Educational and Psychological Assessment in Teaching Practice
Diagnostic Interview
Diagnostic interview (DI) is a conversation with a purpose to make inferences about the student and to plan, adapt and evaluate pedagogical intervention.
Voluntary homework is to make diagnostic interview
Basic information about DI can be found in presentation and sources attached bellow.
Further information on how to prepare, conduct and analyse DI are in videos and articles bellow:
Clinical interview
The video is focused primarily on intreview between psychologist and patient, but the general information are usefull in pedagogical DI too.
Counselling interview
The video is focused mainly on counselling interview with adults, but there are lots o information that can be used also in work with students - e.g. types of DI, components of DI. Information about Mental state examination that can be used during the observation of the child in course of an interview
Interview with the child
This video does not focus on examination of any problem. However it shows very graphically how to connect with the child, react on him, ask questions and direct the conversation.
Clinical interviews in the context of multimethod assessment
Article provides information on history of CI, information on how to put DI in context of other assessment techniques and case examples
Child assessment schedule
Article is focused on evaluation of Child assessment schedule tool. It also provides exaples of areas on which teacher can focus during DI.
Learning to question Categories of questions used by preservice teachers during diagnostic mathematic interviews
Provides inspiration on how to use questions during the teaching process
Diagnostic interview
This article provides concrete example on how to conduct an interview on specific topic