4. y MeHH eCTb.. (locMOTpnTe m CKawme, mto y Hee ecm Look at the picture and say what she has. y MeHH eCTb © HannaiMTe pa3t>i. Write the sentences. (oh) (ohm) Lro ecib 4acb'i. V_ecTb_ (OHa) OCTb TpaMMaTiiKa Construction «1 have...»/ «y MeHn ecTb...» iweHfl Tbi Te66 oh Herd OHa y Hee eCTb oho Hero Mbl HaC Bbi/Bbi Bac/Bac ohm hmx . MeHR (Mbl) (Tb.) ecTb ecTb MToyTe6SecTb? . 2.1 ToMKa Py A1 31 A wto y sac ecTb? Take things out of your bags and say what you have.