Lesson 4 / handout 4b Match the three headings and the letters below appropriately: EXPECTATION ASSUMPTION CONCLUSION a) based on particular experiences and occasions, and therefore, being more adapted to circumstances than assumption; is generally more accurate b) believing that things are or will be as we wish them to be c) based on our knowledge of people or things – their daily routine, character, qualities (NOT based on our wishes); is more realistic than expectation d) will (have) e) must (have), cannot (have), could not have f) should (have), ought to (have) g) „očekávání, naděje“ h) „závěr, rozhodnutí“ i) “předpoklad” References: Gethin, H. (1992) Grammar in Context. Proficiency Level English. Harlow: Longman. – chapter 11C (pp 126 – 129)