OT^eTbte Ha Bonpocbi. Answer the questions- 3to TOM3T nnn /immoh? 3to 3to po3a nnifl KaKtyc? äj** 5to 6aH3H nrtľi dmmoh? 3to Maň Mnu ko<(>e?. 3to Tio/ibnaH twin posa? «fla» míim «HeT»? SSp'"-:-".-.::-;;: -i -r« Moflent>; Bto cTanMOH? fla, 3to da/won. 3TOřKnpaKe xopoiuo,_ tffe (locTasbre pen/iwai flua/iora b npasH/ibHOM nopflflKe 11" Number the Sin's* of thse dialogue in the right order. ripuBeT, KaK Te6fl JOByT? OseHb npwflTHO. ripMBeT. MeHfl 30B/T >KaH. A Te6fl? H annul me Bam fliia/ior. Write yoijr diaicgue. Use the phrases from the g?ey boy.. OMeHb OTJ1MMHQ Te6a