Inclusive Education

Students with SEN in classroom

If we think of heterogenous classroom, there are many aspects need to be taken into account to make education suitable for every child. Below, there are several important aspects about education of  students with SEN in USA, UK and CR.

  1. TASK 

Read the three following text below containing information about basic characterics of students with SEN in three different education system.

Special Educational Need Students in USA

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Special Educational Needs in UK

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Special Educational Needs in CR

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 2. TASK  

Write a short essay. Imagine a pupil with any type special educational need (f.e. according to your specialization). Desribe clearly the most important support measures for efficient education at primary school. Submit the essay till 17th of January.

Example: Pupil with Down syndrome - curricula adjustments, time allowance, staff adjustments, support in socialization, cooperation with family, etc.

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