Dana reflects on how to set her classes, so it would be a good experience for both her and her pupils and would bolster her relationship with the class and the positive atmosphere within the class itself.
She summed up her thoughts into the following points.
- I will familiarise myself with the class rules and will respect them.
- If I have left any rule out, I will discuss it with my pupils first and then include it in my classes to work more comfortably. I will justify why I need it.
- I will tell m pupils clearly what I expect from them in my classes.
- I will tell them what they can expect from me, how I teach etc.
- I will ask them what they need from me as a teacher. How are they used to working? How are they used to learning?
- I am willing to discuss what the educational process will look like so that all of us feel comfortable. But the agreement must stand, and exceptions can be made only when warranted.