Lesson 1 / Handout 1b The simple sentence 1. How many clause types do we distinguish in English? 2. According to which criteria do they differ? 3. Which clause element determines what other elements (apart from S) will be present in a sentence? 4. What do you know about optional adverbials in connection with clause types? 5. Clause types are closely connected with verb classes; there are 3 main verb classes. Which are they? 6. Explain the following term: multiple class membership of verbs. Give some examples. 7. What is understood by the complementation of the verb? 8. What is a broader notion: complement or complementation? 9. What is the relationship between phrases = forms and clause/sentence elements = functions? References: Chalker, S. (1998) A Student’s English Grammar Workbook. Essex: Longman. - Chapter 10, pp. 74-81. Greenbaum, S. and R. Quirk (1990) A Student’s Grammar of the English Language. Essex: Longman. - Chapter 10, pp. 204- 230.