Ego states Dr. Sylvia Schachner, TSTA-E Definition of Ego States a consistent pattern of feeling and experience directly related to a corresponding consistent pattern of behavior. a model depicting personality in terms of Parent, Adult and Child ego-states. C A P Definition: Eric Berne An ego-state is consistent pattern of feelings and expirience directly related to a corresponding consistent pattern of behavior. P Parent ego- state: behavior, thoughts, feelings copied from parents or parents figures A Adult ego - state: behaviors, thoughts and feelings Which are direct responses to the here and now. C Child ego- state: behaviors, thoughts and feelings replayed from childhood Structural model Functional model Classifies stored memories and strategies Classifies observed behaviors Content: what is stored Function: how is the content used Visible process Intrapsychic matters related to life script Interpersonal aspects related to transactions The functional fluency model Education involves relationships. The more positive and effective these are in educational contexts, the more likely it is that all members of the learning group will thrive both as individuals and as lifelong learners (McCombs & Whisler,1997). “Functional fluency denote selficacy of interpersonal functioning in terms of flexibility and balance of the behavioral modes a person uses” (Temple, 2002a, p. iv). The original functional fluency model of human functioning as described in the Transactional Analysis Journal (Temple, 1999) This is the result of the five- year research process of development of the Temple Index of Functional Fluency (TIFF©). The key task was to make clear the difference between talking about ego states and talking about functioning. In transactional analysis, functional analysis using the traditional functional ego state model has, in fact, not been an analysis of functioning, but an analysis of certain types of ego states that were categorized by particular functional characteristics. In contrast, the functional fluency model is simply a model of human functioning. I had to make it clear that the functional fluency model is not a model of ego states of any sort! It is a model of human functioning informed by ego state theory as well as by other theories. I now strictly avoid use of any Parent, Adult, or Child terminology in connection with the functional fluency model. I have created a new and appropriate terminology to describe and ex- plain the functional fluency concepts. The model is based on three aspects of human existence and functioning, namely growing up, surviving, and raising the next generation. Level 1: Three Categories of Functioning Level 2: Five Elements of Functioning Level 3: Nine Behavioral Modes of the Functional Fluency Model The functional fluency model Gives orientation about effective Ways of communication. The big fives help are ways of using all Egos states Approbriated to the situation. With the + parts of the Parent Ego states Educators give orientation and support With the + parts of the Child Ego States they include pleasure, interest and motivation And are integrating both in The Adult Ego stats -à this is called accounting Behavioral diagnosis Social diagnosis Historical diagnosis Phenomenologi cal diagnosis Observed behavior Reaction to the other Looking back to the past Reexpirience the past Words Tones Gestures Postures Facial expressions Opposed people evoke the complementary ego state Asking questions about how the Person was as child, or what the parents did in the past The whole egostate from the past is reactivated Recognizing ego -­ states Egogramm CP NP A FC AC Autonomy  in  and  as  learning  goal  implies  clear  thinking  and  effektive problem-­solving.   Educators,  teachers,  Trainers,...aims  to  help  her  students  develop  this  ability. The  Model  of  Ego  States can  be  helpful    prepare  teaching,  and  to  understand   what  happens  during  teaching  processes   They  are  helpful  during  the  teaching  and  they  are  useful  to  reflect  the  teaching.