COURSE REQUIREMENTS Maximum points for the semester : 200 points / pass mark 140 points (to pass the tests students must reach minimum 70 %) Components of the assessment: - Written end-of-semester test based on the files covered in the seminars: pass mark 70%: 80 points (two resits; points awarded based on the result; see below) - Oral interview: 60 points (no resits for this part, students get points for the overall assessment) - Placement test: 10 points (beginning of the semester; 10 points for completing the test - regardless of the result) - Progress test: 10 points (mid semester, no resits; points awarded based on the result - see below) - Continuous assessment based on moodlinka assignments: 40 points (journal and class work, can-do statements level B1, B2) Further information: Oral interview: based on the journals Progress test: 100-95% 10 points; 94-85% 9 points; 84-75% 8 points; 74-70% 7 points; less than 70% 1 point End-of-semester test: points awarded based on the percentage result of the test (e.g. 100% = 80 points; 90% = 72 points) Book At the end of each class, students are expected to spend 10 minutes reading a book of their own choice. They can then reflect what they have read in the journal. Journal Keeping a journal is a part of your continuous assessment. Every week you should write a few sentences about what you have learnt, what you need to work on; you can also write about what is happening in the book you are reading, etc. You should contribute to the journal every week = even if there is no class or if you do not come to the class. Journal Assessment Are there at least ten proper entries in your journal? Have you included your Placement Test results comparison? Have you included your Smart Goals and reflection on your Smart Goals? How much have you written? How complex are your thoughts? Are you able to talk about your journal and take us through it? - you will talk about it during the speaking part of your final test