SWOT analysis Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated TASK: a) Me as a teacher (currently) – analyze yourself as a teacher using SWOT analysis – rule 3:1 (5 minutes) b) Name your strenghts with which you can contribute to the group (15 minutes) A picture containing graphical user interface Description automatically generated Teaching process What comes to your mind? (Brainstroming/Popcorn) Self-assessment Complete (honestly) the self-assessmet sheet. Teaching process What – Whom – How – When – How to check knowledge – How to give Teaching process What = topic Whom = diagnosis/assessemnt of the class How = methods When = timing/circumstances/ atmosphere Check knowledge = proof of learning How to give feedback = type of assessment Portfolio task Steps to follow: 1. Choose a school and describe it. What type of school is it? What type of students does it educate? Study the SEP ( School educational plan) of the selected school and characterize declared principles / strategies on which the school builds the SEP. 2. Choose one thematic unit within one year of the selected school type and find out how the school curriculum delimits the curriculum and outcomes for one of your subjects and how it corresponds with the philosophy of education by Pasche et al. 3. Perform didactic analysis of the curriculum of the selected thematic unit (concepts, learning tasks, cross-curricular relations). 4. Formulate general objectives for the selected thematic unit. 5. Schedule the whole unit into several lessons. 6. For each teaching unit, formulate sub-objectives derived from the more general objectives and propose the activities (learning tasks) and the assessment methods accordingly. 7. Based on your practical experience, consider teaching with regard to pupils' capabilities (e.g. gifted pupils, with SEN). Organize your outputs clearly into one file in MS Word format, giving your name. Do not forget to use citations. Submit the assignment to the appropriate Homework vaults folder (the date will be specified by the teacher). Teaching process What = topic Whom = diagnosis/assessemnt of the class How = methods When = timing/circumstances/ atmosphere Check knowledge = proof of learning How to give feedback = type of assessment WHAT Well set objective is Timeline Description automatically generated WHAT = clear objectives COGNITIVE AFFECTIVE PSYCHOMOTORIC COGNITIVE DOMAIN - which would be the most/the least difficult for you? Why? Evaluate Analyze Create Remember Understand Apply Diagram Description automatically generated Bloom's Taxonomy Remember / Understand / Apply / Analyze / Evaluate / Create •use a formula to solve a problem, select a design to meet a purpose, reconstruct the passage of a new law through a given government/system •organize the animal kingdom based on a given framework, illustrate the difference between a rectangle and square, summarize the plot of a simple story •identify the ‘parts of’ democracy, explain how the steps of the scientific process work together, identify why a machine isn’t working •design a new solution to an ‘old’ problem that honors/acknowledges the previous failures, delete the least useful arguments in a persuasive essay, write a poem based on a given theme and tone •memorize a poem, recall state capitals, remember math formulas •make a judgment regarding an ethical dilemma, interpret the significance of a given law of physics, illustrate the relative value of a technological innovation in a specific setting Bloom's Taxonomy CREATE: make a judgment regarding an ethical dilemma, interpret the significance of a given law of physics, illustrate the relative value of a technological innovation in a specific setting EVALUATE: memorize a poem, recall state capitals, remember math formulas ANALYZE: design a new solution to an ‘old’ problem that honors/acknowledges the previous failures, delete the least useful arguments in a persuasive essay, write a poem based on a given theme and tone APPLY: identify the ‘parts of’ democracy, explain how the steps of the scientific process work together, identify why a machine isn’t working UNDERSTAND: organize the animal kingdom based on a given framework, illustrate the difference between a rectangle and square, summarize the plot of a simple story REMEMBER: use a formula to solve a problem, select a design to meet a purpose, reconstruct the passage of a new law through a given government/system Diagram Description automatically generated Bloom's Taxonomy •https://youtu.be/Wdu2pWGoeh0 • •(749) 7 yrs old boy Solves Rubik's Cube 8.72 sec – YouTube • • Educational Philosophies • Read about ONE philosophy of education by Pasch et al. (1998). Inform your classmates about the educational philosophy. Use practictal examples, your experience etc. Which philosophy appeals to you the most? • • Educational Framework •Find a classmate for the pairwork. •Download the FEP (Framework Educational Programme) from the study materials in IS. •Find out: What is an educational area / educational content / expected outcome? •Find out (or check) which educational area your subject belongs to (5 mins). •How challenging do you think it is to meet the expected outcomes? • Portfolio task Steps to follow: 1. Choose a school and describe it. What type of school is it? What type of students does it educate? Study the SEP ( School educational plan) of the selected school and characterize declared principles / strategies on which the school builds the SEP. 2. Choose one thematic unit within one year of the selected school type and find out how the school curriculum delimits the curriculum and outcomes for one of your subjects and how it corresponds with the philosophy of education by Pasch et al. 3. Formulate general objectives for the selected thematic unit. 4. Perform didactic analysis of the curriculum of the selected thematic unit (concepts, learning tasks, cross-curricular relations). 5. Schedule the whole unit into several lessons. 6. For each teaching unit, formulate sub-objectives derived from the more general objectives and propose the activities (learning tasks) and the assessment methods accordingly. 7. Based on your practical experience, consider teaching with regard to pupils' capabilities (e.g. gifted pupils, with SEN). Organize your outputs clearly into one file in MS Word format, giving your name. Do not forget to use citations. Submit the assignment to the appropriate Homework vaults folder (the date will be specified by the teacher). Thematic Unit > Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Download the SVP (School Educational Programme) of your choice (preferably from the school where you conduct your teaching practice). Specify how the curriculum and expected outcomes for your subjects are defined and how they correspond with the educational philosophies of Pasch et al. (1998). Choose a thematic unit to work on in your portfolio assignment. What curriculum within the FEP does this thematic unit fall under? • Insert the picture here Setting objectives • Set general cognitive / affective / pchychomotor objectives for your thematic unit. Specify the taxonomies you have used. • • Portfolio task Steps to follow: 1. Choose a school and describe it. What type of school is it? What type of students does it educate? Study the SEP ( School educational plan) of the selected school and characterize declared principles / strategies on which the school builds the SEP. 2. Choose one thematic unit within one year of the selected school type and find out how the school curriculum delimits the curriculum and outcomes for one of your subjects and how it corresponds with the philosophy of education by Pasch et al. 3. Formulate general objectives for the selected thematic unit. 4. Perform didactic analysis of the curriculum of the selected thematic unit (concepts, learning tasks, cross-curricular relations). 5. Schedule the whole unit into several lessons. 6. For each teaching unit, formulate sub-objectives derived from the more general objectives and propose the activities (learning tasks) and the assessment methods accordingly. 7. Based on your practical experience, consider teaching with regard to pupils' capabilities (e.g. gifted pupils, with SEN). Organize your outputs clearly into one file in MS Word format, giving your name. Do not forget to use citations. Submit the assignment to the appropriate Homework vaults folder (the date will be specified by the teacher). WHAT Didactic analysis - conceptual •Which important ideas (generalizations) should our students understand in this learning material? • •What facts will they need to know in order to understand the generalizations? • •Which important concepts are necessary to understand our instruction? Concepts - Facts - Generalizations Generalizations are statements that express relationships between two or more concepts. Concepts are categories or classes of things or ideas that have the most important (essential) properties in common. (…) concepts are the basic building blocks of a quality curriculum. Facts are statements that represent information about individual facts - individual people, things, specific places, specific time, about a specific event. Furthermore, it is typical of facts that they can be verified by a single observation, by performing a simple experiment, or by seeking information from reliable sources. TASK: Draw a mind map Think about concepts, facts and generalizations your students need to revise (from previous studies) and learn (as a new material) in your class. HOW Types of teaching: informative, heuristic, production and regulative Teaching strategies Deductive - Typical for a transmissive school (but also important) – "a clear goal and purpose", the teacher "has everything under control„. Inductive - Typical for the constructivist concept of teaching, enables the building of knowledge "from the inside" (from preconceptions), develops metacognitive abilities of children to learn. Socially mediated - Pupils learn together and from each other each other. (Source: Pasch, 1998) • Teaching strategies - Deductive Typical for a transmissive school (but also important) – "a clear goal and purpose", the teacher "has everything under control„. Examples: • Lecture, Explanation (new terms, definitions, formulas) – ready made knowledge • Demonstration, Excercise ("guided practicing") • Application in tasks (knowledge, understanding) • Evaluation of results, verification of knowledge (student can - can't do; knows – does not know) (Source: Pasch, 1998) • Teaching strategies - Inductive Typical for the constructivist concept of teaching, enables the building of knowledge "from the inside" (from preconceptions), develops metacognitive abilities of children to learn. Examples: • Problem solving - research, investigation, thinking, finding the solution • Discovering the meaning of a concept or theory • Application, verification in authentic situations • Evaluation of results and procedures (Source: Pasch, 1998) • Teaching strategies – Socially mediated Pupils learn together and from each other each other. Examples: • Cooperative learning • Simulation • Role play (Source: Pasch, 1998) • Teaching forms = Organizational arrangement of conditions for the implementation of teaching content using different teaching methods and teaching aids • •Frontal teaching •Group teaching •Individualized teaching •Individual teaching Teaching methods • WHOM Initial reflection Describe a lesson when “you as a pupil learned well”? Class design TASK: Design the class you are going to teach Specify the layout of seats and desks Specify the students, their educational needs and their seat in the classroom