AU I UM Ň -kicJkm Teacher:; Irena Hůlková Pronunciation Evaluation Sheet Name: Grade: :Grade;. S - satisfactory_i = in need of improvement U = unsatisfactory i:/i 9U e9, ia other G v/w aspiration other Mispr. words Linking Weak forms (mostly) OK (mostly) OK (mostly) OK (mostly) OK (mostly) OK (mostly) OK (mostly) OK lail /a/ /u7 lvI (mostly) OK (mostly) OK (mostly) OK (mostly) OK (mostly) OK (mostly) OK occasionally sounds Id more open_ 111 is too soft (and long) good attempt good attempt good attempt, occ. should be darker good attempt occasionally sounds /ou/ sometimes followed by hi even when there should be no linking Irl occasionally replaced by /d,z,dz/_ occasionally replaced by /t,s,f/__ occasionally too rolling; occasionally too prominent, ie ignoring silent It/ occasionally X /n/, /k/ occasionally mixed up could be stronger X Id no difference between them minimal use of schwa minimal use, connected with Irl Czech-sounding; must be darker, deeper Czech-sounding; it must start on schwa, not lol followed by /r/ sounds /e:/ Examples X/d,z,dz/ X/t,s,f/ Czech-sounding; too rolling; you pronounce most Ivl that you find in spelling_ X/n/, Ik/ mixed up very weak Mjcp^ paJt^Jp^^Tp^. none 3TW Aw very fluent smooth Misplaced stress; Other: good stretches of text with some pauses little use of linking frequent pauses * didn't flow ~ rlack of Cons^Vow linking at the end/beginning of successive words good use almost good use some hardly any This evaluation sheet is to be induded in your Portfolio and also submitted to the teacher at the time of the next recording. AJUh