These bathers j are breathing | through, their mouths j that lovely one {Ms one in the corner that valuable erne . the other one the one over in the other corner the fxve-potind one If you have problems with the sotmd/o/ try putting your finger in front of your mouth and touching it withjour tongue^ in the same way as with the sound Smooth breathing | / g / is rather soothing { Say/5/. . That's Ms Mher. It was nice weather. That's her brother. She's got two brothers. That's the other brother over there. His broiheris-very handsome. His mother's carrying roses. She always wears beautiM clothes. They seem to be enjoying 3 9 cu a 5 <9 ; U «1 «3* « » S2. •a & Q » « ttg "» *t 8 f I d 4 •a. & 1? « ID . & 8 or <5 g 5? «-i H * fists "(WOT Q ^ ft* 0"CJ> tt3* p. Mlj-