant city of about 20 million people where people live their lives in the street. Marr says that 'in Mexico City, food and friendship go hand in hand'. The city is full of taco stands and cafes where people meet and socialize and Mariachi bands stroll through the boulevards and squares playing songs for money. And on Sundays people of all ages gather to dance in the street. But it's a city with problems of its own, too. It can take twoand-a-half hours for commuters to drive to and from work in the rush hour through choking traffic fumes, and pollution levels are high. And, looking down from a helicopter, Marr shows us the huge social divide. On one hillside we see massive, luxurious houses and on the next hill, slums. It's a city of great wealth but also extreme poverty, and there are many homeless people. Because of this social imbalance it can be a dangerous city too, with high levels of crime, especially kidnapping. In fact, there are boutiques which sell a rather special line in men's clothes: the shirts, sweaters, and jackets look completely normal but are in fact bulletproof, made of reinforced Kevlar. But despite the crime, the traffic, and the pollution Andrew Marr describes Mexico City as 'a friendly, liveable place' and the most enjoyable megacity of all that he visited. 2 VOCABULARY word building: prefixes and suffixes j) Prefixes and suffixes A prefix is something that you add to the beginning of a word, usually to change its meaning, e.g. pre= before (pre-war), or a negative prefix like un- or dis- (unhealthy, dishonest). A suffix is something you add to the end of a word, usually to change its grammatical form, e.g. -ment and -ness are typical noun suffixes (enjoyment, happiness). However, some suffixes also add meaning to a word, e.g. -ful =full of (stressful, beautiful). a Read the information about prefixes and suffixes. What prefix can you add to city meaning biB? What suffix can you add to home meaning without? Can you think ofany other examples ofwords with this suffix? b > p.163 Vocabulary Bank Word building. 3 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING word stress with prefixes and suffixes j) Word stress on words with prefixes and suffixes We don't put main stress on prefixes and suffixes that are added to nouns and adjectives.However, there is usually secondary stress on prefixes, e.g. un in unemployment. a Underline the stressed syllable in these multi-syllable nouns and adjectives. The secondary stress has already been underlined. aclcomlmoldaltion anltilsolcial billinglual enjterltainlment golvernlment homelless lonellilness mulltilculltulral neighlbourlhood olverlcrowlded polverlty unlderldeJvelloped unlemlploylment vanldallism b 5 16>)) Listen and check. Practise saying the words. c Answer the questions below with a partner. Which city (or region) in your country do you think...? • is the most multicultural • offers the best entertainment (for tourists/ for locals) • has a bilingual or trilingual population • is very overcrowded • has very serious pollution problems • has a lot ofhomeless people • has some very dangerous neighbourhoods • has the highest rate ofunemployment • has the worst levels ofpoverty • suffers from the worst vandalism and antisocial behaviour •• 4 LISTENING & SPEAKING a When you travel to another country or city, do you normally try to find out about it before you go? Where from? What kind of information do you look for? b You are going to listen to an interview with Miles Roddis, a travel writer for the Lonely Planet guidebook series, talking about his five favourite cities. Look at the photos, and try to guess which continent or country they were taken in. c 5 17>)) Listen once and find out where they are. What personal connection does Miles have to each place? d Listen again and make notes. What does Miles say is special about each place? e 18>)) Now listen to some extracts from the interview. Try to write in the missing words. What do you think they mean? 1 ...there's wonderfulsurfing on Bondi beach and plenty ofgreat little for sunbathing and swimming. 2 .. .the choice ofplaces to eat is _ _ 3 But what gives the city a special during the festival is 'the Fringe'. 4 And the Museum oflslamic Art has a whole lot of pieces from Muslim times. 5 Tuscany's two major tourist towns, Florence and Pisa, are absolutely with tourists all year round... 6 These walls are amazing - they're completely intact, and you can __ into people's living rooms as you walk past. 7 The Laotians are a lovely, ,laid-back people. 8 I remember looking down on it from one ofthe restaurants along its banks, and feeling that it was all my troubles. f Talk in small groups. 1 Which ofthe five places Miles mentions would you most like to go to? Why? 2 What other cities would you really like to go to? Why? 3 What are your two favourite cities (not including your own)? 4 Ofthe cities you've been to, which one(s) have you liked least? Why? •• 5 GRAMMAR uncountable and plural nouns a @ the correct form. Tick (v") ifyou think both are possible. I A good guidebook will give you advice/ advices about what to see. 2 You may have some bad weather/ a bad weather ifyou go to London in March. 3 When I was in Rome and Paris, the accommodation was / the accommodations were extremely expensive. 4 It's best not to take too much luBBaBe / too many luBBaBes ifyou go on a city break. 5 The old town centre is amazing, but the outskirts is / the outskirts are a bit depressing. 6 I really liked the hotel. The rooms were beautiful, and the staffwas/ the staffwere incredibly friendly b > p.149 Grammar bank 98. Learn more about uncountable nouns and plural and collective nouns, and practise them. c Play Just a minute in small groups. Just a minute RULES One person starts. He I she has to try to talk for a minute about the first subject below. If he or she hesitates for more than five seconds, he I she loses his I her turn and the next student continues. The person who is talking when one minute is up gets a point. modern furniture good advice you've been given what's in the news at the moment tourist accommodation in your country the weather you like most the most beautiful scenery you've seen the traffic in your town I city the police in your country clothes you love wearing 6 WRITING > p.119 Writing Bank A report. Write a report for a website about good places for eating out or entertainment in your city. •• • 1 •• THE INTERVIEW Part 1VIDEO a Read the biographical information about George Tannenbaum. Have you seen any adverts for the companies he has worked with? George Tannenbaum was born in 1957 in Yonkers, New York and was educated at Columbia University in New York. He has worked on advertising campaigns for many well-known companies such as IBM, Mercedes-Benz, Gillette, Citibank, and FedEx. Today he is the Executive Creative Director at RIGA, an international advertising agency. b 5 21 >)) Watch or listen to Part 1 ofan interview with him and answer the questions. I Which other members ofhis family have worked in advertising? 2 When did George start working in advertising? 3 What wasn't he allowed to do when the family were watching TV? 4 Why does he think jingles are so memorable? 5 What kind ofadverts were the H.O. Farina TV commercial? 6 What happens in the story ofWilhelmina and Willie? Glossary jingle a short song or tune that is easy to remember and is used in advertising on radio or television. H.O. Farina a company which has been making cereals since the 1940s. T hey ran an advertising campaign in the 50s based on a cartoon character called Wilhelmina. Talking about... ••Part 2VIDEO Tommy Lee Jones in a BOSS advertising campaign 5 22 >)) Watch or listen to Part 2. Complete the notes with one or two words. 1 George says that a commercial is made up ofthree elements I 2 3 2 The acronym AIDA stands for A ______ I D _ _ ____ A ______ 3 According to George, using a celebrity in advertising is a way of______ but he isn't a ofit. 4 George thinks that humour in advertising is ______ Glossary a depilatory I'd d1'p1btri/ a product used for removing unwanted hair Tommy Lee Jones a US actor born in 1946, winner of an Oscar in the 1993 film The Fugitive. Mad Men a well-known US TV series about advertising executives in the 1960s who worked in offices inMadison Avenue in New York advertising ••Part 3VIDEO 5 23 >) Watch or listen to Part 3 and circle the correct phrase. 1 He thinks that billboard and TV advertising will remain important/ slowly decline. 2 He tends to notice bothBood and bad adverts / only wellmade adverts. 3 He thinks Nike adverts are very successful because of thei1' loBo and sloBan / because they make peoplefeel aood about themselves. 4 He thinks Apple's approach to advertising was very innovative /repetitive. 5 Their advertising message was honest and clear/ modern and informative. billboard /'b1Ib;,:d/ a large board on the outside ofa building or at the side ofthe road, used for putting advertisements on 2 LOOKING AT LANGUAGE p Metaphors and idiomatic expressions. George Tannenbaum uses a lot of metaphors and idiomatic expressions to make his language more colourful, e.g. took the baton =carry on in the famity tradition, (from relay races in athletics) . a 5 24>)) Listen to some extracts from the interview and complete the missing words. 1 'You know they, what do they call them, ____ _ worms?' 2 'They get into your and you can't get them out sometimes...' 3 'And I bet you I'm getting this for word if you could find it.' 4 '.. .we do live in a celebrity culture and people,you know, their ears up when they see a celebrity.' 5 'Um, have billboards and TV commercials had their ?' 6 '.. .because you've got a captive ____ 7 'they became kind ofthe gold standard and they rarely hit a note.' b Look at the expressions with a partner. What do you think they mean? 3 •• IN THE STREETVIDEO a 25>)) Watch or listen to five people talking about advertising. How many ofthem say they are influenced by advertising campaigns? Jeanine, South African Dustin, American Elvira, American Ivan, American Yasuko, American b Watch or listen again. Who (J,D ,El, I, or Y).. .? D is against adverts which can make smoking seem attractive to young people D prefers to do their own researchbefore they buya product D D say that they are concerned about young people's health D is not sure we should ban the advertising of unhealthy products D thinks thatwomen aresometimes exploitedin advertising c 5 26>)) Watch or listen and complete the higfi igbte Colloquial English phrases. What do you think they mean? 1 '...when they see it they're very to the adverts and then they want it immediately and it's a problem.' 2 'I am sure I am, probably not consciously, but I'm sure 3 'The only thing that to that should be banned from advertisement is...' 4 'That's the only thing that I can think of.' 5 '.. .so I think that anything that causes health____ or bad influences or addiction should be banned from being on commercials.' 4 SPEAKING Answer the questions with a partner. 1 Do you think you're influenced by advertising campaigns? 2 Is there any product that you think shouldn't be advertised? 3 Are there any brands that you think make very good or very bad adverts? 4 Are there any jingles or slogans that you remember from your childhood? Why do you think they were so memorable? Are there any others that have got into your head since then? 5 Are there many billboards in your country? Do you think they make the streets uglier or more attractive? 6 How important do you think humour and celebrities are in advertising? G quantifiers: all, every, both, etc. V science P stress in word families 1 SPEAKING & LISTENING a With a partner, discuss the statements below. Do you think they are F (facts) or M (myths)? Say why. b 5 27 >)) Listen to a scientist on a radio programme discussing each statement. Were you right? Acoin dropped from a very high building can kill someone on the ground. 2 We only use ten per cent of our brains. --- 3 There is no part ofthe moon which is permanently dark. ~ 4 Rubber tyres protect a car from lightning. --- ---- We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. c With a partner, see ifyou can remember any of the explanations the scientist gave. Then listen again and make notes for each statement. d Do you know any other things that some people think are scientific facts, but are really myths? 5 Albert Einstein was very bad at maths at school. 6 Antibiotics don't kill viruses. - - - 7 Afull moon makes people and animals go mad. 8 Bats are blind. ----- ------- - - -- 2 VOCABULARY & PRONUNCIATION stress in word families, science a Look at these extracts from the listening in 1b and write the hig ighted words in the table below. This is one ofthe most popular scientific myths... ...until very recently scientists thought that this really was the case. He got very high marks in maths and science. person adjective subject scientist chemist biologist physicist geneticist b Now complete the chart for the other four words. p Stress in word families In some word groups the stressed syllable changes in the different parts of speech, e.g. ggggrapher, geographic, ggggraphy. c 28 l)) Listen and check. Then listen again and underline the stressed syllables in the words. In which groups does the stress change? d Practise saying the word groups. e Complete the sentences with a word from the list. discovery drugs ~ guinea pigs laboratory research side effects tests theory 1 Scientists carry out experiments in a ___ 2 Archimedes made an important in his bath. 3 Isaac Newton's experiments proved his that gravity existed. 4 Before a pharmaceutical company can sell new they have to test they to make sure they are safe. 5 Scientists have to do a lot of___ into the possible ___ of new drugs. 6 People can volunteer to be in clinical trials. f 29l)) Listen and check, and mark the stress on all the multisyllable words in bold. Practise saying the sentences. J 3 SPEAKING Work with a partner. A interview B with the questions in thered circles. Then B interview A with the blue circles. Which scientific subjects do I did you study at school? What !d I did you enjoy the t I the least? Is there a scientist (living or dead) who you admire? Who? If you were ill, would you agree to be a guinea pig fore new kind of treatment? Do you think it is acceptable for imals to be used in eriments? Does it adifference if the · ents are for 4 READING Which scientist or scientists...? a You are going to read about four scientists who suffered to make their discoveries. Read the article once. How many ofthe scientists were killed by their experiments or inventions? I D got ill after trying to show that his discovery was harmless 2 DD made a fatal mistake during an experiment 3 D died ofdiseases he caught as a result ofhis experiment 4 D caused the death ofother scientists S DD used to breathe in toxic substances b Read the extracts again and answer questions 1-8 from memory. Write A- Din the right box. 6 D was doing his experiments to reverse/ stop the ageing process 7 D is remembered today for the negative effects ofhis discovery 8 D was not very successful in his first job Suffering scientists_ Four scientists who were injured or killed by their own experiments. A Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829) Sir Humphry Davy, the British chemist and inventor, had a very bumpy start to his science career - as a young apprentice he was fired from his job as an apothecary* because he caused too many explosions! When he eventually took up the field of chemistry, he had a habit of inhaling the various gases he was dealing with. Fortunately, this bad habit led to his discovery of the anaesthetic properties of nitrous oxide. Unfortunately, the same habit led him to nearly kill himself on many occasions and the frequent poisonings left him an invalid for the last two decades of his life. During this time he also permanently damaged his eyes in a nitrogen trichloride explosion. * apothecary = person who in the past used to make and sell medicines .. B Alexander Bogdanov (1873-1928) Alexander Bogdanov was a Russian physician, philosopher. economist, science fiction writer, and revolutionary. In 1924, he began experiments with blood transfusion - in a search for eternal youth. After 11 transfusions (which he performed on himself), he declared that he had stopped going bald, and had improved his eyesight. Unfortunately for Bogdanov, the science of transfusion was not very advanced and Bogdanov had not been testing the health of the blood he was using, or of the donors. In 1928, Bogdanov took a transfusion of blood infected with malaria and tuberculosis, and died soon after. C Thomas Midgley (1889-1944) Thomas Midgley was an American chemist who helped to develop leaded petrol (lead was added to petrol to make car engines less noisy). General Motors commercialized Midgley's discovery, but there were several deaths from lead poisoning at the factory where the additive was produced. In 1924, Midgley took part in a press conference to demonstrat e the safety of his product and he inhaled its vapour for a minute. It took him a year to recover from the harmful effects! Weakened by lead poisoning, he contracted polio at the age of 51, which left him disabled. He invent ed a system of ropes and pulleys so t hat he could pull himself out of bed, but his invention caused his deat h when he was strangled by the ropes. The negative impact on the environment of leaded petrol seriously damaged his reput ation and he has been described as 'the human responsible for most deaths in history'. c 5 30 ))) Look at the hig lighted words, which are all related to science and medicine. Do you know what they mean? Are they similar in your language? How do you think they are pronounced? Listen and check. D touis Slotin (1910-1946) Louis Slotin, a Canadian physicist, worked on the Manhattan project (the American project which designed the first nuclear bomb). In 1946, during an experiment with plutonium, he accidentally dropped a container causing a critical reaction. Other scientists in the room witnessed a 'blue glow' and felt a 'heat wave'. Slotin had been exposed to a lethal dose of radiation. He rushed outside and was sick and then was taken to hospital. Although volunteers donated blood for transfusions, he died nine days later. Three of the other scientists who were present died later of illnesses related to radiation. 5 GRAMMAR quantifiers: all, every, both, etc. a With a partner ~the right word or phrase. 1 Both/ Both ofSir Humphry Davy and Thomas Midgley damaged their health as a result ofinhaling chemicals. 2 Either /Neither Thomas Midgley nor General Motors were prepared to admit how dangerous lead was. 3 Until 1973, all/ eve1y cars used leaded petrol. 4 All the /All blood Bogdanov used in his experiments might have been contaminated, because he never tested any ofit. 5 Sir Humphry Davy was fascinated by all/ everythinB to do with gases. b > p.150 Grammar Bank lOA. Learn more about quantifiers, and practise them. c Do the Science quiz with a partner. 1 In Direct current, the electrons... a move in only one direction b move in both directions c don't move at all 2 Helium gas can be found... a only in liquid form b in neither liquid nor solid form c in both liquid and solid form 3 Adult giraffes remain standing... a some of the day b all day c most of the day 4 Of all the water on our planet, ... is found underground. a hardly any of it b about half of it c most of it 5 Snakes eat... a only other animals b either other animals or eggs c either other animals or fruit 6 A diamond can be destroyed... a by either intense heat or acid b by both intense heat and acid c only by intense heat 7 The human brain can continue to live without oxygen for... a nearly two minutes b nearly six minutes c a few hours 8 In our solar system,... a neither Pluto nor Neptune are now considered to be planets b both Pluto and Neptune are considered to be planets c Pluto is no longer considered to be a planet 9 When we breathe out,... a most of that air is oxygen b none of that air is oxygen c some of that air is oxygen 10 An individual blood cell makes a whole circuit of the body in... a nearly 60 seconds b nearly 45 seconds c a few minutes d 5 34))) Listen and check. • G articles V collocation: word pairs P pausing and sentence stress 1 GRAMMAR articles a Who was the first man to land on the moon? In what year? b That's one ___ step for ___ one giant leap for ___ 1 What do you think the difference is between a step and a leap? 2 What do you think mankind means? c 5 36 l)) Listen to an interview about the moon landing. What was the controversy about the words Armstrong actually said? What's the difference in meaning between a man and man? Did new technology prove him right or wrong? d Listen again and answer the questions. 1 When did Armstrong write the words he was planning to say when he first stepped on the moon? 2 Does Armstrong say he wrote 'That's one smallstepfo1· man...' or 'Onesmall stepfor a man...'? 3 Why doesn't the sentence everybody heard make sense? 4 What did Armstrong think he said? 5 Who is Peter Shann Ford? What did he discover? 6 How did Armstrong feel when he heard about this? e Read some more facts about Armstrong. Are the higfi ig ted phrases right or wrong grammatically? Correct the mistakes. 1 Neil Armstrong was born in the USA. 2 He was a sby boy, who loved t e books and the music. 3 He studied aeronautical engineering at the university. 4 He was t e first man who set foot on oon. 5 His famous words were heard by people all over the world. 6 Before becoming a astronaut, he worked for die S navy. 7 After 1994 he refused to give the autographs. 8 In 2005 he was involved in a lawsuit with an ex-barber, who tried to sell some ofthe Armstrong's hair. f > p.151 Grammar Bank 108. Learn more about articles, and practise them. g > Communication Geography true or false A p.108 B p.111. Complete sentences about geography with articles. Today's politicians can no longer write their own speeches, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either. 2 READING a Read extracts from four famous inspirational speeches. Match the summary ofwhat they are saying to each speaker EP,WC, NM, and BO. 1 Although people don't believe we are capable of succeeding, ifwe really want to, we will be able to do it. 2 We are prepared to starve ourselves in order to draw attention to inequality. 3 However long it takes, we will carry on resisting the enemy and we will never give up. 4 I have fought all my life to end racial inequality. b Read the speeches again and find words or phrases in the text for these definitions. Emmeline Pankhurst 1 noun refusing to eat to protest about something 2 mlD about to die 3 noun the people in power, e.g. in government 4 adj very important, to be treated with great respect Winston Churchill 1 ml& continue 2 adj getting bigger 3 verb give up,.stop fighting Nelson Mandela 1 verb formal to love sth very much 2 mlD formal if necessary Barack Obama 1 2 3 4 verb resist- - - ____ noun a person who doesn't believe that anything good can happen ____ mlD when you have to think about how things really are, not how you would like them to be noun belief- - - c Which speeches seems to you to be the most / least inspirational? Why? d 5 40l)) Now listen to the extracts spoken by the people themselves (except Emmeline Pankhurst's which is read by an actress). Do you respond to any ofthem differently? Which do you think is more important, the words themselves or the way they were spoken? WINSTON CHURCHILL He was British Prime Minister during the second World War. He gave this speech to the House of Commons in 1940 when a German invasion of Britain was expected at any moment. ' We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall ' never surrender EMMELINE PANKHURST She was leader of the suffragette movement. In 1913, when women were campaigning for the right to vote. She gave the speech after several suffragettes had been imprisoned for attacking a policeman and chaining themselves to railings outside the Prime Minister's house in London. ' I have been in audiences where I have seen men smile when they heard the words " hunger strike", and yet I think there are very few men today who would be prepared to adopt a " hunger strike" for any cause. It is only people who feel an intolerable sense of oppression who would adopt a means of that kind. Well, our women decided to terminate those unjust sentences at the earliest possible moment by the terrible means* of the hunger strike. It means you refuse food until you are at death's door, and then the authorities have to choose between letting you die, and letting you go. NELSON MANDELA He made this speech in 1990 on his release from jail, where he had spent 27 years for being an activist in the fight against apartheid. He later became the first black president of South Africa. ' In conclusion, I wish to go to my own words during my trial in 1964. They are as true today as they were then. I wrote: I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and...and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But, if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am ' prepared to die. Human life for us is sacred, but we say if any life is to be sacrificed it shall be ours; we won't do it ourselves, but we will put the enemy in the position where they will have to choose between giving us freedom or giving us death. ' I *means = method BARACK OBAMA He made this speech during his first presidential campaign in 2008, which he won to become the first ever black president of the United States. ' We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change. We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics, and they will only grow louder and more dissonant in the weeks and months to come. We've been asked to pause for a reality check. We've been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope. But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope. F'or when we have faced down impossible odds*; when we've been told we're not ready, or that we shouldn't try, or that we can't, generations of Americans have responded with a simple creed that sums up the spirit of a people. Yes, we can! Yes, we can! Yes, we can! ' * faced down impossible odds = had to deal with very difficult situations 3 LISTENING & SPEAKING a Have you ever had to make a speech or give a talk or presentation in front ofa lot ofpeople? When? W here? How did you feel? Was it a success? b Read part ofan article about presentation disasters. Which tip from 'Ten Top Tips' below should the speaker have remembered? Presentation Disaster s! H owever bad you think your presentation has been, take some comfort from the fact that at least It probably wasn't as bad as these true stories... \ A few years ago I had to give a presentation to the Belgian management team of an international IT company. Not wishing to be the typical 'Brit' presenting in English, I had carefully prepared my presentation in French. I intended it as a surprise, so I didn't say anything beforehand. After speaking in French for 45 minutes, I was halfway through my presentation and we had a break for coffee. At this point the manager of the company came up to me asked me if I would change to speaking in English. "Is my French that bad?" I said. "No," he replied, "it's just that we f are all from the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium." TEN TOP TIPS FOR SPEAKING IN PUBLIC 1 Prepare your presentation carefully, and if possible practise it beforehand. 2 If you are using e.g. PowerPoint or Prezi, make sure that your text is clear and easy to read, and that there are not too many distracting graphics. 3 Get to know as much as possible about your audience beforehand, and about any important or sensitive local issues. 4 Dress carefully so that you feel confident about your appearance in front of an audience. 5 Get to the place where you are going to speak in plenty of time. 6 Make sure that you check that all your equipment is working properly before you start. 7 If you are given a time limit, keep to it. 8 Sound enthusiastic, even passionate, about what you are saying. 9 Look at your audience. Try to make eye contact with individual people as you speak. 10 It's good to make your audience laugh, but make sure any jokes or stories you tell are appropriate. •• c 5 41 >)) Listen to four other people talking about a disastrous presentation. Complete the first column ofthe chart. dBASE Clippers • Open So1XceDatabase • FullyEncrypted Speaker What the How and Which tip the disaster why it speaker should was happened have remembered 1 2 3 4 d Listen to the people again, one by one, and complete the second and third columns. e Which ofthe Ten Top Tips do you think are the most important? Have you ever been to a talk or presentation where something went badly wrong? I 4 VOCABULARY collocation: word pairs p Word pairs Some pairs of words in English which go together always come in a certain order, for example we always say 'Ladies and Gentlemen' at the beginning of a speech, but never the other way round, and we always say 'black and white' not 'white and black.' This order may sometimes be different in your language. a How do you say 'Ladies and Gentlemen' and 'black and white' in your language? Are the words in the same order? b Take one word from circle knife peace lemon butter lightning salt breakfast backwards A and match it with another from circle B. Then decide which word comes first. They are all joined with and. pepper bread ice thunder fork quiet bed forwards c Look at some common word d pairs joined with or. What is the second word? right or __ now or - more or - sooner or - all or - once or - dead or - - 42 >)) Listen and check your answers to b and c, and notice how the phrases are linked and how and is pronounced. Practise saying them. e Match the word pair idioms with their meanings. I I'm sick and tire ofhearing you complain. 2 I didn't buy much, just a few bits and pieces. 3 I've been having headaches now and again. 4 A What are you making for lunch? B Wait and see. 5 Every relationship needs a bit ofgive and take. 6 We've had our ups and downs, but now we get on really well. 7 The army were called in to restore law an order. 8 Despite flying through a storm we arrived safe an sound. A good times and bad times E compromise B a situation in which the law is obeyed F occasionally C fed up with G small things D without problem or injury H You'll soon find out. f Complete the sentences with a word pair from this page. I I see my uncle , but not very often. 2 I think this is our last chance.It's- -- - 3 I much prefer photos to colour ones. They're more atmospheric. 4 After lots ofadventure, she arrived home- - - - 5 Could you stop making so much noise? I need a bit of____ 6 Naomi will realize that Henry is not the man for her. 7 A Have you finished? B .I just have one sentence left. 8 After the riots, the government sent soldiers in to try to establish- -- - 9 I'm ____ ofmy boss!I'm going to look for a new job. I0 It was an amazing storm.There was a lot of____ 5 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING pausing and sentence stress a 5 43 >)) When people give a talk they usually divide what they say into small chunks, with a briefpause between each chunk. Listen to the beginning ofa talk and mark the pauses. ~ Good afternoon everyone/ and thank you for coming. I'm going to talk to you today about one of my hobbies, collecting adult comics. Since I was a child I've been mad about comics and comic books. I started reading Tintin and Asterix when I was seven or eight. Later when I was a teenager some friends at school introduced me to Manga, which are Japanese comics. I've been collecting them now for about five years and I'm also learning to draw them. b Now practise giving the beginning ofthe talk, pausing and trying to get the right rhythm. c You are going to give a five-minute presentation to other students. You can choose what to talk about, for example: a hobby you have or a sport you play an interesting person in your family a famous person you admire the good and bad side of your job Decide what you are going to talk about and make a plan ofwhat you want to say. d In groups, take turns to give your presentation. W hile they are listening the other students should write down at least one question to ask the speaker after the presentation is over. Then have a short question and answer session. p Giving a presentation Read through the tips in 3 again to help 6 you to prepare your presentation and to give it successfully. When you give your presentation, don't speak too quickly. Remember to pause and take a breath from time to time. This will help the audience to follow what you are saying. 44>)) SONG World ~ GRAMMAR Choose a, b, or c. 1 He got a good job, not having the right degree. a although b despite c in spite 2 My uncle still works, he won the lottery last year. a in spite of b despite c even though 3 I called my sister to remind her the flowers. a to buy b for buy c for buying 4 Jane opened the door quietly her parents up. a to not wake b so that she not wake c so as not to wake 5 she goes out the paparazzi are always there. a Whatever b However c Whenever 6 Adrian is looking for in London. a some cheap accommodations b some cheap accommodation c a cheap accommodation 7 Let me give you - don't marry him! a a piece ofadvice b an advice c some advices 8 I need to buy a new ___ a trouser b trousers c pair oftrousers 9 There's milk. I'll have to getsome from the shop. a no b any c none 10 in that shop is incredibly expensive. a All b All ofthem c Everything 11 They shouldn't go sailing because ofthem canswim. a both b either c neither 12 I was in hospitalfor two weeks with a broken leg. a the b - c a 13 I now live next door to ___ school where I used to go. a the b - c a 14 Lake Constance is the biggest lake in Switzerland. a The b - c A 15 British Museum is in central London. a The b - c A VOCABULARY a Complete with the correct form ofthe b old word. 1 Alot ofresearchis being done into human . gene 2 Many important discoveries were made in the 19th century. science 3 We live in a very safe . neighbour 4 Many people in big cities suffer from . lonely 5 His came as a terrible shock. die b Add a prefix to the bold word. 1 New Delhiin India is a very populated city. 2 I asked for an aspirin, but the receptionist didn't understand me because I had pronounced it. 3 A national company is a large company that operates in several different countries. 4 Gandhi wrote most ofhis biography in 1929. 5 Anne is unhappy with her job, because she's ____paid. c Complete the missing words. 1 Will the company make al.___ this year? 2 He borrowed £10,000 to s his own business. 3 Ikea is probably the market l in cheap furniture. 4 The company are planning to I their new product in the spring. 5 It's alarge bank which has hr all over the country. 6 It's a large company with over 1,000 s___ 7 When there's a property boom, house prices r___ 8 The new drug has some very unpleasant s effects. 9 We need to c out some more experiments. 10 Would you ever be a g pig in a clinical trial? d Complete the two-word phrases. 1 I'm going to the mountains for some peace and _ _ _ 2 He arrived back from his adventure safe and - - - 3 Sooner or we're going to have to make a decision. 4 It's a very dangerous city. There's no law and ___ 5 This is our last chance to do this. It's now or ___ PRONUNCIATION a @the word with a different sound. 1 ~ neighbourhood bilingual science neither 2 rn government prove slums discovery 3 ~ volunteer theory research idea 4 -o:&"@'(ff) staff branch launch market 5 ~ geologist colleague genes biology b Underline the main stressed syllable. 1 bijollolgijcal 2 phylsilcist 3 mulltijculltulral 4 inlcrease (verb) 5 manlulfaclture CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. How does Billy Ray Harris feel about the incident? b Read it again and choose the best words to fill the gaps. 1 a lost b dropped c fallen 2 a relieved b infuriated c shocked 3 a expensive b serious c genuine 4 a often b occasionally c rarely 5 a realized b noticed c expected 6 a apparently b unluckily c fortunately 7 a appreciation b happiness cluck 8 a according to b related to c belonging to 9 a losing b finding c returning 10 a obviously b actually c eventually c Choose five new words or phrases from the text. Check their meaning and pronunciation and try to learn them. ·~ CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS VIDEO FILM? 5 45l)) Watch or listen to a short film on The Museum ofthe History ofScience. Complete the sentences with a number, or one or two words. 1 There is a device used by Marconi to show how ______ worked. 2 You can see apparatus used by ___ who were developing penicillin. 3 The most popular exhibit in the museum is a ___ Einsteinused it to give a class in _ _ _ 4 The museum was opened in ___, when Lewis Evans donated his collection of . He collected things related to mathematics, and navigation. 5 The astrolabes are instruments which predict the position of the , the and the ___ 6 The sundials were used for telling the and the quadrants were used for measuring ___ 7 There are two beautiful globes which show maps ofthe and the _ _ _ 8 There is also a ___ microscope which belonged to King ______ The return of the ring A homeless man in Kansas City, Missouri is anticipating a windfall of more than $100,000 for his kindness after he returned a diamond engagement ring to its rightful owner, which she had accidentally 1 into his donation cup. Billy Ray Harris, who is homeless and often sleeps under a bridge, was 2 to find a diamond ring in his collection cup while begging last Friday. 'The ring was so big I knew that if it was real then it must be 3 ,' he said. Rather than sell it, Harris had a hunch that the owner would return for it and so he stored it in a safe place. The ring belonged to Sarah Darling, who was devastated the next day when she realized she had lost it. She 4 _ __ takes the ring off, but that day she had put it in her purse for safe keeping after she had developed a slight rash on her finger. She 5 that she must have given Harris the ring by mistake along with some coins when she took out her purse to give him some money. She went back to look for Harris on the Saturday, but couldn't find him. She tried again the next day and 6 he was in the same spot. 'I said to him "I don't know if you remember me, but I think I gave you something that's very precious to me," and he said, "Was it a ring? Yeah, I have it, I kept it for you"'. To show their 7 , Darling and her husband set up an online fundraising page for Harris on So far, more than 3,800 donations have been made, totalling over $100,000. The money will be given to Harris at the end of a 90-day campaign. Darling's husband, Bill Krejci, met Harris to tell him about the flood of donations and to get to know him better. 'We talked about a lot of things 8 my family's ring and about the many donations. We talked about how one day in the future the ring may be passed down to my daughter.' Harris told Krejci that he has found a place to stay where he is 'safe and sound'. He has spoken about the attention he has received since 9 the ring. 'I like it, but I don't think I deserve it. What I 10 feel like is, "What has the world come to when a person returns something that doesn't belong to him and all this happens?'" he said. Adapted from the Mail Online 104 lA EXTREME INTERVIEWS Student A a You are giving B an extreme interview for a job in your company. Ask B the questions and ask him / her to give reasons for his / her answers. Then say ifyou would give him / her the job and why (not). 1 Which one aspect ofyour personality would you changeifyou could,and why? 2 Ifyou could have dinner with anyone from history, who would you choose? 3 Ifyou were an animal,which animal would you be? 4 What kind ofthings make you angry? S Ifyou had to spend the rest ofyour life on a deserted island (with plenty offood and water), what two things would you want to have with you? 6 WhichTV or film character would you most like to be? 7 What's the best (or worst) decision you've ever made? 8 Ifl came to your house for dinner,what would you cook for me? b Now answer B's questions. Try to think quickly and make a good impression. Give good reasons for your answers. 18 HARD TO BELIEVE? Student A a Read the story below. Guess the meaning ofthe highlighted words and then complete the glossary. b Tell B the important details from the story you read. Explain any new words ifnecessary. • When did it happen and what was the background to the story? • What was the strange happening? What did Carol do afterwards? • How do they feel now about what they heard? ~is happened to a woman called Carol and her husbandRuss... c Now listen to B's story. IfBuses a word or phrase you don't know, ask what it means, and ask questions where necessary to clarify the details ofthe story. NOISES IN THE NIGHT A bout six months ago, my husband Russ and I moved into a house in the country. our house is the middle one of three terraced houses and it's more than a hundred years old. A young couple live in the house on our right, but the house on our left was empty and for sale. We had been living inthe house for about two months when we were both suddenly woken up inthe middle of the night by a loud noise. we could hear the sound of furniture being moved in the empty house next door. It sounded as if somebody was moving something very heavy, like a table or a bed, by dragging it across the floor. I looked at my watch. I said to Russ 'What are they doing moving furniture at this time of the night? It must be the new owners. I'll complain to them tomorrow.' Just then the noise stopped, but five minutes later it started again and this time it carried on for several minutes. Finally it stopped completely, and we were able to go back to sleep. The next morning I rang the doorbell next door, but there was no answer, and when I looked through the curtains the house still looked completely empty. I called the estate agent and asked him if he had come to the house the previous night to move furniture. He said that he hadn't and he was as mystified as us about the noises. I asked the estate agent who had lived in the house previously and he told me that an old lady had been living there for many years, but she had suddenly died afew months ago. I don't really believe in ghosts, but Russ and I can find no logical explanation for the noises we heard that night. carol, Kent Glossary 1 /'k3:tnz/ noun pieces ofcloth that are used t0 cover a window 2 II 'te1t ,e1d3;mt/ noun a person whose job is tO sell houses for people 3 /'drreg11]/ verb pulling something with effort or difficulty 4 /'krerid on/p v continued 5 /'ter::Jst/ adj used to describe houses that are joined rogether in one block 18 YOU'RE PSYCHIC, AREN'T YOU? Student A a Imagine you're a psychic. Use your psychic powers to complete the sentences below about B . I Your favourite colour is _____,...? 2 You were bornin _____ (place),...? 3 You really like , (a sport or hobby),.. .? 4 You (an activity) last weekend,...? 5 You haven't been to (a city or country),. ..? 6 You would like to be able to ,.. .? 7 You can't _____ very well,.. .? 8 You're very good at ,... ? b Check ifyour guesses are true by saying the sentences to B and checking with a question tag, e.g.Yourfavourite colour is pink, isn't it? Try to use falling intonation. c Now B will check his /her guesses about you. Respond with a short answer. Ifthe guess is wrong, tell B the real answer. d Count your correct guesses. Who was the best psychic? 2A FIRST AID QUIZ Student A You should hit the person firmly on the back between the shoulder blades to remove the object. This is often enough to clear the blockage, letting the person breathe again. If necessary, call the emergency services or get someone else to do it. The first thing to do is cool the burn under cold running water for at least ten minutes. This will make the burn less painful, and reduce swelling and scarring. Then cover the burn with cling film, or a clean plastic bag if your foot or hand is burned. This prevents infection and keeps air from the surface of the skin, which reduces pain. If it's a serious burn, call the emergency services because it may need urgent medical treatment. You should immediately put pressure on the wound to stop or slow down the bleeding. Use whatever is available - like a T-shirt or other clean cloth, or even your hand. Get help as soon as possible by calling the emergency services. Keep pressure on the wound until help arrives. 3A FLIGHT STORIES Student A a Read a newspaper article about a flight. Imagine that you were one ofthe passengers on the plane. Think about: • why you were flying to North Carolina • who you were with • what you did during the emergency and how you felt. BRAVE PILOT LANDS PLANE ON THE HUDSON RIVER 0n 15th January US Airways flight 1549 took off from La Guardia airport in New York at 3.26 p.m. heading for North Carolina, with 150 passengers and five crew on board. Less t han two minutes after take off, passengers near the wings heard strange noises coming from the engines. The plane started shaking. and then suddenly began to lose height. Both engines had stopped making any noise, and the plane was strangely quiet - the only sound was some people who were crying quietly. Most people were looking out of the window in horror. Moments later the captain made an announcement: 'This is the captain, brace for impact.' He had decided to try to land the plane on the only large flat empty area that he could reach - the Hudson River. The plane landed on the river, and one passenger shouted 'We're in the water!' People stood up and starting pushing towards the emergency exits, which the crew had managed to open. It was freezing cold outside. Some passengersjumped into life rafts, and others stood on the wings waiting for help. Amazingly, after only ten minutes ferries arrived and rescued all the passengers and crew. It was later discovered that birds had flown into both engines on the plane which had caused them to stop working. b Tell B your story in your own words, e.g. It was in Janumy afew years aBo and I was on afliBhtfrom New York to North Carolina.. . c Now listen to B's story. d W hat two details do the stories have in common? Have you ever been on a flight where there was a medical or technical emergency? 105 106 SA IT'S AN EMERGENCY! Student A a Read your survival tips and underline things you should and shouldn't do, and why. Try to remember the information. WHAT TO DO IF...THERE•s AN EMERGENCY ON A PLANE Your plane is very unlikely to crash, but if it does, the most important thing is to be ready for it. Eighty per cent of all accidents take place during take-off or landing, and if there is an emergency, such as a fire, you will probably only have about 90 seconds to get off. So when you get on the plane (and when it starts the descent) you need to be thinking about what you would do. Pay attention to the safety card and the flight attendant's safety briefing. Memorize where the emergency exits are and count how many rows you are away from them. Don't do what many people do which is to relax, take off their shoes, and start reading or listening to music. If something does happen you need to be ready to take action. In fact this is one of the reasons why people are told to switch off electronic devices during take off and landing. Above all don't go to sleep. But once the plane is flying and the seat belt signs have gone off, you can start to relax and enjoy the flight. b Now in your own words tell B and C how to survive ifthere's an emergency on a plane. SA GUESS THE CONDITIONALS Student A a Read through sentences 1-6 and think how you could complete the gaps.They are either second ot third conditionals.G:] =a positive verb phrase, = a negative verb phrase. b Say your complete sentence 1 to B. IfB says That's riBht, write in the words. IfB says T1y aBain, think ofanother possible completion and say the sentence again. You can have three tries. c Now listen to B say sentences 7- 12. IfB says exactly what you have, say That's riBht.IfB says something different, say Try aBain. 1 The cat wouldn't have got out ifyou .G:] 2 IfI spent a month in the UK, .G:] 3 We wouldn't have lost the match ifour best player ____.G 4 Ifyou'd told me earlier about the concert, _ ___.G:] 5 IfI'd known the traffic was going to be so bad, ___.G 6 My husband and I would go out more if we .G 7 We would have played tennis ifit hadn't been so windy. 8 Ifyou hadn't reminded me, Iwould have forgotten. 9 Iwould have bought the flat ifit had been cheaper. 10 I wouldn't use public transport ifI had a car. 11 Ifyou had watered the plants, they wouldn't have died. 12 IfI knew the answer, I'd tell you. 6B THREE THINGS YOU (PROBABLY) DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT SLEEPING Student A Sleeping Beauty In 2008, when Louisa Ball was fourteen, she had the symptoms of flu and soon after she began falling asleep in class. Then one day she went to sleep and didn't wake up...for ten days. Doctors diagnosed her as having a rare neurological disorder called Kleine-Levin Syndrome, also known as 'Sleeping Beauty Syndrome.' People who have this medical condition often sleep for long periods without waking up. Louisa regularly misses long periods of school, her weekly dance lessons (and, once, a whole week of a family holiday) because she is asleep. On one occasion she even missed her final exams. When she sleeps for several days her parents have to wake her up once a day to give her something to eat and take her to the bathroom. But then she immediately falls back into a deep sleep. People who have this syndrome often complain that they lose their friends because they disappear for such long periods of time. Fortunately, Louisa's friends have stayed loyal and they even visit her on days when she is asleep. Although she sometimes feels frustrated Louisa says, 'I've got used to it now and I've learnt to live with it.' Doctors have told her that the syndrome will eventually disappear, but maybe not for ten or fifteen years. a Read the article and answer the questions. 1 What exactly is the syndrome? 2 What were the early symptoms ofLouisa's medical problem? 3 What affect does the syndrome have on her life? How have her friends reacted? 4 What do her parents do when she has one of her long sleeps? 5 How does she feel about her problem? b Use the questions to help you to tell B about the Sleeping Beauty Syndrome. c Then listen to B telling you about how our ancestors used to sleep. 7A ARGUMENT! Student A Role-play two arguments with a partner. 1 WIFE It's your birthday t oday. Your husband (Student B) had promised to come home early. You have prepared a great dinner. You have been dropping hints for the past mont h that what you really want for your birthday is some jewellery as your part ner is usually very unimaginative about choosing presents. Last Christmas he bought you the Lord ofthe Rings DVDs which you didn't particularly like and he ended up watching more than you. Tonight he arrives home late from work (t he dinner is cold) and gives you a box of chocolat es (you're on a diet, and he knows this) and some flowers which look as if they were bought at a petrol st at ion. Your husband (Student B) starts the conversation by giving you the chocolates. 2 MOTHER I FATHER Your son I daughter (Student B) is in his I her first year of university studying medicine. You are a doctor, and you have always encouraged your child to follow in your footsteps, and he I she was good at science at school, and you think would make an excellent doctor. He I she was quite keen on studying journalism, but you think that this was a 'lazy option' and nowadays it's very difficult to get a good job in journalism. So you persuaded him I her to study medicine. Although he I she worked hard at school, this year at university he I she seems to be out with friends all the time and spends a lot less time studying than you did at the same age. You have just discovered that he I she has failed all the first year exams. You start the conversation: I think we need to talk about your exam results... 78 GUESS WHAT IT IS Student A a Look at the pictures below. You are going to describe them to B. Say what kind ofthing each one is, and then use looks, smells,feels, or tastes. ~~~~ J ice-lolly I b Describe your first thing to B in as much detail as possible.B can then ask you questions to identify what the thing is. ( /~':!/kind ofvegetable. It looks a bit like a green ball.It tastes quite strong ~I think it smells awful when it's being cooked. You can use it to make... c Now listen to B describe his / her first thing. Don't interrupt until he / she has finished describing. You can ask B questions to identify what the thing is. d Continue taking turns to describe all your things. 88 STRANGE, BUT TRUE Student A a Read the article and highlight the key information that will help you remember the story. Lost tourist finds herself More than 50 people were involved in a search and rescue operation in the volcanic region of Eldgja in south Iceland on Saturday. Police were called to the area after it was reported that a female member of a tour party who were travelling around the region had failed to return to the bus. The tourist was described as being 'of Asian origin, aged 20-30, and about 160 cm.' She was wearing 'dark clothing' and spoke fluent English. The police asked for a helicopter to assist the rescue operation but it was too foggy for it to fly. So the police, helped by the tourists themselves, began to look for the missing woman on foot. The search continued through the night, but at 3.00 in the morning the search was called off when it was discovered that the missing woman was not only alive and well but was actually assisting in the search. What had happened was that the woman had got off the bus for some fresh air and had changed her clothes. Because of that other people didn't recognize her and thought that she was missing. The tour organizer had counted the tourists but had miscounted. Police said that the woman had not recognized that the description of the missing person was her. The police said, 'She did not realize that she was the person everybody (including herself) was searching for until several hours later.' b Tell B your story in your own words, e.g. This happened in Iceland. The police were called because someone had reported that a tourist was missinB... c Now listen to B's story, and ask B to clarify or rephrase ifthere's anything you don't understand. 107 108 78 TWO PHOTOS Student A a Look carefully at your photo. Then describe it in detail to B, focusing especially on the people and their body language. Say who you think they are and what you think they're doing. b Show your photo to B and see ifhe / she agrees with you. c Listen to B describe another photo. Try to visualize it. d B will now show you the photo to see ifyou agree with his / her description and interpretation. p Describing a photo This photo looks as if it was taken (in the summer, in the 1990s, etc.) In the centre In the foreground (of the photo) there is I there are... In the background The child has his head in his hands. He looks as if... 108 GEOGRAPHY TRUE OR FALSE Student A a Complete the gaps in your sentences with the where necessary. 1 _ Andes is_ longest mountain range in_ world. (T) lA EXTREME INTERVIEWS Student B a A is going to give you an extreme interview for a job in his / her company. Answer the questions. Try to think quickly and make a good impression. Give good reasons for your answers. b Now give A an extreme interview for a job in your company, using the questions below. Ask him / her to give reasons for his / her answers. Then say ifyou would give him/ her the job, and why (not). 1 Which three adjectives describe you best? 2 Ifyou were a type offood, what type of food would you be? 3 How do you normally treat animals? 4 Who do you admire most, and why? 5 Ifyou could be asuper hero, what would you want your superpowers to be? 6 Tell me about something in your life that you are really proud of. 7 IfHollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see play the lead role as you? 8 Ifyou could have six months with no obligations or financial limitations, what would you do with the time? 2 _ Loch Ness is _ largest lake in Scotland. (F -It's the second largest.Loch Lomond is the largest) 3 _ capital of_ United States is _ New York City. (F - It's Washington DC) 4 _ Mallorca is an island in _ Mediterranean sea. (T) 5 _ Uffizi gallery is _ famous art museum in _ Rome. (F - It's in Florence) 6 _ South America is larger than _ North America. (F) 7 _ Mount Vesuvius is a volcano in _ north west Italy. (F - It's in south west Italy) 8 _ Brooklyn Bridge connects _ Brooklyn and _ Manhattan. (T) b Now read your sentence 1 to B. He/ She must say ifthe information true or false. Correct his/ her answer ifnecessary. c Now listen to B's sentence 1 and say if you think it's true or false.Ifyou think it's false, say what you think the right answer is. d Continue taking turns to say your sentences. Who got the most right answers? 18 HARD TO BELIEVE? Student B a Read the story below. Guess the meaning ofthe highlighted words and then complete the glossary. THE STRANGE OBJECT ON THE HILL T: is happened when Iwas 16, and Ican still remember it ividly. It was aclear morning, sunny but with abreeze. Iwas going to meet aschool friend to go walking in the hills where there were some wonderful views. I'd agreed to meet him at the top of one of the hills. Iknew those hills really well, but that morning there was astrange shape in the familiar landscape. It was amile or so to the north, on the top of the next hill. It was awhite object and it looked like adome or an igloo. Iwas carrying binoculars, so Icould see it clearly. It was big, the size of asmall house, but it didn't seem to have any doors or windows, and it wasn't moving in spite of the wind. Then I noticed that some sheep which were on that hill were running away from it. They seemed really frightened. Ikept staring at the dome. Then, suddenly, it began to move. It moved slowly, not in the direction of the wind but almost directly against it. It looked as if it might be gliding a few inches above the grass. A few seconds later the dome disappeared. Inever saw it again. Ihad watched it for 15 minutes. When my friend arrived Iasked him if he had seen the object, too, but he hadn't. He had been coming from a different direction. Ihave told only a few people about what I saw. one of them, afriend of mine who is a doctor, is convinced that I was hallucinating. But I am sure that what I saw wasn't a hallucination. It was really there. Carl, Winchester Glossary 1 /d;;ium/ noun a circular thing or a building with a round roofand a flat base 2 /'gla1d11)/ verb moving smoothly and quietly, as ifwith no effort 3 /h;;i'lu:sme1t11)/ verb seeing or hearing things that are not really there, because ofan illness or drugs 4 /'v1v1dli/ adv very clearly 5 /b1'nokjdl;;iz/ noun an instrument that makes far away objects seem nearer 6 /bri:z/ noun a light wind ~is happened to a boy called Carl when he was 16... b Listen to A's story. IfA uses a word or phrase you don't know, ask what it means, and ask questions where necessary to clarify the details ofthe story. c Now tell A everything you can remember from the story you read. Explain any new words ifnecessary. • When did it happen and what was the background to the story? (What was the weather like? What was he BoinB to do?, etc.) • What was the strange happening? What did Carl do afterwards? • How does he feel now about what he saw? 18 YOU'RE PSYCHIC, AREN'T YOU? Student B a Imagine you're a psychic. Use your psychic powers to complete the sentences below about A. 1 Youwerebornin (month),...? 2 You don't like (a kind ofmusic),.. .? 3 You're going to (activity) tonight,.. .? 4 You'veseen (afilm),...? 5 Your favourite season is ?____,.... 6 You didn't like ___(kind offood) when you were a child,...? 7 You can play (musical instrument),...? 8 You wouldn't like to live in (a place),. ..? b A is going to make some guesses about you. Respond with a short answer. Ifthe guess is wrong, tell A the real answer. c Now check ifyour guesses about A are true, by saying the sentences and checking with a question tag, e.g. You were born in Pisa, weren'tyou? Try to use a falling intonation. Check ifyour guesses were true. 2A FIRST AID QUIZ Student B 4a If someone you are with has a nosebleed, you should ask them to sit down and lean forward. Ask the person to pinch the soft part of the nose, which they should do for ten minutes. Get medical advice if the bleeding continues for more than thirty minutes. Sb Tilt their head backwards so that their tongue isn't blocking their airway. Check if they're breathing by looking to see if their chest is moving, and feel for breath on your cheek. Now move them onto their side and tilt their head back. Putting them in this position with their head back helps keep the airway open. As soon as possible, call the emergency services or get someone else to do it. 6b Use a cushion or items of clothing to prevent unnecessary movement. Call the emergency services or get someone else to do it. Don't try to straighten the person's leg, but continue supporting the injury until help arrives. 109 110 3A FLIGHT STORIES Student B a Read a newspaper article about a flight. Imagine that you were one ofthe passengers on the flight, and were sitting just behind Mrs Fletcher. Think about: • why you were travelling to Florida • who you were with • what you saw and how you felt. ISTHERE ADOCTOR ON BOARD? Mrs Dorothy Fletcher was travelling with her daughter and her daughter's fiance on a US Airways flight from London to Florida. Her daughter was going to be married there the following week. They had to get a connecting flight in Philadelphia, but the flight landed late and they had to rush between terminals. On their way to the gate, Mrs Fletcher began to feel ill. She didn't say anything to her daughter because she didn't want to worry her. However when the flight from Philadelphia to Florida took off, she suddenly got a terrible pain in her chest, back, and arm - she was having a heart attack. The cabin crew put out a call to passengers: 'We have a medical emergency. If there is a doctor on board, could you please press the call bell.' Incredibly, not just one bell sounded but fifteen! There were fifteen doctors on board, and what was even better news. they were all cardiologists! They were travelling to Florida for a conference. The doctors immediately gave Mrs Fletcher emergency treatment and they managed to save her life. The plane made an emergency landing in North Carolina and she was taken to hospital there. Fortunately she recovered quickly enough to be able to attend her daughter's wedding. b Now listen to A's story. c Tell A your story in your own words, e.g. A few years aBo I wasflyinBfrom London to Florida on a US AirwaysfliBht... d What two details do the stories have in ~ommon? Have you ever been on a flight where there was a medical or technical emergency? SA IT'S AN EMERGENCY! Student B a Read your survival tips and underline things you should and shouldn't do, and why. Try to remember the information. WHAT TO DO IF...YOU GET LOST ON A HIKE IN THE MOUNTAINS According to experts, people who get lost when they are out hiking typically keep walking (or even running), desperately trying to find the right path to safety, but this is absolutely the wrong thing to do. As a survival expert says, 'Fear is the enemy. Lost people want to run.' They lose their heads and start to panic. Sometimes they even forget to look in their backpacks for food and water. The number one survival tip is to stay where you are or find an open space nearby and wait to be rescued (especially if you have told someone where you were going to walk). In research done in Canada, only two out of 800 lost people actually did this. If the others had stayed in one place, they would have been found much sooner. Look for a sheltered place nearby in case you have to spend the night there, for example under a rock, or make a shelter with tree branches to keep you warm. But make sure you stay in the open during the day so that you can be seen by a helicopter. Make a fire to attract attention. If you don't have matches, tie a piece of bright clothing to a stick and leave it in a visible place. b Now in your own words tell A and Chow to survive ifyou get lost in the mountains. 7A ARGUMENT! Student B Role-play two arguments with a partner. 1 HUSBAND It's your wife's (Student A's) birthday today. You always try to buy her good birthday presents (last year you bought her the Lord ofthe Rings DVD!). You know that she really wanted some jewellery but you have been very busy at work and haven't had time to go shopping. You had intended to finish work early this evening and go shopping, but you had to work late. So you stopped at a petrol station on the way home and bought her some chocolates, which you know she usually likes, and some flowers. You start the conversation by giving your wife her present. Happy Birthday, darling. I hope you like them. 2 SON I DAUGHTER (UNIVERSITY STUDENT) You're in your first year of university, studying medicine. You haven't enjoyed it at all, and have just failed all your first year exams. In fact, you never really wanted to study medicine but your parents are both doctors and you feel t hey pushed you into it. You would like to change courses and study journalism, which you think would suit you better. You want to try to convince your mother I father (Student A) although you know they're not very pleased with your exam results. Your mother I father (Student A) will start by asking you about your exam results. SA GUESS THE CONDITIONALS Student B a Read through sentences 7-12 and think how you could complete the gaps.They are either second or third conditionals.[±:]= a positive verb phrase, El = a negative verb phrase. 1 The cat wouldn't have got out ifyou'd closed the window. 2 IfI spent a month in the UK, my English would improve a lot. 3 Wewouldn't have lost the match ifour bestplayerhadn't been injured. 4 Ifyou'd told me earlier about the concert, I would have gone. 5 IfI'd known the traffic was going to be so bad, I wouldn't have taken the car. 6 It would be easier to go out in the evenings ifwe didn't have children. 7 We would have played tennis ifit .G 8 Ifyou hadn't reminded me, I .[±:] 9 I would have bought the flat ifit .[±:] 10 I wouldn't use public transport if .[±:] 11 Ifyou had watered the plants, .G 12 IfI knew the answer, I .[±] b Listen to A saying sentences 1-6. IfA says exactly what you have, say That's ri[Jht. IfA says something different, say T1y aBain. c Say your complete sentences 7-12 to A . IfA says That's ri[Jht, write in the words. IfA says Try a[Jain, think ofanother possible completion and say the sentence again. You can have three tries. 6B THREE THINGS YOU (PROBABLY) DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT SLEEPING Student B How our ancestors used to sleep An American historian, Roger Ekirch, has done a lot of research (based mainly on literature and diaries) which shows that until the end of the 18th century humans used to sleep in two distinct periods, called 'First sleep' and 'Second sleep'. First sleep began about two hours after nightfall, and lasted for about four hours. It was followed by a period of between one or two hours when people were awake. During the waking period people were quite active. Most people stayed in bed reading, writing, or praying, etc. but others got up and even used the time to visit neighbours. They then went back to sleep for another four hours. This research is backed up by an experiment done by a psychiatrist, Thomas Wehr, in the early 1990s, in which a group of people were left in total darkness for 14 hours every day for a month. By the fourth week the people had begun to sleep in a very clear pattern. They slept first for four hours, then woke for one or two hours before falling into a second four-hour sleep, in exactly the same way as people had slept in the 18th century. The research suggests that today's habit of sleeping seven to eight consecutive hours may not be the most natural way to sleep. a Read the text and answer the questions. 1 What did the historian's research show? 2 What was the typical sleep routine in those days? 3 What did people do during the period between sleeps? 4 What was Thomas Wehr's experiment, and what did it show? b Listen to A tell you about the Sleeping Beauty syndrome. c Use the questions in a to tell A about how our ancestors used to sleep. 7B GUESS WHAT IT IS Student B a Look at the pictures below. You are going to describe them to A. Say what kind of thing each one is, and then use looks, smells.feels, or tastes. Icamembert I ~-­ b Now listen to A describe his/ her first thing. Don't interrupt until he / she has finished describing. You can ask A questions. c Now describe your first thing in as much detail as possible. A can then ask you questions to identify what the thing is. ( 1.t::.~ kind of vegetable. It's very popular in ~ico. It's very hot... d Continue taking turns to describe all your things. Who guessed the most right? 108 GEOGRAPHY TRUE OR FALSE Student B a Complete the gaps in your sentences with the where necessary. 1 _capital of_ Netherlands is _ Amsterdam. (F- It's The Hague) 2 _Amazon is _ longest river in _ world. (F - It's The Nile) 3 Panama Canal connects Atlantic Ocean to_ Pacific Ocean. (T ) 4 Atacama desert is in north of Chile. (T) 5 _ Black Sea is in _ south west Europe. (F - It's in south east Europe) 6 _biggest lake in _ world is_ Lake Victoria in_ Africa. (F - It's Lake Superior in Canada/ the USA) 7 _ Mont Blanc is _ highest mountain in _ Alps. (T) 8 _Hyde Park is in _ central London. (T) b Now listen to A's sentence 1 and say ifyou think it's true or false. Ifyou think it's false, say what you think the right answer is. c Now read your sentence 1 to A. Correct his/ her answer ifnecessary. d Continue taking turns to say your sentences. Who got the most right answers? 111 112 SA IT'S AN EMERGENCY! Student c a Read your survival tips and underline things you should and shouldn't do, and why.Try to remember the information. WHAT TO DO IF... SOMEBODY BREAKS INTO YOUR HOUSE. Imagine that you wake up in the middle of the night because you can hear somebody moving around in the kitchen. What should you do? Even if you are brave, it is usually a mistake to go and confront the intruder. You could find yourself face to face with somebody who may have a weapon and who is likely to react violently. The most important thing is to have a plan to follow: lock yourself and your family in a safe place, e.g.your bedroom or bathroom. Move a piece of furniture against the door to make it impossible for the intruder to open it. Next, call the police (you should always have a fully charged phone close to hand at night with the emergency number programmed in) and wait for help to arrive. b Now in your own words tell A and B how to survive ifsomebody breaks into your house. 78 TWO PHOTOS Student B a Listen to A describe his / her photo.Try to visualize it. b A will now show you the photo to see ifyou agree with his / her description and interpretation. c Now describe your photo. Focus on the people and their bodylanguage, and say who you think they are and what you think they're doing. Then finally show your photo to A and see ifhe /she agrees with your interpretation. p Describing a photo This photo looks as if it was t aken (in t he summer, in t he 1990s, etc.) In the centre In the foreground (of t he photo) t here is I t here are... In the background The woman on the left has her eyes closed. She looks as if... 88 STRANGE, BUT TRUE Student B a Read the article and highlight the key information that will help you remember the story. Dog phones for help Dogs are often called 'Man's best friend' because they sometimes help save their owner's life. But George, a two-year-old basset hound in Yorkshire in the north of England, managed to save his own life by dialling 999. George had been left at home on his own and had knocked the phone on the floor. He became entangled with the cord of the phone and was choking. Somehow he must have touched the number 9 key of the phone with his paws a few times, and as a result, he dialled the UK emergency number: 999. All the operator could hear was the the sound of somebody choking and breathing heavily, so she sent the police to the house. The police got in with the help of a neighbour, Paul Walker, who had a spare key. To their amazement they found George with the cord round his neck. He was absolutely terrified, and couldn't free himself. They quickly pulled the phone cord out of the wall. Mr Walker said, 'It was incredible. You could see his paw print on the key of the phone. He literally saved his own life.' George's owners, Steve Brown and his daughter Lydia, 18, were as amazed as everybody else. Lydia said, 'It's not as if George is particularly clever. In fact, he's really dopey - he just likes to chew socks most of the time.' b Listen to A's story, and ask A to clarify or rephrase ifthere's anything you don't understand. c Tell A your story in your own words, e.g. A doB called GeorBewho liveswith afamily in Yorkshirein the UK was left alonein thehouse when his owners went out... AN INFORMAL EMAIL From: Anna To: Subject: News! Hi Sue, Sorry that I havent been in touch for a while, but I've been ill. I got flu last week and I had a temprature of 39°C, so I've been in bed since four days. I'm feeling a bit better today, so I've been catching up on my emails. Luckly my classes at university don't start till next week. How are you? What have you been doing? Anything exciting. Here everyone are fine (apart from me and my flu!). My brother Ian has just started his new job with a software-company - I think I told you about it when I last wrote - anyway, he's really enjoying it. How are your family? I hope their well. I have some good news - I'm going to a conference in your town in may, from 16th to 20th. Could you recomend a hotel where I could stay in the centre of town? It needs to be somewhere not too expensive because the university is paying. I'll have a free half-day for siteseeing. Do you think you'll be able show me around? That would be great. Well, that's all for now. Please give my regards to your family. Hope to hear from you soon. Take care, Anna p Beginning an informal email When you are writing an informal email, it is more usual to start with Hi than with Dear. a Read the email from Anna.It has 12 highlighted mistakes, four grammar or vocabulary, four punctuation, and four spelling. With a partner, decide what kind ofmistake each one is and correct it. b Read Anna's email again and find sentences that mean... Ihaven't written or phoned. I've been reading and replying to my emails. Have you been doing anything exciting? c You're going to answer Anna's email. Look at the Useful language expressions and try to complete them. p Useful language: an informal email Opening expressions Thanks 1 your email I letter. It was great 2 hear from you. Sorry for 3 writing earlier I sorry that I haven't been in touch for a while. / 4 you and your family are well. Responding to news Sorry s hear about your exam results. Glad to 6 that you're all well. Good 7 with the newjob. Hope you a better soon. Closing expressions Anyway, I Well, that's all 9 now. Hope to hear from you soon. I Looking 10 to hearing from you soon. 11 my regards (love) to... Take 12 I 13 wishes I Regards I (Lots of) love from... 14 (= something you forgot and want to add) Please send me the photos you promised. d Plan the content ofyour email. 1 Underline the questions in the email that Chris wants you to answer. 2 Underline other places in the email where you think you need to respond, e.g. I've beenill. 3 Think about how to respond to each ofthe things you've underlined. e Write 120-180 words, in two or three paragraphs. Use informal language (contractions, etc.), and expressions from Useful language. f Check your email for mistakes (grammar, punctuation, and spelling). -< p.15 Writing A SHORT STORY a Read the story. What was the 'small mistake'? What happened in the end? It was only a small mistake, but it changed my life for ever. I had been working at JB Simpson's for ten years. It was a small 1family-run company which exported garden furniture. I was 2 happy with my job. I got on 3 with the owner, Arthur Simpson, but not with his wife, Linda. She was a loud, 4 woman, who s used to turn up at the office and start criticizing us for no reason. Everyone disliked her. One afternoon Mrs Simpson came in while I was finishing writing a report. She looked at me and said, 'If I were you, I wouldn't wear that colour. It doesn't suit you at all.' I was wearing a s pink shirt that I was very 7 of, and her comment really annoyed me. Ityped a a email to Alan Simmonds in Sales. 'Watch out! The old witch is here!' and pressed 'send'. A couple of minutes later I was surprised to receive an email from Mr Simpson asking me to come to his office 9 . When I opened the door I saw his wife glaring at the computer screen. I realized, to my horror, what I had done. I had clicked on Simpson instead of Simmonds. 10_ _ __ I was packing my things. I had been sacked! b Using adverbs and adjectives helps to make a story come alive and makes it more enjoyable to read. Complete the story with an adjective or adverb from the list. aggressive an hour later quite ffimily-ruA fond frequently immediately new quick well c You may want to write some dialogue as part of your story. Re-write the following with the correct punctuation. Use the dialogue in the story to help you. i want to talk to you about an email you sent Mr Simpson said coldly d Look at the!highlighted time expressions in U seful language and complete them. p Useful language: time expressions ___ that moment the door opened. As soon I saw him, I knew something was wrong. Ten minutes I went back to sleep. ___ morning in September Igot to work early. We got to the station just time to catch the train. e You are going to write a story beginning with one of the sentences below. With a partner, choose which story to write and discuss what the plot could be. I It was eleven o'clock at night when the phone rang. 2 Alex had been working hard all day, and was looking forward to going home. 3 We had been driving for four hours when we saw the sign for a small hotel and decided to stop. f Plan the content. 1 Write what happened simply,in about 50 words. 2 Think about how you could improve your story by adding more details, e.g.with adjectives and adverbs. 3 Think about what tenses you need for each part ofthe story, e.g. how to set the scene, what significant events happened before the story starts. g Write 120-180 words, organized in two or three paragraphs. Use a variety ofnarrative tenses and adverbs and adjectives to make your story more vivid. Use time expressions to make the sequence ofevents clear. h Check your short story for mistakes (grammar, punctuation, and spelling). ~ p. 29 FOR AND AGAINST a Read a post about adventure sports on a blog site called For and ABainst? Do you think there are more advantages or more disadvantages? b Read the blog post again and complete it with the linking expressions from the list (two ofthem are interchangeable). although another advantage because of for example (x2) furthermore in addition on the other hand t-19-e-FRatA-aEivantage to sum up c Put the linking expressions from b in the Useful language chart below. p Useful language: linking expressions To list advantages I disadvantages the main advantage To add more points to the same topic To introduce an example For instance,... To make contrasting points However,... In spite of (the fact that)... To give a reason Because (+ clause)... - - - - - (+noun)... To introduce the conclusion In conclusion,... d You are going to write a post for the site. Choose one ofthe titles below. Going to work abroad: an exciting opportunity or a scary one? Being a celebrity: a dream or a nightmare? Home I About I Blog I Subscribe Everything has two sides to it, a positive one and a negative one. Post your opinions on our blog... Adventure sports fun or too risky? Every year, more and more people are tempted by the idea of going on an adventure sports holiday, especially during the summer months. Spending your holiday being active and enjoying the outdoors has a lot of advantages. iThe main advantage is that adventure sports, like many other physical activities, offer health benefits. 2 , when you practise extreme sports your brain releases endorphins because of the adrenalin rush and that makes you feel happy. 3 is the self-confidence that you gain from doing these activities. 4 , the lessons learnt from facing the difficulties and the risks of these extreme sports may be very valuable in everyday life. s , there are also some important disadvantages. 5_ _ __ they make you feel good, risky sports can be extremely dangerous. The possibility of getting seriously injured while performing these activities is quite high, and some adventure sports, 7 skydiving or cliff jumping can even have fatal consequences. s these risks, you need to be extremely fit to practise these sports during a holiday, which means that they are not for everyone. 9 , they are likely to be expensive because they require a lot of equipment, safety measures, and well-trained and qualified instructors. io , adventure sports holidays have both advantages and disadvantages. Whether they suit you or not depends on your level of fitness, your personality, and how much you can afford. 6 Like I «!Share I .. Comment e Plan the content. 1 Decide what you could say either about how many young people today choose or are forced to go and work abroad, or about how people today are interested in famous people or want to be famous themselves.This will give you material for the introduction. 2 List two or three advantages and disadvantages, and number them in order ofimportance. 3 Decide ifyou think there are more advantages than disadvantages. f Write 120-180 words, organized in four paragraphs: introduction, advantages, disadvantages (or disadvantages then advantages), and conclusion. Use a formal style (no contractions or colloquial expressions). Use the linking expressions in Useful language. g Check for mistakes (grammar, punctuation, and spelling). -..( p.41 Writing AN ARTICLE a Look at the three pictures. What do you think the parents should and shouldn't have done? Read the article and check. You probably think that your home is a very safe place. But this may not be true ifyou have children coming to stay. Here are some tips to prevent accidents/ First look at the bedroom, where the children are going to sleep. Make sure the beds are not under a window, in case a child tries to climb out. Ifa very small child is going to sleep in the bed, you could put some pillows on the floor next to the bed, in case the child falls out. The next place to check is the bathroom. Many people keep medicines in a drawer or on a shelfabove the washbasin. But this can be dangerous, as children may find them and think they are sweets. You should leave them in a locked cupboard. Finally, have a look at the kitchen, which is the most dangerous room in the house for children. Knives should be kept in drawers which children can't reach, and make sure that all cleaning liquids are in high cupboards. Ifyou follow this simple advice, children who come to stay will never be at risk in your home. b This article was originally written in five short paragraphs. Mark/ where each new paragraph should begin. c You are going to write an article for a school magazine. With a partner, choose one ofthe titles below. How to keep safe ifyou go walking in the mountains. How to keep safe on a day at the beach. How to keep safe online. d Plan the content. 1 Think ofat least three useful tips. 2 Think ofa good introductory sentence (or sentences). e Write 120-180 words. Use expressions from Useful language below, and write in a neutral or informal style. p Useful language: giving advice Don't forget to... I Remember to... Make sure you... You should... Never... Reasons case (that) ...because it might... f Checkyour article for mistakes (grammar, punctuation, and spelling). -lll(p.47 DESCRIBING A PHOTO a Look at the photo and read the description. Do you agree with what the writer says about the people? I think this is a family photo, although none of the family members is actually looking at the camera. i/n the foreground we see the inside of a room with a glass door leading into a garden. 2 of the photo there is a girl sitting at the table, resting her head on one hand, with an open book 3_ _ __ her. There are two other empty chairs around the table. The girl is smiling; she looks as if she's daydreaming, maybe about something she's read in the book. 4 , there is another woman, who looks older than the girl, perhaps her mother. She's standing with her arms folded, looking out of the glass doors into the garden. She seems to be watching what's happening s , and she looks a bit worried. 6 , we can see a terrace, and 7 - - - that a beautiful garden. Outside the glass doors on the right you can see a boy and a man who may be father and son. The boy is standing looking at the man, who is crouching a him. It looks as though they're having a serious conversation. Maybe the boy has been naughty, because it seems as if he's looking at the ground. This photo reminds me of a David Hockney or Edward Hopper painting, and it immediately makes you speculate about who the people are and what they are thinking. b Complete the description with a word or phrase from the list. behind in front of in the background in the centre ~A-#le foreground to her right opposite outside p Useful language: describing a photo or picture In the foreground I background I centre of the photo... The (man) looks as if I looks as though... It looks as ifI as though... The (woman) may I might be... I Perhaps the woman is... The photo reminds me of... c You are going to write a description ofthe photo below. Plan the content. With a partner, look at the photo carefully and decide what you think the people are thinking or feeling. Decide how to organize what you want to say into two paragraphs. d Write 120-180 words. Use the phrases in Useful language to help you. e Check your description for mistakes (grammar, punctuation, and spelling). ... p.71 Writing EXPRESSING YOUR OPINION a Read the title of the magazine article. Do you agree or disagree? Then quickly read the article and see if the writer's opinion is the same as yours. b Complete the article with a word or phrase from the list below. finally firstly for instance in addition in conclusion in most cases Aew-ael-ays secondly so whereas c You are going to write an article for a magazine. With a partner, choose one ofthe titles below. Dow nloading music or films without paying is as much of a crime as stealing from a shop. Squatters who live in an unoccupied proper ty should not b e forced to leave it. d Plan the content. The article should have four or five paragraphs. 1 The introduction:Think about what the current situation is and what your opinion is. 2 T he main paragraphs:Try to think ofat least two or three clear reasons to support your opinion.You could also include examples to back up your reasons. 3 T he conclusion: Think ofhow to express your conclusion (a summary ofyour opinion). e Write 120-180 words, organized in four or five paragraphs (introduction, reasons, and conclusion). Use a formal style (no contractions or colloquial expressions).Use the phrases in b and in U sefu l lan guage. p Useful language: ways of giving your opinion (Personally) I think... I I believe... In my opinion... In addition I Also In conclusion I To sum up Ways of giving examples There are several things we can do, for example I for instance I such as... Another thing we can do is... We can also... f Check your article for mistakes (grammar, punctuation, and spelling). )) 1 I was being inrerviewed for a job with an advertising agency and the interviewer kept checking information on my CV and then asking me about it, and be saw that I'd studied philosophy at university, and he said, 'Oh, I see that you studied Philosophy at university. Do you still practise philosophy?' So I said, 'Well, I still think a lot'. Anyway he obviously liked the answer because Tgot the job. 2 At my job interview to become an editor with a publishing company, there were three people asking questions: two managers, and a woman from Human Resources. All the questions had been pretty normal, they were about my studies and experience, and then suddenly the woman from Human Resources asked me, 'What would make you kick a dog?' I was totally flustered but I managed to answer- I said, 'I'd only kick it ifthe dog had bad grammar and couldn't punctuate properly'. l thought it was quite a clever answer and, in fact, I got the job! 3 W hen I was applying for a teaching job in Korea, they were doing the interviews by phone because I was in the US. And because ofthe time difference they were all very early in the morning, which is not my best time. Anyway, the Director ofStudies ofthis particular school asked me, 'How tall are you?' and, 'How much do you weigh?' I answered bis questions but after the interview, when I thought about it, I decided that I didn't want to work in a school that would judge me by my height or my weight. So later, when they offered me the job, I turned it down. 4 I was being interviewed for a job with a company in Switzerland and the interviewer asked me, 'What animal would you like to be reincarnated as?' So I said a cat, because it was the first thing I thought ofand because cats have a good life - well at least in Britain they do. And then the interviewer immediately looked a bit embarrassed and said that he had been told to ask me that question to see how I would react, but that he thought it was a stupid question. In the end 1didn't get the job, so maybe the interviewer wasn't very fond of cats... 5 I went for a job in a lawyer's office. There were two ofus waiting to be interviewed - me and a man about the same age as me - and be was nice so we were chatting before we went in, and we agreed to have a coffee afterwards. Well, I went in first, and they asked me the usual sorts ofquestions about my previous job. They had all my personal information on my CV and so they knew I was married and suddenly they asked me, 'Are you planning to have children?' I said 'not in the immediate future but maybe one day'. Afterwards when I was having coffee with the other candidate, I asked him if he'd been asked the same question, and be said no, even though be was married, too. In fact we both got offered jobs, but I still think it was a very sexist question to ask. 1 10>)) Adam Faros began to look very carefully at the coffee grounds in Chris' cup and to tell him what she could see. I remember that the first thing she said was that sbe could see 'sacks ofmoney' -and this was very accurate because Chris had worked in Saudi Arabia for several years and had earned a lot ofmoney there. She also said that she could see 'a blonde lady'. Well, Carla, Chris's girlfriend at that time, was blonde so that was spot on, too. But thenFaros suddenly looked very serious and she said, 'l can see somebody in your family who is ill, very ill, at this moment.' I remember thinking, 'Oh no! Don't ruin a nice evening!' But Chris is quite a laid-back sort ofperson and be didn't seem to be too worried by what she'd said. He just said, 'Well, as far as I know the people in my family are OK'. Chris is an only child and his mother lived with her sister in London. They were both in their seventies. Fatossaid one or two more things and then we asked the waiter for the bill and said our goodbyes. le was a slightly weird end to what had been a very enjoyable evening. I can remember feeling quite relieved that I had said 'no' when Faros asked me ifshe could read my coffee cup. Chris and I got a taxi back to our hotel. The next day Chris had a free morning, because it was my turn to do the teacher trainfog session in the hotel, so be went off early co go sightseeing in Istanbul. Around nine o'clock I got a call on my mobile. It was Chris's girlfriend, Carla, calling from the U K. She told me that she needed to talk to Chris urgently but chat he wasn't answering bis mobile. I could cell by her voice chat she bad some very bad news for him and l immediately thought ofwhat Fatos had said the night before and I felt a shiver run down my spine. l asked Carla what had happened and she told me that Chris's aunt had died suddenly in the night. So, was it just a spooky coincidence, or did Faros really see what she said she saw in the coffee cup? I spoke to her before I left Istanbul and I told her that Chris's aunt bad died the night that we had dinner. She wasn't at all surprised and she just said, 'Yes, I saw in the cup that someone in his family was near to death, but I didn't wane to frighten him so Ijust said that the person was very ill.' All I can say is that I always used to be very sceptical about fortune celling bur now, well, I'm nor so sure. 17>)) What's in your signature? Our signature is very much part ofthe way in which we present ourselves to the world, so it can definitely give us some clues about the kind ofperson we are and how we feel about ourselves. As you know, a person's signature usually consists of a first name and a surname, or an initial and a surname. Your first name represents your private self-how you are with your family; and your surname represents your public self-the way you are at work or school,and in your social life. Ifyou use only initials either for your first name or your surname in your signature, means chat you are more secretive and protective about either your private or publicself. Now look at the space between your name and surname. Are the two names very close together, or is there a reasonable space between them? The more space there is between your name and your surname, the more you wish to keep these two parts ofyour personality separate. 18>)) The size ofyour signature Now let's look at the size ofyour signature. Ifyour first name is bigger and more prominent in your signature this nornially means that your 'private' selfis more important to you than your 'public' self. Ifyour surname is bigger and more prominent, this probably means that your 'public' selfis more important to you. Ifyour whole signature is very big compared with the rest ofyour writing this normally means chat you are quite a self-confident person. Some people actually sign in capital letters, which suggests that they may be bigheaded or even arrogant rather than just self-confident. On the other hand, people who sign their name with a very small signature tend to be insecure and have low self-esteem. 19>)) The legibility ofyour signature Another important factor is how legible your signature is- in other words how easy it is to read. A legible signature rends to mean char you're a person with clear ideas and objectives. On the other hand if your signature is difficult to read this may imply that you'resomebody who doesn't think very clearly and chat you may be disorganized or indecisive. It can also mean that you're quite secretive. Generally speaking the more illegible your signature is, the less assertive you probably are as a person. 20 >)) The angle ofyour signature Finally l want to say something about the angle of your signature, that's to say whether your signature is horizontal, or goes up or goes down on the page. A rising signature, one which goes up, means that you are the kind ofperson who, when you're faced with problem s, will work hard to overcome chem. You're a determined person and probably optimistic and ambitious. A descending signature, that is one which goes down, suggests that you're the kind ofperson who gets disheartened or depressed when you're faced with problems, perhaps because you are not very self-confident. A horizontal signature, one which goes straight across cbe page, usually indicates a person who is well-balanced and emotionally stable, and someone who is generally satisfied with the way their life is going. But it's worth bearing in mind that the angle ofour signature may change at different times ofour lives, depending on how we are feeling. 23 >)) Part 1 Interviewer What's the first thing you're looking for in a candidate for a job? Ryan The first thing you're looking for with a job candidate is an enthusiasm for the role, you're also looking for them to demonstrate experience, er, relevant to the position. Interviewer How do you get candidates to relaxin the interview? Ryan It's important to engage with the candidate straight away, so when you collect them from reception or from the, the front ofthe building whatever it may be,you want to kind ofgreet them in a friendly manner, you want to ask them some general questions, just talking about their journey into the interview or, urn, the weather or have they been to the city before. Interviewer And during the interview? Ryan During an interview, once it has commenced Iwill always try to start the interview with some general questions, justto allow the candidate to talk about themselves, to talk about their CV, their background, um, and often when a candidate is talking about something they know, which is themselves and that they've been doing, urn, they're able to settle down much more quickly and have an element ofconfidence around, er, what they're calking. Interviewer Is it important for candidates to ask the interviewer questions and if so what kind of questions should candidates ask? Ryan Questions can be related to anything, so I personally would encourage candidates to ask questions raced to any aspect ofemployment and most recruiters would welcome that sort of interaction as an opportunity to actually give a little more information about the company. Interviewer ls it OK for candidates to ask about the money or the salary at the interview? Ryan Ofcourse, and candidates should be honest and realistic about their expectations too; an interview is an appropriate environment to ask such a question especially ifsalary or, er, salary banding was not identified in the job advert. Interviewer How important are CVs and covering letters? Ryan CVs are very important to a recruiter because it actually provides an overview ofa candidate's background, their employment, what they've been doing to dace, but a cover letter can actually be more important because that's where a candidate will actually list and identify how they meet the criteria for the post,so it allows a candidate to be very specific about demonstrating what skills and experience they have that would be relevant and ofren that skill and experience may be missed on a CV when you're looking at a wider career history. Interviewer What's rhe worst thing a job candidate can do when they're applying for a job? Ryan First thing, is obviously, making mistakes on their application, um, chat's always viewed negatively depending on the role they're applying for. Um, also coming to an inrerview late, coming to an interview unprepared. 24>)) Part2 Interviewer Can you give us an example ofsome ofthe more difficulc interviews you've been involved in? Ryan I've been in interviews where candidates haven't been prepared and have not been able to, from the start, answer some ofthe questions, um, one particular situation was when a candidate actually thought rhey were being interviewed for something completely different, um, so again you have to actually think how do you dealwith that situation, do you stop the interview or do you carry on? Interviewer Anything else that has surprised you during an interview? Ryan There was another situation where, er, a candidate actually produced food during the interview, er, in the middle ofanswering a question, rhey stopped and rummaged in their bag ro pull out a KitKat, um, which took both myselfand the interviewing manager by surprise, we did ask and enquire as to what she was doing, er, at which point she actually advised she was a diabetic and just felt at that particular moment,um, that she just needed a little, er,something to eat to calm things, which was absolutely fine, but again during the interview when she hadn't announced that's why she was doing it, it was a bit ofa surprise. Interviewer How important is the way a candidate dresses for an interview? Ryan Acandidate's dress for interview is important because itshows how serious they take rhe situation. Um, however, I would always recommend that candjdates would come to interview, um, in a dress that is appropriate for the role they're applying for. In today's modern, er, recruitment, er, environment it's not always necessary for a, a guy co wear a suit co an interview, however you would expect to see a shirt, you would expect to see a blazer, youwould expect, expect to see appropriate footwear and the samefor a, a lady as well, um, certain clothes, certain types offootwear would be inappropriate to come into an interview and may set a perception ofthat candidate which is perhaps incorrect. Interviewer Have you ever had an interview with someone who was dressed very inappropriately? Ryan Ihad an interview on one occasion where a candidate actually arrived in tennis gear, a white T-shirt and shorts, they'd literally come straight from the tennis court and they bad simply forgotten the interview was on that day, had suddenly had the remjnder that actually they were due co beat the interview, so they thought they would come anyway as they were, um, Idid see the candidate and they were actually very impressive, we just had to move past the, the clothing aspect but actually it was quite funny and allowed a realopporturuty co engage with that particular candidate from rhe start. Interviewer Did that person get the job? Ryan No, they didn'c. 25>)) Part3 Interviewer What can you tell us about extreme interviewing, that is askjng candidates very strange questions like 'What dinosaur would you be?'? Ryan OK, extreme interviewing is a technique used by recruiters to put the candidate in a situation that they may not have been in before, um, or co, put them, give them a scenario where they have co chink quickly, where they have co digest information, where they perhaps have co problem solve before giving an answer. Interviewer Have you used iryourself? Ryan It's nor something that l have direct experience of, but Iam aware ofsome ofthe techniques that they use and some ofthe questions that could be used. Um, l was reading recently about, um, extreme interviewing techniques used for an insurance company, they asked candidates to describe, they asked candidates during the interview how they would describe Facebook to their grandmother? What the recruiter was looking for was for chat candidate to display an elemenc of, um, recbnical skills and technkal awareness, also co display communications skills and bow they would explain Facebook to an audience or co somebody who doesn't understand modern technology or modern social media. Interviewer Do you have any others? R yan One l was reading about recently was posed to candidates during an interview, er, where they were looking to assess a canrudare's ability ro multitask. Thecandidates were asked whether rhey would want co fight a horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses. Depending on the answer one ora hundred that would porenrially dictatewhether that candidate was most comfortable multitasking or dealing with one, er, situation or one objective at a time. Interviewer What would your answer to charquestion have been? Ryan I, when I read it I bad to re-read it four times, and that's just me reading it. In an inrerview Iwould have bad to have asked for that question to be repeated and I'm not even sure ifl would have been able to give an immediate response because I would still be trying to understand what exactly rhey were asking ofme. Iguess for me personally, when 1thought about it, 1would have said one horse-sized duck, um, but that would potentially mean that I'm not able to multitask! So... 27>)) Interviewer When did you last have an interview for a job or a place on a course? Jeanine The last time 1had an interview for a job was in 2011. Interviewer How did you prepare for the interview? Jeanine I took a lot ofRescue Remedy to help my nerves and I, Jjust practised every question that they could askme in my head. Interviewer Did the inrerview go well? Jeanine No, it didn't.I didn't get the job. Interviewer When did you last have an interview for a job or a place on a course? Jo Err, about two months ago. Interviewer How did you prepare for the interview? Jo Well, Ilooked at the job description and thought about my experience, um, and then tried to match my experience ro the various different points on rbe job interview. Interviewer Did the interview go well? Jo ltdid. Interviewer How do you know it went well? Jo Because they offered me the job. Interviewer When did you lase have an interview for a job or a place on a course? Ivan ! last bad an interview for a job a few weeks ago, um, that's the lasetime I bad an interview for a job. Interviewer How did you prepare for the interview? Ivan To prepare for the job interview Iread about the company and learned about whar they did and to see if ! liked the work that they did. Interviewer Did the interview go well? Ivan Ichink it went well because they followed up with an email, um, co talk about, um, further opportunities at that company. Interviewer When did you last have an interview for a job or a place on a course? Yasuko Um, the last interview chat Ihad was for my current company that Iwork for, and that was abour two years ago. Interviewer How did you prepare for rbe interview? Yasuko I prepared for the interview by, um, res... doing a little research on the company, rhe kind of products that they make, um, the, their philosophy, the history and rhe background ofthe company. Interviewer Did the interview go well? Yasuko Ithink the interview went well because it was actually a long interview. Ihad a lot ofgood conversarion with the managers there, and Ialso gor a few more interviews afterwards, and eventually got the job, so the, the interviews wenr well. Interviewer When did you last have an interview for a job or a place on a course? Joost About three months ago. Interviewer How did you prepare for the interview? Joost 1read about the company and Iknew whar the job content was, and I knew everything that I had to know for the interview, I was well-prepared to answer their questions. Interviewer Did the interview go well? Joost Jc wenr well. In the end they said Iwas too young, so they rudn't hire me, but, yeah. they would have ifl was older, they said. 41>)) So, Dr Cannon, Do you meet a lotof cyberchondriacs in your work? D All the time, I'm afraid. It's very common nowadays for people to look up their symptoms on health websites on the internetand to diagnose themselves with weird orexotic illnesses! For example the other day Ihad a patient who came in because his back was very red and itchy. He had been looking on internet medical sites and was absolutely convinced that he bad an extremely rare skin condition - he even knew the medical name: nodular panniculitis. But, in fact when I examined him and talked ro him it turned out rbar he bad spenc the weekend gardening in the sun and his back was sunburnt. So you would prefer your parients not to check their symptoms on the internet? D No, don't get me wrong, I'm not anti health websites, Ijust want people to use rhem sensibly. The problem is that diagnosis ofa condition or an illness doesn't jusr depend on onespecificsymptom that you can type into Google. le depends on all sorts ofocher things like a patient's appearance, their blood pressure, their heart rate, and so on. I Ofcourse. D And diagnosis also depends on where you live. For example, ifyou live in west London and you haven't rravelled abroad, it's very unlikely that you have malaria even ifyou have some ofthe symptoms. What other problems are there when people use health websites? D Well,you have to check carefully what kind ofsiteit is thar you are looking at. Some websites lookas ifthey have been created by health professionals, but in fact they've been secup by commercial companies that are crying to sell yousomething. Also, some American healthcare sites recommend expensive treatments or medicine that is not available here in the UK. I Are there any websires which you would recommend? D Oh yes, absolutely. For example, people with chronic diseases like asthma can get a lot ofhelp and information from online support groups. These websites have forums where you can talk co ocher people who have the same condition and illness and you can usually get information about the latest research and new treatmenrs. And there are often online support groups for people who have unusual illnesses, too. Finally,do you have any rips for all those cybercbondriacs out there? D Yes, Ihave three. First, only look online after you've been to the doctor. If you're not feeling well, make a list ofthe symptoms you have that are worrying you, and go and see your doctor with this list. Then when your doctor bas told you what he or she chinks, you could have a look online. Secondly, make sure you're looking at a reliable and professional medical website. And finally, remember that common symptoms usually have common causes -so ifyou have diarrhoea, for example, it's much more likely to be food poisoning than the Ebola virus. Doctor Cannon, thank you very much. 45>)) P Welcome to today's programme in ourseries onage. The topic is cloches, and the question is, do people nowadays dress their age, and should they? Our guests are both fashion journalists with well-known magazines. Hello, Liza and Adrian. L +A Hello. Hi! P Lee's start with you, Liza. L Well, the first thing I'd like to say co all the young people out rhere is next time you give your granny a warm cardigan and some slippers for her birthday, don't be surprised ifshe asks for the receipt, because she'll probably want to go out and change them for something more exciting. Listening 121 122 P So you think nowadays women in their sixties and seventies dress much younger than they used co? L Oh, absolurely. Think ofwomen like Sophia Loren, Catherine Deneuve, Helen Mirren, and Jane Fonda. Jane Fonda is in her late seventies and last month she was on a US ralk show wearing a leather mini skirt-she looked fabulous! Bur, ofcourse, it isn't just famous women who are dressing younger; some recent research says char nine out o f ten women say char they try to dress younger than their years. P Do you chink that's true? L Well, it depends on your age ofcourse. A lot of teenage girls rry ro dress older than they are, maybe to get into pubs and bars. Bur I would say that from 30 onwards most women try to dress younger than they are. P And do you think there's anything wrong with that? L Actually, I think it's not a question ofdressing older or younger, it's a question ofwearing what suits you. And ifyou looked good in jeans when you were 15, ifyou keep your figure you'll probably look good in them when you're 80.There are a few things which can look a bit ridiculous on an older woman, like, let's see, very short shores ...bur nor many. P So your fashion rule would be...? L Wear whatever you chink suits you and makes you feel good. P Adrian, what about men? D o you think they also cry ro look younger than their age? A Well, interestingly, in che research Liza mentio ned, only 12 %ofrhe men who were questioned said they had ever thought a bout dressing to look younger. Bur actually I think a lot o f chem weren't telling the truth. Look acall those middle-aged men you see wearing jeans which are coo righc and incredibly bright T-shirts. P You don't approve? A o, I don't. Personally I think that men should rake their age into accounc when they're buying clothes. P Do you think that some men actually dress older than their age? A Yes, definitely, some do. Some men in their twenties look as ifrhey were 20 years older by wearing blazers and chinos, or wearing suits and ties alJ the rime when they don't have to. They've maybe juststarted work and they want their bosses to rake them more seriously. And a lot of men in their thirties realize that they can't dress like a reenager any more, but chey go to rhe opposite extreme and they start buying the sort o fclothes that their fathers wear. P So what would your fashion rule be for men? A Dress for the age you are, not for the age you wish you were. P Liza and Adrian, thank you very much. 2>)) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board this flight to Hong Kong. Please place all hand luggage in the overhead compartments or underneath che sear in front ofyou. We ask char you please fasten your seatbelts and, for safety reasons, we advise you co keep them fastened throughout the flight. 2 We also ask thatyou make sure your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn offall personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. We remind you that smoking is prohibited for the duration ofche flighc. 3 Ladies and gentlemen, may we have your special attention for the following safety inscruccions. Please read the safety instructions card which is located in che pocket ofthe sear in front ofyou. T here are six emergency exits on chis aircraft, all marked with exit signs. Take a minute to locate the exit closest co you. Note that the nearest exic m ay be behind you. 4 The safety instruction card is in rhe pocket ofche sear in front ofyou. Please read it. Itshows you the equipment carried on this aircraft for yoursafety. Your life jacker is located underyour sear. In the unlikely event of the aircraft landing on wacer, place the Iife jacketover your head, fasten the straps at the fronc, and pull them tight. Do nor inflate the jacker inside the aircraft. Asyou leave the aircraft, pull down rhe red tabs to inflate the vesc. If necessary, the life jacket can be inflated by blowing through these rubes. 7>)) Interviewer With me in the studio today I have Richard, who's a piloc, and Brynn, who's a n air craffic controller, and they are going to answer some ofrhe Listening most frequently asked questions about flying and air travel. Hello co both ofyou. Richard and Brynn Hello. Interviewer Right, we're going co start with you, Richard. The first question is what weacher conditions are the mosc dangerous when flying a plane? Richard Probably the most dangerous weather conditions are when the wind changes direction very suddenly. Er... this rends ro happen during thunderscorms and typhoons and it's especially dangerous during rake-offand landing. Bur it's quite unusual- I've been flying for 37 years now and I've only experienced this three or four rimes. Interviewer What about turbulence? ls char dangerous? Richard Ir can very bumpy and very uncomfortable bur it isn't dangerous. Even strong turbulence won't damage the plane. Pilots always cry co avoid turbulence, bur ic can sometimes occur wichouc any warning, whfrh is why we always advise passengers co wear their seatbelt all the time during rhe flight. Interviewer Which is more dangerous, rake-offor landing? Richard Boch cake-offand landing can be dangerous. They're the most dangerous moments ofa flight. Pilots talk about the 'critical eighc minutes' - the chree minutes after rake-offand the five minutes before landing. Most accidents happen in this period. Bur I would say thac cake-offis probably slightly more dangerous than landing. T here is a critical moment just before take-offwhen the plane is accelerating, bur ic hasn't yet reached rhe speed co be able ro fly. If the pilot has a problem with the plane at this point, he has very liccle time - maybe only a second - to abort the cake-off. Interviewer Are some airports more dangerous than others? Richard Yes, some are - particularly airports with high mouncajns around them and airports in countries wich older or more basic navigation equipment. For some difficult airports like, let's say Kathmandu, they only allow very experienced pilots ro land rhere. And for some ofthese airports, pilots have to practise on a simulator first before they are given permission to land a plane there. Inte rviewer Thanks, R ichard. Over co you, Brynn. What personal qualities do you think you need co be an air craffic controller? Brynn I think confidence is number one. You need to be a self-confident person, you have be sure ofyourself and ofrhe deci ions you're making. Interviewer Most people imagine char being an air traffic controller is very srressfuI. Do you agree? Bry nn Actually, on a daily basi , the job isn't as stressful as people chink. Obviously it's crue char stressful situations do arise, bur when you're very busy, you justdon't have rime ro get stressed. Interviewer Why is it important for pilots and controllers to have good, clear English? Brynn English is the official language ofair traffic control. We communicate with pilocs using very specific phrases like ru11way, 111ind,clearedfor takeoff. turbulence, traffic a/1ead, toyour left, toyou rig/it, things Like char, and it's true that you could just learn these specifie phrases. Bur chen in an emergency you don't know what language you might need, ic's much less predictable, w hich is why it's viral for pilots and air traffic controllers co speak really good, clear English. Richard If! could just interrupt here, in fact there have been several air crashes which happened because the air traffic controller misunderstood something char the pilot had said in English, or vice versa, because their pronunciation wasn't clear enough. Brynn Yes, that's right. Interview Finally, people rend to think that most pilots and airrraffic controllers are men. WouId you say chat was true? Bry nn Nor in air traffic control- there are lots of women. Ir may not be fifty-fifty, bur there are plenty ofus. Richard Ir's true about pilots, though. I mean there are some women pilots, bur it's still quite a maledom.inared job, I'd say. Interviewer Why do you think that is? Richard People say it's because men have a beccer sense ofd irection. Brynn Very funny. Interviewer Richard, Brynn, chank you very much. 20 l)) Part2 ' How does it feel?' houced Scan. Susan smiled. The little gun was surprisingly pleasant co hold. She held it in her right hand, aimed it as Stan had instructed her, felt angry once again when she thought ofthe mugging, and pulled the trigger. ' Hey, that's good!' Stan shouted. She'd never heard him shout before, but then that was rhe only possible way to communicate ar rhe Targec Shooting Range. Susan wanted to blow the smoke away from the end ofrhe gun like John Wayne. 'I want to shoot another round,' she said, confidently. 'Good evening, ladies.' The expert in self·defense scood beside a large projected screen. 'The victim ofa mugging usually looks like this .. .' A picture ofa little old woman now appeared on rhe screen. She was carrying a shopping bag in one hand and a purse in rhe ocher. 'She looks vulnerable and weak. The mugger likes her-it'll be easy for him co rake what he wants and run. He won't choose a victim who looks as ifshe might fight back.' A picture ofa younger woman now appeared on rhe screen. She looked strong and fit, and her hands were free. ' Ifyou want to avoid being mugged, walk confidently! Keep your head up. Pull your shoulders back. Don't carry a lot ofpackages and keep your hands free. Carry your purse under your arm. Look as ifyou know where you're going, even ifyou don't. Thar mugger should think you're rough. Any questions so far?' Susan raised her hand. 'Is there any way ro identify a typical mugger?' The instructor smiled. 'He's the one wearing dark cloches, hiding in che bushes.' Everyone bur Susan laughed.This was the third week ofthe self-defense course. The first week, they'd learned to scream loudly and to run away fast. T he second, they'd looked at keys and scissors as potential defence weapons. This week the copic was, ' Who ls a Likely Mugging Victim?' Ar the end ofthe class, the women all walked our confidently, with their heads high. T hey didn't walk near any bushes on their way co their cars. Stan was delighted ar how much stronger and more confident Susan seemed after only chree weeks ofselfdefense classes. 'You're really doing well,' he said, and kissed rhe top ofher head. 'I've never seen you so single-minded." 'Well, some things in life are important,' Susan said. 'And, anyway, I'm still so angry abouc being robbed!' Nobody was going to mistake her for a victim agai n. 23 >)) Part 1 Inte r viewer What was your favourite book when you were a child? Julia Ir's always very difficult thinking back to one's favourite book as a child because, er, different rimes were different favourite books, bur the book chat I remember be r that I go back to in rimes ofwanting to have a quiet moment of, er, reflection is a book by Rosemary Sutcliffe called Warrior Scarlet,and why it appealed co me is very hard ro say, it's about a boy with a withered arm in the Iron Age who can't gee his place in rhe tribe because he can't kill a wolf. l probably read it once a year even now. Interviewer Even now? Julia Well, yes because there is a special thing about reading a book that you loved as a child it rakes you back co char rime. You, typically if you ask people about their favourite book as, as a child or the book char made chem a reader, which I chink is another way oflooking at it, they can remember a fantastic amount about it, they can often remember who gave it to them or who read ic to them or where chey read it or, and I have exactly that experience with, with that book. Interviewer When you were a small child, who read to you, your mother or your farher? Julia Well, I'm third offour children and I, this is a terrible thing co say, I don't think anybody read ro me, I chink I remember listening in on my older sisters being read co, so Iwas cbe youngest ofthree girls and then I've got a younger brother. And L very much remember my mother reading the Laura lngalls Wilder, Little House on the Prairiesequence to my brother and that's when I beard them too. bur Icertainly never had chem read to me. And then my father read me Rumer Godden's Mouse House, and again chis is a very profound memory, probably because he didn't actually very often read aloud, so it's logged in my brain as something char he read to me. Interviewer And who read to your children, you or your husband? Julia Well, that's interesting because ifl chink back co it, I chink, perhaps because Iworked in books and my husband didn't, he seems to have done more ofthe reading aloud than Idid, um, he loved reading aloud, he has incredible stamina for ic and be would read for an hour quite happily, I think, ar rhe end ofa working day it was quite a nice thing for him to do. Interviewer Do you have a favourite children's writer? Julia I think my favourite author at che moment is Philip Pullman. I chink he gave us a classic book in Northern Lights, rhe first of his Dark Materials trilogy which opened up to a very wide range ofchildren, whar imaginative fiction can be at irs best and there's nothing char Philip has written char isn't interesting, beautifully crafted, um,surprising and a story chat you reflect on. He, he raises so many questions, giving openings for children to think, that's the besc kind ofwriting as far as I'm concerned. So ifyou ask me now of a contemporary writer, he would be the person who l think is the greatest. 24>)) Part2 Interviewer Whar do you think is the one big thing that helps to make a child a reader? Julia One ofthe extraordinary things about reading chat isn't talked about enough, Ithink, there's a lot of, ofcalk about how children learn to read and all ofthis but actually, and what strategy might be best, but actually what makes a reader, a book, it's finding the book that you really want to read,and so chat's rhe chemistry, chat's the chemical moment when rhe child finds something char they really wane to read. Interviewer Teenagers can also be quire negative about reading, what do you chink can help inspire teenagers to read? Julia Well, I think che biggest inspiration char l, Iwould, I mean Iwould like to say again, co get back to the idea that it is the right book, but I chink there are lots ofways inro reading and one ofthe things that's very evident is that,um, good films, far from putting children off reading the book often take children or teenagers to read the book. You take a book like The Beach,all right it wasn't a book that was written for children, bur it was a, you know, it was a great teen novel, it was a sort ofalmost a teen anthem novel and um, a lot ofteenagers read rhe book after they'd seen rhe film. Interviewer How do you feel about children reading books which are badly written? Julia What Icertainly wouldn't do is make judgements about quality ofwriting. One ofthe weirdest things that happens in children's books is that as soon as a child finds an author that they love che parents tend to chink it's norsuitable because rhey chink ifthe child is loving ir, it's too easy or coo trivial or roo whatever and Jacqueline Wilson is a very good example ofthis, she is an author who, girls particularly, found and loved for years and it's taken rhe parents a very long time to realize that she is a very good author. And what do you say about someone like JKRowling who is,you know, not a great literary stylise but has some really remarkable qualities in her books and will be credited over probably three more generations for having made children readers. Iwouldn't want to say children shouldn't have read her books because they're not a great literary quality. 25 >)) Part3 Interviewer For the most part do you read paper books or e-books? Julia Ah, I'm, I'm almost entirely a print book reader but that is not out ofprejudice that's just out of,um the fact thac I get sent all the books, so it's easy for me to find the book I want co read and pick it up. Um, I read on my, um, iPad, sometimes, um, Ithink we are, ought co, sore of, stop seeing the two in polarity Ithink,you know, everybody is going to read both, I read the newspaper online and Iread it in print at the weekends. I chink we are all just going to get very used to reading in different ways. Interviewer Has all the new media made young people read less? Julia When television fi rst hit, as it were, everyone said children would stop reading, and the curious thing is that children's books and even books for teenagers are stronger now, much stronger than they were when television, children's television first rook hold. Children's television has slightly dwindled, books have increased. So the book has always been under chrear from these ocher media bur somehow reading survives,so there must be something very important about it or it would have gone, we would all have taken to seeing things in film which is a much easier way ofaccessing the same wonderful stories or, 1, l always chink the thing that really threatens reading is listening to music, [knowyou can do both but most people don't, bur you know, even with the explosion of music that children have access to they still have found rime for reading. Interviewer Do you still read for pleasure? Julia Well Istill do read for pleasure, um, but it's harder to gee back to that magical experience, which Ido remember very clearly from childhood, Ido remember that being totally absorbed in the book, but as you geeolder it's just harder to carve out time like that and there i always something else pressing and ofcourse, that's got more so with, you know, I have a BlackBerry I look at it all the time, and,er, I have co stop myself doing thar, ifl'm going to enter chis amazing fictional world,so for me the place char, char it really works best is a long train journey, 'cause Idon't have to look at anything. Ican be our ofmy ordinary life and I can just have char experience of getting completely lose in the story. Bue it only really works when the story comes to you and you have chat kind ofchemical moment when the story grabs you and you know you're nor going to stop until you've got to the end ofit or whatever, you know,you know you wane to read it as long as possible. So Ican still read for pleasure bur I have co find the right book. 27>)) Interviewer What was your favourite book when you were a child? Charlie My favou rite book was Dear Zoo. Interviewer Why did you like itso much? Charlie I Liked che facethat the boy got lots ofdifferent animals chrough the post and that, actually, all he wanted was a dog, um, for a pet. And that growing up, my parents wouldn't let me have a pee, so it was quire a nice idea of, you know, lots ofanimals coming to stay and having to go backwards and forwards. Interviewer Was there a character in a children's book that you identified with? Charlie Err, yes, George, um, in Enid Blyton's The Famous Five was a girl, and it was just, she was like a tomboy so I quite liked the idea ofbeing quite adventurous and doing things that boys tended to do when I was growing up. Interviewer What was your favourite book when you were a child? Sean Probably Tire Lion, TheWitch a11dTire Wardrobe. Interviewer Why did you like it so much? Sean Um, I remember we had a reacher acschoolwho read it aloud to us, and um,when Iwas probably six or seven,when I was coo young to read it myself, um, and I remember getting the book and then sirring down by myselfand reading it. I think it was the first rime Irealized how much you could geeout ofa book, Ithink. Interviewer Was there a character in a children's book that you identified with? Sean I can't think of any specific characters. Ichink Iwas quite a scruffy child. Ialways had dirty knees and torn clothes and things like chat, so whenever there was a boy who got into lots oftrouble, I usually thought that was a liccle bit like me, bur I can't think of one particular one. Interviewer \Vhat was your favou rite book when you were a child? Lucy Um, I really loved anything by Michael Morpurgo, um,all the Roald Dahl books and the Northern Lights series by Philip Pullman. Interviewer Why did you like chem? Lucy I really enjoyed the Roald Dahl books because ofthe great illustrations that Quentin Blake did,um, Ijust found chem really inventive and vivid and they really kind ofcontributed to my understanding of those stories. And the Northern Lights I loved because it just offered a really derailed other world, co justdive into, and chis kind of idea ofalcernative universes and weird futures char could possibly happen. Interviewer \Vas there a character in a children's book that you identified with? Lucy Um, not really sure, I used to love reading school stories, like books about boarding schools offin rhe, um Swiss Alps or anything like that, and well, I didn't necessarily identify with a specific character, I liked the kind ofgeneral idea of it, Isuppose, and, um, the kind ofjolly jape that they would get up to, so Ikind ofidenrified with them in a more general way as a schoolgirl, Isuppose. 36 >)) lewas a few years ago now, I think, ah, it was 2010, my wife and I had booked to spend ew Year's Eve in a pub in Yorkshire in the north ofEngland. Ir's a very famous pub because it's supposed to be the highest pub in the UK, and ir has beautifulviews. Well, we knew char the weather wasn't going to be good - the forecast said it would snow, bur it didn't really worry us - we're from the north and we're u ed to the snow. Anyway,we arrived in the afternoon and then we got dressed up for dinner. There were abour, um, 30 guests and we were having a great rime, bur as it gor nearer ro midnight I noticed that it had started snowing very heavily. We went to bed lace.ofcourse - l mean it was ew Year's Eve- bur when we woke up che next morning there was so much snow char we realized it was going to be impossible to leave the pub. T he roads were completely blocked and our cars were buried under mountains ofsnow. Everybody was stuck there in the pub for two more nights. But it wasn't a problem ac all. There are worse places to be stuck than in a pub! In face, we had a great rime. We all helped a bit with preparing the food and we did che washing up after the meals. And in che evenings we organized quizzes and we all gor to know each other. On January 3rd they finally cleared the roads with snow ploughs and we were able to leave. But I have to say that it was one ofthe best New Year's Eves ever. 2 T his was in che summer of2003 and there was a terrible hear wave in London. I remember it really well because it was my daughter's 6th birthday on the 7th ofAugust and we'd invited some ofher friends round to our house for a party in the garden. When the children arrived chat afternoon, it was just unbearably hot- I mean it was about 36 degrees which is absolutely scorching for us - it was just too hot to be outside, and it was too hoc to be inside, coo, because we didn't have air conditioning-very few houses do in Britain. And all the little girls were starring to gee really exhausted from the heat and I just didn't know what to do with them. But rhea my husband said, 'Why don't we all go to my clinic?' He's a doctor and his private clinic i just down the road and che clinic has air-conditioning. So we took che children to the clinic and had the party there. le was lovely and cool there and the girls played party games in the waiting room, bur then they scarred running around the clinic as well and I got really worried that they were going to break something. T he whole day was a bit ofa nightmare, to tell the rrurh. 3 In October 1987 1was sixteen and I was ac a girls' boarding school,a school in Kent in che south ease of England. le was a big old house and ir had really beautiful grounds. T hat night Iwoke up in the middle ofthe night because our bedroom window was rattling loudly. We could also hear very loud banging ourside. Ilooked outside and I could see chat it was incredibly windy. The wind was howling and trees were bending right over and things were being blown all over the place. I'd never seen such a strong wind. Soon all cbe girls in my dormitory had woken up, and the room was full ofconfused, sleepy teenagers. Suddenly, a group ofgirls came running in from the room next door- a tree had fallen and broken Listening 123 124 the window by one ofthe beds and had covered it in glass. It was quite scary but it was exciting as well. Then a teacher came in and told us not to worry and to go back to sleep bur ir was very difficult to get to sleep because ofthe noise ofthe wind, and we were awake for hours until finally the wind died down and we could get to sleep. The next day when we woke up we looked outside. Ir looked as ifsomebody had dropped a bomb. There were fallen trees and branches everywhere. Just in our schoolgrounds 200 trees had been blown down. On the radio rhey said that it had been a hurricane and that 18 people had been killed. Later we found out that all over Britain I5 million trees had blown down during the night. 38>)) Yes,I think I am, or anyway more than I used to be. l think my attitude to risk has changed as I've got older, for example I'm more open to risking a change in appearance, because I think I'm less self-conscious now. I often change hairstyles and colour but when I was younger I had the same hairstyle for years and Ialso think I would rake more risks travelling now because I'm more self-confident,so I'm pretty sure I could cope with any problems. 2 Yes, I'm definitely a risk raker. I rake risks to do things that I enjoy like skiing or cycling in London, which is pretty dangerous. In fact I think the element of risk probably makes them even more enjoyable.The only time l wouldn't rake a risk would be ifl couldn't see that I was going to get any pleasure from ir-1 wouldn't do something risky just for the sake ofir. 3 I'm the son ofperson who likes co know exactly what I'm doing and when I'm doing it, so there's nor much room for risk in my life. For me, risk means not being completely in control and that can make me feel really nervous. For example, ifl'm meeting a friend for dinner, I always make sure we have a table booked somewhere nice. I wouldn't risk just turning up and hoping that there was a cable. And I never buy cloches online because Idon't want to run the risk ofthem being rhe wrong size and having ro send chem back. 4 I'm definitely nor a risk raker. I might like to think that I am, as it seems exciting, bur I'm not. I live in a suburb ofLondon and I'd never walk home on my own in the evening when it's dark, as that just seems like an unnecessary risk to rake. And I'd never get into a taxi on my own at night. But on the other hand, I would love to do something like bungee jumping or paragliding which ocher people would probably chink is risky. 5 I don't see myselfas a risk raker. I've done a lot ofmountain climbing, and everyone assumes, because ofthis, that I'm attracted to risk, bur it isn't really rrue. In fact when you're climbing high mountains you're always trying to minimize the risk. The biggest risk I've ever taken in my life was a professional one- after 20 in the same job, I left and sec up my own company - and that's given me a lot more sleepless nights than climbing in rhe Andes or the Himalayas. 6 Iam happy to rake risks. Ilove driving fast, in face I bought myself a sports car when Ihad some money and I got quire a few speeding tickers- though probably nor as many as I deserved! I also rake risks with money, like lending to people who probably won't pay me back, or spending all I have on something a bit unnecessary. Lase year Iwent on a balloon ride and I was amazed that so many people said, 'Ooh, Iwouldn't do that!' I loved it and I'd happily do it again - it was fantastic! 44>)) Presenter For most ofus, rhe riskiest thing we ever do is to gee into a car and drive. And as this is something that we do almost every day ofour lives, we need co rake the risks involved in driving very seriously.Sandra, you're an expert in road safety. How dangerous~ driving compared to other ways of getting around? Sandra Driving gets a lot ofbad publicity. Statistics show char, mile for mile, it's riskier to be a pedestrian or a jogger than to drive a car or ride a motorbike. Presenter Burcar accidents do happen. What's rhe main reason? Sandra Fifty per cent ofall fatal accidents occur because someone has broken the law. The most Listening frequent cause offatal accidents in rhe UK is driving too fast, and rhe second most frequent is drinkdriving. And rhe third major cause of fatal accidents is when a driver falls asleep ar rhe wheel. Presenter Is that very common? Sandra Yes, iris. Asurprising ten per cent ofaccidents are caused by chis. Presenter Tell us about some ofrhe other factors char can increase our chances ofhaving an accident. Sandra Well, rbe rime ofday we·re on the road is a very significant factor. Generally speaking, driving ac night, for example, is four times as dangerous as during the day. This is mainly because visibility is so much worse when it's dark. By day, a driver's visibility is roughly 500 yards, but ac night, driving with headlights, it can be as little as 120 yards. Presenter Are chere any rimes ofday or night char are particularly risky? Sandra Research shows chat you're most likely to have an accident between five and seven p.m. during the week, chat's to say during rhe evening rush hour, and especially in the winter when it's dark. And the day of the week when you're most likely co have an accident is Friday. In the UK, more accidents happen on a Friday between 5.00 and 7.00 pm than ac any other rime. Presenter Why do you chink that is? Sandra It's probably because people are finishing work for the week and are rushing home co start their weekend. Their mind may already be on what they're planning co do, and they may not be concentrating 100 per cent on rhe road. So this is a rime ofche week when car drivers need to be especially careful. Presenter Which brings us to where accidents happen. Sandra Sixty per cent ofaccidents happen within two miles ofwhere we live. Statistically rhe most common kind ofaccident is crashfog into a parked car near our home. Research shows that drivers concentrate less well when they're driving on familiar roads. Fortunately most ofthese accidents are nor fatal. Presenter So what about fatal accidents? Where do these rend to happen? Sandra As far as fatal accidents are concerned, the riskiest kind ofroad to drive on is a country road. Almost halfofall fatal car crashes in the UK rake place on country roads. In fact you're twice as likely to have an accident on a counrry road than on an urban road. Presenter And why is char? Sandra Drivers often chink char it's OK co break the speed limit on these roads because there's less traffic and consequently they take more risks. Presenter And the safest kind ofroad to drive on? Sandra A motorway is by far the safest kind ofroad. Presenter People - usually men -say chat women have more accidents than men. Is char true? Sandra Well, it is true char, mile for mile, women have more minor accidents than men, but a man is twice as likely co be killed in a car accident as a woman. Presenter So men really are more dangerous drivers then? Sandra Women, by nature,are usually much more careful and cautious drivers than men. In general men rake far more unnecessary risks when they're driving than women. Presenter The age ofa driver must be an important factor, too? Sandra Yes, in fact it's probablyIfil most important factor. A driver aged between 17 and 24 has double the risk ofhaving an accident than an older driver. The reasons for chis are obvious. This is the age when drivers have very limited experience ofdriving but it's also when they're most likely to drive too fast and rake unnecessary risks, parrjcularly ifthere are other young people in the car. Presenter Which is why a lot ofpeople would like to see the age limit for having a driving licence raised to 21? Sandra Ithink it would be a very good idea. Presenter Well. that's all we have rime for. Thank you very much for coming into the studio today, Sandra. And to all you drivers our there who are listening... drive safely! 6>)) Yossi and Kevin soon realized that going by river was a big mistake. The river got faster and faster, and soon they were in rapids. The raft was swept down the river at an incredible speed until it hit a rock. Both men were thrown into the water. Kevin was a strong swimmer and he managed to swim co land, but Yo si was swept away by the rapids. Bur Yossi didn't drown. He was carried several kilometres downriver by che rapids but he eventually managed to swim to the river bank. He was totally exhausted. By an incredible piece ofluck he found their backpack floating in the river. The backpack contained a little food, insect repellent, a lighter, and most important ofall. .. the map. Bue rhe cwo friends were now separated by a canyon and six or seven kilometres ofjungle. 3 7>)) Kevin was feeling desperate. He didn't know ifYossi was alive or dead, but he started walking downriver to look for him. He felt responsible for what had happened to his friend because he had persuaded him to go with him on the river. Yossi, however, was feeling quite optimistic. He was sure that Kevin would look for hjm so be started walking upriver calling his friend's name. But nobody answered. At night Yossi tried to sleep but he felt terrified. The jungle was full ofnoises. Suddenly he woke up because he heard a branch breaking. He turned on his flash light. There was a jaguar staring at him... Yossi was trembling with fear. But then he remembered something that he had once seen in a film. He used the cigarette lighter to set fire to the insect repellent spray and he managed to scare the jaguar away. 3 8>)) After five days alone, Yossi was exhausted and starving. Suddenly, as he was walking, he saw a footprint on the eraii- it was a biking boot. It had to be Kevin's foorprinc! He followed che trail until he discovered another footprint and then another. Butsuddenly he realized chat the footprints weren't Kevin's footprints. They were bis own. He had been walking around in a circle. Arthat moment Yossi realized that he would never find Kevin. In fact be felt sure that Kevin must be dead. He felt totally depressed and on the point ofgiving up. 3 9 >)) But Kevin wasn't dead. He was still looking for Yossi. But after nearly a week he was also weak and exhausted from lack offood and lack ofsleep. He decided that it was time to forger Yossi and try to save himself. He had just enough strength left to hold onto a log and let himself float down the river. Kevin was incredibly lucky- he was rescued by two Bolivian hunters wbo were travelling down river in a canoe. The men only humed in that part ofthe rainforest once a year, so ifthey had passed by a short time earlier or later, they wouldn't have seen Kevin. They took him back to the town ofSan Jose where he spent two days recovering. 10>)) As soon as Kevin felt well enough, he went co a Bolivian army base and asked chem to look for Yossi. ('My friend is lost in the jungle. You must look for him.')The army officer he spoke to was sure that Yossi must be dead, but in the end Kevin persuaded them to take him up in a plane and fly over the part ofthe rainforest where Yossi might be. But the plane had to fly too high over the rain forest and the forest was too dense. They couldn't see anything at all. It was a hopeless search. Kevin felt terribly guilty. He was convinced that it was all his fault that Yossi was going to die in the jungle. Kevin's last hope was to pay a local man with a boat to take him up the river to look for his friend. 11>)) By now, Yossi had been on his own in the jungle for nearly three weeks. He hadn't eaten for days. He was starving, exhausted, and slowly losing his mind. !twas evening. He lay down by the side ofthe river ready for another night alone in rhe jungle. Suddenly he heard the sound ofa bee buzzing in his ear. He thought a bee had got inside his mosquito net. But when he opened his eyes, he saw that the buzzing noise wasn't a bee... It was a boat. Yossi was too weak to shout, but Kevin had already seen him. It was a one-in-a-million chance that Kevin would find his friend. But he did.Yossi was saved. When Yossi had recovered, he and Kevin flew co the city ofLa Paz and they went directly to the hotel where they had agreed co meet Marcus and Karl. Bur Marcus and Karl were nor at the hotel. The two men had never arrived back in the town ofApolo. The Bolivian army organized a search ofthe rainforest, but Marcus and Karl were never seen again. 21>)) The only thing I really regret is, is noc having had rhe courage to chat up a girl who I met at a parcy lase summer. Ireally fancied her -she was very artraccive- but I just wasn't brave enough to start a conversation. I wish I'd tried. I'm absolutely positive we would have got on well. Now it's coo late- she's engaged to another guy! 2 At the risk ofsounding really negative, Ithink the one thing Ireally regret in my life is getting married, and I wished I had listened to my sister, who said to me in the car on the way to the registry office 'Someone has to say to you that you really don't have to do this you know' and, um, I really wish I'd listened ro her becau e it was che biggest mistake ofmy life, and in face the next day when I woke up I realized it was a terrible mistake, and I pent the next 15 years trying to get out ofit. So, and Iwould never do it again. So that's probably my biggest regret. 3 Um, I really wish I'd been able to know my grandmother better. She died when! was 12, and since then I've discovered that she muse have been a really fascinating person, and there are so many things I would love to have been able to talk to her about. She was Polish but she was in Russia, in Sc Petersburg, during the Russian Revolution and she knew all sorts ofinteresting people at the time: painters, writers, people like that. I was only a child so I never asked her much about her own life. ow, I'm discovering all about her through reading her old letters and papers, butI wish she'd lived longer so chat Icould have talked co her about chose times face-to-face. 4 When I was 15 Ihad a Saturday job, um, in a supermarket-stackingshelves and that kind of thing. My friend also worked there, and he persuaded me one day to help him steal a canon ofcigarettes, 200 cigarettes, from the stock room. It was a crazy idea, and totally out ofcharacter for me to do something like that. L'd always been very honest unril then. Anyway, the manager ofthe shop found where we'd hidden the cigarettes-and he called the police. So when we came to work that evening the police were waiting for us. Although we got offwith just a warning-we were only kids-the police came to my house and talked to my mum. I felt so awful. But in the long run it was probably a good thing because it meant that I never, ever thought about stealing somerhing again. 5 When Iwas I61 gor the chance to change schools and go to a better school to do my last two years. My parents were really keen for me to change because they thought I'd probably get better marks in the university entrance exams and so have a better chance ofgoing to university. But I was totally against the idea because I didn't want to leave all my friends behind and I didn't know anyone at the other school. So, in the end I managed to convince them and I stayed at my old school. Idid OK in my exams but not brilliantly. Um, now I regret not listening to my parents because I cliink it would have been better for my future career, but at the time I just couldn'tsee it. 23 >)) Part 1 Interviewer What were you hoping to do by making the film Trashed? Candida Well, Ithink, um, the role ofche film, um, for me was to raise awareness, um, on the topic and gee it into the press so that people could start having a, a meaningful conversation about waste which, um, is not a particularly, um, attractive subject, let's say. Interviewer How many countries did you film in? Candida We ended up actually filming in eleven countries, um, but the stories that I've chosen are universal and obviously I spoke to, to people in communities, um, in more countries, um, than we actuaHy filmed in, um, but their stories are certainly not isolated, they were repeated around the world, sadly wherever you kind ofwant to pick actually. Interviewer How did you persuade Jeremy Irons to get involved in the film? Candida I had worked with Jeremy someyears ago on a, on a different film and l was generally aware that he doesn't like waste either, um, be will, you know, wear bisjumpers untiJ they're worn out, he'll keep his cars until they're falling apart, you know, he'll repair everything, so he's always seen, you know, the value in reusing things, it's just something natural to him as well, so he just felt like a natural, um. first approach, and, and so Isent him the treatment and amazingly he he loved it. Interviewer And how did you get Vangelis to write the soundtrack? Candida Well, Jeremy and Vangelis have been friends for years, so, um, Jeremy sent him the rough cut of the film and Vangelis absolutely loved it, he, he is also a committed environmentalist, so he's always been aware, um, he was aware because he worked witli, um Cousteau, sort ofvarious people, you know, he was aware ofissues for the seas and so on, um, buc generally again he was very shocked, um, by the film and really wanted to gee involved, so... Interviewer What research did you do before you started making the film? Candida I spent about a year, um, talking to communities, calking co experts, um, you know, obviously reading an awful loc, um, and, um, just ingesting it all because obviously again it's such an enormous topic to take on. 24>)) Part2 Interviewer Rubbish isn't very attractive visually. Was chat a problem for you as a film maker? Candida Er, yes and no, um,strangely enough obviously I had a wonderful, um, DOP, Director ofPhotography so, um he can pretty much make anything look beautiful, I chink, but, um, I wanted to choose, as I've, as I've said earlier, um, you know, l did a lot ofresearch and so sadly these things were repeatable and, and in every country around the world, so I wanted to choose, um, beautiful places wherever possible, um, that had been ruined unfortunately by, um man-made rubbish, so, um, the ancient port ofSaida in Lebanon, um the fact that, you know, you've got this huge mountain ofwaste which was formerly a flat sandy beach. Interviewer Documentaries about how we're destroying the planet can be very depressing, was that also a challenge for you? Candida A huge challenge, yes, um, I would bave preferred to have made a much more cheerful, um, documentary than, um, I think Trashed is, I think it has got hope, um, I think we were very much aware that we wanted co offer solutions at the end ofit, but you are, um, tbe subject is not a cheerful subject, um, I could have gone further I think with it but I didn't want to because actually, you know, you could sore ofend up feeling that you just want to go and shoot yourselfwhich is not whac Iwanted I wanted to feel, you know, people feel that they can make a difference to this topic. Interviewer In the film you focus on air pollution, land pollution, and water pollution, which do you think is the most worrying? Candida Um, ifl had to pick one, um, which I would be reluctant to do, er, it would be water without a doubt, I chink that what has happened to all ofthe oceans and beaches actually as well, um, in the world in the last 30years is astonishing in the scale and the speed, um, you know, there are certain places in rhe world, that you know, that you have to dig down on a beach, um over a foot, before you'll find sand chat doesn't have plastic in it. Unfortunately what's happened with the way that soft plastic degrade in water is that, um, the pieces become so fragmented that they're the same size as the zooplankton, um, which is obviously in the food chain. 25 >)) Part3 Interviewer Who do you think is mostly to blame for the problems we bave with waste? Candida [tried very hard actually not to blame one person or things, um, in the film, actually quite deliberately because I think in a way, um, it lets us offthe hook, um, and it also, um, I think we all need to work on the, the problem together because it's too complicated to blame one person or one thing or one act or, um, you know, Ithink it's, it's multi-faceted unfortunately. Interviewer Your film finishes on an optimistic nore with the example ofSan Francisco's zero waste policy. Can youtell usabitaboutthat? Candida Well, I, I actually in the film ended up, um, using San Francisco as the example because Iwanted to show, er, that zero waste could be achieved on a big scale. When you go and stay in San Francisco in your hotel room, you'll have four different bins and you'll have signs on the wall ofwhar goes into each bin, so ir's very, very easy to, to recycle and I tbink that's a huge part ofwhat we should be doing. Interviewer Has the film changed your own habits regarding waste? Candida I don't chink rbe film has particularly changed my own habits dramatically, urn, because I've always been thrifty, um, by nature because, um, I was lucky enough to spend a lot oftime with my grandparents when I was growing up and the post war, sort of, philosophy ofnever wasting anything it just, you know, it was instilled in me. I ride the same bicycle chat I've had since l was 15 years old and over the years obviously had it repaired and repaired, but I take tremendous pride in rhe fact that I've always, um, ridden the same bike and you know l have lovely memories ofit, so and with it, so, um I think, 1think we need a slight change ofmind set to make things cool the longer you have them in a way, than actually this perpetual thing ofbuying new things for the sake ofit. 27>)) Interviewer How much recycling do people in your country do? Sally 1don'r think we do enough, I think we could do a little bit more. I'm not wonderful myselfbut we try and do a little bit ofrecycling. Interviewer How responsible are you personally? Sally Well, we probably do about, probably about 30% we recycle. Interviewer What do you think the government, or individuals, could do to make people recycle more? Sally Well, they could give you all these, um, boxes and bins and things at home to help you recycle, the Germans seem to do it quite well. Interviewer How much recycling do people in your councrydo? Jo I think people are quite good at recycling, I think, um, now that the, the waste companies come and collect recycling from the houses, people haven't really got an excuse not to recycle any more. Interviewer How responsible areyou personally? Jo Err, I, I recycle as much as I can. Interviewer What do you think the government, or individuals, could do to make people recycle more? Jo Um, well maybe they could offer a financial incentive for, for recycling, um, or maybe for producing less rubbish that can't be recycled. Interviewer How much recycling do people in your country do? Jill I chink that recycling is getting better in this country, I think we still have a long ways to go. I think it's still done largely in pockets and not necessarily nationwide as much as it could be. Interviewer How responsible are you personally? Jill Actually, in the town where I live we have a very strong recycling program and so I participate in, um, filling it up with cans and bottles, newspapers and all kinds ofstuff, and they come and get it every other week, o. Easy, too. Interviewer What do you think the government, or individuals, could do to make people recycle more? Jill Well, incentives always work. Besides, above and beyond monetary incentives, just incentives to promote, you know, benefits to the environment. Interviewer How much recycling do people in your country do? Pranjal Idon't think people in the US recycle enough. I tbink we should recycle more and I'm even, uh, you know, I'm even guilty ofnot recycling enough, but I don't think we recycle enough. Interviewer How responsible are you personally? Pranjal Personally, I'm not really that responsible in cycling, I don't really recycle tbat often, but ifl do get the opportunity to recycle, Iwill. Interviewer What do you think the government, or individuals, could do to make people recycle more? Pranjal Well, I think it's important for individuals to realize that even the smallest difference makes a big difference, and so ifeveryone could just get in that mindset that the smallest change they can make in theirJives makesabig difference. l thinkthat will, in fact, make a big difference. Listening 125 i26 34l)) I think it's very interesting thathuman beings are the onlyanimals which listen to music for pleasure. A lot of research has been done to find out why we Listen to music, and there seem to be three main reasons. Firstly, we listen to music to make us remember important moments in the past, for example when we met someone for the first ti~e. Think of Humphrey Bogart in the film Casablanca sayrng 'Darling, they're playing our song'. When we hear a certain piece ofmusic, we remember hearing it for the first time in some very special circumstances. Obviously, this music varies from person to person. Secondly, we listen to music to help us change activities. lfwe want to go from one activity to another, we often use music to help us make the change. For example, we might play a certain kind of music to prepare us to go out in the evenfog, or we might play another kind ofmusic to relax us when we get home from work. That's mainly why people listen to music in cars, and they often listen to one kind ofmusic when they're going to work and another kind when they're coming home. The same is true ofpeople on buses and trains with their iPods. The third reason whywe listen to music is to intensifythe emotion that we're feeling. For example, ifwe're feelingsad,sometimes we want to get even sadder, so we play sad music. Or we're feeling angry and we want to intensify the anger then we play angry music. Or when we're planning a romantic dinner, we lay the table, we light candles, and then we think, 'What music would make this even more romantic?' 35>)) Let's take three important human emotions: happiness, sadness, and anger. When people are happy they speak faster, and their voice is higher. When they are sad they speak more slowly and their voice is lower,and when people are angry they raise their voices or shout. Babies can tell whether their mother is happy or not simply by the sound of her voice, not by her words. What music does is it copies this, and it produces the same emotions. So faster, higher-pitched music will sound happy. Slow music with lots of falling pitches will sound sad. Loud musicwith irregular rhythms will sound angry. It doesn't matter how good or bad the music is, ifit has these characteristics it will make you experience this emotion. Let me give you some examples. For happy, for example, the first movement of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony . For angry, say Mars, from The Planets by Holst. And for sad, something like Albinoni's AdaBiof or StrinBs. Ofcourse the people who exploit this most are the people who write film soundtracks. They can take a scene which visually has no emotion and they can make the scene either scary or calm or happy just by the music they write to go with it.Think of the music in the shower scene in Hitchcock's film Psycho. All you can see is a woman having a shower, but the music makes it absolutely terrifying. 40>)) I I Why do you have problems sleeping? S Well I'm Spanish but Imoved to London a few years ago when l married a British woman. I've been living here for tbree years now. Ihave a lot of problems getting to sleep at night because our bedroom just isn't dark enough. Ican't get used to sleeping in a bedroom where there's light coming in from the streetlights outside. In Spain Ialways used to sleep in complete darkness because my bedroom window had blinds and when Iwent to bed Iused to close the blinds completely. But here in England our bedroom window just has curtains and curtains don't block out rhe light properly. It rakes me a long rime to get to sleep at night and Ialways wake up more often than I used to do inSpain. I So why don't you just get thicker curtains? S Because my wife doesn't like sleeping in a completely dark room. Shesays that she feels claustrophobic if the room is too dark. Ah,yes, a lot ofpeople do feel like that. 41 >)) 2 I Why do you have problems sleeping? S Well, I'm a policeman and so I have to do shift work which means I work at night every other week,so I start work at I0 o'clock at night and finish at 6.00 in the morning rhe following day. T he main problem is listening that my body's used co sleeping at night, not during the day. So it's very hard to geeused co being awake all night and crying to work and concentrate when your body is just telling you to go to bed. I But isn't it something you get used to? S Actually no, because Iwork during the day for one week and then the next week Iwork at night which means that just when my body has got used to being awake at night then Igo back to working in the day and then ofcourse Ican't get to sleep at night because my body thinks it's going to have to work all night. The other problem is that when Iget home after working a night shift, everyone else is just starting to up so that means that it can be really noisy. The neighbours put the radio on, and bang doors and shout to wake their children up. So even though I'm really tired it's just very hard to get to sleep. I How many hours do you usually sleep? S Before I became a policeman I used to sleep about eight or nine hours a night bur Ichink now I probably don't sleep more than six hours. 42 >)) 3 I Why do you have problems sleeping? S I have a lot ofproblems sleeping because ofjetlag. I have to travel a lot in my job and l take a lot oflong haul flights. I fly to New York quire often and I arrive maybe at 6.00 in the evening my time, but when it's only one o'clock in the afternoon in New York. So at 5.00 in the afternoon local time, I'IJ be feeling tired and ready for bed because it's my bed time. But Ican't go to sleep because I'm probably still working or having dinner with my American colleagues. Then when Ido finally get to bed at say midnight local time, Ifind that Iwake up in the middle ofthe night because my body thinks that it's morning because it's stilJ working on UK time. I And can you get back to sleep when you wake up? S No, that's the problem Ican't get back to sleep. And then the next day when Ihave meetings I feel realJy sleepy. It's very hard to stay awake all day. And just when I'm finally used to being on New York time, then it's time co fly home. And flying west co east is even worse. I Oh! Why's that? S Because when Iget offthe plane it's early morning in the UK. But for me, on New York time, it's the middle of the night. It cakes me four or five days co recover from one of these trips. I Gosh, that must be really difficult for you. S Yes it is. 47>)) Presenter And finally today the story of a sleepwalker from Fife in Scotland who gets up in the middle of the night and goes co the kitchen and've guessed ic, cooking. Robert Wood, who's 55 years old,used to be a chef until he retired last year. We have Robert and his wife, Eleanor, with us in the studio today. Robert, tell us what happens. Robert WelJ, I've been a sleepwalker for about 40 years now. Ithink it first started when Iwas about 14or so. Anyway these days Iget up about four or five times a weekand Ialways end up in the kitchen and Istart cooking something. Presenter Do you always cook? Robert No, not always. I've done other things, coo. I remember once I put theTV on - at full volume- and once Ifilled the bath with water, although I didn't get in it. But I usually cook. Presenter Eleanor, do you wake up when this happens? Eleanor Yes, I usually wake up because he's making a noise. Igo downstairs and usually Ifind him in the kitchen. Once he was just laying the table but other times he's been cooking. Presenter What sortofthings does he cook? Eleanor ALI sorts ofthings. I've caught him cooking omelettes and spaghetti bolognaise, and Ieven caught him frying chips once. That was a bit scary because be could easily have burnt himselfor started a fire. Presenter Do you ever eat the things that Robert cooks? Eleanor No. It always looks lovely but Imust admit I've never tried it- notat threeo'clock in the morning. And the trouble is he always leaves the kitchen in a terrible mess.The last time he sleepwalked he spilt milk all over the place. Presenter So, Robert,you have no idea that you're cooking? Robert No, Ihaven't. I really am asleep and afterwards I just have no recollection ofhaving cooked anytbing. Presenter You're getting some help to see if you can cure your sleep walking, aren't you? Robert Yes, I've been going to a sleep clinic in Edinburgh where they think they'll be able to help me. Presenter Well good luck with that, and thank you both for coming into tbe studio today. Now we're going to a break, but join us again in a few minutes. 48l)) Presenter We've been talking co Robert,the sleepwalkingcook and his wife, Eleanor. And we're now joined by Professor Maurice from Rochester, New York, who is an expert in sleepwalking. Hello. Welcome, Professor Maurice, does this story surprise you? Professor No, it doesn't, not at all. I've treated people who have driven cars, ridden horses, and rhad one man who even tried to fly a helicopter while he was asleep. Presenter Do people usually have their eyesopen when they sleepwalk? Professor Yes, sleepwalkers do usually have their eyes open.Thar's whysometimes it's difficult to know if someone is sleepwalking or not. Presenter How common is sleepwalking? Professor More common than you might think. Research shows that about 18 per cent ofthe population have a tendency to sleepwalk. But it's much more common in children than in teenagers or adults. And,curiously, it's more common among boys than girls. Adults who sleepwalk are normally people who used to sleepwalk when they were children.They might do it after a stressful event, for example, after a traffic accident. Presenter People always say that you should never wake a sleepwalker up when they're walking. Is that true? Professor No, it isn't. People used to think that it was dangerous to wake up a sleepwalker. But in fact this isn't the case. You can wake a sleepwalker up without any problem, although ifyou do, it is quite common for the sleepwalker to be confused,so he or she probably won't know where they are for a few moments. Presenter So, ifwe see someone sleepwalking, should we wake them up? Professor Yes, you should remember that another of the myths about sleepwalkers is that they can't injure themselves while they are sleepwalking. But this isn't true. lfa sleepwalker is walking around the house, they might trip or fall over a chair or even fall down stairs.There was a case a while ago ofa nine-year-old girl who opened her bedroom window while she ~vas sleepwalking and fell 30 feet to the ground.Luckily, she wasn't seriously injured. So you see, Eleanor, you're quite right to worry that Robert might burn himself when he's cooking. You need co wake him up and get him back to bed. Presenter How long does sleepwalking usually last? Professor It can be very brief, for example, a few minutes. The most typical casesare people getting up and gettingdressed, or people going to the bathroom. Bur it can occasionally last much longer, maybe half an hour or even more, as in Robert's case. Presenter And what happens when sleepwalkers wake up? Do they remember the things they did while they were sleepwalking? Professor No, as Robert says, a sleepwalker usually doesn't remember anything afterwards. Presenter So, is a sleepwalker responsible for his or her actions? Professor That's a very good question,actualJy. A few years ago a man from Canada got up in the middle ofthe night and drove 20 miles from his home to the house where his parents-in-law lived and, for no apparent reason, he killed his mother-in-law.The man was charged with murder but he was found not guilty because he had been asleep at the time he committed the crime. 2 >)) Conversation I Female student Wbere's my milk? It's not here. Malestudent Ihaven't seen it. You must have finished it. Femalestudent Idefinitely didn't finish it. I was keeping a bit for my cereal this morning. You must have used it. Male student Me? Inever take anything from the fridge that isn't mine. You might have given it to the cat last night and then forgotten about it. Female student The cat drinks water not milk,so I can't have given it to the cat. Last night there was half a carton of milk in the fridge. MY milk. Malestudent Well, Idon't know what's happened to it. Female student What are you drinking? Malestudent Just coffee. Femalestudent Yes, white coffee. That's where my milk went. Well,you can go to the supermarket and get me some more. Malestudent OK, OK, calm down. I'll go and get you some milk... Conversation 2 Satnav voice At the roundabout, take the second exit. Woman Why are you taking the third exit? She said the second exit. Man I'm sure it's this one. I remember when we came here last time. Woman According to that sign this is the A245. Man The A245? Oh no!We must have gone wrong. Woman Ofcourse we've gone wrong. We should have taken the second exit at the roundabout. What's the point of having a Satnav ifyou don't do what itsays? Man OK, I may have made a mistake. But ifyou knew the way to your cousin's house, then we wouldn't have to use the Satnav. Satnav voice Turn round as soon as possible... 7>)) In life, we sometimes have disagreements with people. It could be with your partner, with your boss, with your parents, or with a friend. When this happens, the important thing is to try not to let a difference ofopinion turn into a heated argument. But,ofcourse, it's easier said than done. The first thing I would say is that the way you begin the conversation is very important. Imagine you're a student and you share a flat with another student who you thin.k isn't doing her share of the housework. Ifyou say, 'Look,you never do your share ofthe housework. What are we going to do about it?' the discussion will very soon turn into an argument. It's much more constructive to say something like, 'I think we'd better have another lookabout how we divide up the housework. Maybe there's a better way of doing it.' My second piece of advice is simple. Ifyou're the person who's in the wrong, just admit it!T his is the easiest and best way to avoid an argument. Just apologize to your flatmate, your parents, or your husband, and move on.The other person will have much more respect for you ifyou do that. The next tip is don't exaggerate. Try not to say things like,'You always come home late when my mother comes to dinner' when perhaps this has only happened once before, or, 'You never remember to buy the toothpaste.' This will just make the other person get very defensive because what you're saying about them just isn't true. lf you follow these tips, you may often be able to avoid an argument. But ifan argument does start, it's important to keep things under controland there are ways to do this. The most important thing is not to raise your voice. Raising your voice will just make the ocher person lose their temper, too. If you find yourself raising your voice, stop for a moment and take a deep breath. Say, 'I'm sorry Ishouted, but this is very important to me' and continue calmly. Ifyou can talk calmly and quietly, you'll find the other person will be more ready to think about what you're saying. It's also very important to stick to the point. Try to keep to the topic you're talking about. Don't bring up old arguments, or try to bring in other issues. Just concentrate on solving the one problem you're having, and leave the other things for another time. So, for example, ifyou're arguing about the housework, don't start talking about mobile phone bills as well. And my final tip is that, ifnecessary, call 'Time out' like in a sports match. If you think that an argument is getting out ofcontrol, then you can say to the other person, 'Listen, I'd rather talk about this tomorrow when we've both calmed down .' You can then continue talking about it the next day when perhaps both of you are feeling less tense and angry. T hat way, there's much more chance that you'll be able to reach an agreement. You'll also probably find that the problem is much easier to solve when you've both had a good night'ssleep. But I want to say one last thing which I think is very important. Some people think that arguing is always bad, but that isn't true. Conflict is a normal part of life, and dealing with conflict is an important pa.rt of any relationship, whether it's three people sharing a flat,a married couple, or just two good friends. Ifyou don't learn to argue properly, then when a real problem comes along, you won't be prepared to face it together.Think of the smaller arguments as training sessions. Learn how to argue cleanly and fairly. It will help your relationship become stronger and last longer. 11>)) Ilove this photo, especially the way she's using her hands...and the expression in her eyes and her mouth. Here she is in the role of a young single mother, who has just heard a noise in the kitchen in the middle ofthe night. You can see the fear in her eyes, that she's worried about her child. I think she suggests all that beautifully... 14>)) A Here's actress Cheryl Hines. Ifyou thinkshe looks furious, that's because she is!She's playing a wife who's opening the door to her husband at one o'clock in the morning. Her husband forgot that she was giving a dinner party, and he went offto play poker with his friends and turned his phone off.She looks as ifshe's going to tell him to leave and never come back. B Ilove this one. T his is Jason Schwartzman and he's playing a five-year-old boy. He's in the process of quietly putcing his pet rat into his seven-year-old sister's clothes drawer. He looks pretty confident about what he's doing, and as ifhe's really looking forward to hearing her scream when she finds it! C Here, Ellen Burstyn is playing a high school drama teacher.She is in the audience at the Oscar ceremony and one ofthe winners is an ex-student ofhers. Her ex-student actually mentions her name when she makes her winner's speech. You can see how proud she is, and how moved she is to have been mentioned. D lo this photo Isee pure horror and fear.T his is the acror Dan Hedaya. He's playing the part ofa long distance truck driver who was tired and d osed his eyes for a few moments. He opens them to see that he's -you've guessed it, on the wrongside ofthe road, with cars racing rowards him. Do you think he looks as if he's going to react in time? I think probably not. E Here the actress Jane Lynch was given the role ofa child.She's swallowing a spoonful ofmedicine that her mom promised would taste good. Ofcourse it didn't, and now she's telling her that ifit didn't taste awful it wouldn't work. She looks as ifshe's about to spit it out!I can remember reacting just like that when I was kid, and my Mom those exact same words! F When you lookat this last one ofSteve Guttenberg, I think you can immediately see from his expression that he's worried, and maybe nervous. Look at the way he's holding his hands, almost as if be were praying. He's playing the role ofa married man, who's begging his wife ro give him one more chance. Bue I think he looks as if be's done something bad, and is pretty desperate, so I'm not sure if his wife is going to forgive him! 15>)) Interviewer How difficult is it to express feelings when you can't use body language? Tim Well, radio acting is a different style of acting from visual acting because, obviously, you only have your voice to, to use. But you can use your voice and you can use timing to convey everything. When Istarted offas a radio actor somebody said to me 'you have to be able to raise one eyebrow with your voice', which l loved.Because you haven't got your body, you have to put it into your voice and so therefore the way that a radio actor works isn't totally naturalistic in the way that it would be on the television or on film. Interviewer What techniques do you use to help you to express emotions, feelings? T im Mmm , well, there's a big difference between speaking with a smile, and not speaking with a smile. T here's a huge difference between being happy, and being really sad, and really angry. Interviewer ls it hard for actors who don't have experience in radio ro do radio acting? Tim Well, people don't realize that it is a different technique. You would get famous people coming in, not realizing that there was a technique to radio acting and thinking that you could do total naturalism, and it isn't totally naturalistic. It's as naturalistic as you can make it sound - to lift it offthe page, to make itsound as though you're not reading it. 23>)) Touching or stroking their neck is a very typical sign that a person is nervous,and is trying to calm themselves down. A woman may also play with a necklace, and a man may tighten his tie. 2 When somebody's standing and they point one of their toes upwards, this is a clear sign that the person is in a good mood, often because they are thinking about, or have just beard, something positive. Ifyou seesomeone standing talking on the phone and they suddenly point one foot up,you can be sure that they have just been rold some good news. 3 Crossing their legs, whether they're sitting or standing, is a sign that a person feels relaxed and comfortable. Ifthe person is sitting with their legs crossed and their feet towards another person, that shows that they are interested in this person. However, ifsomeone they don't like appears, you may find that they quickly uncross their legs. 4 T his position, standing with your hands on your hips and your elbows pointing out, is a pose used to show dominance. If you watch police officers or soldiers you'll notice that they often use this pose. Men tend to use it more than women, and it's something we teach women executives to do in meetings where there are a lot of men present, ro show that they confident and won't be bullied. S We all know that thumbs up is a positive sign, meaning we feel good or approve ofsomething. But what about when somebody puts their thumbs downwards, in their pockets? As you might guess, this usually means that their confidence is low, and they are feeling of themselves. So try not ro do this ifyou are in a situation where you need to look confident and in control. 6 Putting their head to one side is a powerfu lsign that a person feels friendly and interested in someone or something. It's an automatic, genuine gesture, unlike a smile, which might be artificial,and so it's a good sign of real interest. It's also very difficult to do naturally around people you don't like. 7 If you look at people in a stressfulsituation, for example wimesses who are answering questions in courts, you'll often see that it looks as if their lips have disappeared inwards. In fact this is one of the most universalsigns ofstress, as iJ a person wanted to disappear completely. 24>)) Part 1 Interviewer How did you get into acting? Simon I was about 18, it was my first real job and it was a very unusual job because I was working in the box officeofthe Old VicTheatre. And not only did I get to see an awful lot ofplays but I also met the actors and Iwas able to sneak in to rehearsals, in the theatre, quite illegally, and I became fascinated by the work of the theatre. Interviewer What in particular fascinated you? Simon The thing that fascinated me, as 1said, was, was when I was in rehearsals there was this, the work ofthe theatre, the sort ofwork it was,so I'd stand at the back ofthe Old VicT heatre when the actors were rehearsing, but mostly it consisted ofpeople sitting rather glumly about saying 'Idon't know how to do tbi.s, Idon't know how to do this, Idon't know how to make this scene work, Idon't understand my character' and the Director would try to help them to understand the character or suggest a move here or a move there or maybe they'd try walking in a different way or putting on a different hat, and bit by bit it started to fall inro place and Ithought what a wonderful job, what a fantastically interesting job to wrestle with these kinds of problems, cry to understand the characters, try to find out bow best to express them and show them off, so I, Icame to acting very much from that point ofview. Interviewer T he role that first made you famous as a young acror was playing Mozart in the original Listening 12~ 128 theatre production ofAmadeus, which later went on co become a film. What was the most challenging thing about playing the part ofMozart? Simon What was a challenge was that Mozart was a person who'd actually lived and was indeed one of the greatest artistic geniuses ofthe whole Western civilization, and Iwas a great lover and admirer ofMozart's music, so there was a tremendous, er, challenge to bridge the character that Peter Shaffer had written, Peter Shaffer knows all about Mozart, he could so that Mozart was, was, er, er sort ofa smurry, er, hysterical child really, er, in a lot ofthe play. My job was to reconcile that with the fact that he wroteThe MarriaBe ofFiBaro and that was tremendously hard. Interviewer Was Mozart one of your most satisfying roles? Simon No, Iwouldn't say that, that it was the most satisfying, it was the most exciting because its, its fame er, almost from the moment it was announced was overwhelmingly greater than anything I had everdone, and co be honest ever have done since. The fact that the play was very very controversial when it opened proved co be, er, very, um, um shocking for many people, only increased the excitement around it, and it was, er, er asronishlng to look our into the audirorium every night and to see Paul ewman or,or, or, or Roberr Redford or or,or Ava Gardner, or Margaret Thatcher sitting out there because everybody had to see that play. 25>)) Part2 Interviewer Overyour career you have acted in the theatre, and you have also acted in many films. Which do you prefer? Simon They're absolutely different media, they require different things from you as an actor, Ilove chem boch. Bue they are each ofthem completely different, you bring completely different things co chem. Obviously the crucial difference with the theatre is that there's an audience and chat'ssuch an important aspect ofit in every way. It's important because you have co reach our co chem, make sure char everybody can hear and see what you're doing. The beauty ofthe cheatre is that every single performance is utterly differenr from every other one. Interviewer How do you motivate yourself co play the same character again night after night? Simon Ithink as you gee older you realize chat, um, you never gee it right, I,1mean I've, l've probably about halfa dozen times in my 40 years ofacting have thought well that was a really good performance, er, but it can always be better. And so one goes to the theatre every day hoping chat it will be insomeway better,er, er, you know there is always the possibility you might get it right, I mean you never do,you never can. Interviewer So what for you is the main difference with film acting? Simon Er, in movies or, or television film which is what almost all television is nowadays um,a lot ofthose responsibilities are, lie with the Director and the Editor. And having directed a film myselfl know perfectly well that you can make a sad scene fu nny, you can make a slow scene fast,er,er, in the editing suite, it's, it's an astonishing, er, power char a Director and Editor have. Um, er,you can make a character seem stupid just by editing them a certain way or make them seem brilliant by editing them in a different way. So in that sense the acror is rather powerless. Interviewer Anything else? Simon T he ocher thing that's very hard about acting on film is rhar hilariously it's regarded as a sort of naturalistic medium but in no sense is it that for the acror, because you're, you're, you know, first ofall there are some little metalobjects right in front of you, sort of, staring at you as you're doing your love scene or whatever else it might be. 26 >)) Part3 Interviewer Do you enjoy watching other acrors acting? Simon Ilove watching other acrors acting, I've been obsessed by acting since Iwas a child and I'm a great connoisseur ofirand! think I'm quire a good judge of it, and so Iadore watching other actors work when it's good, when it's not it's a great pain co me. Listening Interviewer Who were the fi rst great actors you saw? Simon As a young man,and a boy, Iwas extraordinarily lucky to see that fabled generation ofactors, of, ofGielgud and Richardson, Olivier, Edith Evans, Peggy Ashcroft, people now, almost all completely forgotten. Er, er, er even ifthey made movies it's unlikely that people ofa younger generation know who they are, but, but er, when, when theywere alive and kicking and,er doing their extraordinary work on stage it, it, it was something quire, quire remarkable, Imean it was, it was the sort ofthing that nobody attempts any more. Interviewer Do any modern acrors come close co rhar golden generation? Simon In movies, not always but, bursometimes Daniel Day Lewis does, er, I think probably approach a role in the way a lot ofthem might have approached it. Interviewer ls there anything you don't like about acting? Simon Idon't much like wearing make up, Iswear a lot, it comes off, it's uncomfortable, its sticky, and Ido everything Ican to avoid wearing make up. Interviewer Do you still get stage fright? Simon Idon't get stage fright but Ido get self conscious and Ihate that and I wish Ididn't, particularly at events like fi rst nighrs, because Idon't know how it's impossible to ignore the fact that there are at least 100 people sitting out there judging you,you know, [think almost all actors feel tremendous longing for the first night to be over, but it has co happen, it's like a sortof operation, it's, you know it's got co happen, it's going co hurt but you will feel better afterwards. 28 >)) Interviewer What actors do you particularly enjoy watching? Nathan Err, Kevin Spacey, um, Robert De Niro, Matt Smith,um, Olivia Colman, um, Jodie Foster. Interviewer Why do you like them? Nathan Ithink,well there's two things with actors, one is the ability to take on another character and perform it outside ofthemselves but also Ithink you tend to find that, that actors who are that famous have some sort ofstar quality, for want ofa better expression, a pull towards them, like great sport stars. Interviewer Which performances particularly? Nathan Ow, um,err, well Robert De iro in Taxi Driver is something co be beheld, um, I've seen Kevin Spacey a few times on stageand he's been incredibly impressive, um, so,yeah. Interviewer What acrors do you particularly enjoy watching? Sean Idon't really have a favourite acror Idon't think, but, um, Ialways enjoy watching Roberr De iro. Interviewer Why do you like him? Sean Ithink he just has an intensity, and a presence that makes you want to watch him, makes you want co chink about why he's doing what he's doing, Ithink even ifit's something quire silly, um, it's srill always interesting co watch. Interviewer What performance ofhis do you particularly enjoy? Sean Ithink my favourite film and my favourite performance ofall time isThe Deer Hunter. Interviewer What actors do you particularly enjoy watching? Jo 'I really like Judi Dench and Ialso like Russell Crowe. Interviewer Why do you like them? What is it about chem that you like? Jo Um, Ithink they show a lot ofemotion when they're acting. Interviewer What roles in particular do you enjoy watching them in? Jo Um, Ilike Judi Dench in her role, um, in the Bond films and Ireally enjoyed, um, Russell Crowe in Gladiator. Interviewer What actors do you particularly enjoy watching? Mairi Um, Audrey Hepburn and Natalie Portman. Interviewer Why do you like them? Mairi Urn, I like Audrey Hepburn because I think she was very genuine and I feel like she put her heart into everything, I especially like watching films where she dances because she looks very happy. Um, Ilike aralie Portman because, um, I feel like she is a very good actor, um, I don't think 'oh that's Natalie Portman in a film' 1think 'Oh that's, that's a character' and I like that she does diff,a lot ofdifferent characters, um, and doesn't just stick to the same kind offilm all the time. Interviewer Which oftheir performances did you particularly enjoy? Mairi Um, for Audrey Hepburn I like, err, her performance in Fu1111y Face and for Natalie Portman I like Back... Black Swan. 30 >)) Presenter So, welcome to the programme, Danny. Now you're an ex-burglar yourselfso you can obviously give us the inside story here. Tell me, how long does a burglar usually take co burglea house? Danny I'd say that an experienced burglar would never spend more than 20 minutes in a house. 1\venty minutes maximum and then out. Presenter And how much would they probably cake in that time? Danny Maybe 2,000 or 3,000 quid's worth ofgoods. It depends on the house. Presenter And what are rhe favourite things for burglars ro steal? Danny Well, these days they're usually looking for things like laptops and tablets. They're easy cosell, you see, and not so easy for the owner to identify if, you, if the burglar lacer gets caught. Presenter What one thing would be likely to srop a burglar from breaking into a house? Danny l'd say defrnitely a dog, especially a noisy one. Burglars don't like dogs because they're unpredictable. Presenter Wbar kind ofthings would actually make a burglarchoose a particular house co break into? Danny Well it's got co look like a house where there'll be things worth taking, so a burglar will normally go for a house that looks quite expensive, in a good area. And they'll also often choose a house where there are trees or bushes outside which are good places to hide while they're watching rhe house before they break in-and also where they could hide when they come out ofthe house. That way there's less chance ofneighbours seeing them. And, obviously, they'll normally wait for the house co be empty before they break in. Presenter So a burglar wouldn't break in ifthey thought the owners were at home? Danny Noc usually, no, though there are some burglars who actually prefer it ifthe owners are at home in bed. That way they won't get surprised by chem suddenly coming home when they're in the middle ofthings. Presenter Oh, not a very nice thought. What's the most common time ofday for a burglar co break into your house? Danny People always think ofburglars as working at night,and ofcoursesomedo but the majorityof burglaries happen between around 10.00 in the morning and lunchtime. A burglar will watd1 ahouse and then wait for the adults to go to work and the kids go coschool and then he can besure the house is empty. Presenter What's the easiest way for a burglar co break into a house? Danny The easiest way is just caking out a window or a patio door, usually at the back ofthe house. You can do tliis really quickly and it doesn't make much noise ifyou've got good equipment, which a serious burglar would usually have. Presenter And finally what's the safest room co hide your valuables in?What's the last place a burglar would look? Danny There's a typical order burglars use when they search a house. They start with the main bedroom, because that's often where people leave their valuables, and then the living room. Um, after that probably the dining room ifthere is one, the study, and then the kitchen. The last place would probably be a kid's bedroom. You wouldn't normally expect co find anything worth taking there. Presenter So a child's bedroom is the best place co hide things? Danny Well, in theory, though ofcourse ifany burglars out there have been listening co this programme, they might start looking there first... 35 >)) And last on our crime news srories from round the world, a burglar who's been fooling even the most intelligent students. The area between Broadway and 9th Street in New York is where srudenrs often head ro when chey're looking for a flat share. This was something well known to Daniel Scewart Cooper, who also knew chac scudencs in a shared house ofcengo ouc and leave che door unlocked, maybe thinking that anocher flacmate is still inside. This sicuacion suiced Cooper perfeccly, and he is choughc to have commicced becween SO and 100 burglaries in cbe area. le is beljeved chac he was mainly inceresced in finding drugs, but thac ifhe found eleccronics or ocher gadgees lying around, he took chose, too. And he didn't juscsceal things. Cooper is also said to have made himselfat home in the houses, helping himselfto food from the fridge and even having a shower. Although he normally rried to make sure thac the residents were our, ifhe did meet people, it's thought that he would pretend to know someone there, and so was able to leave without raising suspicions. However on September 5th, Cooper was finally caught after cwo studencs saw him in che area wich a laptop and a backpack which he had juscstolen from their house. Dylan John, one ofthe viccims, told CBS news that Cooper had taken some food, too. Cooper, who ran offas soon as he realized char the students suspected him, was found by the police hiding behfod some nearby bushes. 38 >)) And for our last story today, have you ever wondered what would it be like to be eaten by a tiger? Well, now we know, thanks to Soundari, a seven-year-old Siberian tiger living ac Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire. Last week when itsnowed, the animal keepers decided to build some snowmen, to encercain che tigers, and chey hid a tiny video camera inside one ofthe snowmen to film rhe tigers' reactions. At first, the cigers just sniffed at the snowman, but then one ofthem, called Soundari, began accacking che snowman and starced to ear it and the camera. However she didn'c like the casteofche camera, so after a while shespat it ouc. Amazingly, the camera had never stopped recording, and was scill working when the animal keepers recovered ic. The film that the hidden camera had taken was incredible. For the first rime you could feel what it would be like to be attacked by a tiger, and see ics open mouch coming at you and see its enormous razor sharp teeth and its rough tongue. [n fact a spokesman for the safari park said that the shots ofSoundari's teeth were so clear chat it gave them che opportunity to have a quick health check on her mouth, gums, and teeth! 46 >)) Interviewer Brad Picc said recently, 'They call my kids by cheir names. They shove cameras in cheir faces. f really believe chere should be a law against ic.' He was calking, ofcourse, abouc paparazzi. Bue are che paparazzi really as bad as Brad Piccsays chey are? Today in che studio wich me is Jennifer Buhl, who is an actual - is ic paparazzior paparazzo? Jennifer Buhl Paparazzo for a man, paparazza for a woman. Paparazzi is the plural. Interviewer So Jennifer are you good, bad, or in between? Jennifer Well, Ithink I'm a good girl. But some people would probably nor like me. Interviewer A lot ofpeoplesay there's a working relacionsbip becween celebricies and paparazzi. Would you say chac was crue? Thac celebrities accually cell you where chey're going to be? Jennifer Yes, ofcourse. Thac happens all che time. Bue I think chae's whac a lot ofcbe public doesn'c realize. You know, people shout at us and insult us when chere's a big crowd ofus around, let's say, Bricney Spears or Lindsay Lohan. Ijust wane to cell chem that chey called us. And,after we've sold the photos, we split the money between the stars and us. Interviewer I'veofcen choughc that must be true. I mean, nobody just goes to the gym with cheir hair done and make-up on unless they're actually expeccing to be photographed. Jennifer Exaccly. But don't gee me wrong, it's noc like all the celebrities wane to be photographed. Ifa celebricy wanes to go ouc and avoid the paparazzi, ic's preccy easy to do. Celebrities that don't like ic rarely gee phocographed, they very rarely get photographed. Interviewer Give me some exampleofcelebrities who genuinely don'cwane to be photographed? Like, who really haces ic? Jennifer Julia Robercs hates ic. Kace Bosworch hates ic. Interviewer Are photos ofthem worth more money if chey hare it? Jennifer ledepends. No, noc necessarily. Because chey don'cgee photographed often, chen nobody sees them in magazines, and they lose interest in them. Because they become boring. Interviewer Wbac shot have you caken chat you goc cbe mosc money for? Jennifer Probably one ofthe shoes chacsold the besc, cbac Ididn'c expecc, didn't even know, was Paris Hilton carrying che Bible righc beforeshe wenc to jail. There were lots ofpaparazzi there but I was rhe only one that got the Bible. Interviewer Do you chink we need scricter laws to keep paparazzi away? Jennifer There are already enough laws. We don'c need more laws, or anti- paparazzi laws or anything else. There are places where celebricies can go to where chey know chey won't be followed, and places where chey know chey will be. Interviewer Forexample? Jennifer We don't go into rescaurancs, we don't go into stores, and ofcourse we don'cgo into people's homes. Thac's privace propercy. Bue a beach or a park isn't. Interviewer So you don'c chink chac being followed and photographed by the paparazzi is really stressful for celebricies? Jennifer f chink there are only a few people for whom it's reallyand cruly stressful. I'd say chat in rnosc cases the scar noc only doesn't mind, but has actually told the paparazzi, 'This is where I'm going to be this afternoon.' Interviewer Fascinating. Thank you very much for corning in to cbe studio. Jennifer Buhl everybody! 5 2>)) The first point co bear in mind is thac nothing, but noching, is ever free. How often have you seen adverts saying things like 'Gee a free mp3 player when you subscribe to our magazine for six months'. There's something abouc che word 'free' that immediacely acrracts us- Iwane it! It makes us feel clever,as ifwe're going to gecsomeching for noching. Bue, ofcourse, thac mp3 player (which, incidentally, will probably break the second cirne you use ic) wasn't free ac all. In spice of whac che adverc said, ics price was really included in cbe magazine subscripcion. So don'ccruse any adverc which offers someching for free. Asecond crick which advertisers use is when they rell us, 'Thereare only a few left! Buy now while stocks lase!' Whac happens to us when we read or hear chese words? Even cbougb we don'c really need che produces, and maybe don'c even like chem, we imrnediacely want to be among the lucky few who have chem. Bue- lee's be clear abouc chis-companies jusc don'r run ouc ofproduces. Do you really chink che manufacturers couldn'cproducea few more, ifcbey choughc chey could sell them? Ofcourse they could. When ir comes to new produces we, che consumers, are like sheep and we follow each ocher. So anocher way advertisers have ofgeccing us to use someching is to cell us, 'Everybody's using ir'. And ofcourse, we chink everybody can'cbe wrong, so che produce muse be fanrastic. So as to make us believe it, cbey use expressions like, ·re's a muse-have' or 'lc's che inching', and they combine chis wich a photograph ofa large group ofpeople, so tbac we can'r fail to gee cbe message. But don't be fooled. Even ific everybody isusing ic (and chey may noc be), everybody can be wrong. Anocher favourice message is 'You, too, can look like chis', accompanied by a photo ofa fabulous-looking man or woman. Bue rhe problem is,you can'c look like chis because accually the woman or man in che photo is a model and also because he or she doesn'c really look like chac, eicher. The photo has been airbrushed in order to make the models look even slimmer, wich perfecc skin, and even more accraccive chan chey are in real life. Finally, whac most annoys me is, 'Trusc me, I'm a doccor' or 'Trust me, I'm a celebricy'. The idea is that ifa celebricy i.s using the product, it muse be fantascic, or ifa doctor recommends ic, ic muse really work. Bue be careful. Alcbough che accress is holding che produce in che photo, do you really think she colours her hair wich ic at home? And che doctor in the advert, is he really a doctor or just an actor wearing a wbice coac? Adverts also ofcen mention a parcicular organizacion which recommends cheir produce- for example things like, 'Our dog biscuics are recommended by che lncernacional Associacion ofDog Nucritioniscs' -well, rhac's probably an organization which che company sec up chernselves. Or, 'A recent independenc study found chac our toochpasce cleans your ceecb beccer chan any ocher brand'. Whac scudy was ic? Who commissioned che srudy? Ir was probably produced for the company icself, and paid for by chem, too. 5 6>)) When Paul Feldman scarced his business, you know, he really choughc cbac aclease95 per cent ofthe people would pay for cheir bagels. This was presumably because thac was che payment race cbac he got in his own office. Bue, in face, chis race wasn'c represencacive ac all. I mean, in his office, most people paid probably just because Feldman worked chere himself, and chey knew him personally, and probably liked him. So when Feldman sold his bagels in ocheroffices, he had to accepc less. After a while, he considered chac a company was 'honest' ifover 90 per centofche people paid. Between 80 and 90 per cent was what he considered to be normal, you know, che average race. He didn'clike it, bur he had to accepc ic. le was only ifa company habitually paid less chan 80 per cent-which luckily noc many did-cbac he would feel be had to do something. Firsc be would leave a noce, sort ofgiving chem a warning, and then, ifthings didn'c improve, he would simply stop selling there. Jncerescingly, since he seareed che business, che boxes he leaves to collect che cash have hardly ever been stolen. Obviously in che mind ofan office worker, co sceala bagel isn'ca crime, but to sreal che money box is. So, whacdoes che bagel daca cell us about che kind ofoffices chac were noc honesc, che ones rhat didn't pay? Well, firsc ofall, it shows cbac smaller offices are more honesc cban big ones. An office wich 20 to 30 employees generally pays chree to five per cent more chan an office wich cwo to chree hundred employees. Thisseems co be because in a smaller community people are more worried about being dishonest- probably because they would feel worse ifthey were caughc. The bagel daca also suggescs chac your mood, how you feel, affeccs how bonesc you are. For example, che weacber is a really important factor. When cbe weacher is unusually good, more people pay, but ific's unusually cold or rainy, fewer people pay. And people are also affecced by public holidays, buc in different ways-ic depe11ds which public holiday. Before Christmas and Thanksgiving, people are less bonesc, buc just before the 4th ofJuly and Labour Day they are more honesc. This seems to be because holidays like the 4ch ofJuly are jusc a day offwork, and people always look forward to them. But Chrisrmas and Thanksgiving are holidays where people ofren feel quice scressed or miserable. So their bad mood makes chem less honest. The other thing Feldman believes affects how honest people are is cbe morale in an office. When employees like cheir boss and like cheir job, chen che office is more honest. He also thinks chat the higher people are promoced, che less honesc they are. He reached chis conclusion because, over several years, he'd been delivering chree baskecs ofbagels to a company chac was on chree floors. The cop floor was the executive floor, and che lower cwo floors were peoplewho worked in sales, and service, and adminiscracive employees. Well, ic turned our chac che least honesc floor was cheexecucive floor! le makes you wonder wheeher maybe chese guys goc to be executives because chey were good ac cheacing! Bue in general che story ofFeldman's bagel business is a really posicive one. !e's crue thac some people do sceal from him, but the vase majority, even chough no one is wacching them, are bonesc. 5 17>)) I So, Miles, you're going to cell us abouc your top five cities. M Yes. le was a difficulc quescion for me because, of course, as a crave) wricer I've been co so many places. Bue, in che end, Idecided chat if( was making a personal choice, chey had to be cicies thac meant someching co me personally, char had a perso11al conneccion. So, cbese aren'r necessarily big tourisc cities, chough some ofchem are, but che cicies thac are my own personal top five. Incidencally, these five aren'cin any parcicular order. I So, whac's che firsc one in your top five? M Well, che firsc one is Sydney. The personal conneccion is chac my son and his family live chere, so ofcourse my wife and Ihave been chere quice ofren and goc to know ic well. Ofcourse, chere are locs of amazing chings abouc Sydney. For one ching ic's a wacerfronc cicy, ic has the sea all around ic; chere's Listening 129 130 wonderful surfing on Bondi beach and plenty of grear lirrle bays for sunbathing and swimming. Ir's also a very cosmopolitan city. Sydneysiders- which is whar people from Sydney are called -come from all corners ofthe world,so for example the choice ofplaces ro eat is endless. You can find everything from simple soup kitchens ro elegant, worldclass restaurants so you can choose to ear Thai, Vietnamese, Greek, Italian and many, many other kinds ofcuisine. I And your second city? M My wife and Ispent our honeymoon in Edinburgh so it's always been a specialplace for me. But I think it's especially exciting during the Festival, which happens every August. Ofcourse, there's a fantastic programme of music, and dance, and the arts. But what gives the city a special buzz during rhe festival is 'the Fringe'. The Fringe is a massive alternative festival, and ir has literally hundreds ofeventscomedy, theatre, amateur student groups, street entertainers. And, ofcourse, the pubs stay open until much later than usual during the Festival and that adds ro the atmosphere roo. However, it's really hard ro get accommodation during the Festivalso you need to book well in advance. I must say, I've never been to the festival, though I've often thought about going. Next year I must really rry roger there. What about your third city? M My third city is Cairo. We lived there for five years in the 70s and both our sons were born there, beside the River Nile. People always associate Cairo with the Pyramids, and of course they are amazing, bur for me the best thing about it is rhe museums, which are absolutely fantasric. The Egyptian Museum has the world's largest and best collection from Pharaonic times. Then the Coptic museum, which is in the suburb ofAl Fusrar has the best ofEgypt's Christian culture. And rhe Museum ofIslamic Art has a whole lorofexquisite pieces from Muslim times. So if you're someone who likes museums and antiquities, my advice is go to Cairo. Imust say that Ihave been ro Cairo and Icompletely agree with you. And your next one? M For my next one we're back in Europe in Italy. I've chosen Lucca, inTuscany. Tuscany's two major tourist towns, Florenceand Pisa,are absolutely jam-packed with tourists all year round, but most ofthem never get ro Lucca. Youcan only reallyexplore iron foot, which is the way Ilike ro move around a town, and in about an houryou can do rhe four-kilometrecircuit all around its Renaissance town walls. These walls are amazing- they're completely intact,and youcan peer into people's living rooms as you walk past. Or you can walk from oneend ofrhe town to the otheralong Via Fillungo. Also, Lucca is the birthplace ofPuccini,who's one ofmyall-rime favourite composers. He played the organ ofthe town's magnificentcathedralwhen he was a young man,and there's a wonderful open-air festival everyyear where they perform his operas ata place called Torre del Lago, which is just nearby. I And yourlasrciry? M My last city is one rhar nor many people have been to-it's nor on the usual tourist route. I'd just finished university and Iwas curious about rhe wider world, so I went to Laos in South East Asia. Laos and its capital, Vientiane, were my first experience ofliving and working outside western Europe.The Laotians are a lovely, gentle, laid-back people. They taught me to relax. And they showed me how it's quire possible to be happy with very little money. The scenery is spectacular, roo. T he impressive Mekong River flows far away over the sands in the dry season and speeds by the city like a wide, rushing torrent once the rainy season begins.l remember looking down on it from one of the restaurants along its banks, and feeling that it was sweeping away all my troubles. 1>)) Par t 1 Interviewer What first drew you to advertising as a career choice? George What drew me ro advertising was actually, in a weird way, I had no choice, I'm a third generation advertising guy. My father's brother, my uncle, who was 15 years older than he, was in advertising believe ir or not in the 1940s in Philadelphia. My father kind oftook the baton from him and was in advertising and Igrew up with it, so I've been making a living in the business since 1984. It's a long time. It's 30 years. Listening Interviewer Do you still remember any commercials from your childhood? George I remember a lot ofcommercials, you know, growing up in an advertising household as we djd,TV was more ofa social event in those days. There wasn't a TV in every room like the family would gather ro watch television. And we were told not to talk during the commercials, we could talk during rhe shows, so Igrew up kind ofwatching commercials. I remember a lot ofcommercials. Ibet you most people ofmy generation would remember a lotof, I feel kind of guiltysaying this because they are usually decried as norvery creative, bur [remember a lot ofjingles. Interviewer What do you think makes jingles memorable? George Among purists in rhe field jinglesare, you know, laughed at,scoffed at, bur God you remember them.You know rhey, what do they call them,ear worms?They get into your head and you can't get rhem out somerimes and youadd rhar to almost everyday exposure six rimes a day, it's going ro get in there. Ican do, there was a, you know, there was a,there was a, Icouldsing one foryou, there was a kids hot cereal,a hot cereal for children called H. 0. Farina and it was an animated cartoon, it was very rudimentary. It yousaw it today you wouldn't believe it was a nationally broadcast carrooa and it was a littlestory ofWillie and Wilhelmina and Willie trips on a rock and he goes, 'Every day Itrip over that rock Wilhelmina.' And she says, 'Move it Willie.' And he says, 'Can't, too big.' And I bet you I'm getting this word for word ifyou could find ir. And she says. 'Iwill.' And he says, 'Huh, you're a girl.' And she picks it up and then the jinglecomes up and it goes 'Strong Wilhelmina eats her Farina.' Like Isaid, Iprobably heard rhat 500 rimes, maybe more,when Iwas growing up because ir was very weekend for about eight years. 5 22>)) Part2 Interviewer Whar elements ofa commercial are rhe most important? George To me a commercial basically is built in three parts. Ifyou think ofit as a pyramid, the top part of rhe pyramid I would say is impact. I have ro intrude upon your life because you are probably working on your computer while you're watching TV oryou're doing something,and when I'm talking about aTV commercialit's the same for a web ad or an app. So you have to get impact,you have to intrude,you have to kind ofknock on the door.The second thing is communication, what do you want the person to know. And, and, that needs to be clear and precise. And the third thing is the hardest, it's persuasion because ultimately you are running a commercial ro get people ro do something, so it's that amalgamation. Another way oftalking about it-and chis is old school - bur there's an acronym that probably comes from the Mad Men era that is called AIDA,you know like the opera: Attention, lnreresr, Desire, Action. Interviewer How do you feel about using celebrities to sell things? George Sometimes it's a short, using a celebrity is a short cur ro intrusion because people pay arrearioa to celebrities. Hopefully, it's a celebrity that has some bearing on the brand. Idon't think, ifl was working on a depilatory, I would want to use Tommy Lee Jones, that would just be gross. Buryou know ifyou fi nd the right person, they can have special meaning, I chink, and we do live in a celebrity culture, and people, you know their ears perk up when they see a celebrity. So, ifyou go back ro the pyramid Idrew, it's a way of getting impact. I'm not a giant fan ofir, but sometimes you do things you're not a giant fan of. Interviewer On your website you say, 'Ican make people laugh.' How important is humour in advertising? George Itend nor robe funny in TV commercials, I'm just, partly because Iam a kind ofcerebral guy and I wind up having rouse that more than humour, but I think humour is incredibly important in the business and a lot ofthe commercials that really resonate with people I think are funny, a lot ofthe movies, a [or of everything, you know. §>23 >)) Part3 Interviewer With all rhe technology, viral adverrising, etc, do you think billboards and TV commercials have had their day? George Have billboards and TV commercials had their day? You know what, Idon't think so. I mean, Ican tell you empirically and Ican tell you rationally that 753 ofall media dollars is spent on broadcast, and I know it's current to say, 'I don't have aTV,' or'[ never watch TV.' Bur,rhe fact is,TV viewership is at an all-rime high. So Idon't think TV is dead and Idon't think billboards will be,you know,something as kind of passe as a billboard will be dead as long as, like, the highways are crowded, because you've got a captive audience, and unril we can kind ofpixilise ourselves and beam ourselves ro work, I think there will be billboards. They can be effective. Interviewer As a consumer,and obviously as an advertiser. does advertising influence the decisions you make? George Yes,you know, I'm very, I'm very susceptible to advertising. Ithink because Itend to notice it. You know, Ithink Iam very sensitive ro, I think I'm very sensitive to stuffthat isn't true. But when Isee something that's well crafted and appeals, Ithink to both my head and my heart, Ichink I register those things Interviewer ls there an existing advertising campaign you wish you'd come up with, and why do you chink it is so effective? George Is there an existing advertising campaign? Yes, rhar Iwish Idid?There's a few. Ithink the stuff that is being done for Nike just in general for 30 years has been exemplary, you know. They rapped into a mind-set, and they made everyone feel like they were athletic, and they became kind ofthe gold standard, and they rarely hit a false note. The same thing with Apple, though people are juststressed in the industry about rhe latest direction Apple has been taking, which seems less sincere. Interviewer Whydo you think the Apple campaign is so effective? George You know Apple rook...I think Apple is effective because they looked at an industry and they said, 'Here's what's wrong with the industry and everything that industry does we'regoing ro do differently.' So,that industry for years and years and years andyears was talking aboutspeeds and feeds, and they were talking about 697 megahertz and 4 megabytes ofRAM or gigabytes ofRAM,orwhatever it is,and Apple just said, 'Ir works.' And what they did was ro say, 'You wantto be creative?This machine makes you creative.' And they simplified, they simplified,and they were compelling, and they never lied, yeah. 5 S>)) Interviewer Do you think you're influenced by advertising campaigns? Jeanine Most definitely. Interviewer ls there any product chat shouldn't be advertised, in your opinion? Jeanine Alcohol and junk food to children. Interviewer Why should those ads be banned? Jeanine Because it's promoting something that's unhealthy and that, especially junk food for children, when they see it they're very susceptible ro the adverts and then they wanr it immediately and it's a problem. In terviewer D o you think you're influenced by advertising campaigns? Dustin I am sure Iam, probably not consciously but I am sure subconsciously. Interviewer ls there any product chat shouldn't be advertised, in you r opinion? Why should those ad be banned? Dustin I mean I, I do n't care for, for cigarette ads or alcohol ads, bur should they be ad..., or should rhey not be advertised?T hat is not a decision I should make, so, I do n't think so. Interviewer Do you think you're influenced by advertising campaigns? Elvira I'm not very influenced by ad campaigns, I'm influenced by reviews. Interviewer Is there any product that shouldn't be advertised, in your opinion? Why should those ads be banned? Elvira The only thing that comes co mind that should be banned from advertisements is, I think they tend to use the female body, urn, inappropriately ro sell things and items. T hat's pretty much the only thing chat Ican chink of. Interviewer Do you think you're influenced by advertising campaigns? Ivan I think that everyone is somewhat influenced by advertising campaigns, even on a minor level. Interviewer ls there any product that sho uldn't be advertised, in your opinion? Why should those ads be banned? Ivan Perhaps cigarettes shouldn't be advertised because children, um, probably shouldn't be seeing them advertised in a cool or exciting manner. Interviewer Do you think you're influenced by advertising campaigns? Yasuko l think a lot ofpeople are usually influenced, you know, a little by advertisement, especially because we've, there's so much advertisement on media. And we watch a lot ofTV, you know, internet. rtry not to be, I try to research the producton my own using internet or whatnot, and choose the, and try to choose the best product. Not becauseofthe advertisement. Interviewer ls there any product that shouldn't be advertised, in your opinion? Why should those ads be banned? Yasuko Advertisements for cigarettes, Ithink should be banned. Um, Idon't chink there's anything positive about cigarette smoking, so I think that anything that causes health issues or bad influences or addiction should be banned from being on commercials. 7>)) Lee's scare with the first one about the coin. Many people chink chat a coin dropped from the top of the Empire State building, for example, would be travelling so fast that ifit hit a person on the ground it would kill them. However this just isn't true. Coins are not aerodynamic and they are also relatively small and light so, although a person on the ground would certainly feel che impact, the coin wouldn't kill him - it wouldn't even hurt him very much! Number two is one ofche most popular scientific myths, that we only use ten per cent ofour brains. Perhaps chis is because people would like co chink that they could be much more intelligent ifthey were able to find a way to use the orher 90 per cent! In fact, neurologists haven't been able to find any area ofour brains which isn't being used for something. Number three.The dark side ofthe moon? Well, that only exists as the title ofa Pink Floyd album. People used to think that there was a side ofthe moon that was always dark, chat never got the sun, but, ofcourse, that isn't true.The sun illuminates every part ofthe moon ar some pointduring the 24-hour cycle. It is true that there's a side ofthe moon that we never see, that's to say we always see the sameside ofthe moon, but the other side isn't always dark. Now number four, the one about rubber tyres. A lot ofpeople think that rubber tyres on a car will protect you from lightning in the same way that wearing rubber shoes will protect you from an electric shock. Well, it's certainly true chat ifyou're caught in a thunderstorm, it's much safer to be inside a car than outside. But the ryres have nothing to do with it. When lightning strikes a car, it's actually the car's metal body that protects the passengers. It acts as a conductor and passes the electricalcurrent down to the ground. Number five. Poor old Einstein! Over theyears he's often been used as an example to show that you can do very badly at school and still be very successful in life. And people have actually said that he wasn't very good at maths or science. But, in fact, records show that the young Albert, as you would expect, got very high marks in maths and science. Number six. Antibiotics don't kill viruses. No, they don't, and it's a waste oftime taking them if you have a virus. Antibiotics help your body to kill bacteria, not viruses. What's more, you can't exactly 'kill' a virus at all,since a virus is not really alive to begin with. Stick to your doctor's advice and only take antibiotics when he or she specifically prescribes them.The problem is that it's often very difficult for a doctor to know ifyou're suffering from a virus or from a bacterial infection. Number seven. Ilove the idea chat a full moon can make people go mad, but Ichink this is only true for werewolves. For centuries, nearly all cultures have attributed special mystical powers to the full moon,and in fact che English word 'lunatic', which can be used to describe a mad person, comes from the word 'lunar' which means 'to do with the moon'. But, in spite ofa Joe ofscientific research, nobody has found any link at all between the full moon and insanity or crime. And ftnally, number eight,are bats really blind? Most British people probably think that they are, because we have the expression in English 'as blind as a bat'. But it's just not true. In fact, bats can see just as well as humans, even ifchey don't depend on their sight in the same way. Like dogs, bats rely heavily on other senses like hearing and smell. They have a very advanced soundbased system called echolocation, which allows them to know where they are when they're flying at night. But they can certainly see. 6>)) Presenter When Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon on July 20th 1969,a global audience of500 million people were watching and listening. As he climbed down the steps from the spacecraft and stepped onto the moon they heard him say, 'That's one smallstep for man, one giant leap for mankind'. le seemed like the perfect quote for such a momentous occasion. But from the moment he said it, people have argued about whether Armstrong got his lines wrong and made a mistake. James, tell us about it. James Well, Armstrong always said that he wrote those words himself, which became some ofthe most famous and memorable words in history, during the time between landing on che moon and actually stepping outofthe capsule onto the moon.That was nearly seven hours. Presenter And so what is the controversy about what Armstrong said when he stepped down che ladder onto the moon? James The question is, did hesay, 'one small step for man' or 'one small step for a man'? That's to say did he use the indefinite article or not? Lt's just a litcle word but there's a big difference in meaning. Armstrong always insisted that he wrote 'one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,' Of course this would have been a meaningful sentence. Ifyou say 'a man' then it clearly means that this was one small step for an individual man, i.e. himself, but one giant leap for mankind, that's to say, men and women in general. But what everybody acrually heard was, 'One small step for man,one giant leap for mankind', with no indefinite article, and that sentence means, 'One small step for people in general,one giant leap for people in general.' And that doesn't really maJce sense. Presenter So, did he just get the line wrong when he said it? James Well, Armstrong himselfwas never sure ifhe actuallysaid what he wrote. Jn his biography Fim Man he told the author James Hansen, 'Imuseadmit that it doesn't sound like the word 'a' is there. On the other band, certainly che 'a' was intended, because that's che only way it makes sense.' He always regretted that there had been so much confusion about it. But,almost four decades later, Armstrong was proved to be right. Peter Shann Ford, an Australian computer expert, used very hi-tech sound techniques to analyse his sentence and he discovered that the 'a' was said by Armstrong. It's just that he said itso quickly that you couldn't hear it on the recording which was broadcast to the world on 20th July 1969. Presenter Was Armstrong relieved to hear this? James Yes, he was. Ithink it meant a lot to him to know that he didn't make a mistake. 5 l >)) [was doing a tour ofAsia where Iwas giving a presentation about database programs. Iassumed the audiences would understand Engli h -rhe organizers knew that Icouldn't speak Chinese - and Iknew they would be fami liar with the, um, with the technical language ofche products Iwas going to talk about, which were dbase and Clipper. Well, for moscofthe tour che calks seemed to go extremely well; rhere were big audiences and the venues were great. The questions Iwas asked by rhe audience at the end ofthe ralks showed thac, um, everyone had really under rood what Iwas saying. When we arrived in the penultimate city,whose name I'm not going to mention. Iscarred mysession as I, as I usually did with a few questions co get to know something about the audience. So, first I asked them "How many ofyou use dbase?" I raised my own hand, because I use it myselfand pretty much the whole audience raised their hands. So then Iasked, 'How many ofyou here use Clipper?' And, once again, nearly I00 per cent ofthe audience raised their hands.This was, um, this was extremely unusualin fact almost impossible. With a sinking feeling I then asked chem, 'How many ofyou want to be an astronaut?' and Iwatched as everyone's hands went up. I might as well have been speaking to a group of aliens-as it turned out most ofche audience spoke Chinese, and only Chinese. But Icould see that two or three people in the audiencespoke English, because they were practically rolling on the floor laughing. 2 Iwas giving a talk in Hungary co a group ofabout 200 English teachers. Igot to the place where Iwas giving the talk a bit late, only about ten minutes before Iwas supposed to start. I rushed to the room, and saw chat everything was set up and most of the audience were already waiting and Ltold the organisers that Ijust needed to quickly go co the toilet and then Iwould start. They pointed me in the right direction but, when Igot to the toilets, Isaw that there were two doors with words on them in Hungarian but no signs. Ilooked at the words and decided thac one ofthem must be che men's coiler and Iwent in and went into a cubicle. Suddenly Iheard voices ofother people coming in - but, to my horror, they were women's voices, and I realized that Ihad guessed wrongly and had gone into the women's coilecs. Iguessed that these women must be teachers coming to my talk, so there was no way Icould open the door and come out. Iwaited and waited, getting more and more stressed by the minute and worrying about being late to start my talk. After about five minutes or so, everything went quiet and Iwas able to rush out and go back to the room where the audience was waiting for me to start as it was already five minutes past the start time. Thank Goodness nobody saw me... 3 My first ever presentation was at a conference for English teachers in Spain in about 1988. Iwanted to show the audience some good ideas for using video in the classroom. Iexplained one ofthe ideas and then Iwent to turn on the video player and nothing happened...and then again... noching...and again. By this time Iwas so stressed and annoyed that in che end Isaid, 'OK, if it doesn't work this time, I'm leaving', and Ireally meant it. Amazingly, almost as if it had heard me, it worked. I never forgot that talk and it caught me to never rely I00 per cent on technology in a presentation. 4 Some years ago. I had to do a presentation to a group ofconstruction workers about health and safety at work. When Iwas getting dressed chat morning I put on a silk skirt, and as Iwas doing it up, the button at the waist broke. Ididn't bother to change, because the skirt had a zip and anyway I was in a hurry. During the presentation,as Iwalked backwards and forwards across che stage, Istarted to feel something silky hit the back of my ankles. My skirt was falling down! The audience was absolutely entranced - and not by what Iwas saying. Iquickly pulled it up and said, 'Now that Ihave your attention...'. The audience roared with laughter, and one ofthem shouted ouc, 'I thought that was part ofyour presentation!' I felt terribly embarrassed, and Icould hear my mother's voice in my earsaying, 'You should always wear nice underwear, in case you are ever in an accident.' Imanaged to finish my presentation and Irushed outside and scarred to shake. That audience may never remember a thing I said, buc I'm sure they won't forget me. Listening 131 • lA question formation 1 Should we buy her a present? How long have 1 2>)) you been waiting? How many children does your sister have? 2 Why didn't you like the film? Isn't this a beautiful place? 3 What are they talking about?Who does this bag belong to? 4 Who lives in that house? How many people follow you onTwitter? 1 We make questions with modalverbs and with tenses where there is an auxiliary verb (be, have, etc.) by inverting the subject and the modal/ auxiliary verb. With the present and past simple, we add the auxiliary verb do / does or did before the subject. 2 We often use negative questions to show surprise or when we expect somebody to agree with us. 3 Ifa verb is followed by a preposition, the preposition comes at the end ofthe question, not at the beginning NOT libottt what a:i eyott talking? • We often just use the question word and the preposition, e.g. A I'm thinkinB. B What about? 4 When who /what/ which, etc. is the subject ofthe question, we don't use do/ did, e.g. Who wrote this? NOTV9ql0 did w1 ite this? a Order the words to make questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tomorrow can't Why come you ? Why can'tyou come tomorrow? I Should her tell I feel how ? friend known long best have How you your ? tell when you train next leaves the Could me ? housework family in Who your the does ? are What about you thinking ? at don't weekend you What doing the like ? music to does What Jane kind like listening of ? you time film know finishes Do what the ? class students yesterday to many came How ? you remember is where Do the restaurant ? indirect questions Could you tell me what time the shop next door 3>)) opens?Do you know if(whether) Mark's coming to the meeting? We use indirect questions when we want to ask a question in a more polite way, andbegin with Can / Couldyou tellme...? or when we introduce a question with, e.g. Doyou know...? Doyou remember...? Compare What time does the shop next door open? (direct question), and Couldyou tell me what time the shop next door opens? (indirect question) • In indirect questions the order is subject+ verb. Canyou tellme where itis? NOT Ca:nyott tell me whe1e is it? • We don't use do /did in the second part ofthe question. Doyou know where he lives? NOT whe1e does he li11e. • You canuse ifor whether in questions without a question word (What, How many, etc.) and after Canyou tell me, Doyou know,etc. p Other expressions followed by the word order of indirect questions The word order of indirect questions is used after: I wonder..., e.g. I wonder why they didn't come. I'm not sure..., e.g. I'm not sure what time it starts. I can't remember..., e.g. I can't remember where I left my phone. I want to know..., e.g. I want to know what time you're coming home. Do you have any idea...?, e.g. Do you have any idea if (whether) James is on holiday this week? b Complete the questions with the words in brackets. Where didyou&o on holiday last year? (you / go) 1 How often exercise? (you / usually do) 2 Who Oliver Twist? (write) 3 Could you tell me how much ? (this book/ cost) 4 I can't remember where _______ my car this morning. (I /park) 5 _______ your trip to Paris last weekend? (you/ enjoy) 6 What kind ofwork ? (your sister / do) 7 Who the last biscuit? (eat) 8 Do you know what time on a Saturday? (the swimming pool / open) 9 the present you gave her? (your sister / not like) 10 play your music so loud? I can't concentrate. (you / have to) -)) drinking tea. The Chinese invented paper. The Dutch make wonderful cheeses. 2 The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. The government needs to create more jobs for the unemployed. GRAMMAR BANK • You can use the+ some adjectives to talk about groups ofpeople, e.g. 1 nationalities that end in -ch, -sh, -ese, and -ss, e.g. the French, the Spanish, the British, the Japanese, the Irish, the Swiss, etc. (but the Czechs) (most other nationality words are nouns and are used in the plural, e.g. The Brazilians, the Poles, theTurks, theHunBarians, the ArBentinians, etc.) 2 specific groups in society, e.g. theyounB, the old (or theelderly), the sick (=people who are ill), the blind, the deaf, the homeless, the dead. • To talk about one person use, e.g.aJapanese woman, a1·ich man, etc. NOT a Japanese, a rich You can also use adjective+ people to talk about a group ofpeople, e.g. poorpeople, homelesspeople, old people, French people. adjective order We've got a lovely old cottage just outside Bath. She has long fair hair. I bought a beautiful Italian leather belt. 1 44>)) • You can put more than one adjective before a noun (often two and occasionally three). These adjectives go in a particular order, e.g. NOT an old lovely cottage • Opinion adjectives, e.g. beautiful, nice, lovely, always go before descriptive adjectives, e.g. biB, old, round. • Ifthere is more than one descriptive adjective, they go in this order: OPINION SIZE AGE SHAPE COLOUR PATTERN expensive little brand new long purple striped beautiful ORIGIN I PLACE MATERIAL NOUN French silk scarf Italian car a Re-write the underlined phrase using the + an adjective. b Write the adjectives in brackets in the right place. People from Spain enjoy eating out.The Spanish 1 People from the Netherlands tend to be good at languages. 2 Florence Nightingale looked after the people who weren't well during the Crimean war. 3 The system ofreading for people who can't see is called Braille. 4 People from France think that their cuisine is the best in the world. 5 Ambulances arrived to take the people who had been injured to hospital. 6 People from Switzerland are usually very punctual. 7 The worst season for people without a home is winter. 8 There is a discount for students and people without a job. 9 The monument was erected to honour the people who died from the Second World War. 10 There are special TV programmes for people who can't hear which use sign language. Change a to an where necessary. a big car park (empty) a biB empty car park 1 a man (young/ attractive) 2 shoes (old/ dirty) 3 a velvet jacket (black/ beautiful) 4 a woman (fat/ short / American) 5 a beach (sandy / long) 6 a country house (lovely / old) 7 a leather bag (Italian/ stylish) 8 eyes (huge/ dark) 9 a dog (black/ friendly / old) 10 a T-shirt (striped / cotton) --< p.19 3A narrative tenses: past simple, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous narrative tenses 1 We arrived at the airport and checked in. Bl)) 2 We were having dinner when the plane hit some turbulence. At nine o'clock most people on the plane were reading or were trying to sleep. 3 When we arrived at the airport, we suddenly realized that we had left one ofthe suitcases in the taxi. 4 We'd been flying for about two hours when suddenly the captain told us to fasten our seat belts because we were flying into some very bad weather. 1 We use the past simple to talk about consecutive actions or situations in the past, i.e. for the main events in a story. 2 We use the past continuous (was/ were+verb + -inB) to describe a longer continuous past action or situation which was in progress when another action happened, or to describe an action or situation that was not complete at a past time. a @the correct verb form. Meg and Liam McGowan€9/ wereBettinB a nasty surprise when they 1had checked in / were checkinBin at Heathrow airport yesterday with their baby Shaun. They 2had won/ won three free plane tickets to Rome in a competition, and they 3were lookinBforward to / had been lookinBforward to their trip for months. But, unfortunately, they 4had beenforBettinB fhadforBotten to get a passport for their son, so Shaun couldn't fly. Luckily, they 5had arrived/ werearrivinB very early for their flight, so they still had time to do something about it. They 6had 1·un / ran to the police station in the airport to apply for an emergency passport. Meg 7 wasBOinB/ went with Shaun to the photo machine while Liam 8hadf illed in/ wasf illinB in the forms. The passport was ready in an hour, so they 9 hurried /were hurry inB to the gate and 10 Bot / had Bot on the plane. 3 We use the past perfect (had+ past participle) to talk about the 'earlier past', i.e. things which happened before the main event(s). 4 We use the past perfect continuous (had been+ verb + -inB) with action verbs to talk about longer continuous actions or situations that started before the main events happened and have continued up to that point. Non-action verbs (e.g. be,have, know, like, etc.) are not normally used in the past continuous or past perfect continuous. past perfect simple or continuous? Lina was crying because she'd been reading a 9 l)) very sad book. Lina didn't want to see the film, because she'd already read the book. • The past perfect continuous emphasizes the continuation ofan activity.The past perfect simple emphasizes the completion ofan activity. b Put the verb in brackets in the past perfect simple (had done) or continuous (had been doinB)·Ifyou think both are possible, use the continuous form. H is English was very good. He'd been learning it for five years. (learn) 1 I was really fed up because we _____ _ __ for hours. (queue) 2 She went to the police to report that someone ________ her bag. (steal) 3 It all morning. The streets were wet, and there were puddles everywhere. (rain) 4 She got to work late because she ________ her phone at home and go back and get it. (leave, have to) 5 I almost didn't recognize Tony at the party. He _________ a lot since Ilast saw him. (change) 6 The tourists' faces were very red. They ______ in the sun all morning and they any sun cream. (sit, not put on) 7 I could see from their expressions that my parents . (argue) 8 Jess had a bandage on her arm because she _ _______ offher bike that morning. (fall) 9 I was amazed because I such an enormous plane before. (never see) 10 How long before you realized that you were lost? (walk) ~ p. 26 38 the position of adverbs and adverbial phrases 1 He walks very slowly. I speak five languages 13>)) fluently.The driver was seriously injured in the accident. 2 I hardly ever have time for breakfast. Liam's always late for work. Iwould neverhave thought you were 40. 3 My parents will be here in halfan hour. It rained all day yesterday. 4 I've nearly finished. We're incredibly tired. My husband works a lot but he doesn't earn much. 5 Unfortunately, the parcel never arrived. Ideally, we should leave here at 10.00. My parents will be here in half an hour. Adverbs can describe an action (e.g. he walks slowly) or modify adjectives or other adverbs (e.g. it'sincredibly expensive, he works very hard). They can either be one word (e.g. often) or a phrase (e.g. once a week). 1 Adverbs ofmanner describe how somebody does something. They usually go after the verb or verb phrase, however, with passive verbs they usually go in mid-position (before the main verb but after an auxiliary verb). a Underline the adverbs or adverbial phrases and correct the sentences where the order is wrong. We're going to be unfortunately late. X Unfortunately, we're BOinB to be late. He can speak German fluently. ./ 1 She liked very much the present. 2 Mark came last night very late home. 3 The ambulance arrived at the scene ofthe accident after a few minutes. 4 A young man was injured badly and was taken to hospital. 5 I was extremely tired last night. 6 She's lazy a bit about doing her homework. 7 I forgot your birthday almost, but fortunately my sister reminded me. 8 We luckily had taken an umbrella, because it started to rain just after we'd left. 9 Mary doesn't always eat healthily, because she often has snacks between meals. 10 Jack has been apparently sacked. GRAMMAR BANK 2 Adverbs offrequency go before the main verb but after the verb to be. • Sometimes, usually, and normally can also be put at the beginning ofthe phrase or sentence for emphasis. • Ifthere are two auxiliary verbs, the adverb goes after the first one. 3 Adverbs oftime and place usually go at the end ofa sentence or clause. Place adverbs normally go before time adverbs. NOT1\1.y pa:ients will be in halfan hot:t1 he1 e. 4 Adverbs ofdegree describe how much something is done, or modify an adjective. • extremely, incredibly, very, etc. are used with adjectives and adverbs and go before them. • a lot and much are often used withverbs and go after the verb or verb phrase. • a little/ a bit (of) can be used with adjectives or verbs, e.g. I'm a bit/ a little tired. We rested a bit of/ a little after the fliBht. 5 Comment adverbs (which give the speaker's opinion) usually go at the beginning ofa sentence or clause. Other common comment adverbs are luckily, basically, clearly, obviously, apparently, eventually, etc. ~ Otheradverbs Most other adverbs go in mid-position, e.g. Ijust need ten more minutes. She didn't even say goodbye. She'll probably come in the end. b Put the adverbs in brackets in the normal position in these sentences. seriously She wasn't ,,{ injured when she fell. (seriously) 1 Their house was damaged in the fire. (badly, last week) 2 Ben is at his friend's house. (often, in the evening) 3 My father has a nap. (usually, in the afternoon) 4 Julia left and she didn't say goodbye. (early, even) 5 Martin talks fast. (always, incredibly) 6 His brother died in a skiing accident. (apparently, nearly) 7 We're going to the cinema. (probably, tonight) 8 I send emails. (rarely, nowadays) 9 I've bought a beautiful new coat. (just, really) 10 Karen realized that she was going to learn to drive. (eventually, never) -< p.29 II 4A future perfect and future continuous future perfect: will have + past participle The decorators will have finished painting by 29l)) Tuesday, so we can move back into the flat then. The football club say that they'll have built the new stadium in six months. Laura won't have arrived before dinner so I'llleave some food in the oven for her. When will they have learnt enough English to be able to communicate fluently? We use the future perfect (will have+ past participle) to say something will be finished before a certain time in the future. • This tense is frequently usedwith the time expressions by Saturday JMarch/ 2030, etc. or in two weeks/ months, etc. • By + a time expression= at the latest. With in, you can say in six months or in six months' time. • We form the negative with won't have+ past participle and make questions by inverting the subject and will/ won't. a Complete the sentences using the future perfect or future continuous. The film starts at 7.00. I will arrive at 7.15. When I arrive at the cinema the film will have started. (start) I The flight to Geneva takes offat 9.00 and lands at 10.30. At 10.00 they to Geneva. (fly) 2 I usually save €200 a month. By the end ofthe year, I €2,400. (save) 3 Rebecca leaves at 6.30. It takes her an hour get to work. At 7.00 tomorrow she to work. (drive) 4 The meeting starts at 2.00 and finishes at 3.30. Don't call me at 2.30 because we a meeting. (have) 5 Sam is paying for his car. The last payment is in May. By June he for his car. (pay) 6 Their last exam is on May 31st. By the end ofMay they their exams. (finish) 7 She writes a chapter ofher novel a week. This week she's on chapter five. By the end ofthis week she five chapters. (write) 8 Sonia is usually at the gym between 6.30 and 7.30. There's no point phoning Sonia now. It's 7.00 and she _______ at the gym. (work out) 9 The film started downloading at 7.30. It will take another hour. The film at 8.30. (download) future continuous: will be + verb +-ing Don't phone between 7.00 and 8.00 as we'll be 30l)) having dinner then. Good luck with your test tomorrow.I'll be thinking ofyou. This time tomorrow I'll be sitting at a cafe drinking a beer. Come at 7.00 because we won'tbe starting dinner until 8.00. Will you be waiting for me when1get offthe train? I'll be going to the supermarket later. Do you want anything? • Use the future continuous (will be+ verb + inB) to say that an action will be in progress at a certain time in the future. Compare: We'll have dinner at 8.00 (=we will start dinner at 8.00) We'll be having dinner at 8.00 (=at 8.00 we will already have started having dinner) • We sometimes use the future continuous, like the present continuous, to talk about things which are already planned or decided. • We form the negative with won't be+ verb + inB and make questions by inverting the subject and will/ won't. b Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets in the future perfect or continuous. A Well, it looks like we'll be having very different weather in the future ifclimate change continues. B What do you mean? A Well, they say we'll be having much higher temperatures here in London, as high as 30°. And remember, we i on the beach, we 2 - - - - - - - - in 30°, which is quite different. And islands like the Maldives 3 by 2150 because ofthe rise in the sea level. They say the number ofstorms and tsunamis 4 by the middle ofthe century too, so even more people s by then to the cities looking for work. Big cities 6 even bigger by then. Can you imagine the traffic? B I don't think there will be a problem with the traffic. Petrol 7 completely by then anyway, so nobody will have a car. Someone 8_________ a new method oftransport, so we 9 around in air cars or something. -1111( p.35 (have) (not lie) (work) (disappear) (double) (move) (grow) (run out) (invent) (fly) 48 zero and first conditionals, future time clauses (with all present and future forms) zero conditional Ifyou want to be fit, you need to do some exercise every day. Ifpeople are wearing headphones in the street, they often don't notice other people. Ifyou haven't been to New York, you haven't lived. To talk about something which is always true or always happens as a result ofsomething else, we use if+ present simple, and the present simple in the other clause. • You can also use the present continuous or present perfect in either clause. first conditional Ifthe photos are good, I'll send them to you. 2 40 >)) Ifyou're not going to Jason's party, I'm not going to go either. Ifl haven't come back by 9.00, start dinner without me. I'll have finished in an hour ifyou don't disturb me. GRAMMAR BANK To talk about something which will probably happen in the future, we use if+ a present tense, and a future tense in the other clause. • You can use any present form in the if-clause (present simple, continuous, or perfect) and any future form (will, BoinB to, future perfect, future continuous) or an imperative in the other clause. future time clauses I'll be ready as soon as I've had a cup of coffee. 2 41 >)) Send me a message whenyour train's coming into the station. I'm not going to buy the new model until the price has gone down a bit. I'm not going to work overtime this weekend unless I get paid for it. Take your umbrella in case it's raining when you leave work. When you are talking about the future, use a present tense after these expressions: as soon as, when, until, unless, before, after, and in case. This can be any present form, e.g. present simple, present continuous, present perfect. • We use in case when we do something in order to be ready for future situations / problems. Compare the use ofifand in case: I'll take an umbrella ifit rains. =I won't take an umbrella if doesn't rain. I'll take an umbrella in case it rains. =I'll take an umbrella anyway because it might rain. a ~the correct form. b Complete the sentences with a time expression from the list. Don't worry. Rob~/ has passed the exam ifhe's studied enough. 1 Ifyou're notf eelinB / won't bef eelinB better tomorrow, you should go to the doctor's. 2 Ifwe're lucky, we'll have sold/ 've sold our house by Christmas. 3 I'll pay for dinner - ifI have / 'll have enough money! 4 Ifwe carry on playing like this, we'll have scored/ have scored ten goals by halftime. 5 Don't call Sophie now.Ifit's 8 o'clock, she'll bath / 'll be bathinB the baby. 6 Ifyou don't hurry up,you don't Bet/ won't Bet to school on time. 7 You can be fined ifyou aren't wearinB / won't be wearinB a seat belt in your car. 8 Ifyou go out with wet hair, you'll catch/ 'll be catchinB a cold. 9 My suitcase always Bets / will always Bet lost ifI have a connecting flight. 10 I won't BO / don't BO to work on Monday ifmy daughter is still ill. You have to use some words more than once. after as soon as (x2) before if in case (x2) unless (x2) until when I'll call you as soon as my plane lands. 1 I'm going to pack my suitcase _____ I go to bed. 2 Do you want to borrow my satnav ______ you get lost? 3 I'll be leaving work early tomorrow my boss has a crisis. 4 I'll be meeting an old friend _____ I'm in London next week. 5 Don't worry. I'll call you ______ I open the letter with my exam results. 6 I'm late tomorrow, start the meeting without me. 7 Lily will have packed some sandwiches we get hungry. 8 The children will be playing in the park it gets dark. 9 ______ we've had lunch we could go for a walk. 10 Don't call the emergency number ______ it's a real emergency. ~ p.39 • SA unreal condit ionals second conditional sentences: if+ past simple, would I wouldn't+ infinitive 1 Ifthere was a fire in this hotel, it would be very 3 12 l)) 1 We use third conditional sentences to talk about a hypothetical past situation and its consequences. 2 You can also use the past perfect continuous in the if-clause. You can also use could have or miBht have instead ofwould have in the other clause. difficult to escape. I wouldn't have a car ifl didn't live in the country. 2 Ifyou weren't making so much noise, I could concentrate better. 3 Ifl were you, I'd make Jimmy wear a helmet when he's cycling. 1 We use second conditional sentences to talk about a hypothetical or imaginary situation in the present or future and its consequences. 2 In the if-clause you can also use the past continuous. In the other clause you can use could or miBht instead ofwould. second or third conditional? 1 Ifyou came to class more often, 14l)) you would probably pass the exam. 2 Ifyou had come to class more often, you would probably have passed the exam. Compare the two conditionals. 3 With the verb beyou can use was or were for I, he, and she in the if-clause, e.g. IfDanwas/ were here, he would know what to do. However,in conditionals beginningIfI wereyou... to give advice,we always use were. 1 =You don't come to class enough. You need to come more often ifyou want to pass the exam. 2 =You didn't come to class enough, so you failed. p Mixed conditionals third conditional sentences: if+ past perfect, would I wouldn't have+ past participle We sometimes mix second and third conditionals if a hypothetical situation in the past has a present I future consequence, e.g. You wouldn't be so tired ifyou had gone to bed earlier last night. 1 Ifyou had come to class more often, you would have done better in the exams. I wouldn't have been late ifl hadn't overslept. 2 He would have died ifhe hadn'tbeen wearing a helmet. Ifthe jackethad been a bit cheaper, Imight havebought it. a Complete with the correct form of the verb in brackets, using a second or third conditional. IfTim hadn't Bot injured, he would have played in the final. (not get injured) 1 I so much food ifyou'd told me you weren't hungry. (not made) 2 IfI were you, I money to members of your family. (not lend) 3 I Jack to help me ifhe wasn't so busy. (ask) 4 Joe an accident ifhe hadn't been driving so fast. (not have) 5 I'd run the marathon if! _____ a bit fitter. (be) 6 Ifyou where you were going, you wouldn't have fallen over. (look) 7 I'm sure you dancing ifyou came to the classes with me. (enjoy) 8 We'd go to the local restaurant ifthey ______ the menu from time to time. (change) 9 Nina wouldn't have gone abroad ifshe _______ to find a job here. (be able) 10 Ifyou for a discount in the shop, they might have given you one. (ask) 3 13 l)) If he really loved you, he would have asked you to marry him. b Complete using a second or third conditional. You didn't wait ten minutes. You didn't see Jim. Ifyou'd waited ten would have seenJim. 1 Luke missed the train. He was late for the interview. IfLuke the train, he late for the interview 2 Millie didn't buy the top. She didn't have any money. Millie the top ifshe some money. 3 It started snowing. We didn't reach the top. If snowing, we the top. 4 Rebecca drinks too much coffee. She sleeps badly. IfRebecca so much coffee, she badly. 5 I don't drive to work. There's so much traffic. I to work if so much traffic. 6 Matt doesn't treat Sue well. She won't stay with him. IfMatt his girlfriend better, she ____ with him. 7 You don't do any exercise. You don't feel healthy. You a lot healthier if you some exercise. 8 The taxi driver had satnav. He found the street easily. The driver the street ifhe satnav. 9 Jim bought the wrong size. I had to change the sweater. IfJim the right size, I the sweater. 10 You get up late. You waste halfthe morning. Ifyou earlier, you halfthe morning. ~ p.47 58 structures after wish wish + would I wouldn't I wish cyclists wouldn't cycle on the pavement! 3 15>)) I wish you'd spend a bit more time with the children. I wish the bus would come.I'm freezing. I wish you wouldn't leave your shoes there. I almost fell over them. a Write sentences with I wish...would/ wouldn't. It annoys me that... you don't put away your clothes. I wishyou'd put away your clothes! It annoys me that... 1 shop assistants aren't more polite 2 you turn the heating up all the time 3 my sister doesn't tidy our room 4 the neighbour's dog barks at night 5 it doesn't stop raining 6 Jane talks about her boyfriend so much 7 my dad sings in front ofmy friends 8 you drive so fast! 9 my husband doesn't do the washing-up 10 the bus doesn't come ~ p.48 GRAMMAR BANK We use wish+ person / thing + would to talk about things we want to happen, or stop happening because they annoy us. • You can't use wish+ would for a wish about yourself, e.g.NOT I wish I would... wish + past simple or past perfect 1 I wish I was ten years younger! I wish I could understand what they're saying. 2 I wish I hadn't bought those shoes. I wish you'd told me the truth. 3 18>)) 1 We use wish+ past simple to talk about things we would like to be different in the present / future (but which are impossible or unlikely). • After wishyou can use was or werewithJ, he,she, and it, e.g. I wishI was/ were taller. 2 Weuse wish+ past perfect to talk about things that happened or didn't happen in the past and which you now regret. p If only... We can also use If only instead of I wish in all these structures, e.g. If only he'd hurry up! If only I had a bit more money. If only she hadn't told him about the affair! b Complete with the verb in the past simple or past perfect. I wish I was a bit thinner! My clothes don't fit me! (be) 1 I wish I naturally blonde hair! (have) 2 Suzanne wishes her parents so far away. (not live) 3 I wish I learning English when I was a child! (start) 4 This flat's so cold! I wish it central heating. (have) 5 I wish we more expensive seats. I can't see a thing. (buy) 6 The party sounds as ifit was great fun. I wish I ___ _ there. (be) 7 Is it only five o'clock? I wish it dark so early in winter. (not get) 8 I wish I speak French.It would be useful in this job. (can) 9 This suitcase is too heavy. I wish I so many clothes! (not pack) 10 I'm really tired. I wish we by car instead ofdeciding to walk. (go) 11 I wish I _ ___ an only child. I'd love to have brothers and sisters. (not be) 12 I'd love to be able to play the piano. I wish I ____ when I was a child. (learn) ~p.51 Ill II 6A gerunds and infinitives verbs followed by the gerund and verbs followed by the infinitive 1 I enjoy listening to music. I couldn't help laughing. 3 37l)) 2 I want to speak to you.They can't afford to buy a new car. 3 It might rain tonight. I'd rather eat in than go out tonight. When one verb follows another, the firstverb determines the form ofthe second. This canbe the gerund (verb +-inB) or the infinitive (with or without to). 1 Use the gerund after certain verbs and expressions, e.g. enjoy, can't help. • When a phrasal verb is followed by another verb, the verb is the gerund, e.g. carry on, keep on,Bive up, lookforward to, etc. 2 Use the infinitive (with to) after certain verbs and expressions, e.g. want, afford. 3 Use the infinitive (without to) after modal verbs and some expressions, e.g. miBht, would rather, and after the verbs make and let. • In the passive, make is followed by the infinitive with to. Compare My boss makesus work hard.At school we were made to wear a uniform. )ii- p.164 Appendix Verb patterns: verbs followed by the gerund or infinitive p like, love, hate, and prefer like, love, hate, and prefer are usually used with the gerund in British English but can also be used with the infinitive. We tend to use the gerund when we talk generally and the infinitive when we talk specifically e.g. I like swimming (general) I like to swim first thing in the morning when there aren't many people there (specific) I prefer cycling to driving (general) You don't need to give me a lift to the station. I prefer to walk (specific) When like, love, hate, and prefer are used with would, they are always followed by to+ infinitive, e.g. I'd prefer to stay at home tonight, I'd love to come with you. verbs that can be followed by either gerund or infinitive with to 1 It started to rain. It started raining. 3 38l)) 2 Remember to lock the door. I remember going to Venice as a child. Sorry, I forgot to do it. I'll never forget seeing the Taj Mahal. I tried to open the window. Try calling Miriam on her mobile. You need to clean the car. The car needs cleaning. 1 Some verbs can be followed by the gerund or infinitive (with to) with no difference in meaning. The most common verbs like this are start, beBin, and continue. 2 Some verbs can be followed by the gerund or infinitive (with to) with a change ofmeaning. - remember +infinitive =you remember first, thenyou do something.Remember + gerund = you do something thenyou remember it. - forBet +infinitive =you didn't remember to do something. forBet +gerund= You did something and you won't forget it. It is more commonin the negative. - try +infinitive =make an effort to do something. try +gerund =experiment to see ifsomething works. - need+ gerund is a passive construction, e.g. needs cleaninB =needs to be cleaned NOTnttttr to cleaii. a Complete with a gerund or infinitive with to ofa verb from the list. b ~the correct form. Your hair needs @Jto cut. It's really long! carry call come do drive eat out ge--et:ff take tidy wait work I'm exhausted! I don't fancy BOinB out tonight. 1 I suggest a taxi to the airport tomorrow. It'll be much quicker. 2 Even though the snow was really deep, we managed _____ to the local shop and back. 3 We'd better some shopping- there isn't much food for the weekend. 4 I'm very impatient. I can't stand in queues. 5 I wasn'twell and a young man offered my bags. 6 My parents used to make me my room. 7 We threatened the police ifthe boys didn't stop throwing stones. 8 Do you feel like _____ to the gym with me? 9 I'd prefer instead ofgetting a takeaway. 10 I don't mind late tonight ifyou want me to. 1 I'll never forget to see/ seeinB the Grand Canyon for the first time. 2 I need to call/ callinB the helpline. My computer has crashed. 3 Have you tried to take/ takinB a tablet to help you sleep? 4 I must have my keys somewhere. I can remember to lock / lockinB the door this morning. 5 I had to run home because I had forgotten to turn/ turninB the oven off. 6 Our house needs to paint/ paintinB· Do you know any good house painters? 7 Did you remember to send/ sendinB your sister a card? It's her birthday today. 8 We tried to learn/ learninB to ski last winter, but we weren't very good at it. )) turned left at the traffic lights. It's my fault. I ought to have toldyou earlier that my mother was coming. • Use should have + past participle to say that somebody didn't do the right thing, or to express regret or criticism. • You can use ouBht to have as an alternative to should have, e.g.I ouBht to have toldy ou earlier. b Respond to the first sentence using should/ shouldn't have or ought/ oughtn't to have + a verb in the list. buy come eat go invite le-am sit write take A We couldn't understand anybody in Paris. B You should have learnt some French before you went. A Sue is in bed with a stomach ache. B She ouBhtn't to have eaten so much chocolate cake yesterday. I A Tom told me the date ofhis party, but I've forgotten it. B You it down. 2 A I was late because there was so much traffic. B You______ by car. The metro is much faster. 3 A Amanda was rude to everyone at my party. B You her. Youknowwhatshe'slike. 4 A I don't have any money left after going shopping yesterday. B You so many shoes. Did you really need three pairs? 5 A You look really tired. B I know. I to bed earlier last night. 6 A The chicken's still frozen solid. B I know. You it out ofthe freezer earlier. 7 A I think I've burnt my face. B I'm not surprised. You ______ in the sun all afternoon without any sunscreen. --< p.64 78 verbs of the senses look I feel I smell I sound I taste 1 You look tired. 4 12>)) That cake smells good! These jeans don't feel comfortable. L•-.2 Tim looks like his father.This material feels like silk- is it? .,.,.. Are you sure this is coffee?It tastes like tea. 3 She looks as ifshe's been crying.It smells as ifsomething's burning. It sounds as ifit's raining. 1 Use look.feel, etc. +adjective. 2 Use look.feel, etc. +like + noun. 3 Use look.feel, etc. +as if+ clause. • You can use like or as thouBh instead ofasif, e.g. It sounds like / as thouBh it's raininB. p Feel like feel like can also be used as a verb meaning 'want' I 'would like'.It is followed by a noun or a verb in the gerund, e.g. I feel like pasta for lunch today(= I'd like past a for lunch today). I don't feel like going to bed (= I don't want t o go t o bed). a Match the sentence halves. 1 That group sounds like 2 That boy looks 3 Nora looks like A her mother. B awful! You need to tune it. C very soft. ,..- r- r- i--~ 4 That guitar sounds 5 Tom looks as if [EJ D D D D D D D D D D D someone has been smoking in here. E really sweet. 6 Our car sounds as if 7 Your new jacket feels 8 This apple tastes 9 It smells as if 10 Your perfume smells like 11 This rice tastes as if F Coldplay. G too young to be drinking beer. H it's burnt. I roses. J it's going to break down any moment. K he's just run a marathon. b Q the correct form . Your boyfriend looks /~a rugby player. He's huge! 1 You've gone completely white. You look/ lookas ifyou've seen a ghost! 2 What's for dinner? It smells/ smells like delicious! 3 I think John and Megan have arrived.That sounds/ sounds like their car. 4 Have you ever tried frogs' legs? Apparently they taste like/ taste as ifchicken. 5 Are you OK? You sound/ sound as ifyou've got a cold. 6 Can you put the heating on?Itfeels/f eels like really cold in here. 7 You look / look like really happy. Does that mean you got the job? 8 Your new bagfeels /feels like real leather. Is it? 9 Let's throw this milk away. It tastes / tastes like a bit off. 10 Can you close the window? It smells/ smells as ifsomeone is having a barbecue. ~p. 68 GRAMMAR BANK !..11 __. - BA the passive (all forms); it is said that..., he is thought to..., etc. the passive (all forms) present simple present continuous present perfect past simple Murderers are usually sentenced to life imprisonment. The trial is being held at the moment. 4 36 >)) My car has been stolen. Jim was arrested last month. past continuous past perfect The cinema w as being rebuilt when it was set on fire. We saw that one ofthe windows had been broken. future infinitive with to infinitive without to gerund The prisoner will b e released next month. The verdict is going to be given tomorrow. People used to be imprisoned for stealing bread. You can be fined for parking on a yellow line. He paid a fine to avoid being sent to jail. • Use the passive when you want to talk about an action, but you are not so interested in saying who or what does / did the action. it is said that..., he is thought to..., etc. active 1 They say that the fire was started deliberately. People think that the mayor will resign. 2 People say the man is in his 40s. The police believe he has left the country. • This formal structure is used especially in news reports and on TV with the verbs know, tell, understand, report, expect, say, and think.It makes the information sound more impersonal. • Ifyou also want to mention the person or thing that did the action (the agent), use by. However, in the majority ofpassive sentences the agent is not mentioned. passive 4 37>)) It is said that the fire was started deliberately. It is thought that the mayor will resign. The man is said to be in his 40s. He is believed to have left the country. You can use It is said, believed, etc. + that+ clause. You canuse He, The man, etc. (i.e. the subject ofthe clause) +is said, believed, etc.+ to+ infinitive (e.g. to be) or perfect infinitive (e.g. to have been). a Rewrite the sentences in the passive, without the agent. b R ephrase the sentences in two ways to make them The police caught the burglar immediately. The burBlar was cauBht immediately. 1 Police closed the road after the accident. The road.. . 2 Somebody has stolen my handbag. My handbag... 3 They are painting my house. My house... 4 They'll hold a meeting tomorrow to discuss the problem. A meeting... 5 Ifthey hadn't found the bomb in time, it would have exploded. Ifthe bomb... 6 The police can arrest you for driving without a licence. You... 7 Miranda thinks someone was following her last night. Miranda thinks she... 8 I hate somebody waking me up when I'm fast asleep. I hate... 9 They're going to close the local police station. The local police station... more formal. People think the murderer is a woman. It is thouBht that the murderer is a woman. The murderer is thouBht to be a woman. 1 Police believe the burglar is a local man. It... The burglar.. . 2 People say the muggers are very dangerous. It... The muggers... 3 Police think the robber entered through an open window. It... The robber. .. 4 Police say the murderer has disappeared. It... The murderer... 5 Lawyers expect that the trial will last three weeks. It... The trial. .. ~p.76 SB reporting verbs st ructures after reporting verbs 1 Jack offered to drive me to the airport. 4 39 l)) I promised not to tell anybody. 2 The doctor advised me to have a rest. Ipersuaded my sister not to go out with George. 3 I apologized for being so late. The police accused Karl ofstealing the car. To report what other people have said, you can use say or a specific verb, e.g. 'I'll driveyou to the airport.' Jack said he would drive me to the airport. Jack offered to drive me to the airport. • After specific reporting verbs, there are one to three different grammaticalpatterns (see chart on the right) • Innegative sentences, use the negative infinitive (not to do) or the negative gerund (not doinB), e.g. He reminded me not to be late. ShereBretted not BOinB to theparty. a Complete with the gerund or infinitive of the verb in brackets. The garage advised me~ a new car. (buy) 1 Jamie insisted on for the meal. (pay) 2 Lauren has agreed - - - - - late next week. (work) 3 I warned Jane through the park at night. (not walk) 4 The man admitted the- - - - woman's handbag. (steal) 5 The doctor advised Lily drinking coffee. (give up) 6 The boss persuaded Megan the company. (not leave) 7 Freya accused me of_ ____ to steal her boyfriend. (try) 8 I apologized to Evie for - -- - - her birthday. (not remember) 9 Did you manage to convince your parents _____ tonight instead oftomorrow? (come) 10 My neighbour denies my car, but I'm sure it was him. (damage) GRAMMAR BANK 1 + to + infinitive 2 + person + to + infinitive 3 + -inB form agree refuse threaten advise ask convince encourage invite offer promise persuade remind tell warn apologize (to sb) for insist on accuse sh of recommend admit regret blame sh for suggest deny (not) to do something somebody (not) to do something (not) doing something p Verbs that use a that clause With agree, admit, deny, promise, regret, you can also use that+ clause. Leo admitted stealing the watch. Leo admitted that he had stolen the watch. b Complete using a reporting verb from the list and the correct form ofthe verb in brackets. Use an object where necessary. accuse invite e#ef promise recommend refuse remind suggest threaten Diana said to me, 'I'll take you to the station.' Diana offered to take (take) me to the station. 1 Ryan said, 'Let's go for a walk. It's a beautiful day.' Ryan (go) for a walk. 2 'You copied Anna's exam!' the teacher said to him. The teacher (copy) Anna's exam. 3 Sam's neighbour told him, 'I'll call the police ifyou have any more parties.' Sam's neighbour (call) the police ifhe had any more parties. 4 The children said, 'We're not going to bed. It's much too early.' The children (go) to bed. 5 Simon said to me, 'Would you like to have dinner with me?' Simon (have) dinner with him. 6 Molly said to Jack, 'Don't forget to phone the electrician.' Molly (phone) the electrician. 7 Ricky said, 'I'll never do it again.' Ricky ___________ (do) it again. 8 Sarahsaid,'You reallymust try Giacobazzi's.It's afantastic restaurant.' Sarah (try) Giacobazzi's. She said it was fantastic. -oll( p.78 Ill 9A clauses of contrast and purpose clauses of contrast 1 Although the advert said it would last 5 4l)) for years, mine broke after two months. I went to work even though I wasn't feeling very well. I like Ann, though she sometimes annoys me. 2 In spite of(Despite) her age, she is still very active. being 85, she is still very active. the fact that she's 85, she is still very active. a Complete the sentences with one word. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We're very happy in our new house, thouBh there's a lot to do. We loved the film the fact that it was nearly three hours long! Carl doesn't like spending money ____ though he's very well off. They went down to the harbour ____ see ifthey had fresh fish. I'll put your number straight into my phone so ___ not to forget it. My mother called the doctor's in to make an appointment. The cake tasted good in ofnot looking like the photo in the recipe book. I've put the heating on quite high so the house will warm up quickly. I must say that the service was poor, the meal was delicious. I stopped at a motorway cafe a quick meal before continuing on my journey. ____ not being very fit, he managed to walk the three miles to the village. Use althouBh, thouBh,even thouBh, and inspite ofor despite to expresss a contrast. 1 Use althouBh, thouBh,even thouBh + a clause. AlthouBh and even thouBh can be used at the beginning or in the middle ofa sentence. • Even thouBh is stronger than althouBh and is used to express a big or surprising contrast. • ThouBh is more informal than althouBh. It can only be used in the middle ofa sentence. 2 After inspiteofor despite, use a noun, a verb in the -inB form, or the fact that+ subject +verb. • Remember not to use ofafter despite NOT Despite ofthe rain... clauses of purpose to 1 I went to the bank in order to so as to 5 Sl)) talk to my bank manager. 2 Iwent to the bank for a meeting with my bank manager. 3 I went to the bank so that I could talk to the manager in person. 4 I wrote down what he said so as not to forget it. Use to,in order to,so as to,Jor, and so that to express purpose. 1 After to, in order to, and so as to, use an infinitive. 2 Usefo1·+a noun, e.g.for ameetinB· You can also usefor+ gerund to describe the exact purpose ofa thing, e.g. This liquid isfor cleaninB metal. 3 After so that,use a subject+ modal verb (can, could, would, etc.). 4 To express a negative purpose, use so as not to or in order not to, e.g. I wrote down what hesaid in order nottoforBet it. NOT to notfo1Bet it. b Rewrite the sentences. Despite not getting very good reviews, I thought the book was fantastic. Even though the book didn't Bet ve1y Bood reviews, I thouBht it wasfantastic. 1 We stayed at a bed and breakfast so as not to spend too much money on accommodation. We stayed at a bed and breakfast so that.. . 2 Despite earning a fortune, she drives a very old car. Although... 3 Everyone enjoyed the film even though the ending was sad. Everyone enjoyed the film in spite of. .. 4 The plane managed to land despite the terrible weather conditions. The plane managed to land even though... 5 I told her I enjoyed the meal she had cooked me so that I wouldn't offend her. I told her I enjoyed the meal she had cooked me so as... 6 The manager called a meeting so as to explain the new policy. The manager called a meeting in order. .. ~p. 85 98 GRAMMAR BANK uncountable and plural nouns 3 Some nouns can be either countable or uncountable, but uncountable nouns 1 The weather is fantastic there, and there's very 5 19>)) the meaning changes, e.g. Blass= the material used to make windows, aBlass= the thing you drink out of. Other examples: iron, business, paper, liBht, time, space. little traffic so you can walk everywhere. The scenery is beautiful here, but it's spoiled by all the rubbish people leave. 2 Could you give me some advice about where to stay? One useful piece of advice is to get a travel card. 3 The new opera house is made mainly ofglass. Can I have a glass oftap water please? 1 The following nouns are always uncountable: behaviour, t1"affic, weathe,., accommodation, health,proBress, scenery, rubbish, work, politics (and other words ending in -ics, e.g. athletics, economics). plural and collective nouns 1 One ofthe best museums is on the outskirts of 5 20 l)) the city. My clothes are filthy. I'll put on some clean trousers/ I'll put on a pair ofclean trousers. 2 The hotel staffare very efficient. The cabin crew are coming round with the drinks trolley in just a few minutes. • They always need a singular verb, they don't have plurals, and they can't be used with a/ an. 1 Arms(= guns, etc.), belonBinBs, clothes, manners, outskirts, scissors, trousers/ shorts are plural nouns with no singular. They need a plural verb and they can't be used with a / an. • Ifthey consist oftwo parts, e.g.scissors, trousers, shorts, etc. they can be used with apair ofor some.2 These nouns are also uncountable:furniture,information, advice, homework, research,news, luck, bread, toast, luBBaBe, equipment. Use apiece ofto talk about an individual item. 2 Crew, police, staff, etc. are collective nouns and refer to a group ofpeople. You can use a singular or plural verb with these, exceptpolice, which needs a plural verb. a Right (./) or w rong (X)? Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases. b Q the correct form. Tick(./) ifboth are correct. Our accommodation isn'n satisfactory. ./ he news are good.XThe news is 1 We had a beautiful weather when we were on holiday. 2 They've got some lovely furnitures in their house. 3 My brother gave me a useful piece ofadvice. 4 Do you have a scissors? I need to wrap this present. 5 I need to buy a new trousers for my interview tomorrow. 6 he staffis very unhappy about the new dress code. 7 Your glasses are really dirty. Can you see anything? 8 The homeworks were very difficult last night. 9 here isn't any more space in my suitcase. Can I put this jacket in yours? 10 he police is sure that they know who was responsible for the vandalism. The traffic@/ are awful during the rush hour. I Athletics is/ are my favourite sport. 2 I bought a pair of/ somenew jeans. 3 Harvey's clothes look/ looks really expensive. 4 The flight crew work/ works hard to make passengers comfortable. 5 I found out some/ apiece ofuseful information at the meeting. 6 Could I have apaper/ apiece ofpaper to write down the new words? 7 I think I'll have a /some time after lunch to help you with that report. 8 I've got a /some good news for you about your job application. 9 We've made a lot ofprowess/ proBresses this term. 10 Hello, Reception? Do you have an/ some iron I could use? ~p.91 Ill lOA quantifiers: all, every, both, etc. all, every, most 1 All animals need food.All fruit contains sugar. All (of) the animals in this zoo look sad. The animals all look sad. 2 Everybody is here. Everything is very expensive. 3 Most people live in cities. Most ofthe people in this class are women. 5 31 >)) 4 All ofus work hard and most ofus come to class every week. S Every room has a bathroom. Iwork every Saturday. 1 We use all or all (of) the+ a plural or uncountable noun. All= in general, all (of) the= specific. All can be used before a main verb (and after be). 2 We use everythinB / everybody (=all things, all people) + singular verb, e.g. EverythinB is very expensive. NOTAH is very expensi'\le. 3 We use most to say the majority;most= general, most of= specific. 4 We often use all/ most of+ an object pronoun, e.g. all ofus, most of them, all ofyou, most ofit. S Use every + singular countable noun to mean 'all ofa group'. p every and all+ time expressions Note the difference between every and all+ time expressions. Every day= Monday to Sunday. All day= from morning to night I usually go running every day. ...but today I'm ill, so I stayed in bed all day. a Q the correct word or phrase. We've eaten@/ all cake. 1 Most of/ Most my closest friends live near me. 2 You can come round at any/ no time on Saturday. We'll be home all day. 3 A ll / Eve1y thinBis ready for the party. We're just waiting for the guests to arrive. 4 Most/ Most ofpeople enjoy the summer here, but for some it's too hot. 5 Gina goes dancing all / eve1y Friday night. 6 We haven't got any / no onions for the soup. 7 Any/ None ofus want to go out tonight. We're all broke. 8 Nobody / Any body can go to the festival. It's free. 9 I've got two very close friends, but unfortunately either / neither ofthem lives near me. 10 I'd like to have a bigger table, but there's no/ no'!'l-e room in my kitchen. no, none, any 1 Is there any milk? 5 32>)) Sorry, there's no milk.There isn't any (milk). 2 A Is there any food? B No,none./There's none.But none ofus arehungry. 3 Come any weekend! Anyone can come. 1 We use no + a noun after a Gverb, or any+ noun after a Gverb to refer to zero quantity. Any can also be used without a noun. 2 We use none in short answers, or with a Gverb to refer to zero quantity. You can also use none+ of+ pronoun/ noun. 3 We use any (and anythinB, anyone, etc.) and a[8verb to mean it doesn't matter what, who, etc. both, neither, either 1 Both Pierre and Marie Curie were scientists. 33>)) Neither Pierre nor Marie was (were) aware ofthe dangers ofradiation.Marie Curie wanted to study either physics or mathematics.In the end she studied both at the Sorbonne in Paris. 2 She and her husband both won Nobel prizes. Pierre and Marie were both interested in radium. 3 Neither ofthem realized how dangerous radium was. 1 We use aG verb with both and neither. The verb is plural with both, and either singular or plural with neither. 2 When both refers to the subject ofa clause, it can also be used before a main verb but after be. 3 We often use both/ either/ neither+ of+ object pronoun, e.g. us, them, etc. or + of the + noun. b Right (v") or wrong (X)? C orrect the wrong sentences. Both Mike and Alan passed the exam. v" He neither watches the news or reads a newspaper. X He neither watches the news nor reads a newspaper. 1 Both the kitchen and the bathroom needs cleaning. 2 The food wasn't cheap nor tasty. 3 We can go on holiday either in July or in August. 4 Both the journey was long and boring. 5 It's or Jane's or Karen's birthday today. I can't remember which . 6 My brother has neither the energy nor the stamina to run a marathon. 7 Her aunt and her cousin came to visit both. 8 We can walk either or take the bus. 9 I have two children but neither ofthem look like me. 10 My parents love horses, and both ofthey ride every day. ~ p.97 108 articles basic rules: a I an I the, no article 1 My neighbour has just bought a dog. The dog is an Alsatian. 5 37 l)) He got into the car and drove to the Town Hall. 2 Men are better at parking than women. I don't like sport or classical music. I stayed at home last weekend. I Use a or an whenyou mention somebody or something for the first time or say who or what somebody or something is. Use the when it's clear who or what somebody or something is (e.g. it has been mentioned before or it's unique). 2 Don't use an article to speak in general with plural and uncountable nouns, or in phrases like at home / work,BO home/ to bed,next/ last (week), etc. inst itutions My father's in hospital. They're building a new hospital in my town. He was sent to prison for two years. My grandmother used to work in the prison as a cleaner. 38 l)) With words likeprison, church, school, hospital, and university , don't use an article when you are thinking about the institution and the normal purpose it is used it for. Ifyou are just thinking about the building, use a or the. a ~the correct article. James bought~/ the /(-)new suit at the weekend. 1 The weather was awful, so we stayed at a / the/ (-) home. GRAMMAR BANK more rules: geographical names 1 Tunisia is in North Africa. 5 39l)) 2 Selfridges, one of London's biggest department stores, is in Oxford Street. 3 Lake Victoria and Mount Kilimanjaro are both in Africa. 4 The River Danube flows into the Black Sea. 5 The National Gallery and the British Museum are London tourist attractions. We don't normally use the with: I most countries, continents, regions ending with the name ofa country/ continent, e.g. North America, South East Asia, islands, states, provinces, towns, and cities (exceptions:The USA, the UK / United KinBdom, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic). 2 roads, streets, parks, bridges,shops, and restaurants (exceptions: motorways and numbered roads, theM6, the A25). 3 individual mountains and lakes. We nor mally use thewith: 4 mountain ranges, rivers, seas, canals, deserts, and island groups. 5 the names oftheatres, cinemas, hotels, galleries, and museums. 2 A/ The/ (-) dishwasher we bought last week has stopped working already. 3 I love reading a/ the/ (-)historical novels. 4 Sarah had had an exhausting day, so she went to a/ the/ (-)bed early. 5 I saw a man walking with a woman in the park. A/The/ (-)woman was crying. 6 The teachers are on strike, so the children aren't going to a/ the/ (-) school. 7 Turn left immediately after a/ the/ (-) church and go up the hill. 8 My neighbour's in a/the/ (-) prison because he didn't pay his taxes. 9 People are complaining because the council have refused to build a/ the/(-) new hospital. 10 Visitors will not be allowed to enter a/ the/ (-)hospital after 7 p.m. b Complete with the or(- ). They're going to theUSA to visit family. 1 Sicily is the largest island in Mediterranean. 2 Cairo is on River Nile. 3 We didn't have time to visit Louvre when we were in Paris. 4 south west England is famous for its beautiful countryside and beaches. 5 Mount Everest is in Himalayas. 6 The largest inland lake is Caspian Sea. 7 We stayed at Palace Hotelwhile we were in Madrid. 8 Romeo andJuliet is on at Globe Theatre. 9 Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in Alps. 10 I've always wanted to visit India. ~p.98 Ill Illnesses and injuries 1 MINOR ILLNESSES AND CONDITIONS a Match the sentences with the pictures. She has/ She's got... a cough /kof/ a headache /'hede1k/ (earache, stomach ache, toothache, etc.) 1 a rash /rref/ a temperature /'temprdtfd/ sunburn /1 s/\nb3:n/ She's being sick / She's vomiting /'vomrt11J/. She's sneezing /'sni:zrl)/. Her ankle is swollen /'swduldn/. Her back hurts /h3:ts/ / Her back aches /e1ks/. Her finger is bleeding /'bli:dII]/. b 29 >)) Listen and check. c Match the illnesses and conditions with their symptoms or causes. d 1 B He has a sore throat /s;):er~ut/. 2 He has diarrhoea /dard'nd/. 3 He feels sick /'h:lz sik/. 4 He's fainted /'femt1d/. 5 He has a blister /'blrstd/ on his foot. 6 He has a cold /g kduld/. 7 He has flu /flu:/. 8 He feels dizzy /'d1zi/. 9 He's cut himself/kAt hrm'self/. A He has a temperature and he aches all over. B It hurts when he talks or swallows food. C It's so hot in the room that he's lost consciousness. D He's been to the toilet five times this morning. E He feels that he's going to vomit. F He's sneezing a lot and he has a cough. G He feels that everything is spinning round. H He's been walking in uncomfortable shoes. I He's bleeding. 1 30>)) Listen and check. VOCABULARY BANK 2 INJURIES AND MORE SERIOUS CONDITIONS a Match the injuries with their causes or symptoms. 1 C He's unconscious //\n'konfds/. 2 He's had an allergic reaction /gb:d31k/. 3 He's twisted his ankle /'tw1st1d/ / He's sprained his ankle /sprernd/. 4 He has high (low) blood pressure /'bl/\d preJ'J/. 5 He has food poisoning /'fu:d p;)IZ'dnIIJ/. 6 He's choking /tf'Juk11J/. 7 He's burnt himself/b3:nt/. A He spilt some boiling water on himself. B He fell badly and now it's swollen. C He's breathing, but his eyes are closed and he can't hear or feel anything. D It's 18 over 14 (or 180 over 140). E He ate some prawns that were off. F He was eating a steak and a piece got stuck in his throat. G He was stung by a wasp and now he has a rash and has difficulty breathing. p Common treatments for... b a cut minor: put a plaster on it (AmE band aid) and antiseptic cream, major: have stitches headaches take painkillers an infection take antibiotics a sprained ankle put ice on it and bandage it an allergic reaction take antihistamine tablets or cream 31 >)) Listen and check. 3 PHRASAL VERBS CONNECTED WITH ILLNESS a Match the bold phrasal verbs to their meanings. Please lie down on the couch.I'm going to examine you. I'd been standing for such a long time that Ipassed out, and when I came round I was lying on the floor. It often takes a long time to get over flu. A few minutes after drinking the liquid I had to run to the bathroom to throw up. 1 2 3 4 5 faint- - - ____ put your body in a horizontal position ____ vomit, be sick ____ get better / recover from sth ____ become conscious again b 1 32 >)) Listen and check. ~p. 14 Clothes and fashion 1 DESCRIBING CLOTHES a Match the adjectives and pictures. Fit loose /lu:s/ 1 tight /ta1t/ Style hooded /1 hud1d/ long sleeved /loo sli:vd/ (also short sleeved) sleeveless /'sli:vl~s/ V-neck /'vi: nek/ Pattern checked /tJckt/ ~tterned /'pretand/ plain /plern/ spotted /1 spot1d/ striped /stra1pt/ b 1 46 >)) Listen and check. c Match the phrases and pictures. Materials a cotton vest la 'kotn vest/ a denim waistcoat /-;;, 'denim 1 we1sbut/ a fur collar /a fa: 'kol;;>/ a lace top /g leis top/ 1 a linen suit /g 'lrnm su:t/ a !;:'.era swimsuit / -;;, 1 la1kr;) 1 sw1msu:t/ a silk scarf /;:;> silk ska:f/ []] a velvet bow tie /g 1 velv1t b~u 1 ta1/ a wool(len) cardigan /g 'wul(an) 'ka:dtg;;>n/ leather sandals /'lea-;;, 'srendlz/ suede boots /swetd bu:ts/ d 1 47>)) Listen and check. p wear and dress Be careful with the difference between wear and dress. Compare: The English don't dress very stylishly. She usually dresses in black. I usually wear a skirt andjacket to work. She always wears black clothes. VOCABULARY BANK 2 ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE THE WAY PEOPLE DRESS p trendy, stylish, and fashionable Fashionable is a general adjective, and means following a style that is popular at a particular time. Trendy is very similar, but is more informal. Stylish means fashionable and attractive. a Complete the sentences with an adjective. fashionable /'freJn;:,bl/ old-fashioned /dUld 'fccJ~nd/ scruffy /'skrAfi/ smart I mo:tl fillish /'sta11IJ/ trendy /1 trendi/ 1 Long skirts are reallyfashionable now. 2 She's very . She always wears the latest fashions. 3 The Italians have a reputation for being very - they wear fashionable and attractive clothes. 4 He looks really . His clothes are old and a bit dirty. 5 Jane looked very in her new suit.She wanted to make a good impression. 6 That tie's a bit ! Is it your dad's? b 1 48 >)) Listen and check. 3 VERB PHRASES a Match the sentences. 1 C I'm going to dress up tonight. 2 Please hang up your coat. 3 These jeans don't fit me. 4 That skirt really suits you. 5 Your bag matches your shoes. 6 I need to get changed. 7 Hurry up and get undressed. 8 Get up and get dressed. 9 That tie doesn't really go with your shirt. A Don't leave it on the chair. B I've just spilt coffee on my shirt. C I'm going to a party. D They don't look good together. E It's bath time. F They're too small. G They're almost the same colour. H You look great in it. I Breakfast is on the table. b 1 49 >)) Listen and check. ~ p.20 • • Air travel 1 AT THE AIRPORT a Match the words and definitions. 1 2 3 4 s A Airport terminal 6 Bag(gage) drop off 7 Baggage reclaim 8 Check-in desk 9 Customs 10 Departures board Gate Runway Security VIP lounge A a building at an airport divided into Arrivals and Departures (domestic and international flights) B an electronic display showing flight times and ifthe flight is on time,boarding, closed, or delayed C where you give in any checked-in luggage (bags, cases, etc.) and are given a boarding pass D where you take your luggage to check it in ifyou already have your boarding pass E where they check that you are not trying to take prohibited items (e.g. liquids or sharp objects) onto the plane, by scanningyour hand luggage, and making you walk through a metal detector F where passengers who are travelling business or first class can wait for their flight G where you show your boarding pass and ID and board your flight H where planes take offand land I where you collect your luggage on arrival, and there are usually trolleys for carrying heavy cases J where your luggage may be checked to see ifyou are bringing illegal goods into the country b 3 l)) Listen and check. 2 ONBOARD a Complete the text with the words in the list. aisle /ail/ cabin crew /'krebm kru:/ seat belts /' i:t belt I connecting flight /kd'nekt11J fla1t/ turbulence /'t3:bj::il;:ms/ direct flights /dd'rekt flaits/ jet lag /'d3et lreg/ long-haul flights /lmJ h::i:I fla1ts/ I often fly to Chile on business. I always choose an 'aisle seat, so that I can get up and walk around more easily. Sometimes there is 2 when the plane flies over the Andes, which I don't enjoy, and the 3 tell the passengers to put their 4 on. There aren't any 5 to Chile from London, so I usually have to get a 6 in Madrid. Whenever I take 7 I always suffer from 8 because ofthe time difference and I feel tired for several days. b 4 l)) Listen and check. VOCABULARY BANK 3 TRAVEL, TRIP, OR JOURNEY? a Complete the sentences with travel (verb or noun), trip, or;ourney. 1 We're going on a five-day _tr_.ip___ to the mountains. 2 A Did you have a good here? B No, my flight was delayed for six hours. 3 Do you have to ____ much in your job? 4 Have a good . See you when you get back. b 5 l)) Listen and check. c What's the differences between the three words? 4 PHRASAL VERBS RELATED TO AIR TRAVEL a Complete the sentences with a phrasal verb from the list in the past tense. check in drop off fill in get off get on pick up take off 1 My husband dropped me off at the airport two hours before the flight. 2 I online the day before I was going to fly. 3 As soon as I ________ the plane I sat down in the first empty seat. 4 The plane ________ late because ofthe bad weather. 5 I the immigration form for the US, which the cabin crew gave me shortly before landing. 6 When I the plane I felt exhausted after the long flight. 7 When I my luggage at baggage reclaim I bumped into an old friend who had been on the same flight. b 6 l)) Listen and check. -ll(p.24 Adverbs and adverbial phrases vocABULARv BANK 1 CONFUSING ADVERBS AND ADVERBIAL PHRASES a Match each pair ofadverbs with a pair ofsentences. Then decide which adverb goes where and write it in the adverb column. at the moment / actually in the end / at the end especially / specially late / lately ~ver / ~ven near / nearly 1 hard / hardly still / yet 1 He trains very - at least three hours a day. It's incredibly foggy. I can see anything. 2 I hate it when people arrive for meetings. I haven't heard from Mike . He must be very busy. 3 ofa film I always stay and watch the credits roll. I didn't want to go, but they persuaded me. 4 I love most kinds ofmusic, but jazz. My wedding dress was made for me by a dressmaker. 5 She looks younger than me, but she's two years older. they're renting a flat, but they're hoping to buy one soon. 6 I've finished my book. I'm on the last chapter. Excuse me, is there a bank here? 7 Have you found a job ? He's 35, but he lives with his parents. 8 Have you been to the USA? I've been all over the USA- I've been to Alaska! b 15>)) Listen and check. 2 COMMENT ADVERBS Adverbs ha1'd ha1'dly a Read the sentences. Then match the bold adverbs with definitions 1-8. I thought the job was going to be difficult, but in fact it's quite easy. It took us over five hours to get there, but eventually we were able to relax /r'ventfu;'.lli/. Ideally we would go to Australia ifwe could afford it. /a11 di:gli/ Basically it's quite a simple idea /1 be1s1kli/. I thought they'd broken up, but aPJli!rently they're back together again /d'prer;'.lntli/. you can see it was a really awful weekend. Anyway, let's forget about it and talk about something else /'eniwe1/. She's only 14, so obviously she can't stay at home on her own /'obvigslif... She's been ill for weeks, but gradually she's beginning to feel better /1 grred3ugli/. b 16>)) Listen and check. ~p. 29 1 ideally 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - in a perfect world the truth is; actually (used to emphasize something, especially the opposite of what was previously said) in the most important ways clearly (used to give information you expect other people to know or agree with) little by little according to what you have heard or read in any case (used to change or finish a conversation) in the end; after a series ofevents or difficulties • Ell Weather VOCABULARY BANK 1 WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE? a Put the words or phrases in the right place in the chart. below zero /b1'l;;iu 'z1;;ir'Ju/ boiling /'b:>il11J/ breeze /bri:z/ chilly /'tfili/ cool /ku:I/ damp /dremp/ drizzling /'dnzhlJ/ freezing /'fri:z11J/ humid /'hju:m1d/ mild /maild/ pouring /'p:>:nlJ/ (with rain) showers /'fau'Jz/ warm /w:J:m/ ~ 8 It's . (a bit wet but C:PC) ~ 5 It's . (pleasant not raining) 1 It's cool . (quite cold) and not cold) 9 It's . (raining lightly) 2 It's 6 It's . (a pleasantly 10 It's . (short period 13 There's a T (unpleasantly cold) high temperature) of rain) (a light wind) It's cold. It's hot. It's raining I wet. It 's windy. 3 It's . (very cold) 7 It's I 11 There are . (raining 4 It's . (-100) It's scorching. intermittently) (unpleasantly hot) 12 It 's . (raining a lot) b Complete the sentences withfoB, mist, and smoB. When the weather's foggy or misty, or there is smog, it is difficult to see. ____ isn't usually very thick, and often occurs in the mountains or near the sea. 2____ is thicker, and can be found in towns and in the country. 3____ is caused by pollution and usually occurs in big cities. c 2 31 l)) Listen and check a and b. 2 EXTREME WEATHER a Match the words and definitions. blizzard /'bhz'Jcl/ drought /clraut/ flood /flAd/ hail /heil/ heatwave /'hi:twe1v/ hurricane /'hAr1bn/ lightning /'la1tn11J/ monsoon /mon'su:n/ thunder 1'8And'J/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 heatwave____ n a period ofunusually hot weather _____ n a long, usually hot, dry period when there is little or no rain n and v small balls ofice that fall like rain- - - - - - - n a flash ofvery bright light in the sky caused by electricity ____ n and v the loud noise that you hear during a storm ____ n a snow storm with very strong winds ____ v and n when everything becomes covered with water ____ n a violent storm with very strong winds (also cyclone, tornado) n the season when it rains a lot in- -- southern Asia b 32 l)) Listen and check. 3 ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE WEATHER a Complete the weather forecast with these adjectives. bright /bra1t/ changeable /'tJemd3;;ibl/ clear /kll'J/ heavy /'hevi/ icy /'aisi/ settled /' etld/ (= not likely to change) strong /strol)/ sunny /'sAni/ thick /81k/ In the north ofEngland and Scotland it will be very cold, with ist1'0n(J winds and 2 rain. There will also be 3 fog in the hills and near the coast, though it should clear by midday. Driving will be dangerous as the roads will be 4 . However, the south ofEngland and the Midlands will have s skies and it will be 6 and sunny, though the temperature will still be quite low. Over the next few days the weather will be 7 , with some showers, but occasional a____ periods. It should become more 9 over the weekend. b 33 l)) Listen and check. -< p.36 Feelings 1 ADJECTIVES a Match the feelings and the situations. I J 'I'm very offended /a1 fend1d/.' 2 'I feel a bit homesick /'h;:)ums1k/.' 3 'I'm a bit disappointed /d1s;'.)1 p::nnt1d/.' 4 'I'm very lonely /'l~mn li/.' 5 'I'm incredibly proud /praud/.' 6 'I'm really nervous /'n3:vas/.' 7 'I'm very grateful /1 gre1tfl/.' 8 'I'm shocked /Jokt/.' 9 'I'm so relieved /n'li:vd/.' 10 'I feel a bit guilty /'grlti/.' A You discover that you have a brother you had never known about. B You haven't visited your grandparents for a long time. C A stranger gives you a lot ofhelp with a problem. D You are abroad and you think someone has stolen your passport, but then you find it. E You don't get a job you were hoping to get. F You go to study abroad and you're missing your family and friends. G You move to a new town and don't have any friends. H You are going to talk in public for the first time. I Someone in your family wins an important prize. J A friend doesn't invite you to his wedding. p fed up and upset fed up= bored or frustrated and unhappy (especially with a situation which has gone on too long) I'm really fed up with myjob. I think I'm going to quit. upset = unhappy when something bad happens Kate was terribly upset when her dog disappeared. b 3 2>)) Listen and check. VOCABULARY BANK 2 STRONG ADJECTIVES a Match the strong adjectives describing feelings with their definitions. astonished /g'stomft/ bewildered /br'wlidgd/ /d1'la1t1d/ desperate /'desp;;ir;;it/ devastated /'dev;;iste1t1d/ horrified /1 honfa1d/ overwhelmed /guv;;i'welmd/ stunned /stAnd/ thrilled /8nld/ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 stunned"-'-'-'-"'-'"'-'-"-'-'-_ very surprised and unable to move or react ____ extremely upset ____ incredibly pleased ____ very excited ____ (amazed) /very surprised _ ___ with little hope, and ready to do anything to improve the situation ____ feeling such strong emotions that you don't know how to react ____ extremely confused ____ extremely shocked or disgusted p Modifiers with strong adjectives Remember you can't use a bit, quite, or very with these adjectives. NOT f was very astonished. If you want to use an intensifier, use really I absolutely I totally I completely. b 3 >)) Listen and check. 3 INFORMAL OR SLANG WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS a Look at the hig lighted words and phrases and try to work out their meaning. 1 B I was scarea stiff when I heard the bedroom door opening /skedd st1f/. 2 You look a bit Clown. What's the problem? 3 I'm absolutely shattered. I want to relax and put my feet up I 'Jretad/. 4 I was completely gobsmacked when I heard that Tina was getting married /'gobsmrekt/! 5 I'm sick ofhearing you complain about your job. 6 When he missed that penalty I was absolutely gutteCl /1 9At1d/. b Match the words and phrases to the feelings. A sad or depressed D exhausted B terrified E fed up or irritated C very disappointed F astonished c 3 4 >)) Listen and check. ~ p.45 Verbs often confused VOCABULARY BANK a Complete the verbs column with the correct verb in the right form. verbs argue / discuss 1 I need to the problem with my boss. (= talk about sth) 2 I often with my parents about doing housework. (=speak angrily to sb) notice / realize 3 I didn't you were so unhappy. (= understand fully, become aware ofsth) 4 I didn't that Karen had changed her hair colour. (=see, observe) avoid / prevent 5 Jack always tries to arguing with me. (= try not to do something) 6 My dad can't me from seeing my friends. (=stop) look/ seem 7 I've spoken to her husband twice and he very nice. (= general impression) 8 Carol doesn't very well. I think she's working too hard. (=physical appearance) mind / matter 9 My parents don't ifl stay out late. (= get get annoyed or upset) 10 It doesn't ifwe're five minutes late. (=be a problem) remember / remind 11 Can you me to call my mum later? (=help sb to remember) 12 to turn offthe lights before you go. (= not forget) expect / wait 13 I that Daniel will forget our anniversary. He always does. (= think that sth will happen) 14 We'll have to halfan hour for the next train. (= stay where you are until something happens) wish/ hope 15 I I was a bit taller! (=want sth to be true even ifit is unlikely) 16 I that you can come on Friday. I haven't seen you for ages. (=want sth to happen) beat/ win 17 Arsenal the match 5-2. (= be successful in a competition) 18 Arsenal Manchester United 5-2. (= defeat sb) refuse/ de~ 19 Tom always to discuss the problem. (= say you don't want to do sth) 20 Tom always that he has a problem. (= say that sth isn't true) raise/ rise 21 The cost ofliving is going to again this month. (=go up) 22 It's hard not to your voice when you're arguing with someone. (=make sth go up) lay (past laid) / lie (past lay) 23 Last night I came home and on the sofa and went to sleep. (= put your body in a horizontal position) 24 I the baby on the bed and changed his nappy. (= put sth or sb in a horizontal position) steal/ rob 25 The men had been planning to the bank. (=take sth from apersonorplacebythreatorforce) 26 Ifyou leave your bike unlocked, somebody might it. (= take money or property that isn't yours) advise / warn 27 I think I should you that Liam doesn't always tell the truth. (= tell sb that sth unpleasantis about to happen) 28 My teachers are going to me what subjects to study next year. (= tell sb what you think they should do) b 9>)) Listen and check. -1111( p.67 Ill The body VOCABULARY BANK 1 PARTS OF THE BODY AND ORGANS a Match the words and pictures. ankle l'ccokl/ 1 calf/ka:f/ (pl calves) heel /hi:I/ elbow /'clbau/ fist /f1st/ nails /nc1lz/ palm /pa:m/ wrist Inst/ bottom /'bot'Jm/ chest /tfest/ hip /hip/ thigh /8a1/ waist /we1st/ brain /bre1n/ heart /ha:t/ kidneys /1 k1dniz/ liver /'IIV'J/ lungs /IArJZ/ b 17l)) Listen and check. 2 VERBS AND VERB PHRASES a Complete the verb phrases with the parts of the body. b arms eyebrows hair (x2) hand hands head nails nose shoulders teeth thumb toes 1 bite your nails /bait/ 2 blow your ___ /bl'Ju/ 3 brush your / brush your /brAf/ 4 comb your /bum/ 5 fold your /fauld/ 6 hold somebody's ___ /h'Juld/ 7 touch your ___ /tAtJ/ 8 suck your ___ /sAk/ 9 shake /fe1k/ 10 shrug your ___ /frAg/ 11 shake your ___ 12 raise your _ _ _ /re1z/ 18>)) Listen and check. c Read the sentences. Write the part of the body related to the bold verb. d 1 He winked at me to show that he was only joking. "'""'ey~e___ /w1okt/ 2 The steak was tough and difficult to chew. /tJu:/ 3 When we met, we were so happy we hugged each other. ___ /hAgd/ 4 Don't scratch the mosquito bite. You'll only make it worse. ___ I krretJ/ 5 She waved goodbye sadly to her boyfriend as the train left the station. /we1vd/ 6 Some women think a man should kneel down when he proposes marriage. /ni:l/ 7 The teacher frowned when she saw all the mistakes I had made. /fraund/- - - 8 The painting was so strange I stared at it for a long time. /ste'Jd/- - - 9 She got out ofbed, and yawned and stretched. ___ / /j;:,:nd/ 10 Ifyou don't know the word for something, just point at what you want. /p;:,111t/ 19>)) Listen and check. ~ p.70 Crime and punishment 1 CRIMES AND CRIMINALS a Match the examples to the crimes in the chart. A They took away a rich man's son and then asked for money for his safe return. B She went to her ex-husband's house and shot him dead. C Two passengers took control ofthe plane and made the pilot land in the desert. D After the party, the man made the woman have sex against her will. E We came home from holiday and found that our TV had gone. F A teenager got into the Pentagon's computer system and downloaded some secret data. G Someone tried to sell me some marijuana during a concert. H When the border police searched his car, it was full ofcigarettes. I Someone threw paint on the statue in the park. J He said he'd send the photos to a newspaper ifthe actress didn't pay him a lot ofmoney. K An armed man in a mask walked into a shop and shouted, 'Give me all the money in the till!' L The company accountant was transferring money into his own bank account. M The builder offered the mayor a free flat in return for giving his company permission to build new flats on a piece ofgreen land. N They left a bomb in the supermarket car park which exploded. 0 Somebody stole my car last night from outside my house. P A man held out a knife and made me give him my wallet. Q A woman followed a pop singer everywhere he went, watching him and sending him constant messages on the internet. Crime Criminal Verb 1 blackmail /'blrekme11/ blackmailer blackmail 2 bribery /'bra1b;:iri/ - bribe 3 burglary /'b3:gl;:,ri/ burglar break in I burgle 4 drug dealing /drAg 'di:l10/ drug dealer sell drugs 5 fraud /fr:>:d/ fraudster commit fraud 6 hacking /hrek10/ hacker hack (into) 7 hijacking /'ha1d3rek1IJ/ hijacker hijack 8 kidnapping /'k1dnrep1IJ/ kidnapper kidnap 9 mugging /1 mAg10/ mugger mug 10 murder /'m3:d;:,/ murderer murder 11 rape /re1p/ rapist rape 12 robbery /'rob;:,ri/ robber rob 13 smuggling /'smAgl11J/ smuggler smuggle 14 stalking /'st:>:k1IJ/ stalker stalk 15 terrorism /'tcr;:inz;:im/ terrorist set off bombs, etc. 16 theft /8cft/ thief steal 17 vandalism /'vrend::>l1z;:m1/ vandal vandalize llil b 4 32 >)) Listen and check. A VOCABULARY BANK 2 WHAT HAPPENS TO A CRIMINAL a Complete the sentences with the words in the list. The crime arrested /;:i'rest1d/ questioned /'kwcstf;:md/ charged /tfa:d3d/ committed /k;)'m1t1d/ invest igated /m'vest1ge1t1d/ caught /b:t/ 1 Carl and Adam committed a crime. They robbed a large supermarket. 2 The police the crime. 3 Carl and Adam were driving to the airport in a stolen car. 4 They were and taken to a police station. 5 The police them for ten hours. 6 Finally they were with(= officially accused of) armed robbery. The trial accused /::>'kju:zd/ acquitted /::i'kwrt1d/ court /b:t/ evidence /'evrd:ms/ fil!fily (opposite innocent) /'g1lti/ judge /d3Acl3f illry /'d3u::>ri/ proof /pru:f/ Q.1!.nishment /'pAnifm;)nt/ sentenced /'sent::>nst/ verdict /'v3:d1kt/ witnesses /'w1tn::is1z/- - 7 Two months later, Carl and Adam appeared in ____ 8 They were ofarmed robbery and car theft. 9 told the court what they had seen or knew. 10 The , (of 12 people) looked at and heard all the - - - - - 11 After two days the jury reached their - -- - - 12 Carl was found . His fingerprints were on the gun used in the robbery. 13 The decided what Carl's- - should be. 14 He him to ten years in prison (jail). 15 There was no that Adam had committed the crime. 16 He was and allowed to go free. b 4 33 l)) Listen and check. -< p.75 The media VOCABULARY BANK 1 JOURNALISTS AND PEOPLE IN THE MEDIA a Match the words and definitions. §.gony aunt /')) Listen and check. c Match the bold suffixes to their meaning. 1 There are a lot ofhomeless people in this city. The situation is hopeless. 2 Be careful how you drive! The instructions were very useful. 3 The police usually wear bullet-proof vests. My watch is waterproof. 4 Their new laptops are completely unbreakable. I don't think the tap water here is drinkable. A with C resistant to B can be done D without d 13>)) Listen and check. VOCABULARY BANK 2 NOUNS FORMED WITH SUFFIXES p Noun suffixes Common endings for nouns made from verbs: -ion I -(a)tion alienate - alienation -ment em~ - em~ment Common endings for nouns made from adjectives: -ness lonely - loneliness -ence I -ance violent - violence- Common endings for abstract nouns made from nouns: -hood neighbour - neighbourhood -ism vandal - vandalism- - a Make nouns from the words in the list and put them in the right column. absent /'rebs;:mt/ accommodate /d'komdde1t/ alcohol /'celkdhol/ brother /'br11.o;;i/ child /tJa1ld/ cold /bold/ convenient /bn'vi:ni;;int/ distant /'d1st;;int/ entertain /entd'tern/ excite /Ik'sa1t/ friendly /'frcndli/ govern /' ignorant /'1gndr;;int/ improve /Irn'pru:v/ intend /rn'tend/ pollute /p;)'lu:t/ race /re1s/ reduce /n'dju:s/ ugly /'11.gli/ weak /wi:k/ -ion I -(a)tion -ment -ness -ence I -ance -ism -hood accommodation b 5 14l)) Listen and check. 3 NOUNS WHICH ARE DIFFERENT WORDS p Noun formation with spelling or word change Some nouns made from verbs or adjectives are completely different words, e.g. choose - choice, poor - poverty. a Write the verb or adjective for the following nouns. Noun 1 verb loss /los/ 2 verb death /de8/ 3 verb success /sdk'ses/ 4 verb thought /8'J:t/ 5 verb belief/b11 li:fI 6 adj heat /hi:t/ 7 adj strength /strel)8/ 8 adj hunger /'hAIJgg/ 9 adj height /ha1t/ 10 adj length /lel)8/ b 5 15>)) Listen and check. -Ill( p.89 164 Verb patterns: verbs followed by the gerund or infinitive Gerund admit avoid be worth can't help can't stand carry on* deny enjoy fancy feel like finish give up* keep (on) In court the accused admitted (to) stolen the documents. Ialways try to avoid driving in the rush hour. It isn't worth going to the exhibition. It's really boring. We can't help laughing when my dad tries to speak French. His accent is awful! I can't stand talking to people who only talk about themselves. We carried on chatting until about 2.00 in the morning. Miriam denied killing her husband but the jury didn't believe her. Iused to enjoy flying but now I don't. Do you fancy seeing a film this evening? Idon't feel like going out tonight. Have you finished writing the report yet? Karen has given up eating meat but she still eats fish. I keep (on) telling my husband to lose some weight but he just won't listen. look forward to We are really looking forward to seeing imagine involve mind miss postpone practise recommend regret risk spend stop suggest you again. I can't imagine living in the country. I think I would get bored after a week. My boyfriend's job involves travelling at least once a month. I don't mind doing housework. Ifind it quite relaxing. Does your father miss working now that he has retired? We'll have to postpone going to the beach until the weather improves. The more you practise speaking English the more fluent you'll get. I recommend doing a double decker bus tour as the best way to see London. I regret not travelling more before Igot my first job. If were you Iwouldn't risk walking t hrough the park at night. I spent half an hour looking for my glasses this morning. Once I open a box of chocolates, Ican't stop eating them. A friend of mine suggested visiting London in the autumn. * All phrasal verbs which are followed by another verb, e.g. canyon, give up, etc. are followed by the gerund. Infinitive (with to) afford agree appear arrange be able can't wait choose decide deserve expect happen help* hesitate hope learn make manage offer plan pretend promise refuse seem teach I can't afford to go on holiday this summer. I have agreed to pay David back the money he lent me next week. The results appear to support the scientist's theory. I've arranged to meet Sally outside the restaurant. I won't be able to work for two weeks after the operation. We can't wait to see your new flat - it sounds fantastic. I chose to study abroad for a year, and it's the best thing I've ever done. They've decided to call off the wedding. Kim deserves to get the job. She's a very strong candidate. We're expecting to get our exam results on Friday. Tom happened to be at Alan's when I called in so Iinvited him to our party as well. The organization I work for helps young people to find work abroad. Don't hesitate to ask a member of staff if you need anything. I'm hoping to set up my own company if I can get a bank loan. Iwish I had learnt to play the guitar when Iwas younger. When Iwas at school, we were made to wear a uniform. It was awful. Did you manage to get to the airport in time? Lucy has offered to give me a lift to the station. We're planning to have a big party to celebrate. I pretended to be enthusiastic but really I didn't like the idea at all. Sarah always promises to help me in the kitchen but she never does. My neighbour refused to turn down the music and Ihad to call the police. Something seems to be wrong with the washing machine. Jack's father taught him to drive when he was seventeen. tend My boss tends to lose her temper when she's feeling stressed. threaten The teacher threatened to call my parents and tell them what I had done. want The police want to interview anyone who witnessed the crime. would like Would you like to try the dress on? The changing rooms are over there. * help can be followed by the infinitive with or without to. The organization I workfor helpsyoung people (to)find work abroad. Infinitive (without to) can may might must should had better would rather make let -411( p.142 Can you help me carry these suitcases? There's a lot of traffic today, so we may be a bit late. It might rain tomorrow, so please umbrella or a raincoat. I must remember to phone Harry - it's his birthday today. Should we book a table for tomorrow night? It's a very popular restaurant. You'd better leave now if you want to catch that train. You look tired. Would you rather stay in this evening and watch a film? Sue makes her two teenagers do the washing up every evening after dinner. Let me pay for coffee - it must be my turn. 5 46>)) Infinitive Past simple Past participle be /bi/ was I were been /bi:n/ /woz/ /w3:/ beat /bi:t/ beat beaten /lbi:tn/ become /br'kAm/ became /b1'kerm/ become begin /br'gm/ began /b11 gren/ begun /br'gAn/ bite /bart/ bit /brt/ bitten /'brtn/ break /bre1k/ broke /brduk/ broken /'brdukdn/ bring /bnu/ brought /br;):t/ brought build /bild/ built /brlt/ built burn /b3:n/ burnt fb3:nt/ burnt (burned) /b3:nd/ (burned) buy /bar/ bought /b;):t/ bought can /keen/ could /kud/ catch /kretJ/ caught /b:t/ caught choose /tJu:z/ chose /tJduz/ chosen /'tJ~:iuzn/ come lkAml came /kerm/ come cost /kost/ cost cost cut /kAt/ cut cut deal /di:J/ dealt /delt/ dealt do /du:/ did /d1d/ done /dAn/ draw /drJ:/ drew /dru:/ drawn /drJ:n/ dream /dri:m/ dreamt /dremt/ dreamt (dreamed /dri:md/) (dreamed) drink /dnuk/ drank /drreJJk/ drunk /drAIJk/ drive /dra1v/ drove /dr;;,uv/ driven /'drrvn/ eat /i:t/ ate /e1t/ eaten /'i:tn/ fall /fo:l/ fell /fell fallen /'fo:ldn/ feel /fi:L/ felt /felt/ felt find /farnd/ found /faund/ found fly /flail flew /flu:/ flown /fldun/ forget /fa'get/ forgot /fa'got/ forgotten /fa'gotn/ get /get/ got /got/ got give /g1v/ gave /ge1v/ given /'g1vn/ go /gdu/ went /went/ gone /gon/ grow /grdu/ grew /gru:/ grown /grdon/ hang /hreu/ hung /hAIJ/ hung have /hrev/ had /bred/ had hear /hrd/ heard /h3:d/ heard hit /hrt/ hit hit hurt/h3:t/ hurt hurt keep /ki:p/ kept /kept/ kept kneel /ni:l/ knelt /nelt/ knelt know /ndo/ knew /nju:/ known /n';;mn/ Infinitive lay /lei/ learn /b:n/ leave /li:v/ lend /lend/ let /let/ lie /laJ/ lose /lu:z/ make /me1k/ mean /mi:n/ meet /mi:t/ pay /pe1/ put /put/ read /ri:d/ ride /rard/ ring /nu/ rise /ra1z/ run /rAn/ say /se1/ see /si:/ sell /sell send /send/ set /set/ shake /Je1k/ shine /Jam/ shut /JAt/ sing /sru/ sit /sit/ sleep /sli:p/ speak /spi:k/ spend /spend/ stand /strend/ steal /sti:l/ swim /swim/ take /te1k/ teach /ti:tJ/ tell /tell think /8ruk/ throw /8rno/ understand /Andd'strend/ wake /we1k/ wear /wed/ win /wm/ write /ra1t/ Past simple Past participle laid /lerd/ laid learnt /b:nt/ learnt left /left/ left lent /lent/ lent let let lay /leJ/ lain /lem/ lost /lost/ lost made /me1d/ made meant /ment/ meant met /met/ met paid /pe1d/ paid put put read /red/ read /red/ rode /rdud/ ridden /'ndn/ rang /rreu/ rung /rnu/ rose /rduz/ risen /'n zn/ ran /rren/ run said /sed/ said saw /sJ:/ seen /si:n/ sold /sduld/ sold sent /sent/ sent set set shook /Juk/ shaken /'Je1k~m/ shone /Jon/ shone shut shut sang /sreu/ sung /sAIJ/ sat /sret/ sat slept /slept/ slept spoke /spduk/ spoken /'spdubn/ spent /spent/ spent stood /stud/ stood stole /stdul/ stolen /'stduldn/ swam /swrem/ swum /swAm/ took /tuk/ taken /'te1kan/ taught /tJ:t/ taught told /tduld/ told thought /8J:t/ thought threw /8ru:/ thrown /8rdun/ understood understood /Andd'stud/ woke /wauk/ woken /'wauk~m/ wore /wJ:/ worn /wJ:n/ won /wAn/ won wrote /rdut/ written /'ntn/ ,:Iffimaking.sense For students • Student's Book (with or without Oxford Online Skills Program) with.;~~'rf!ll" • Workbook (with or without key) • Student's website elt/englishfile • English File Pronunciation app For teachers • Teacher's Book with Test and assessment CD-ROM • iTools • Class audio CDs • Class DVD • Teacher's website • Learning Management System for Oxford Online Skills Program. 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