Angličtina pro speciální pedagogy - C

Zoom lesson: Week 1 SWOT analysis & SMART goals

Lesson aims

  • to introduce the course
  • to make ourselves familiar with the online platform (if necessary)
  • to get to know each other
  • to set learning goals

SWOT analysis
To learn where you stand at with your English and to have a springboard for setting your learning goals, we will conduct SWOT analysis.
SWOT analysis worksheet
This worksheet is for download only - it cannot be edited.
Setting your goals

Based on your analysis, you can now decide what your learning goals are. 
Watch the video and read the example below.

S.M.A.R.T. goals
A youtube video about a technique that can help you specify your learning goals.
Home assignment: setting your goals

In week 2, you will be able to speak about your goals for this semester for 1 - 1.5 minutes:

1. Summarise the outcome of your SWOT analysis.
2. Define your goal(s).
3. Explain your reasoning (why is your goal SMART)
    and tell us what you are going to do to achieve your goal.     

Make your goals SMART:






For example:

By the end of the semester, I will be able to speak about three special education topics.

Ask yourself:

What am I going to do to achieve this goal?

For example:

I will expand my vocabulary by reading one specialised article a week/watching a video/listening to a podcast.

I will write down and learn at least five new words in this article/video/podcast.

I will tell a classmate of mine about each of the articles to practise using the new words in speaking.