2 Minimal pairs GRS Sound 1 Sound 2 Id latl x axe Put the Y here. Put the axe here. pen pan Can I borrow a pen? Can I borrow a pan? men man Look at the men. Look at the man. send sand I'm sending the table. I'm sanding the table. gem jam If s a lovely gem. It's a lovely jam. f f A bread Brad We had bread for lunch. We had Brad for lunch. Minimal pair words A27a a Listen and repeat the words. A27bb You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word write 1 for Id (sound 1) or 2 for led (sound 2). EXAMPLE Pairl: 2,2, 1, 1,2 Minimal pair sentences A28a c Listen to the minimal pair sentences. -j A28bd Listen to sue of the sentences and write 1 for Id (sound 1) or 2 for lad (sound 2). A28a e Sentence stress Listen to the first two minimal pair sentences again and look at the circles on the left. The big circles are the strongly stressed syllables, and the small circles are the weakly stressed syllables. OoOO Eut the 'x.' here. /Eul the as£ hsi£-00O00O Can I borrow a pen?/Can I borrow a pan? \28a Listen to the rest of the sentences and underline the sentence stress (the strongly stressed syllables in the most important words in the sentence). OooO Look at the men./Look at the man. 0O00O0 I'm sending the table./I'm sanding the table. 00O0O It's a lovely gem./It's a lovely jam. 00O0O We had bread for lunch./We had Brad for lunch. A29 f Tick the words a) or b) that you hear in the sentences. 1 a) pen □ b) pan □ 2 a) men □ b) man □ 3 a) end □ b) and □ 4 a) feta □ b) fatter □ 5 a) pet □ b) pat □ 6 a) bed □ b) bad □ 5 Spelling Look back over this unit at words with the target sound, and write what you noticed about how to spell the sound Isd.