Group Vs Individual - valuing group loyalty or independent success
Formalised rules Vs Context-based rules - Everything is written in regulations Vs everything is up to each case and negotiation.
Hierarchy Vs Participation - Responsibility is with the higher person Vs active participation and consensual decision making.
Performance Vs Care - competition, material success and performance Vs care for others, equal rights and quality of life.
Monochronic Vs Polychronic - Schedules, punctuality and sequential activities are valued Vs flexible time structures and synchronous activities (choice of activities) are valued.
Implicit communication Vs Explicit Communication - Much communication is without words (known via the context) Vs verbal or written messages carry all the information (nothing is left out).
Conflict/Confrontation Vs Harmony - conflicts are approached directly and openly Vs group harmony and saving others from embarrassment are the priorities (open criticism are considered tactless and disrespectful).
Task Vs Relationship - doing the task is the priority Vs good working relationships are the priority.