SCHOOL EDUCATION/ŠKOLNÍ PEDAGOGIKA PORTFOLIO TASK Course: SZ6642 School Education + SZ6042 Školní pedagogika PART 1: SCHOOL AND ITS EDUCATION PROGRAMME a) School description The studied school, ZŠ Horácké náměstí in Brno - Řečkovice is, with its capacity of 960 pupils, one of the biggest schools in Brno. The school itself consists of two separate buildings which are approximately 5 minutes apart from each other. The bigger and older building (opened in 1976) is located at Horácké náměstí and consists of grade 1 to grade 9 classes. The newer building (opened in 1993) covers grade 1 to grade 4. As a result of the high number of pupils attending, this school can be proud of its large team of highly skilled teachers, tutors, teacher assistants and other pedagogical staff. ZŠ Horácké náměstí 13 is well known for its long-lasting tradition of teaching foreign languages and sports. Its pupils are divided into those, who specialise in studying foreign languages and those, who have extended sport lessons. Except for compulsory English lessons, which are enriched by additional conversation lessons, this school offers also German and Russian lessons (from grade 6), and in the form of after-school activities also lessons of Spanish. Children who specialise in sports have more lessons of physical education. This school also offers additional lessons of mathematics and logical thinking for pupils who aim to specialise in maths and IT. In 2005, a school counselling office was opened (školní poradenské pracoviště). Except for the obligatory employees, the educational consultant (výchovný poradce) and methodologist (metodik prevence), this office offers the service of a special needs teacher and a school psychologist. Apart from the employees of the school counselling office, there are some more teachers that studied special education needs together with their specialisation, and therefore are qualified to work with children with specific learning difficulties: "Škola zřídila od roku 2005 školní poradenské pracoviště, jehož členy jsou školní psychologové, výchovní poradci a metodici prevence, psychologové i speciální pedagogové. Někteří učitelé školy jsou také speciálními pedagogy a věnují se dětem se specifickými poruchami učení."(Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 6) Great influence for this school is the principles of Dalton Plan which we can notice throughout the whole school education programme. ZŠ Horácké náměstí 13 is a member of a network of Dalton Schools. The principles of the Dalton Plan, as well as their implementation in the school curriculum will be discussed in the next chapters. b) School education programme and learning strategies "Základní vzdělávání má žákům poskytnout spolehlivý základ všeobecného vzdělání orientovaného zejména na situace blízké životu a na praktické jednání a pomoci získávat a postupně zdokonalovat klíčové kompetence." (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 13) This school's education programme called ŠVP Amosek is built on the fact that elementary education should provide pupils with reliable basis of general knowledge. This school is, however, claiming to be oriented at life-like situations and practical skills: "Při výuce motivujeme žáky v co největší míře problémovými úlohami z praktického života." (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 17) Trying to meet the key competences set by the Framework Education programme, the school tries to develop problem solving skills by teaching topics in context and connection, rather than separately, to show the pupils a comprehensive view on the world: "Neučíme izolovaná data jednotlivých oborů, ale u dětí vytváříme ucelený obraz světa. Žákům jsou předkládány takové úkoly, jejichž řešení vyžaduje znalosti z vice oborů lidské činnosti resp. vzdělávacích oblastí, a tudíž I vice přístupů k řešení." (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 16) The main strategies of achieving the key competences of are cooperative learning, developing self-evaluating skills and learning from mistakes. Pupils are not punished for making mistakes, their mistakes are understood as natural and common signs of the learning process (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 14). It is advisable that teachers help the pupils in learning from their mistake: "Učitel by neměl používat negativní hodnocení, ale například nabídnout dítěti znovu tentýž materiál, aby mělo možnost si samo všimnout svých chyb a opravitje." (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 14) Cooperation between the pupils is highly supported. Teachers use a lot of cooperative learning strategies during their lessons. They encourage the children to work together and to value each other's opinions and ideas, to learn how to work together and how to help and teach each other. „Snažíme se o stále častější zařazování daltonských bloků využívajících prostupnost učiva mezijednotlivými ročníky s důrazem na pomoc a spolupráci nejen mezi spolužáky ve třídě, ale i mezi žáky různých tříd (jak paralelních tříd, tak i mezi ročníky), se zaměřením na mezipředmětové vztahy, opakování učiva, rozšiřující učivo, vzájemnou pomoc a spolupráci apod." (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 37) These strategies are supported by innovative learning methods and philosophies that are implemented in the school curriculum. The methods and philosophies are Feuersten's Instrumental Enrichment and Dalton Plan. Both will be discussed in the second part of this portfolio task. Should we consider the distribution of tendencies by Pasch (1998), we can see strong influence of progressivism and reconstructionism in the school's philosophy. PART 2: THE IMPACT OF EDUCATION PHILOSOPHIES ON LEARNING AND LEARNING OUTCOMES a) Outcomes of the subject of focus and their definition in the school curriculum As the official language of the Czech Republic and a mother tongue to the vast majority of the pupils, the subject of focus, Czech Language and Literature has a significant dominance among all the subjects. This is also mentioned in the school education programme of ZŠ Horácké náměstí 13 (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 46). The school education programme corresponds with the Framework Education Programme and refers to it quite frequently. In the Framework Education Programme, we can find the subject Czech Language and Literature in the education area called Language and Communication. "This education area aims to reach and develop the key competences by leading the pupils to: • understand the language as a means of historical and cultural development of our nation, and therefore as an important unifying factor of the community, • understanding the language as a means of lifelong learning, • develop positive attitude towards the mother tongue and its use as source of development of personal and cultural wealth, • develop a positive attitude towards multilingualism and respectfor cultural diversity, • learn the language as a means of providing information, • learn the common rules of interpersonal communication," (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 46) • etc. Not only are the skills gained during this subject important for the education area Language and Communication, but they are also crucial for other education areas, as they enable the pupils to acquire knowledge in all the school subjects through reading, writing, listening, speaking and thinking in the official language of the Czech Republic. The subject Czech Language and Literature is taught in all the grades of both, elementary and lower-secondary level (from grade 1 to grade 9). Despite the complexity of this subject, the learning process is, for structural reasons, divided into 3 sub-categories: grammar, literature, stylistics. However, the school tries to encourage the teachers to connect these sub-categories together, in order to provide interdisciplinary and more effective learning. That might be very challenging for the teachers, however, it gives them the freedom of choice in the topic organisations and forms. The teachers are encouraged to face and overcome this challenge, despite the complicacy of such procedure: "In our curriculum (SVP) we try to link these components as closely as possible, because this is where the effectiveness of teaching lies. This concept naturally places increased demands on teachers, but on the other hand, it gives them a certain freedom and liberty in the choice of the curriculum, subtopics and especially methodological procedures for meeting the expected outcomes, or key." (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 47) This shows us a hint of progressivism of this school (Pasch, 1998). The learning content aims to fulfil the expected learning outcomes set by the Framework Education Programme with the cooperation of the school philosophies that will be discussed in the next section (Education philosophies at the school). b) Education philosophies at the school The aim of this school is to create a place that motivates pupils to actively learn, to start a process of lifelong learning, to actively cooperate and enhance pupils' social skills. It teaches children to ask questions and search for answers, to deal with problems and solve them, and to gain social skills (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 6). The creation of friendly, safe, and welcoming environment is intensively supported, in order to help children to gain self-confidence and the ability of self-evaluation. The areas, skills, and qualities this school focuses on, cooperate with the Dalton Plan that is implemented to the school curriculum. The idea of Dalton plan is to support active learning process. The development of independence, cooperation skills and responsibility is emphasised. Pupils are led to learn how to self-evaluate themselves. The main principles of the Dalton Plan (freedom, responsibility, cooperation) are implemented into all the subjects taught at this school. In all the lessons, including Czech language and literature (the subject of focus), specific methods, forms and organisations are used. In every lesson, there are tasks assigned that the pupils should fulfil during the lesson. However, children can, for example, choose the order in which they work on the tasks, they can choose their partners for cooperation, or the place where they work. After they manage to fulfil the tasks assigned by the teacher, they can choose their next exercise according to their interests. They choose from a variety of exercises created by the teacher (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 36). Another method that is frequently used in this school's education programme is Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment (FIE). FIE is offered to pupils of the 6t h and 7t h grade as an optional subject in a duration of 45 minutes per week (45 minutes equal to one standard lesson in Czech schools). The main goal of FIE is the development of cognitive skills of the pupils. They learn how to perceive various situations from many different angles and points of view, and thus learn how to solve problems by different means. Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment can be therefore understood as a very dynamic method of cognition and self-development (Základní škola Horácké náměstí, 2021, p. 124). PART 3: CURRICULAR INTERPRETATION ON A SELECTED THEMATICUNIT AND LESSON PLANNING A) CLASS DESCRIPTION: My class consists of 24 pupils aged 11-12. While most of the students are intact, there are also 4 pupils with special needs who have different instances of support measures. Two pupils are assigned with support measures of 1s t instance - they require more attention in the lessons as well as special organization of the tasks. There is one pupil with dyslexia, therefore they are assigned with support measures of 2n d instance. This pupil gets different materials than the rest of the class (e.g., special worksheets), their time is organized differently (more time for tasks, tests, visiting lessons of special education support organized by the special needs expert at our school). A shared assistant is used to help this pupil. This assistant is primarily assigned to a pupil with different mother tongue who also attends this class. This student is assigned with support measures of 3r d instance. The pupil is originally from Afghanistan and their mother tongue is Dari. They and their family arrived in the Czech Republic more than a year ago and they attend Czech courses in Brno. A significant progress in speaking and understanding has been made since they arrived. This pupil reached level A2 in Czech and therefore is able to participate in the learning process, with the help of the support measures. Other than that, this class is quite motivated and very playful. There is, however, a slight difference in their psychological development and academic knowledge, compared to standard 6th -graders in the past. Specifically, we can name the lack of discipline, heavy problems with concentration during lessons, problems with verbal expression, which is very limited, as well as heavily noticed miscommunication. We consider these barriers to be a result of schooling during the world pandemic. During the following year, we will focus on these problems. B) DIDACTICAL ANALYSIS SUBJECT: Czech Language and Literature THEMATIC UNIT: grammar - morphology LEVEL: 6th grade TOPIC: adjectives - word formation, declination, gradation TIME DONATION: 3 lessons OBJECTIVES AND LEARNING OUTCOMES (FOR THE WHOLE UNIT): 1) Cognitive objectives: 1. Students can identify an adjective in a sentence. 2. Students understand the creation of adjective and can create them from nouns using suffixes and prefixes. 3. Students are able to grade adjectives and distinguish between their comparative and superlative form. 2) Psychomotor objectives: 1. Students can actively search for information in books or in online and book dictionaries. 2. Students can create a PowerPoint presentation. 3. Students can write well structured notes. 3) Affective objectives: 1. Students are comfortable with working in groups. 2. Students are not afraid to make a mistake. 3. Students are not afraid to ask for help. 4. Students feel comfortable to evaluate themselves. KEY COMPETENCES1 : 1) Competence of learning: Students develop the skills needed in the process of learning. Students participate in the process of searching information via different means. Students actively participate in the lessons. Students are not afraid to ask for help. 2)Competence of problem solving: Students independently deal with adequately complicated problems and try to solve them. Students analyse the chosen text, assess its content, explores similarities and differences. Students use teamwork and cooperation when dealing with a problem. Students actively search for information when creating a presentation. 3) Competence of communication: Students develop their communication skills in their mother tongue. Students are enhanced to use grammatically and stylistically correct language. Students manage to communicate with their classmates in various situations. Students listen to each other. Students form and express their own ideas and opinions. Students enrich their vocabulary using grammatical and literary material. 4) Social and personal competence: Students work in groups and participate in creating rules of the group. Students accept help from their classmates and teachers, ask for help or help others. Students express positive evaluation before constructive criticism, thank others for recognition of their work, and are happy for the success of the group. 5) Civic competences: Students have positive attitude towards each other and each other's work. 6) Work competences: Students have positive attitude towards work. Students organise their work process. 1 Summarised and translated from Základní škola Horácké náměstí, p. 49-53, (2021) DETAILED ANALYSIS OFTHETHEMATIC UNIT In this section, you can find a detailed didactical analysis of the three lessons from the chosen thematic unit. This section is followed by a sample lesson plan which is created for the first lesson, Adjectives - Introduction. The lesson plan corresponds with the didactical analysis shown in the table below. It fulfils the objectives, works with the facts, concepts and generalisations mentioned in the table, it also corresponds with the stages of Bloom's Taxonomy, which is described in the section "Operational Analysis". Because of the potential similarity, the two remaining lessons remain without a detailed lesson plan. However, the structure of the lesson 2 and lesson 3 is clear from the Didactical Analysis Table: TOPIC OBJECTIVES CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS (Bloom Tax.) TEACHING STRATEGIES METHODOLOGI- CAL NOTES 1. A D J N T R 0 D U C T 1 0 N Cognitive: Students can identify an adj. in a sentence. Students understand the creation of adjectives and can create them from nouns. Psychomotor: Students can actively search in books. Affective: Students are comfortable with working in groups. Students feel comfortable to evaluate themselves. Facts: Adjectives belong to flexible word classes. We can decline them. Concepts: adjectives, nouns, word class, flexible, declination Generalisatio n: Adjectives specify nouns. Remembering: What do adjectives do with nouns? Understanding: Read the list of different adjectives in your worksheet. Applying: Underline all the adjectives in the text. Analyse: Look at these nouns and tell me how we create adjectives from them. Creativity: Create adjectives from these words. Deductive: Teacher explains what adjectives are. Inductive: Pupils find the connection between adjectives and nouns and therefore the purpose of adjectives. Methods: verbal (explanation), group work, self- study Forms: partly frontal (explanation and introduction), then cooperative learning Aids: pictures, ball, worksheet, notebook, student book Equipment: whiteboard, markers Evaluation: control, group evaluation 2. A D J D E C L I N Cognitive: Students can decline adjectives according to type and gender using suffixes. Psychomotor: Students can create a powerpoint presentation. Affective: Students are not afraid to make mistakes. Facts: Adjectives can be divided into groups according to their declination type, meaning and gender. Remembering: What are the model words for adjective declination? Understanding: Read the declination table in the book and fill in the missing words in the second table with the help of Deductive: Teacher explanation - model words in declination. Inductive: Pupils explore the different types of adjective Methods: verbal (explanation), group work, Forms: partly frontal (explanation), then cooperative learning and socially mediated learning A T 1 0 N Concepts: declination, prefix, suffix, masculine, feminine, neutral Generalisatio n: Adjectives can be declined according to patterns and models. your partner and table 1. Applying: 1. In groups of 3, decline the adjectives in exercise 1. Use the table 1 if necessary. 2. Take one stripe of paper with an adjective and put it in the correct group on the whiteboard, according to the type of adjective. Creativity: In groups of 3, prepare a PowerPoint presentation about an adjective declination type of your choice. declination and summarise their findings in a presenta- tion. Socially mediated learning: Pupils learn from each other during the presentatio n creation. Aids: pictures, book, worksheet, MS Office Equipment: laptops (iPads), projector Evaluation: Formative control questions, verbal evaluation, group discussion 3. A D J G R A D A T 1 0 N Cognitive: Students are able to grade adjectives and distinguish between their comparative and superlative form. Psychomotor: Students can write well structured notes. Affective: Students are not afraid to make a mistake. Students are not afraid to ask for help. Facts: Adjectives can be graded. Adjectives have three stages of gradation. Concepts: gradation, positive, comparative, superlative, suffix, regular, irregular Generalisatio n: The gradation of adjectives Remembering: What are the three stages of gradation? Understanding: Look at the examples of gradation. Applying: Correct the mistakes in the gradation. Find your partners - Create groups (groups of 3) according to the gradation of the adjective you have on your list. Deductive: Teacher explanation and introduction of the topic. Inductive: Pupils search for similarities and differences in the gradation in order to distinguish between different types of gradation. Methods: verbal (explanation), individual work, group work, Forms: frontal, cooperative learning Aids: Workbook, paper stripes with graded adjectives, notebook Evaluation: Self- assessment, correct-check together can be regular and irregular. Analyse: Look at Socially the graded mediated adjectives and tell learning: me the most Pupils help common suffixes each other we use in the to learn gradation. about Creativity: Grade gradation. these adjectives. Create your notes about the gradation of adjectives. c) SAMPLE LESSON PLAN This chapter offers a detailed plan of the lesson called Adjectives - Introduction. For better organisation and structure, the corresponding part of the Didactical Analysis table is recopied here. The table offers an overview on the lesson considering the objectives, conceptual analysis, operational analysis, teaching strategies and methodological notes. The lesson plan itself is enriched by corresponding key competences that are developed by the tasks, as well as of my personal aims for each task. These personal aims should not be understood as the objectives. While the objectives are focused on the students, my aims consider only me as a teacher, my ideal personal achievements and the steps I would take in the process of teaching. Writing my personal aims down helps me to focus on things I wouldn't like to forget and the things I would like to emphasise during my lessons. TOPIC OBJECTIVES CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS (Bloom Tax.) TEACHING STRATEGIES METHODOLOGI- CAL NOTES 1. A D J N T R 0 D U C T 1 0 N Cognitive: Students can identify an adj. in a sentence. Students understand the creation of adjectives and can create them from nouns. Psychomotor: Students can actively search in books. Affective: Students are comfortable with working in groups. Students feel comfortable to evaluate themselves. Facts: Adjectives belong to flexible word classes. We can decline them. Concepts: adjectives, nouns, word class, flexible, declination Generalisatio n: Adjectives specify nouns. Remembering: What do adjectives do with nouns? Understanding: Read the list of different adjectives in your worksheet. Applying: Underline all the adjectives in the text. Analyse: Look at these nouns and tell me how we create adjectives from them. Creativity: Create adjectives from these words. Deductive: Teacher explains what adjectives are. Inductive: Pupils find the connection between adjectives and nouns and therefore the purpose of adjectives. Methods: verbal (explanation), group work, self- study Forms: partly frontal (explanation and introduction), then cooperative learning Aids: pictures, ball, worksheet, notebook, student book Equipment: whiteboard, markers Evaluation: control, group evaluation LESSON 1: ADJECTIVES - INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION My aims: introduce the topic, connect the concepts (word class, noun, adjective, flexible), describe adjectives on simple examples, don't forget to emphasise the connection with nouns Key competences: Competence of learning, work competence, "Today we will talk about a new word class. Do you remember what a word class is? Can you name any?... Our topic is Adjectives. You know them very well. Some examples of adjectives are... Adjectives belong to flexible word classes - we can change them and transform them, according to... For example,... They develop the meaning of nouns. They specify nouns, that means that... We will look at the purpose of adjectives in the next activity." 2. WARM-UP: My aims: activate the children, create positive atmosphere, make them realise the purpose of adjectives, join the game Bloom's taxonomy: remembering Key competences: competence of learning, competence of communication, "/ will hang some pictures on the board. They show different things. Think about how they look like and how we can specify them (for example: a shoe - old, dirty, broken, etc.). Then I will throw a ball to some of you. When you catch the ball, you have to choose one picture and tell us one word that specifies it." 3. WORKSHEET: "Here is a worksheet for you. Take one and pass the rest by." My aims: practise the topic on worksheet tasks, make them understand the topic, make them feel free to ask question and ask for help, let them cooperate, give a different worksheet to the pupil with dyslexia and with different mother tongue, check on their work with the assistant Key competences: competence of learning, competence of problem solving, competence of communication, work competence, social and interpersonal competence, civic competence a) Exercise 1 Bloom's taxonomy: understanding "We will look at the first exercise. There is a list of different adjectives (e.g., beautiful, ugly, clean, dirty, etc.). Read the list and write a plus sign (+), minus sign (-) or an "n" above each adjective according to the meaning of the adjectives - is the meaning positive, neutral or negative?" b) Quick check: "Now we I will ask some of you to tell us how you understand the meaning of these adjectives. The rest will listen and tell me if you agree or disagree." c)Exercise 2 Bloom's taxonomy: applying "Now we will look at exercise 2. and underline all the adjectives, words." d) Check: Reading together and with the rest of the class. e) Exercise 3 Bloom's taxonomy: analysing "In exercise number 3 we see a different word class. Can someone tell me which word class it is?" Leading them to the answer: nouns. "Yes, these are nouns. How can we transform them into adjectives? Can you think about You can see a short text there. Read the text on your own Raise your hand if you don't understand some of the checking the underlined adjectives. Evaluation together adjectives createdfrom these words?" Waiting for the answer: we have to add some letters in front of the word or after it. "Yes, these letters we call suffixes and prefixes." Followed by a written explanation on the board. Bloom's taxonomy: creating "Now, please, create groups of two or three. Find a place to work with your group. You can sit wherever you want, even on the floor." This corresponds with the principles of Dalton Plan this school practises. "Your task is to create adjectives from these nouns by using different prefixes and suffixes. (Krása + -ný = krásný, krása + pře- + -ný = překrásný, etc.) Try to create as many words as you can together with your partners." f) Evaluation: writing examples of their words on the board, group evaluation. 4. NOTES: My aims: children search for the information and create their own notes, helping the children manage to find the information Key competences: competence of learning, work competence "Open your student books at page xx, where you can see the summary of our topic. Leave your books open and open your notebooks as well. Your task is to write a new headline for this topic and write down two most important things about adjectives into your notebooks. Use the page xx to find out the information." 5. SUMMARY: My aims: make sure they understand the topic, end the lesson in a positive mood "Now we will try the creation of adjectives the other way round. I will throw a ball to some of you, and I will tell you an adjective. Try to make nouns from them (e.g., líný -> lenost)." PRACOVNÍ LIST - PŘÍDAVNÁ JMÉNA 1. Přečtěte si tato přídavná jména. Rozhodněte, jestli mají pozitivní, neutrální nebo negativní význam. Pokud si nejste jistí, zkuste si s přídavným jménem říct i podstatné jméno. Například vysoký - strom. hezký, zdravá, nemocné, vstřícná, mladý, moderní, rozbité, zkažený, starý, chutná, rozthrané, dobrosrdečná, plesnivé, čistá, voňavý, hodný, zlý, ošklivé, nechutná, chytrá, hloupé, staromódni, lakomý, zničené, moudrá, vychytralá, zvědavý, čestný, krutá, elegantní, chladnokrevná, lstivý, povýšená, žárlivý 2. Přečtěte si následující text. Vyhledejte a zakroužkujte v něm všechna přídavná jména. Alenka. Dokud ještě byla s rodiči ve své rodné Anglii, říkali jí Alice - už začínala mít dost toho nečinného sedění vedle sestry na břehu řeky: jednou nebo dvakrát nahlédla do staré knížky, kterou sestra četla, ale tam nebyly vůbec žádné obrázky nebo rozmluvy - "a co je po staré knížce," myslila si Alenka, "ve které nejsou pěkné obrázky, ba ani rozmluvy?" Přemýšlela tedy jak nejlépe mohla, neboť byl horký letní den, a proto byla ospalá a hloupá - stojí-li pěkný květinový věneček za to, aby vstala a sbírala luční květinky. Když tu náhle kolem ní přeběhl Bílý Králík s dlouhýma červenýma očima. V tom nebylo nic tak velmi podivuhodného; a malá Alenka v tom neviděla nic tak velmi zvláštního, ani když slyšela, jak si Králík k sobě říká: "Bože, bože! Bože, bože! Já hloupý jistě přijdu pozdě!" (Když o tom přemýšlela později, napadlo jí, že se nad tím měla pozastavit; v tu chvíli se jí to však zdálo docela normální a přirozené.) Ale když Králík skutečně vytáhl staré zlaté hodinky z malinké kapsičky u vesty, podíval se na ně a pospíchal dále, vyskočila překvapená Alenka údivem, neboť jí prolétlo hlavou, že nikdy předtím neviděla žádného králíka, který by měl kapsičku u vesty, nebo zlaté hodinky, které by z malinkaté vesty mohl vytáhnout; a hoříc zvědavostí, běžela za ním přes pole a naštěstí doběhla ještě včas, aby viděla, jak vskočil do velké temné králičí díry pod mezí.2 3. Z následujících podstatných jmen vytvořte přídavná jména. Používejte různé předpony a přípony. Zkuste vytvořit co nejvíce přídavných jmen. Příklad: krása: krásný, překrásný, krásná, krásnější, nejkrásnější Zloba: Čistota: Lakomec: Nádhera: Převzato a upraveno z: Carroll, L, Sůvová, P. (Ed.). (2010). Alenka v říši divů. Sova Libris. PRACOVNÍ LIST - ŽÁK S OMJ A ŽÁK S DYSLEXIÍ 1. Čti tato slova. Mají pozitivní, neutrální, nebo negativní význam? Napiš nad slova značku: + pozitivní, - negativní, n neutrální. + - n Příklad: milý, zlobivý, moderní hezký, zdravá, nemocné, mladý, moderní, rozbité, zkažený, starý, chutná, rozthrané, dobrosrdečná, plesnivé, čistá, voňavý, hodný, zlý, ošklivé, nechutná, chytrá, hloupé, lakomý, moudrá, vychytralá, zvědavý, čestný, krutá, elegantní, 2. Doplň písmena do slov podle rodu podstatného jména. Příklad: Milý pán. Milá paní. Milé_děvče. Hezk chlapec. Hezk dívka. Hezk dítě. Mlad muž. Nov auto. Špinav talíř. Chytr Anička. Pěkn výlet. Dlouh zima. Studen vítr. Ospal Petr. Siln káva. Chutn jídlo. Dobr film. Slan polévka. Star paní. Tepl léto. Roztomil štěně. 3. Zkontroluj si cvičení číslo 2 tak, že si na každé podstatné jméno ukážeš slovy ten, ta, nebo to. Příklad: TEN hezký chlapec. TA hezká dívka. TO hezké dítě. 4. Ve dvojici zakroužkujte všechna přídavná jména v textu. Dnes je krásný a horký den. Po cestě ze školy jsem viděl starý zmrzlinový stánek. Objednal jsem si velkou porci jahodové zmrzliny, protože jsem se chtěl v horkém dni osvěžit. Milý pan prodavač se na mě usmál a velkou zmrzlinovou lžící nabral obrovskou porci zmrzliny, kterou mi hned předal do mých nedočkavých rukou. Těšil jsem se, že mě studená zmrzlina osvěží. Poděkoval jsem, protože jsem slušný, a chtěl jsem odejít. Ale v tom mě milý pan prodavač zastavil: "Ty jeden zlobivý kluku! Ještě musíš zaplatit!" A mně došlo, že je má peněženka prázdná. Bibliografie Carroll, L., & Sůvová, P. (2010). Alenka v říši divů. Sova Libris. Pasch, M. (1998). Od vzdělávacího programu k vyučovací hodině. Praha: Portál. Základní škola Horácké náměstí. (2021). Školní vzdělávací program pro základní vzdělávání AMOSEK. Retrieved from ZŠ Horácké náměstí: