Global Learning and Social Justice

13.10. asynchronous

This presentation explores 4 models.

You can either go through the presentation or see the materials below. 
Intercultural Communication: Four Models​

Model 1

Small Power Distance -----------------Large Power Distance
Individualism -----------------------------Collectivism
Masculinity -------------------------------Femininity
Uncertainty Comfort ------------------ Uncertainty Avoidance
Short Term Orientation ---------------Long Term Orientation
Indulgence ------------------------------- Restraint

Model 2: Bennett​

The Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) was created by Dr. Milton Bennett (1986, 1993, 2004, 2013) as a framework to explain how people experience and engage cultural difference. The DMIS is grounded theory; it is based on observations he made in both academic and corporate settings about how people become more competent intercultural communicators. Using concepts from constructivist psychology and communication theory, he organized these observations into positions along a continuum of increasing sensitivity to cultural difference.

The underlying assumption of the model is that as one’s perceptual organization of cultural difference becomes more complex, one’s experience of culture becomes more sophisticated and the potential for exercising competence in intercultural relations increases. By recognizing how cultural difference is being experienced, predictions about the effectiveness of intercultural communication can be made and educational interventions can be tailored to facilitate development along the continuum.

Bennett, M. (2004). Becoming interculturally competent. In J. Wurzel (Ed.), Toward multiculturalism: A reader in multicultural education (2nd ed., pp. 62-77). Newton, MA: Intercultural Resource.

4. Cultural Humility​
  • Critics of the intercultural theory claim that “power” is a missing conversation.
  • Life-long learning and critical self-reflection
  • Recognize and challenge power imbalances
  • Institutional accountability

What model works best for you?

  • A. 1 (Hofstede)
  • B. 2 ( Bennett)
  • C. 3 Cultural Intelligence
  • D. 4 Cultural Humility

How might your favorite model apply to Education and Social Justice?


  • prepare a short presentation about a selected social issue in your country (15 minutes max)
  • you can share the best practice (newspaper, NGO's, ideas) or opposite (what is not working well)