Ceremonial or motivational Speeches Commencement Speech, Eulogy Speech, Award Presentation Speech Reflects Values –Most probably you will be called upon to give a ceremonial speech. That occasion might be nominating someone for an office, accepting a nomination, presenting an award, a farewell address, a retirement celebration, a wedding toast , a eulogy, graduation address, or any number of events or occasions. –For this type of speech, the speaker reflects on the values he/she shares with the audience. The spotlight is on a person, event, or occasion. –Use story telling and a fluid style that reflects seriousness of purpose with a natural style carefully using pauses and emotional tones, to create a shared community. –The ceremonial speech has an agenda of bringing us together to revisit existing values and beliefs and helps us renew our commitment to them. A few examples of picturesque language –“we are chewed up with sadness at the loss of a woman who…” –“She was unique, complex, extraordinary, and irreplaceable…” –“Blood,Toil,Tears,and Sweat” –“I Have a Dream” Ceremonial or Motivational Speech Devices –3 phrases of same length: Veni, Vidi, Vici –Repeat a key word for effect: Weak! Weak! Weak! –Use short words, write short sentences, write in conversational style – –Will you use slides? –Slides are support for your talk not your notes –Slides emphasize key ideas, adds powerful visuals, and directs attention –Slides are co-stars in the presentation – –Ceremonial speeches are written for the ear –Ceremonial speeches are shorter –Most ceremonial speeches are formal events so it is presumed you will use a manuscript –Set the mood with your body language, presentation demeanor, and voice. – Your assignment –Choose a person in our class to be your ceremonial speech partner. Decide the event the two of you will celebrate. Let us assume your partner asks that you give a ceremonial presentation honoring him/her for a great accomplishment or award. –You will interview your partner and design the speech highlighting his/her accomplishments and deliver it in our MS teams meeting. –Flip-the-script and suggest to him/her the award and event where he/she will deliver a ceremonial speech honoring you for your accomplishments. This ceremonial speech will also be celebrated in our MS teams meeting. Examples –Obama eulogy for Congressman John Lewis –www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEzddJnaquI –Chadwick Boseman’s Commencement speech at Howard University –www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIHZypMyQ2s –Melania Trump’s speech to the Republican National Convention –www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZMfgZTU7G4 –Michelle Obama’s speech to the Democratic National Convention –www.youtube.com/watch?v=Linx1XLUbYo