PEER-REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS (REPORT) Ø Watch the other two assigned videos (without subtitles) and identify the main ideas. Ø Read the reports you are reviewing. Which ideas in the reports did you identify as the main ones? Ø How clear was the report? Was it easy or difficult to follow? Why? Ø Think about the solutions suggested in the reports. Do you agree with them? Do you have some other ideas for solutions? Ø Prepare separate feedback commentaries for the two students whose work you have reviewed. Comment on both strengths and weaknesses. Also, add your comment on their suggested solutions. Ø Record your feedback commentaries (your feedback + commentary on the solution) and upload them into the respective forum in the interactive syllabus. In your feedback commentaries, you need to comment on the following aspects of the reports: 1) Task fulfilment The report presents 5 key points mentioned in the video. 2) Relevance The points included in the report are highly significant. 3) Accuracy The report presents the points accurately (without distorting the facts). 4) Structure The report has the required structure (introduction, summary of the problem, possible complications, suggested solution, conclusion). 5) Clarity The report was clear and easy to follow. Useful language Giving a formal appraisal: Overall … / In general … You seem to have (done) it very well. One of the key strengths is … Perhaps one thing to work on / consider is … One thing I wanted to mention is … I think that … is an area that might need some improvement. Encouraging self-evaluation: Have you thought about …? What do you think would help you to …? Is this an area you would like to develop? Discussing progress: You have already (done) … You haven´t done … yet. Encouraging people: Well done! It´s a start. Great work. That has potential.