Workshop 1 -"Experience with children and/or adults with special needs from abroad"
Lucie PROCHAZKOVA (CZ): "Experience with children and/or adults with special needs from abroad"
Many of you have spent time abroad and had the opportunity to meet, teach or support people with special needs. Some of you might be planning something like this. This workshop offers an opportunity to share our experiences or plans.
We will talk about motivation, expectations and experiences.
We will try to compare the situation with other countries.
We will try to identify what works well and where there are some difficulties (in our opinion)
You can choose from these two dates (it is the same workshop). Registration to seminar groups required!
Date, time and room: Wed, 20.10.2021, 4-5:30pm (16-17:30), room 52 (Porici 9, 2nd floor)
Date, time and room: Thu, 4.11.2021, 10-11:30am, room 52 (Porici 9, 2nd floor)