Upozornění na úvod https://asiansocialpsych.org/professor+hoon-seok+choi ▷ „Psychologie je věda o studentech psychologie“ ▷ „Psychologie je věda o WEIRD populacích“ ▷ „Kulturní psychologie je věda o WEIRD a východní Asii“ ▷ Proč? Úrovně univerzálnosti 1. Neuniverzální 2. Existenčně univerzální 3. Funkčně univerzální 4. Univerzálně stejně dostupné https://workfeelsgood.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/WFG_shutterstock_323552327_editorialblacksheep.jpg Úrovně univerzálnosti 1. Neuniverzální abacus počítání https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTVXUG_PngE období vzdoru (cca 2 roky) 2. Existenčně univerzální motivace 3. Funkčně univerzální costly punishment 4. Univerzálně stejně dostupné ? Sociální facilitace “Kultury můžou být rozdílné. Jak stanovit důležité kategorie? Hofstede ▷ IBM výzkum (117000 dotazníků): jaké hodnoty? ▷ Statistický postup ▷ Koncepty některých dimenzí převzal ▷ Hodnoty jsou relativní (význam pouze pro porovnání) ▷ Původní výzkum rozšiřoval a replikoval v dalších prostředích Vzdálenost moci ▷ Emoční vzdálenost mezi podřízenými a nadřízenými ▷ To, nakolik osoby v pozici nižší moci očekávají a přijímají, že moc je rozdělena nerovnoměrně Malá vzdálenost moci Velká vzdálenost moci Inequalities among people should be minimized. Inequalities among people are expected and desired. Social relationships should be handled with care. Status should be balanced with restraint. Less powerful people and more powerful people should be interdependent. Less powerful people should be dependent. Less powerful people are emotionally comfortable with inter dependence. Less powerful people are emotionally polarized between dependence and counterdependence. Parents treat children as equals. Parents teach children obedience. Children treat parents and older relatives as equals. Respect for parents and older relatives is a basic and lifelong virtue. Children play no role in old-age security of parents. Children are a source of old-age security to parents. Students treat teachers as equals. Students give teachers respect, even outside class. Teachers expect initiatives from students in class. Teachers should take all initiatives in class. Teachers are experts who transfer impersonal truths. Teachers are gurus who transfer personal wisdom. Quality of learning depends on twoway communication and excellence of students. Quality of learning depends on excellence of the teacher. Less educated persons hold more authoritarian values than more educated persons. More educated and less educated persons show equally authoritarian values. Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind: Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival (3rd). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 72 Individualismus Kolektivismus ▷ Důležitější jedinec nebo skupina? ▷ Přemýšlí o sebe jedinec automaticky jako o členovi skupiny? ▷ Je závislost na skupině považována za nutnost nebo patologii? ▷ Víc kultur je kolektivistických Kolektivistické kultury Individualistické kultury People are born into extended families or other ingroups that continue protecting them in exchange for loyalty. Everyone grows up to look after him or herself and his or her immediate (nuclear) family only. Children learn to think in terms of “we.” Children learn to think in terms of “I.” Value standards differ for in-groups and outgroups: exclusionism. The same value standards are supposed to apply to everyone: universalism. Harmony should always be maintained and direct confrontations avoided. Speaking one’s mind is a characteristic of an honest person. Friendships are predetermined. Friendships are voluntary and should be fostered. Resources should be shared with relatives. Individual ownership of resources, even for children. Adult children live with parents. Adult children leave the parental home. High-context communication prevails. Low-context communication prevails. Frequent socialization in public places. My home is my castle. Trespasses lead to shame and loss of face for self and group. Trespasses lead to guilt and loss of self-respect. Brides should be young, industrious, and chaste; bridegrooms should be older. Criteria for marriage partners are not predetermined. The most powerful infl uence on girls’ beauty ideals is girlfriends. The most powerful infl uence on girls’ beauty ideals is boys in general. Use of the word “I” is avoided. Use of the word “I” is encouraged. Interdependent self Independent self On personality tests, people score more introvert. On personality tests, people score more extravert. Showing sadness is encouraged, and happiness discouraged. Showing happiness is encouraged, and sadness discouraged. Slower walking speed Faster walking speed Consumption patterns show dependence on others. Consumption patterns show self-supporting lifestyles. Social network is primary source of information. Media is primary source of information. A smaller share of both private and public income is spent on health care. A larger share of both private and public income is spent on health care. People with disabilities are a shame on the family and should be kept out of sight. People with disabilities should participate as much as possible in normal life. Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind: Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival (3rd). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 113, 117 Femininita Maskulinita ▷ Maskulinita - pracovní cíle: výdělek, uznání, kariérní postup, výzva ▷ Femininita - pracovní cíle: dobré vztahy, spolupráce, příjemné místo pro život, stálost zaměstnání ▷ Proč také pojmenování? Femininní kultury Maskulinní kultury Relationships and quality of life are important. Challenge, earnings, recognition, and advancement are important. Both men and women should be modest. Men should be assertive, ambitious, and tough. Both men and women can be tender and focus on relationships. Women are supposed to be tender and to take care of relationships. In the family, both fathers and mothers deal with facts and feelings. In the family, fathers deal with facts, and mothers deal with feelings. Girls’ beauty ideals are most influenced by the father and mother. Girls’ beauty ideals are most influenced by the media and by celebrities. Parents share earning and caring roles. The standard pattern is that the father earns, and the mother cares. Both boys and girls are allowed to cry, but neither should fight. Girls cry, but boys don’t; boys should fight back, and girls shouldn’t fight at all. Boys and girls play for the same reasons. Boys play to compete; girls play to be together. The same standards apply for bridegrooms and brides. Brides need to be chaste and industrious; grooms don’t. Husbands should be like boyfriends. Husbands should be healthy, wealthy, and understanding; boyfriends should be fun. Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind: Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival (3rd). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 155 Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind: Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival (3rd). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 147 Vyhýbání se nejistotě ▷ Nakolik se lidi cítí ohroženi nejednoznačnými a neznámými situacemi ▷ Míra stresu ▷ Míra souhlasu s tím, že pravidla by neměli být porušována Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind: Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival (3rd). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 203 Slabé vyhýbání se nejistotě Silné vyhýbání se nejistotě Uncertainty is a normal feature of life, and each day is accepted as it comes. The uncertainty inherent in life is a continuous threat that must be fought. Low stress and low anxiety High stress and high anxiety Aggression and emotions should not be shown. Aggression and emotions may at proper times and places be vented. In personality tests, higher scores on agreeableness In personality tests, higher scores on neuroticism Comfortable in ambiguous situations and with unfamiliar risks Acceptance of familiar risks; fear of ambiguous situations and of unfamiliar risks Lenient rules for children on what is dirty and taboo Tight rules for children on what is dirty and taboo Weak superegos developed Strong superegos developed Similar modes of address for different others Different modes of address for different others What is different is curious. What is different is dangerous. Family life is relaxed. Family life is stressful. If country is affluent: satisfaction with family life. If country is affluent: worried about cost of raising children. Dlouhodobá orientace ▷ Zaměření na odměny v budoucnu / přítomnosti ▷ Vytrvalost a úspornost ▷ Zájem o sociální status, udržování „face“ Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind: Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival (3rd). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 243 Krátkodobá orientace Dlouhodobá orientace Social pressure toward spending Thrift, being sparing with resources Efforts should produce quick results. Perseverance, sustained efforts toward slow results Concern with social and status obligations Willingness to subordinate oneself for a purpose Concern with “face” Having a sense of shame Respect for traditions Respect for circumstances Concern with personal stability Concern with personal adaptiveness Marriage is a moral arrangement. Marriage is a pragmatic arrangement. Living with in-laws is a source of trouble. Living with in-laws is normal. Young women associate affection with a boyfriend. Young women associate affection with a husband. Humility is for women only. Humility is for both men and women. Old age is an unhappy period, but it starts late. Old age is a happy period, and it starts early. Preschool children can be cared for by others. Mothers should have time for their preschool children. Children get gifts for fun and love. Children get gifts for education and development. Požitkářství ▷ Požitkářství naplnění tužeb, užívání života a zábava jsou lehko dostupné ▷ Zdrženlivost užívání je nutné omezovat a regulovat sociálními normami Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind: Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival (3rd). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 291 Požitkářství Zdrženlivost Higher percentages of very happy people Lower percentages of very happy people A perception of personal life control A perception of helplessness: what happens to me is not my own doing. Higher importance of leisure Lower importance of leisure Higher importance of having friends Lower importance of having friends Thrift is not very important. Thrift is important. Loose society Tight society More likely to remember positive emotions Less likely to remember positive emotions Less moral discipline Moral discipline Positive attitude Cynicism More extroverted personalities More neurotic personalities Higher percentages of people who feel healthy Lower percentages of people who feel healthy Higher optimism More pessimism In countries with well-educated populations, higher birthrates In countries with well-educated populations, lower birthrates Lower death rates from cardiovascular diseases Higher death rates from cardiovascular diseases Kam zařadit ČR? ▷ Vzdálenost moci ▷ Individualismus ▷ Maskulinita ▷ Vyhýbání se nejistotě ▷ Dlouhodobá orientace ▷ Požitkářství ▷ https://www.hofstede-insights.com/product/compare- countries/ Hofstede – „diskuse“ ▷ Pouze relativní data ▷ Nefunkčnost průměrů ▷ Nefunkčnost dichotomií ▷ Nejvíc pozornosti individualismu ▷ Schwartz: universalism, benevolence, conformity, tradition, security, power, achievement, hedonism, stimulation, self- direction… ▷ Triandis: vertical-horizontal societal structure ▷ Fiske: relationship structure ▷ Hall: context dependence ▷ Leung and Bong: social cynicism, social complexity