Fonetika a fonologie 1A - AJ

Týden 1


1) Reading progress (2 x) - MS Teams

There will be two of these tasks - one in the first few weeks of the semester, one at the end. The first one is a try out. In the second one, you have to reach at least 80% accuracy. 

The tasks will be done in MS Teams. Please use your camera (not only sound).

2) Lipsync - MS Teams

You will upload a video of yourself lipsyncing (that is - you do not sing, just lipsync) to a song of your choice. The aim is to practice pronunciation in less stressful settings. 

An example of lipsyncing is available here:

3) Vocabulary cards - MS Teams

You will collect words that you learned to pronounce incorrectly during your English language learning history and put them on cards - you can use Microsoft software, online applications or create actual cards. You will share these with your teacher online (if you create real cards, you can send a picture of them). Minimum is 20 words.

4) Test (min 70%) - in person

The test will be done at the end of the semester. You will be asked to turn phonetic transcription into written text. 

Study materials

Videos useful in class

Classroom vocabulary - talking flashcards

These can provide natural input for your pupils (and for yourself)

Interesting videos

These provide natural imput, can highlight certain sounds.

Baby shark

Shark in the park

Fat cat on a mat

The hokey cokey

Jazz chants (Carolyn Graham)

Little red hen (can do statements)

Tips and tricks

When practicing (both in class and at home), it is useful to do so in three steps:

1. Listen, take it all in.

2. Lipsync - get used to what the mouth should be doing, no stress, you listen and do

3. Read along - when we read, we often  do not listen, that is why this is the last stage (but very important :)

Lipsyncing videos

These can provide fun and safe environment to focus on pronunciation before actually making sounds.

Taylor Swift - Shake it off

Lyrics training - legal alien = Englishman in New York


Use these videos according to the steps above to practice at home. If you like, make use of modern technologies (aka your phone) to record yourself (audio/video).

Have fun!

This week I learned

Please write down in your notes the most important thing you learned this week in this course. 

Week 1 presentation
Please only use for your own purposes and do not share