Sir Ken Robinson Sir Ken Robinson SXSW EDU 2020 Keynote — SXSW EDU Sir Ken Robinson ( 4 of March 1950- 21 of August 2020) •He was a British author. •Speaker. •International advisor on education. •Professor in Art education ( Univ. of Warwick). •Expert on education, art, creativity and innovation. •Director of the Arts in Schools Project around U.K. ( 1985-1988) • BIOGRAPHY •He was born in Liverpool, he was one of seven children from a working-class family. •Robinson contracted polio at the age of four. •He attended an special school due to his physical effects of polio. •His studies: Primary, grammar school, University in English and Drama. •PhD in Drama and Theatre Education. Ideas on education. •Education has to develop on three fronts. •DIVERSITY: By offering a broad curriculum and •encourage individualisation of the learning process. •PROMOTE: Curiosity through creativity teaching depending in high quality teacher training and development. •FOCUS: On creativity through alternatives didactics processes less standardised testing, giving a creative approaches to learning. • Standardized Why Has the “School as Factory” Metaphor Persisted? | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice • Creative • Primary School Design, London - Interior Design - Fribly | School interior, Interior design school, Primary school 10+ Genius Design Ideas That You'll Wish Your School Had | DeMilked BOOK REVIEW: Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That's Transforming Education | Atairu - Autentický leadership Testimony • •This is an example of individualisation of the learning process. Equality- Diversity- Inclusion •Legislation in U.K. •In U.K. it is illegal to discriminate on the grounds of : Age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, race or gender reassignment. •Exist many forms of discrimination: Direct, indirect, associative and perception. • Forms of discrimination: Harassment or bullying. • Examples of discrimination • • •These are two examples of discrimination. • •