“20 statement test ▷ Jsem... ▷ Jsem... ▷ Jsem... Misty Hyman (USA) “I think I just stayed focused. It was time to show the world what I could do. I am just glad I was able to do it. I knew I could beat Suzy O’Neil, deep down in my heart I believed it, and I know this whole week the doubts kept creeping in, they were with me on the blocks, but I just said ‘No, this is my night’” Naoko Takahashi (Japan) “Here is the best coach in the world, the best manager in the world, and all of the people who support me—all of these things were getting together and became a gold medal. So I think I didn’t get it alone, not only by myself” (Markus, Uchida, Omoregie, Townsend, & Kitayama, 2006, p. 103) 20 Statement test Heine, S. J. (2016). Cultural psychology (3rd). New York: W. W. Norton. p. 209 Independent vs. interdependent self (Markus, Kitayama) Heine, S. J. (2016). Cultural psychology (3rd). New York: W. W. Norton. p. 211, 213 Heine, S. J. (2016). Cultural psychology (3rd). New York: W. W. Norton. p. 211. Heine, S. J. (2016). Cultural psychology (3rd). New York: W. W. Norton. p. 213 Vznik kulturní rozmanitosti ▷ Proximal causes: přímý a okamžitý vztah ▷ Distal causes: dlouhodobý, nepřímý vztah “The harsher the environment and the scarcer the resources, the more manhood is stressed as the inspiration and the goal. The correlation could not be more clear, concrete, or compelling” (Gilmore, 1990, p. 224) ▷ Evoked culture ▷ Transmitted culture “Co nepatří do trojice? Pes, mrkev, zajíc Analytické a holistické myšlení ▷ Objekt a jeho charakteristiky ▷ Nezávislý na kontextu ▷ Stálé pravidla predikce a vysvětlování chování ▷ Kontext a celek ▷ Asociativní myšlení ▷ Vztahy k okolí ▷ Chování vysvětlováno kontextem Sociální kognice Atribuce ▷ Dispoziční ▷ Situační ▷ Základní atribuční chyba (Ross, 1977; a další) Heine, S. J. (2016). Cultural psychology (3rd). New York: W. W. Norton. p. 362