2 fa/ in unstressed words and syllables B2u a Listen and repeat. The spelling has been changed in the words on the right to show you when to use the sound /a/. a photograph of Barbara JEs&f 1 9 photagraph af Barbara a glass of water_f3 2 aglassafwata a pair of binoculars A A 3 9 pair af binoculas a photograph of her 4 a photagraph af ha mother and father mothar and fatha a book about ■— 5 a book about South America fl£?z~) South america b Cover the words on the left and practise questions and answers. EXAMPLE A: What's in picture two? B: a glass af wata j 501 UNIT 13 /a/ a camera | H22 b Weak forms Listen to the example of the weak form and the strong form of was. EXAMPLE Was she dreaming? This is the sound /a/. This is the weak form of was. Yes, she was. This is a different sound. This is the strong form of was Then listen and repeat Was she thinking about South America? Yes, she was. Wa her brothers and sisters asleep? Yes, they were. Da they like reading? Yes, they do. Have you read about South America? Yes, I have. Das your friend like reading? Yes, he does, a we working hard? Yes, we are. Has your friend been to South America? Yes, he has. Can you swim? Yes, I can. u23 c Tick the words a) or b) that you hear in the sentences. 1 a) has □ b) has □ 2 a) can □ b) can □ 3 a) was □ b) was □ 4 a) does □ b) das □ 5 a) am □ b) am □ 6 a) them □ b) tham □ UNIT 13/a/a camera 1511 4 Dialogue a Read this dialogue and circle the sound /a/. The first line has been done for you. Shopping A: I'm going tfi)th(5 libidry. B: Can you buy something for me at the newsagent's? A: But the newsagent's is a mile from the library. B: No. Not that newsagent's. Not the one that's next to the fish and chip shop. I mean the one that's near the butcher's. A: Oh, yes. Well, what do you want? B: Some chocolates and a tin of sweets and an address book. 8—tt B24 b Listen and check your answers, then practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the target sound with the recording. 5 Spelling Look back over this unit at words with the target sound, and write what you noticed about how to spell the sound /a/.