Comments about/from autistic people Autism @euanelliott3613 When I found out I am autistic the relief was huge. I finally cracked the code of why my life is the way it is. I am proud for people to know about my autism. We are special people who can see how beautiful the world is, as we are not cynical like NT people. Hello to my fellow autistics, I wish you very well. @tiffanym4202 I've been called "weird", "odd", "eccentric", "strange" and "different" all of my life by "normal" people. I've also been told, countless times, that I think too much and that I need to get out of my head. Recently, a co-worker told me, in a gentle and positive way, that I am "quirky". I think that was the nicest description of my personality that anyone has ever said. Different, not less. @kayfey9544 She was only 16 at the time? And do eloquent and a breath of fresh air! I especially like the fact of her mentioning certain school lessons being dull and so she retreated into her head. You and me both! I'm a creative type and would endlessly daydream (which got me into trouble with teachers and my parents) but now, I'm an author of short stories and essays. @jlb1799 This. My husband and I were just talking yesterday about how hard it is to have heard the pediatrician say my little girl isn't "normal." I'm really beginning to hate that term. What I keep saying is that she is normal for her. She is not broken, or stupid, or weird. She just needs to be taught, so communication barriers can be broken, and so that she can figure out how to live in an NT world. Some of the "red flags"--another term I hate--are things I've always loved about her. 1