Jazyková cvičení 2A - AJ
Lesson 5
Unit 2B
In the lesson:
- SB p. 24-27 (narrative tenses; air travel)
- Weekly journal entry
- Grammar bank p. 134-135 (2B+a, b)
- Listen and read p. 30-31 + answer the questions (the recordings are below)
Optional homework
Narrative tenses - exercises:
- https://test-english.com/grammar-points/b1-b2/narrative-tenses/
- https://speechyard.com/english-grammar/exercise/narrative-tenses/
Phrases - asking for further information
Group 2 - Listening p. 27/5
Reflecting your journals and learning process - questions for your discussion:
The book
- Name of the book
- Details about the plot
- Language in the book (Can you understand everything?)
- Who would you recommend the book to?
- What are/were your goals?
- How do you work on your vocabulary/grammar…?
- Have you reached some of your goals?
- Are you going to reach the goals soon / by the end of the year…?
- What are your next goals going to be?
- How much time do you devote to learning English?
- Do you practise English regulary?
Learning habits
- What ways are best for you when learning a language?
- How has your attitude to learning languages changed?
- What are you planning to do next?