A Guide for Beginning Teachers

This is the way I teach? And how do you learn?

The education – how to set it up together

You have been working on getting to know each other, yet you mustn’t leave out the education itself.

Pupils need to be sure what the educational process will look like. If you say that something will be happening, then that is set in stone and that is what will be happening. And if not, it must be explained.

The sense of certainty and compliance with established rules within the school environment improves pupils' education. On the other hand, a hostile environment leads to stress, which in large quantities hinders the entire educational process.

Dana reflects on how to set her classes, so it would be a good experience for both her and her pupils and would bolster her relationship with the class and the positive atmosphere within the class itself.

She summed up her thoughts into the following points.

  • I will familiarise myself with the class rules and will respect them.
  • If I have left any rule out, I will discuss it with my pupils first and then include it in my classes to work more comfortably. I will justify why I need it.
  • I will tell m pupils clearly what I expect from them in my classes.
  • I will tell them what they can expect from me, how I teach etc.
  • I will ask them what they need from me as a teacher. How are they used to working? How are they used to learning?
  • I am willing to discuss what the educational process will look like so that all of us feel comfortable. But the agreement must stand, and exceptions can be made only when warranted.

What is essential in general is predictability, which helps to keep a sense of certainty. However, this doesn’t mean that the classes should be boring, as boredom is precisely what needs to be avoided.

  • Pupils should be clear about what your classes will usually be like. For example, what will you start and end the class with? How and what will you assess?
  • They should know if you prefer both oral and written examinations. Or whether you give preference to oral examination and the written part will be saved just for more significant tests.
  • The goal of this is to set the framework which should help you to feel confident in what you do despite being a beginner teacher. And at the same time, you will “radiate” this confidence towards your pupils.

Assignment: Worksheet

Complete the worksheet which reflects on the kind of teacher you are. What are your principles? What rules do you want the pupils to follow during your classes? What is open to discussion? Think about what your pupils need from you and what you need from them.

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