2 Minimal pairs # A-/ i Sound 1 Sound 2 5 /i:/ hi «. sheep ship Look out for that sheep. Look out for that ship. leak lick !> Stop it leaking! Stop it licking! 1 cheeks chicks What lovely cheeks. What lovely chicks. peel pill This peel's got vitamin C in it This pill's got vitamin C in it bean bin Throw out that bean. Throw out that bin. leave live He's going to leave. He's going to live. Minimal pair words Ai3« a Listen and repeat the words. Ai3bb You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write 1 for fix/ (sound 1) or 2 for III (sound 2). EXAMPLE Pair 1: 1,2.2,2,2 Minimal pair sentences Ai4a c Listen to the minimal pair sentences. !) ' AMbd Listen to six of the sentences and write 1 for /i:/ (sound 1) or 2 for hi (sound 2). e Sentence stress The most important words in a sentence are strongly stressed. They are pronounced LOUDer and slower. Look at these examples from the minimal pair sentences. (In the brackets on the right, the big circles are the strongly stressed syllables and the small circles are the weakly stressed syllables.) Pair 1: OUT ... SHIP. Look OUT for that SHIP.! (0O00O) Pair 2: STOP ... LEAK STOP it LEAKing. (OoOo) Pair 3: LOVE ... CHICKS What LQYEly CHlCKS! (0O0O) Pair 4: PiLLS ••• C This PILL'S got vitamin C in it. (0O0000O00) Aj4a Listen to the minimal pair sentences again and underline the strongly stressed words in each sentence (on page 7). Ais f Tick the words a) or b) that you hear in the sentences. 1 a) sheep Q b) ship I I 2 a) bean □ b) bin □ 3 a) cheeks Q b) chicks Q 4 a) cheap Q b) chip Q 5 a) heel □ b) hill □ 6 a) peel □ b) pill □ _ UNIT 2 lit ship Numbers Ai7 a Word stress Stressed syllables are in bold. Listen and repeat. three thirteen thirty 3 13 30 four fourteen forty 4 14 40 five fifteen fifty 5 15 50 six sixteen sixty 6 16 60 seven seventeen seventy 7 17 70 eight eighteen eight v 8 18 80 nine nineteen ninety 9 19 90 A18 b Moving stress The stress in these 'teen' numbers is different when we are counting. thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, etc. c Other moving stress The stress in these 'teen' numbers is also different when there is a strong stress in the next word. Hm lives at number fifteen-Tim lives at number fifteen Green Street. Practise giving A's reply in the conversations you hear, like the example. Example The dentist is at seventeen Mill Street. Seventy? No. not seventy - seventeen. Mini Bingo game Play in a group of 3-5. One person calls out the numbers from 4a but in a random order. (Take turns to call the numbers.) The others each choose one of the boxes A, B, C or D below. Listen to the numbers and if a number is in your box, cover it with a small piece of paper. When all the numbers in your box are covered, you are the winner and you shout, BINGO! BCD 13 3 80 60 4 16 5 15 16 60 6 15 7 19 50 40 30 13 70 90 3 8 14 17 17 90 8 70 5 90 40 7 18 9 90 80 > Self study student: first make a recording, saying clearly all the numbers from 4a but in a random order. Then listen and play as many boxes as you can simultaneously. 5 Spelling Look back over this unit at words with the target sound, and write what you noticed about how to spell the sound III._____